Karate: Replace variables in text type [duplicate] - karate

When i am passing the value of a string json filter is working fine. But when I am passing embedded expression in the JSONPATH it is not replacing actual value.
Given url appServer +'/integration/rest/user'+'?page=0'+'&pageSize=10'+'&fieldList=first_name,last_name,id,username,last_login,active,date_created'+'&filter=user_type%20equals%20%27P%27%20'+'&getTotalRecordCount=true'
And header X-CSRF-TOKEN = csrfToken
* cookie JSESSIONID = jsessionid
* print routevalue
* cookie route = routevalue
* string searchUser = 'anupama'
* callonce sleep 10
Given request ' '
When method get
Then status 200
* def usernames = get response.integration.serviceData.record[*].username
* print usernames
* print searchUser
* def userNode = get[0] response.integration.serviceData.record[?(#.username== '#(searchUser)')]
* print userNode

Embedded expressions are only for JSONPath and XML: https://github.com/intuit/karate#embedded-expressions
Please use the karate API for dynamic JsonPath: https://github.com/intuit/karate#jsonpath-filters
* def userNode = karate.jsonPath(response, "$.integration.serviceData.record[?(#.username=='" + searchUser + "')]")


defining a varible with static and dynamic string in karate

def result = google
* print 'the domain name is:', result
* def url1 = 'https://'+result+'.com'
* print url1
the domain is google
I am trying to add a dynamic variable in my string, but it added a " before the dynamic string, how can I ignore this?
Thanks for help
This completely depends on what google is and you haven't provided that information. Otherwise it would work properly.
Try this and see:
* def result = 'foo'
* print 'the domain name is:', result
* def url1 = 'https://' + result + '.com'
* print url1
If you are still stuck, follow this process: https://github.com/karatelabs/karate/wiki/How-to-Submit-an-Issue

Karate websocket send request body replace token failed

I am using karate to test websocket, this worked:
* def token = TOKEN
* def handler = function(msg){ return msg.startsWith('a[')}
* def socket = karate.webSocket(WS_HOST + 'socket/761/f4t0so3p/websocket', handler)
Scenario: Demo Real
checking dcube-dev
* socket.send('{"type":"1ffe4b5d___AC_GET_MY_AVAILABLE_TASKS___N","token": "myhardcodedtoken","content":{"msg":null,"counter_api_enabled":false}}')
You can see here, I am hard coding the token inside the request body, not good, so I tried to move it out and use environment token instead as below:
* def token = TOKEN
* def handler = function(msg){ return msg.startsWith('a[')}
* def socket = karate.webSocket(WS_HOST + 'socket/761/f4t0so3p/websocket', handler)
Scenario: Demo Real
checking dcube-dev
* def body = {"type": "1ffe4b5d___AC_GET_MY_AVAILABLE_TASKS___N", "token": '#(token)', "content": {"msg":null,"counter_api_enabled":false} }
* print "Body:", body
* socket.send( '#(body)')
But this is always wrong, seemed the msg never sent out . Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue?
Actually I think you need to make this one change:
* socket.send(body)
Think of the round brackets as being JS - not standard Karate expressions: https://github.com/intuit/karate#enclosed-javascript
Also note, for strings (instead of JSON) you can use replace: https://github.com/intuit/karate#replace
* def text = 'hello <foo> world'
* replace text.foo = 'bar'
* match text == 'hello bar world'

Karate - Variable to access request just like response

Is there a variable like response for request in karate. I tried to look at the github issues and found the below example, but this does not seem to work for me.
* def temp = (karate.lastRequest)
* print '==============>' +(temp.body)
Its karate.prevRequest
* def temp = karate.prevRequest
* def requestMethod = temp.method
* def requestBody = temp.body
please find more example here

how to pass a string in parm request and loop it in my request path without saving to a file and creating table

so i created/def a object with
And def memeberIDs = $.users[*].id
And print memeberIDs
and i get a list like so
My next request looks like
Given url 'https://api.someurl.com/v2/users//meetings?type=all&page_size=30&page_number=1'
Take some time and study this example. And read this part of the documentation: https://github.com/intuit/karate#dynamic-scenario-outline
* def list = ['foo', 'bar']
* def data = karate.mapWithKey(list, 'name')
Scenario Outline:
* url 'http://httpbin.org'
* path 'anything'
* param test = name
* method get
| data |
This example will make 2 requests,
1) GET http://httpbin.org/anything?test=foo
2) GET http://httpbin.org/anything?test=bar

Embedded expressions are not replaced in the JSONPATH filter

When i am passing the value of a string json filter is working fine. But when I am passing embedded expression in the JSONPATH it is not replacing actual value.
Given url appServer +'/integration/rest/user'+'?page=0'+'&pageSize=10'+'&fieldList=first_name,last_name,id,username,last_login,active,date_created'+'&filter=user_type%20equals%20%27P%27%20'+'&getTotalRecordCount=true'
And header X-CSRF-TOKEN = csrfToken
* cookie JSESSIONID = jsessionid
* print routevalue
* cookie route = routevalue
* string searchUser = 'anupama'
* callonce sleep 10
Given request ' '
When method get
Then status 200
* def usernames = get response.integration.serviceData.record[*].username
* print usernames
* print searchUser
* def userNode = get[0] response.integration.serviceData.record[?(#.username== '#(searchUser)')]
* print userNode
Embedded expressions are only for JSONPath and XML: https://github.com/intuit/karate#embedded-expressions
Please use the karate API for dynamic JsonPath: https://github.com/intuit/karate#jsonpath-filters
* def userNode = karate.jsonPath(response, "$.integration.serviceData.record[?(#.username=='" + searchUser + "')]")