Azure web app deployed as docker container endless 301 loop -

We are trying to migrate our REST Web API from being hosted as a Windows .NET Core 3.1 stacked web app to a containerized web app on Linux on Azure.
So far we have managed to push the image to the Azure Container Registry where it's being automatically picked up and successfully deployed to an App Service. Unfortunately, the app does not properly work yet. When trying to fetch some configuration data from a (anonymous) end-point from our API (GET, instead of returning the data - as it used to do - I get a 301 (Moved Permanently) status code that points exactly to itself: location: which leads to redirection loop.
So far I have no idea why I'm getting a 301 and I'm glad for any hints.
Points of interest:
Docker: the base for the image is:
Azure: Authentication / Authorization is switched off
Azure: no Front Doors are installed
The app is correctly serving the Swagger UI.
The Docker image works fine locally.

Here's how I solved the problem: it turned out that the cause for the permanent redirect loop was a conjunction of how the proxy works in the Azure deployment (thanks to Jason Pan for pointing me in that direction) and the following code that we had in our Startup:
.AddMvcOptions(o =>
o.Filters.Add(new RequireHttpsAttribute { Permanent = true }); // REMOVE THIS LINE
Once I removed RequireHttpsAttribute filter, the app started working as expected. And since I've configured the TLS/SSL settings to allow HTTPS only, I think it is safe to omit the filter.
UPDATE 2021-01-20
I've just figured out that there's a better way to do this that does not require to remove the RequireHttpsAttribute filter. The core of the problem is that Kestrel does not know that communication is happening over a secure channel as the reverse proxy is forwarding requests over http to Kestrel. So we need to enable the forwarding of headers. For .NET Core 2.x applications this meant to follow the steps explained in Configure ASP.NET Core to work with proxy servers and load balancers. Luckily, for ASP.NET Core 3.x applications there a much more simpler way (that unfortunately is not mentioned in the official docs yet but was part of the preview 6 announcement): simply set the ASPNETCORE_FORWARDEDHEADERS_ENABLED environment variable to true. This can be done the usual way in the Azure portal under Confguration > Application settings:


How can I access web api though my Wi-Fi?

I am building a .net 7.0 core minimal web api in VS2022 and would like to be able to access the swagger index.html page outside localhost, for example from my iPhone over my home network.
I have tried adding my home ip address to the urls in launch settings.json to no avail and worked through various links such as configuring kestrel endpoints, Rick Strahl’s post on exterior kestrel endpoints, but still not able to connect outside local host!
I have tried running the application in both iis express and https debug settings.
You can use services like ngrock.
Check out this answer.

Vue.js + Net Core 3.1 - Redirect API calls

I'm having an issue with a project I'm working on. I have a Vue client which does API calls to my backend which is written in .NET Core 3.1. Both these applications are deployed on diffent servers.
Now the problem is that my backend server does not allow me to do API calls straight from the browser. So I have to do some kind of 'redirect' on the client server to reach my API.
So for example:
If I call backend_server/api/values I get an error (Firewall).
I think I should make like a second API or something, but I'm not sure how to handle this issue.
Does anybody have any experience on this? Any help is welcome!
Kind regards
You can have multiple options here
Remove the firewall rule -
This will allow your API to get hit from browser. If firewall is not managed by you you can't do this
Add IP or Port exception rule in firewall -
Instead of deactivating the entire inbound rule on server, you can allow specific ports or IP on firewall. Again if you have control on firewall
Create Proxy API -
Another way is you can create a middleware API that forwards your request and acts as a proxy. This will suffice performance, resource, time and compromise security. I recommend not to do this, But it's easily possible in .NET Core
Specify CORS policy -
If your Vue.js and API originates from same origin (IP), You can configure CORS in server which will restrict access to API only from same origin. That means only can access GoogleAPI, Likewise. This will protect the API from other origins
Tunnel via VPN -
If security is a concern, Use a VPN service to tunnel your API requests. This can't be possible for every client using your web service.
The best way is to open a specific rule on server for your application if possible. Writing a proxy in between will have lot of disadvantages although can be accomplished.

How to enable HTTP endpoints for Redirect Url in AzureAD?

I've got Azure ServiceFabric web-app (AspNetCore 3) hosted over reverse proxy (NGinx). The app use AzureAD (in company) authentication. I've Registered App for the AD and setup Redirect Urls mannually in manifest. After publishing the APP and configuring DNS and reverse proxy I tried to authorize to my app but failed with AADSTS500117: The reply uri specified in the request isn't using a secure scheme.
Is it possible to configure client to allow http redirects?
P.S. As I know Identity Server allows it by configuring DiscoveryPolicy.
P.P.S. You can find more information in my origianl question (see. How to change redirect_uri for Azure AD)
What happens?
when you deploy web apps with a reverse proxy, as is, for instance the case with App Services as Linux containers, your application will be called on an HTTP address, whereas its registered redirect URI in the app registration will be HTTPS.
This means that when a user browses to the web app, they will be redirected to as expected, but with redirect_uri=http://<your app service name> instead of redirect_uri=https://<your app service name>
How to fix it?
In order to get the right result, the guidance from the ASP.NET Core team for working with proxies is in Configure ASP.NET Core to work with proxy servers and load balancers. You should address the issue centrally by using UseForwardedHeaders to fix the request fields, like scheme.
The container scenario should have been addressed by default in .NET Core 3.0. See Forwarded Headers Middleware Updates in .NET Core 3.0 preview 6. If there are issues with this for you, please contact the ASP .NET Core team, as they will be the right team to assist with this.

SignalR ASP.NET Core on Service Fabric Fails with HTTP 410 GONE

I have followed the instructions here and here to setup SignalR in a ASP.NET Core web app. Then replicated the same code in a Service Fabric ASP.NET Core service only to find that the 100% working code when hosted outside of service fabric did not work when hosted on Service Fabric. When I open the html client included in both of these samples and turn on developer tools in the browser I see what appears to be the WebSocket handshake failing with HTTP 410 GONE errors.
In the Service Fabric documentation for ASP.NET CORE I found that the ServiceFabric Middleware can return HTTP 410 GONE if the identifier that validates each request does not match. But I guess I don't understand the inner workings of SignalR to know how to properly configure Service Fabric to unblock this.
I am running on a local single node cluster so I figured that I wouldn't have any issues until I needed to do multi-node cluster deployment, at which point I would need to figure out the SignalR backplane I'm going to use.
Any idea what would cause this to be?
I needed to disable Service Fabric Integration in the WebHost Builder. Simply replacing this:
.UseServiceFabricIntegration(listener, ServiceFabricIntegrationOptions.UseUniqueServiceUrl)
with this:
.UseServiceFabricIntegration(listener, ServiceFabricIntegrationOptions.None)
allowed it to start working. MVC Web Api Http put and delete requests failing

I am using MVC 4 Web Api project. MY application uses mvc to implement a web site. It makes http requests to the web api to implement server functionality.
Regular page requests to controllers work fine and it is able to display web pages. The application is able to make get and post requests to the api. But when it tries to to put or delete web requests it gets
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 501 (Not Implemented) "
The application is hosted on iis 6.
The application works when running a local cassani server instance and is able to make put and delete requests, but as soon as the application is executed from iis it doesn't work as expected.
I tried all the suggestions from the comment above and none of them worked.
I had to add the ASP.NET 4.0 dll to the Wildcard mappings in the Configuration area on the Home Directory tab. That worked for me. Remember to uncheck the "Verify file exists" checkbox.
EDIT: I posted a blog on the exact process to make this happen here: