If I am implementing a function that does some calculation based on certain input and returns the output without causing any side effects.
I always use Regular C functions instead of having static methods in a class.
Is there a rationale behind using static methods forcefully put into a class ?
I am not talking about methods that create singletons or factory methods but the regular methods like there:
Instead of having something like this:
+(NSString *)generateStringFromPrefixString:(NSString *)prefixString word:(NSString *)word;
won't this be better ?
NSString *generateString(NSString *prefixString, NSString *word);
In terms of efficiency also, wont we be saving, lookup for the selector to get the function pointer ?
Objective-C doesn't have such a thing as "static methods". It has class methods. This isn't just picking a nit because class methods are dispatched dynamically, not statically. And that can be one reason to use a class method rather than a function: it allows for subclasses to override it.
By contrast, that can also be a reason to use a function rather than a class method – to prevent it from being overridden.
But, in general, there's no rule that you have to use class methods. If a function suits your needs and your preferences, use a function.
I don't think it is bad design, no, but there are certain circumstances where one may be considered more appropriate than the other. The key questions are:
Does this method belong to a class?
Is this method worth adding to a class?
A class is something that is self-contained and reusable. For the method in your example, I would be tempted to answer "Yes, it does/is," because it is something specific to NSString and is a method you (presumably) want to use fairly often. Its parameters are also of type NSString. I would therefore use the message form in a class extension and #import the extension when you need it.
There are two situations (off the top of my head) where this is not really appropriate. Firstly is the situation where the method interacts specifically with other entities outside of the 'main class'. Examples of this can be found near the bottom of Apple's NSObjcRuntime.h file. These are all standard C functions. They don't really belong to a specific class.
The second situation to use a standard C function is when it will only be used once (or very few times) in a very specific circumstance. UIApplicationMain is the perfect example, and helper methods for a specific UIView subclass's -drawRect: method also come to mind.
A final point on efficiency. Yes, selector lookup is fractionally slower standard C calls. However, the runtime (Apple's at least, can't comment on GCC's) does use a caching system so that the most commonly sent messages quickly gravitate to the 'top' of the selector table.
Disclaimer: This is somewhat a question of a style and the above recommendations are the way I would do it as I think it makes code more organised and readable. I'm sure there are other equally valid ways to structure/interleave C and Objective-C code.
One important factor is testability. Does your c-functions specifically need testing? (off-course everything has to be ideally tested, but sometimes you just can test a thing by calling what calls it). If you need to, can you access those functions individually?
Maybe you need to mock them to test other functionality?
As of 2013, if you live in the Apple/Xcode/iOS/MacOS world, it is much more likely you have more built-in tools for testing things in objc than plain c. What I am trying to say is: Mocking of c-functions is harder.
I like very much C functions. At first I didn't like them to be in my good-looking objc code. After a while, I thought that doesn't matter too much. What it really matters is the context. My point is (as same as PLPiper's on NSObjcRuntime.h) that sometimes, by judging by its name or functionality, a function does not belong to any class. So there is no semantic reason to make them a class method. All this ambiguous-like thing went away when I started writing tests for code that contained several inline c functions. Now, if I need some c function be specifically tested, mocked, etc. I know it is easier to do it in objc. There are more/easier built-in tools for testing objc things that c.
For the interested: Function mocking (for testing) in C?
For sake of consistency and programmer expectation, i'd say to use Objective C style. I'm no fan of mixing calling notation and function notation, but your mileage may differ.
I have a XML parser which will parse 17 different XML documents (I'm simplifying this).
When the parser has finished its job, it calls the object that did the request.
First way
A single method that looks like
- (void)didReceiveObject:(NSObject *)object ofType:(MyObjectType)type
with MyObjectType being an enum.
In this method, I check the type and redirect the object to the corresponding method.
Second way
There is a callback method for each of the 17 types of object I can receive.
- (void)didReceiveFoo:(MYFoo *)foo
- (void)didReceiveBar:(MYBar *)bar
... and so on
Which way of using delegates will be better?
We had a discussion about this with a colleague and couldn't find one way more appealing than another. It seems like it's just deciding what method to call from the parser or within the delegate....
Even when thinking about adding future methods/delegates callbacks, we don't see any real problem.
Is one of these ways better than the other? Is there another way?
Why not go with
- (void)didReceiveObject:(NSObject *)object
and then inspect the class type?
This seems cleaner and more extensible to me, because it means you can parse other objects in the future without adding more callbacks.
(I know this is the same as option one, but I wanted to point out that your second argument was unnecessary.)
First method:
More flexible to future changes.
May result in a large switch statement or messy if ... else if ... else statement.
