RavenDB Spatial Filter - ravendb

Help with Understanding RavenDB query, I'm using following model to store & index spatial data.
public class GeoRecord {
public string SearchId {get; set;}
public string Tag {get; set;}
public double Latitude {get; set;}
public double Longitude {get; set;}
public class GeoRecord_GeoIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<GeoRecord>
public GeoRecord_GeoIndex()
Map = records => from #record in records
select new
IndexName = "geoIndex",
Coordinates = CreateSpatialField(#record.Latitude, #record.Longitude)
I can able to filter all GeoRecord's using Spatial query like below:
await session
.Query<GeoRecord, GeoRecord_GeoIndex>()
.Spatial("Coordinates", factory => factory.Within(shapeWkt: wkt))
However I would like to filter by both SearchId & Coordinates, I got this solution however I would like to understand if it uses GeoRecord_GeoIndex rather than filtering the results from GeoRecord.
await session.Advanced.AsyncDocumentQuery<GeoRecord, GeoRecord_GeoIndex>()
.WhereIn("SearchId", activeSearchIds)
.Spatial("Coordinates", criteria => criteria.Within(shapeWkt:wkt))

You are querying index GeoRecord_GeoIndex, and it is the one used to filter.
A static index contains:
A list of indexed terms for each index-field specified in the Map function,
(your index-fields are: IndexName, SearchId & Coordinates)
A mapping to the relevant document
At query time, the indexed terms are filtered according to your query and the relevant documents are fetched from the database
some link to demo:


Set dynamic table name(database table) to one single entity in EntityFrameworkCore

I have many tables with the same model structure but with table names and data is different.
public class pgl1
public string id {get;set;}
public string name {get;set;}
public class pgl2
public string id {get;set;}
public string name {get;set;}
My tables in database are pgl_1, pgl_2, pgl_3 etc...
Context class -
public class MyContext : DbContext
public DbSet<pgl1>? pgl_1{ get; set; } //pgl_1 is database table name
public DbSet<pgl2>? pgl_2{ get; set; } //pgl_2 is database table name
And I will implement this using below.
var context = new MyContext();
List<<*pgl1>> list1 = new List<<*pgl1>>();
listb = context.pgl1.ToList<<*pgl1>>();
List<<*pgl2>> list2 = new List<<*pgl2>>();
list2 = context.pgl2.ToList<*pgl2>>();
I want only one Model and one Dbset for multiple tables.
Is this possible.
I have searched lot for this but did not get any proper solution.
Any answers will really helpful.
The main problem here is that table for entity sets up in OnModelCreating method which executes right after your database context is instantiated on incoming http request and you can't change it after.
The simplest workaround here is do not use entity-to-model binding in OnModelCreating, but write your own CRUD methods in your DbContext implementation, which would use tableName argument to dynamically build SQL query string.
base.Database.ExecuteSqlRaw($"INSERT INTO {tableName} ...");

NHibernate JoinAlias on collection multiple times

I'm using NHibernate 3.33 and QueryOver with Postgre 9.2.
I've got two entities:
public class User {
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual IList<Reports> Reports { get; set; }
public class Report {
public virtual string Type { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime ReportDate { get; set; }
public virtual User Author { get; set; }
with association - one-to-many (I didn't append additional fields to entities like Id or Name to snippets above). Some report's types are avaliable - month, day.
My goal is to get summary for user - find out whether user has day-report and month-report for current day.
Note: month-report's ReportDate looks like first day of month. Also I want to get it as one row (if it was an SQL) to transform to dto:
public class UserSummaryDto {
public bool HasDayReport { get; set; }
public bool HasMonthReport { get; set; }
To achieve my goal I've tried following:
Report dayReport = null;
Report monthReport = null;
var currentDay; // some value of current day
var firstDay; // some value of first day of month
var report = session.QueryOver<User>
.Left.JoinAlias(u => u.Reports, () => dayReport, r => r.ReportDate == currentDay)
.Left.JoinAlias(u => u.Reports, () => monthReport, r => r.ReportDate == firstDat)
// some logic to check whether user has reports
And I've got error:
'duplicate association path:Reports'.
Is it possible to avoid this problem or it's a limitation of HNibernate?
To answer your question:
...Is it possible to avoid this problem or it's a limitation of HNibernate?
Have to say NO.
For more information see similar Q & A: Rename NHibernate criteria
We are not querying the DB, not using SQL (which does allow to do a lot). Here we work with "mapped" domain model, and that could bring some limitations - as the one discussed here...
If that could help, the workaround is to map such property twice and use the WHERE clause: 6.2. Mapping a Collection
where="" (optional) specify an arbitrary SQL WHERE condition to be used when retrieving or removing the collection (useful if the collection should contain only a subset of the available data)

