Trying to iterate through a column to populate another column - pandas

I am trying to populate the column num_crimes. Since the zipcode repeats in the houses data frame, I just want to add the number of crimes related to that zipcode from the dictionary containing all the crimes per zipcode.
the houses dataframe contains 5000 entries, and the dictionary contains only 67, so I cannot just merge them.
This is the houses dataframe:
sold_price | zipcode | fireplaces | num_crimes
5300000 | 85637 | 6 | NaN
4200000 | 85646 | 5 | NaN
4200000 | 85646 | 5 | NaN
4500000 | 85646 | 6 | NaN
3411450 | 85750 | 4 | NaN
and this is the dictionary:
{85141: 1,85601: 2, 85607: 1, 85614: 4, 85622: 2, 85629: 4, 85634: 1....}
Problem: this is the code I used for that, but it is not changing the values in num_crimes:
def populate(df1):
for row, rows in df1.iterrows():
if rows[1] in my_dict:

You can just do something like:
df["num_crimes"] = df["zipcode"].apply(lambda z: my_dict[z])
If you have zipcode in df that are not in my_dict, you need to handle for that as well:
df["num_crimes"] = df["zipcode"].apply(lambda z: my_dict[z] if z in my_dict else -1)

It's a lot easier to answer your questions if you post your data as text rather than images. Anyways, you could make the dict into a dataframe and then join it with the original dataframe. So something like this:
houses.set_index("Zipcode").join(pd.DataFrame.from_dict(my_dict, orient='index', columns = ["Crimes from dict"]))
Would that work?


Dealing with multiple values in Pandas Dataframe Cell

Columns are the description of the data and the rows keep the values. However, in some columns there are multiple values (tabular form on website). Rows of those tabular get merged in one cell and are separated by hashtags. Since they are only part of the tabular they refer to other columns with values in cells also separated by hashtags.
Column Name: solution_id | type labour | labour_unit | est_labour_quantity | est_labour_costs | est_labour_total_costs
10 | WorkA#WorkB | Person#Person | 2.0#2.0 | 300.0#300.0. | 600.0#600.0
11 | WorkC#WorkD | Person#Person | 3.0#2.0 | 300.0#300.0. | 900.0#600.0
My questions are twofold:
What would be a good way to transform the data to work on it more efficiently, e.g. create as many as new columns as there are entries in one cell. So e.g. separate it like e.g.
Column Name: solution_id | type labour_1 | labour_unit_1 | est_labour_quantity_1 | est_labour_costs_1 | est_labour_total_costs_1 | type labour_2 | labour_unit_2 | est_labour_quantity_2 | est_labour_costs_2 | est_labour_total_costs_2
10 | WorkA | Person. | 2.0. | 300.0. | 600.0. | WorkB | Person | 2.0 | 300.0 | 600.0
11 | WorkC | Person. | 3.0. | 300.0. | 900.0. | WorkD | Person | 2.0 | 300.0 | 600.0
This makes it more readable but it doubles the amount of columns and I have some cells with up to 5 entries, so it would be x5 more columns. What I also don't like so much about the idea is that the new column names are not really meaningful and it will be hard to interpret them.
How can I make this separation in pandas, so that I have WorkA and then the associated values, and then Work B etc...
If there is another better way to work with this tabular form, maybe bring it all in one cell? Please let me know!
#unpivot by melt
df = df.melt('solution_id')
#create lists by split #
df['value'] = df['value'].str.split('#')
#repeat rows by value column
df = df.explode('value')
#counter for new columns names
df['g'] = df.groupby(['solution_id','variable']).cumcount().add(1)
#pivoting and sorting MultiIndex
df = (df.pivot('solution_id',['variable', 'g'], 'value')
.sort_index(level=1, axis=1, sort_remaining=False))
#flatten MultiIndex
df.columns = x: f'{x[0]}_{x[1]}')
print (df)
type_labour_1 labour_unit_1 est_labour_quantity_1 \
10 WorkA Person 2.0
11 WorkC Person 3.0
est_labour_costs_1 est_labour_total_costs_1 type_labour_2 \
10 300.0 600.0 WorkB
11 300.0 900.0 WorkD
labour_unit_2 est_labour_quantity_2 est_labour_costs_2 \
10 Person 2.0 300.0.
11 Person 2.0 300.0.
10 600.0
11 600.0
You can split your strings, explode and reshape:
df2 = (df
.apply(lambda c: c.str.split('#'))
.assign(idx=lambda d: d.groupby(level=0).cumcount().add(1))
.set_index('idx', append=True)
.sort_index(axis=1, level='idx', sort_remaining=False)
df2.columns = [f'{a}_{b}' for a,b in df2.columns]
type labour_1 labour_unit_1 est_labour_quantity_1 est_labour_costs_1 est_labour_total_costs_1 type labour_2 labour_unit_2 est_labour_quantity_2 est_labour_costs_2 est_labour_total_costs_2
10 WorkA Person 2.0 300.0 600.0 WorkB Person 2.0 300.0. 600.0
11 WorkC Person 3.0 300.0 900.0 WorkD Person 2.0 300.0. 600.0
Or, shorter code using the same initial split followed by slicing and concatenation:
.apply(lambda c: c.str.split('#'))
pd.concat([df2.apply(lambda c: c.str[i]).add_suffix(f'_{i+1}')
for i in range(len(df2.iat[0,0]))], axis=1)

In Dask, how would I remove data that is not repeated across all values of another column?

I'm trying to find a set of data that exists across multiple instances of a column's value.
As an example, let's say I have a DataFrame with the following values:
| hardware_id | model_name | data_v |
| a | 1 | 0.595150 |
| b | 1 | 0.285757 |
| c | 1 | 0.278061 |
| d | 1 | 0.578061 |
| a | 2 | 0.246565 |
| b | 2 | 0.942299 |
| c | 2 | 0.658126 |
| a | 3 | 0.160283 |
| b | 3 | 0.180021 |
| c | 3 | 0.093628 |
| d | 3 | 0.033813 |
What I'm trying to get would be a DataFrame with all elements except the rows that contain a hardware_id of d, since they do not occur at least once per model_name.
I'm using Dask as my original data size is on the order of 7 GB, but if I need to drop down to Pandas that is also feasable. I'm very happy to hear any suggestions.
I have tried splitting the dataframe into individual dataframes based on the model_name attribute, then running a loop:
models = ['1','1','1','2','2','2','3','3','3','3']
import dask.dataframe as dd
frame_1 = dd.DataFrame( {'hardware_id':['a','b','c','a','b','c','a','b','c','d'], 'model_name':mn,'data_v':np.random.rand(len(mn))} )
model_splits = []
for i in range(1,4):
aggregate_list = []
while len(model_splits) > 0:
data = aggregate_list.pop()
for other_models in aggregate_list:
data = data[data.hardware_id.isin(other_models.hardware_id.to__bag())]
final_data = dd.concat(aggregate_list)
However, this is beyond inefficient, and I'm not entirely sure that my logic is sound.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this?
One way to accomplish this is to treat it as a groupby-aggregation problem.
First, we set up the data:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
models = ['1','1','1','2','2','2','3','3','3','3']
df = pd.DataFrame(
'model_name': models,
'data_v': np.random.rand(len(models))
Then, collect the unique values of your model_name column.
unique_model_names = df.model_name.unique()
array(['1', '2', '3'], dtype=object)
Next, we'll do several related steps at once. Our goal is to figure out which hardware_ids co-occur wiht the entire unique set of model_names. First we can do a groupby aggregation to get the unique model_names per hardware_id. This returns a list, but we want this as a tuple for efficiency so it works in the next step. At this point, every hardware ID is associated with a tuple of it's unique models. Next, we check to see if that tuple exactly matches our unique model names, using isin. If it doesn't we know the condition should be False (exactly what we get).
agged = df.groupby("hardware_id", as_index=False).agg({"model_name": "unique"})
agged["model_name"] = agged["model_name"].map(tuple)
agged["all_present_mask"] = agged["model_name"].isin([tuple(unique_model_names)])
hardware_id model_name all_present_mask
0 a (1, 2, 3) True
1 b (1, 2, 3) True
2 c (1, 2, 3) True
3 d (3,) False
Finally, we can use this to get our list of "valid" hardware IDs, and then filter our initial dataframe.
relevant_ids = agged.loc[
result = df.loc[
hardware_id model_name data_v
0 a 1 0.154163
1 b 1 0.740050
2 c 1 0.263315
3 a 2 0.533739
4 b 2 0.014575
5 c 2 0.918747
6 a 3 0.900715
7 b 3 0.033421
8 c 3 0.956949
We can do essentially the same thing, but we need to be a little clever with our calls to compute.
import dask.dataframe as dd
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, 2)
unique_model_names = ddf.model_name.unique()
agged = ddf.groupby("hardware_id").model_name.unique().reset_index()
agged["model_name"] = agged["model_name"].map(tuple)
agged["all_present_mask"] = agged["model_name"].isin([tuple(unique_model_names)])
relevant_ids = agged.loc[
result = ddf.loc[
ddf.hardware_id.isin(relevant_ids.compute()) # cant pass a dask Series to `ddf.isin`
hardware_id model_name data_v
0 a 1 0.154163
1 b 1 0.740050
2 c 1 0.263315
3 a 2 0.533739
4 b 2 0.014575
5 c 2 0.918747
6 a 3 0.900715
7 b 3 0.033421
8 c 3 0.956949
Note that you would probably want to persist agged_df and relevant_ids if you have the memory available to avoid some redundant calculation.

Dataframe assignment not working inside nested for loop

I'm working with a pandas dataframe that has multiple groups:
date | group | brand | calculated_value
5 | 1 | x | 1
6 | 1 | x | NaN
7 | 1 | x | NaN
5 | 2 | y | 1
6 | 2 | y | NaN
Within each date, group, and brand, I have initialized the first instance with a calculated_value. I am iterating through these with nested for loops so that I can update and assign the next sequential date occurrence of calculated_value (within date-group-brand).
The groupby()/apply() paradigm doesn't work for me, because in e.g. the third row above, the function being passed to apply() looks above and finds NaN. It is not a sequential update.
After calculating the value, I am attempting to assign it to the cell in question, using the right syntax to avoid the CopySettings problem:
df.loc[ ( == 5) & ( == 1) & (df.brand == 'x'), "calculated_value" ] = calc_value
However, this fails to set the cell, and it remains NaN. Why is that? I've tried searching many terms, but I was not able to find an answer relevant to my case.
I have confirmed that each of the for loops is incrementing properly, and that I'm addressing the correct row in each iteration.
EDIT: I discovered the problem. When I pass the cells to calculate_function as individual arguments, they each pass as a single-value series, and the function returns a single-value series, which cannot be assigned to the NaN cell. No error was thrown on the mismatched assignment, and the for loop didn't terminate.
I fixed this by passing
calculate_function(arg1.values[0], arg2.values[0], ...)
Extracting the value array and taking its first index seems inelegant and brittle, but the default is a quirky behavior compared what I'm used to in R.
You can use groupby().idxmin() to identify the first date in each group of group, band:
s = df.groupby(['group', 'brand']).date.idxmin()
df.loc[s,'calculated_value'] = 1
date group brand calculated_value
0 5 1 x 1.0
1 6 1 x NaN
2 7 1 x NaN
3 5 2 y 1.0
4 6 2 y NaN
I will do transform with min

Merge two DataFrames on multiple columns

hope you can help me.
I have two pretty big Datasets.
DF1 Example:
|id| A_Workflow_Type_ID | B_Workflow_Type_ID | ...
1 123 456
2 789 222 ...
3 333 NULL ...
DF2 Example:
Workflow| Operation | Profile | Type | Name | ...
123 1 2 Low_Cost xyz ...
456 2 5 High_Cost z ...
I need to merge the two datasets without creating many NaNs and multiple columns. So i merge on the informations A_Workflow_Type_ID and B_Workflow_Type_ID from DF1 on Workflow from DF2.
I tried it with several join operations in pandas and the merge option it failure.
My last try:
all_Data = pd.merge(left=DF1,right=DF2, how='inner', left_on =['A_Workflow_Type_ID ','B_Workflow_Type_ID '], right_on=['Workflow'])
But that returns an error that they have to be equal lenght on both sides.
Thanks for the help!
You need reshape first by melt and then merge:
#generate all column without strings Workflow
cols = DF1.columns[~DF1.columns.str.contains('Workflow')]
print (cols)
Index(['id'], dtype='object')
df = DF1.melt(cols, value_name='Workflow', var_name='type')
print (df)
id type Workflow
0 1 A_Workflow_Type_ID 123.0
1 2 A_Workflow_Type_ID 789.0
2 3 A_Workflow_Type_ID 333.0
3 1 B_Workflow_Type_ID 456.0
4 2 B_Workflow_Type_ID 222.0
5 3 B_Workflow_Type_ID NaN
all_Data = pd.merge(left=df,right=DF2, on ='Workflow')
print (all_Data)
id type Workflow Operation Profile Type Name
0 1 A_Workflow_Type_ID 123 1 2 Low_Cost xyz
1 1 B_Workflow_Type_ID 456 2 5 High_Cost z

Using Pandas groupby to calculate many slopes

Some illustrative data in a DataFrame (MultiIndex) format:
|entity| year |value|
| a | 1999 | 2 |
| | 2004 | 5 |
| b | 2003 | 3 |
| | 2007 | 2 |
| | 2014 | 7 |
I would like to calculate the slope using scipy.stats.linregress for each entity a and b in the above example. I tried using groupby on the first column, following the split-apply-combine advice, but it seems problematic since it's expecting one Series of values (a and b), whereas I need to operate on the two columns on the right.
This is easily done in R via plyr, not sure how to approach it in pandas.
A function can be applied to a groupby with the apply function. The passed function in this case linregress. Please see below:
In [4]: x = pd.DataFrame({'entity':['a','a','b','b','b'],
In [5]: x
entity value year
0 a 2 1999
1 a 5 2004
2 b 3 2003
3 b 2 2007
4 b 7 2014
In [6]: from scipy.stats import linregress
In [7]: x.groupby('entity').apply(lambda v: linregress(v.year, v.value)[0])
a 0.600000
b 0.403226
You can do this via the iterator ability of the group by object. It seems easier to do it by dropping the current index and then specifying the group by 'entity'.
A list comprehension is then an easy way to quickly work through all the groups in the iterator. Or use a dict comprehension to get the labels in the same place (you can then stick the dict into a pd.DataFrame easily).
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats
#This is your data
test = pd.DataFrame({'entity':['a','a','b','b','b'],'year':[1999,2004,2003,2007,2014],'value':[2,5,3,2,7]}).set_index(['entity','year'])
#This creates the groups
groupby = test.reset_index().groupby(['entity'])
#Process groups by list comprehension
slopes = [scipy.stats.linregress(group.year, group.value)[0] for name, group in groupby]
#Process groups by dict comprehension
slopes = {name:[scipy.stats.linregress(group.year, group.value)[0]] for name, group in groupby}