RavenDB static index on document with dynamic field

I am trying to create a static index for the following sample class:
public class Board {
...other assorted fields
List<dynamic> Messages {get; set;}
internal Board() {Messages = new List<dynamic>();}
The index is to filter boards which have messages which are a older than a certain date. The aim is to perform an "update" operation on messages which are due today, update their content, and persist them back. The index is needed to avoid traversing all the messages for a board for all clients as that may be computationally expensive. Messages is a list of message types which inherit from a base class which contains a property ExpiryDate.
Trying to create an index like follows results in an "An expression tree may not contain a
dynamic operation" error. I know that the dynamic type does not play well with Linq queries hence the need to use LuceneQueries instead of Query() in RavenDB. Is there any way to make this index work with dynamic properties? Thanks!
public class ScanBoardMessagesIndex : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Board>
public ScanBoardMessagesIndex () {
Map = boards => from board in boards
where board.Messages.Any(msg => ((MessageItem) msg).ExpiryDate <= DateTime.UtcNow.Date)
select board;
I ran into a raven serialization issue because the metadata clr-type of existing Board documents was set to a class namespace which was not valid anymore. I am doing a migration project so I went ahead and first issued a patch to change the metadata clr-type of the existing documents before migrating them to the new data structure which uses a base/abstract class for list of Messages instead of type dynamic.
A Map/Reduce index seems more appropriate for the given requirements. Effectively, you want to be able to query boards by the oldest expiry date of messages in the board. This is an aggregating operation, exactly what Map/Reduce was designed to solve. Also, using a base class for messages will allow you to define the index without resorting to the lower level IndexDefinition:
public class Message
public DateTime ExpiryDate { get; set; }
public class Board
public string Id { get; set; }
public List<Message> Messages { get; set; }
public class OldestExpiryDateMessageInBoard : AbstractIndexCreationTask<Board, OldestExpiryDateMessageInBoard.Result>
class Result
public string BoardId { get; set; }
public DateTime OldestExpiryDate { get; set; }
public OldestExpiryDateMessageInBoard()
this.Map = boards => from board in boards
from message in board.Messages
select new
BoardId = board.Id,
OldestExpiryDate = message.ExpiryDate
this.Reduce = results => from result in results
group result by result.BoardId into g
select new
BoardId = g.Key,
OldestExpiryDate = g.Min(x => x.OldestExpiryDate)
You can then query this index with Lucene syntax.

NHibernate QueryOver distinct

I have this
class User
class UserRelationship
User GroupUser,
User MemberUser
and query
var query = QueryOver.Of<UserRelationship>()
.Where(x=>x.UserName == "TestUser");
Now I want to return List Distinct User, so I cannot do
because this will give me the UserRelationship.
I need something like this:
Select distinct user.ID
from UserRelationship relationship
inner join User user on user.ID = relationship.MemberUser_ID
Please help
Given the classes:
public class User
public virtual int Id {get; set;}
public virtual string UserName {get; set;}
public class UserRelationship
public virtual int Id {get; set;}
public virtual User GroupUser {get; set;}
public virtual User MemberUser {get; set;}
And the fluent mappings of:
public class UserMap : ClassMap<User>
public UserMap()
public class UserRelationshipMap : ClassMap<UserRelationship>
public UserRelationshipMap(){
You want to retrieve a list of distinct "User" based on "MemberUser" from the UserRelationship class.
var distinctMemberUsers = QueryOver.Of<UserRelationship>()
.Select(x => x.MemberUser.Id);
var users = QueryOver.Of<User>()
This should use a In clause in the SQL to give you a distinct list of User.
I know this post is old but I just came across the same problem and thought I would share an answer I found to be much simpler.
No matter what - NHibernate will have to query multiple rows for each parent object (unless you use a SubSelect instead of a Join). Because of this, we know we're going to get a list of say, 500 objects, when there are really only 100 unique objects.
Since these objects are already queried, and already in memory - why not use LINQ?
Based on this question: LINQ's Distinct() on a particular property the answer with the most +'s gives a very eloquent solution. Create another list, and have LINQ do the distinct comparison. If we could do distinct at the database it would clearly be the better option - but since that's not an option, LINQ seems to be a good solution.

NHibernate - How to write this Query: Select parents & find child for each parent that matches a condition

OK, first my simple Domain Model is 2 classes with a one-to-many relationship, a simple Parent -> child relationship. A 'Tweet' has one or more 'Votes', but each Vote belongs to just one Tweets etc.
public class Tweet
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Username { get; set; }
public virtual string Message { get; set; }
public virtual ISet<Vote> Votes { get; set; }
public class Vote
public virtual long Id { get; set; }
public virtual long TwitterUserId { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime VotedDate { get; set; }
public virtual Tweet Tweet { get; set; }
I'm trying to write a query in either HQL, ICriteria or NHibernate LINQ, that selects all Tweets, but also add two columns that selects:
A count of the number of votes, and...
Whether a particular user has voted for that tweet, based on a particular TwitterUserId
With the two extra columns, I'm not expecting to get Tweet domain object back, and would probably need to run a Report query, that's OK. But I'm struggling to figure out how to write this query.
I know how to write this as a Stored Procedure, or using LINQ 2 SQL. If it helps I will express this as a LINQ to SQL query.
long userId = 123;
var tweets = from t in dataContext.Tweets
where t.Application == app
orderby t.PostedDate desc
select new TweetReport()
Id = t.Id,
Username = t.Username,
Message = t.Message,
TotalVotes = t.Votes.Count(),
HasVoted = t.Votes.Any(v => v.TwitterUserId == userId)
I know this will work in LINQ 2 SQL, and generate reasonably efficient T-SQL, but I can't figure out how to write this in NHibernate.
Update: I tried running the above LINQ query in NHibernate by using the NHibernate LINQ provider built for NHibernate v2, eg:
var tweets = from t in Session.Linq<Tweet>()
where (snip)
But it didn't work. Has LINQ support in Nhibernate 3.0 improved? I'm a bit reluctant to use version 3.0 because it's still alpha, but if this will work, then I might give it a go.
Update 2: Thanks to Diego Mijelshon's suggestion, I upgraded to NHibernate 3.0 alpha 2 and wrote the query in LINQ:
var tweets = from t in Session.Query<Tweet>()
where t.App == app
orderby t.PostedDate descending
select t;
int totalRecords = tweets.Count();
var pagedTweets = (from t in tweets
select new TweetReport()
Id = t.Id,
TwitterId = t.TweetId,
Username = t.Username,
ProfileImageUrl = t.ImageUrl,
Message = t.Message,
DatePosted = t.PostedDate,
DeviceName = t.Device.Name,
DeviceUrl = t.Device.Url,
TotalVotes = t.Votes.Count(),
HasVoted = t.Votes.Any(v => v.TwitterUserId == userId)
return new PagedList<TweetReport>(pagedTweets,
recordsPerPage, pageNumber, totalRecords);
It's exactly the same with NHibernate 3; just replace dataContext.Tweets with session.Query<Tweet>.
Alternatively, you can create a context class that exposes session.Query<Tweet> as an IQueryable<Tweet> Tweets property, then the code would be 100% unchanged.