Probably results in a series of explicit methods anyway.
Requires type cast.
Second method:
No type casting.
If methods are optional, delegate is only bothered with the objects it's interested in.
If methods are not optional and the interface is expanded later, all delegates will have warnings until the new methods are implemented.
If methods are not optional, this can be a lot of methods to implement for every delegate.
Generally when building delegate interfaces I lean towards generics for future extensibility. Changing an API, especially with open source code, can be very difficult. Also, I don't quite understand why you have one XML parser doing so much. You may want to consider a different design. 17 different XML documents seems like a lot. That aside, I'll propose a third method.
Third method:
Create a dictionary that maps strings to blocks. The blocks would probably be of type void(^BlockName)(id obj). Your parser would define a series of strings that will be the keys for your various blocks. For example,
NSString * const kFooKey = #"FooKey";
NSString * const kBarKey = #"BarKey";
// And so on...
Whoever creates the XML parser would register a block for each key they are interested in. They only need to register for the keys they are interested in and it's completely flexible to future change. Since you are registering for explicit keys/objects, you can assert the passed in type without a type cast (essentially Design By Contract). This might be over kill for what you want, but I've found similar designs very beneficial in my code. It combines the pros of both of your solutions. It's main downfall is if you want to use an SDK that doesn't have blocks. However, blocks are becoming a de facto standard with Objective-C.
On top of this you may want to define a protocol that encompasses the common functionality of your 17 objects, if you haven't done so already. This would change your block type to void(^BlockName)(id<YourProtocol> obj).
Here's the decision.
We will implement both and see which way is the more used.
The first way is the easiest and fastest so we will keep it for internal needs.
But we may be shipping this code as a static library so we want to give the minimal amount of information. So we will also stick with the with the second way.
As there should be a big chunk of code for each callback, the generic way will certainly be the big switch statement rbrown pointed.
Thank you for your help.
In my design I am using objects that evaluate a data record. The constructor is called with the data record and type of evaluation as parameters and then the constructor calls all of the object's code necessary to evaluate the record. This includes using the type of evaluation to find additional parameter-like data in a text file.
There are in the neighborhood of 250 unique evaluation types that use the same or similar code and unique parameters coming from the text file.
Some of these evaluations use different code so I benefit a lot from this model because I can use inheritance and polymorphism.
Once the object is created there isn't any need to execute additional code on the object (at least for now) and it is used more like a struct; its kept on a list and 3 properties are used later.
I think this design is the easiest to understand, code, and read.
A logical alternative I guess would be using functions that return score structs, but you can't inherit from methods so it would make it kind of sloppy imo.
I am using vb.net and these classes will be used in an asp.net web app as well as in a distributed app.
thanks for your input
Executing code in a constructor is OK; but having only properties with no methods might be a violation of the tell don't ask principle: perhaps instead those properties should be private, and the code which uses ("asks") those properties should become methods of the class (which you can invoke or "tell").
In general, putting code that does anything significant in the constructor a not such a good idea, because you'll eventually get hamstrung on the rigid constructor execution order when you subclass.
Constructors are best used for getting your object to a consistent state. "Real" work is best handled in instance methods. With the work implemented as a method, you gain:
separation of what you want to evaluate from when you want to evaluate it.
polymorphism (if using virtual methods)
the option to split up the work into logical pieces, implementing each piece as a concrete template method. These template methods can be overridden in subclasses, which provides for "do it mostly like my superclass, but do this bit differently".
In short, I'd use methods to implement the main computation. If you're concerned that an object will be created without it's evaluation method being called, you can use a factory to create the objects, which calls the evaluate method after construction. You get the safety of constructors, with the execution order flexibility of methods.
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What features do you wish were in common languages? More precisely, I mean features which generally don't exist at all but would be nice to see, rather than, "I wish dynamic typing was popular."
I've often thought that "observable" would make a great field modifier (like public, private, static, etc.)
GameState {
observable int CurrentScore;
Then, other classes could declare an observer of that property:
ScoreDisplay {
observe GameState.CurrentScore(int oldValue, int newValue) {
...do stuff...
The compiler would wrap all access to the CurrentScore property with notification code, and observers would be notified immediately upon the value's modification.
Sure you can do the same thing in most programming languages with event listeners and property change handlers, but it's a huge pain in the ass and requires a lot of piecemeal plumbing, especially if you're not the author of the class whose values you want to observe. In which case, you usually have to write a wrapper subclass, delegating all operations to the original object and sending change events from mutator methods. Why can't the compiler generate all that dumb boilerplate code?
I guess the most obvious answer is Lisp-like macros. Being able to process your code with your code is wonderfully "meta" and allows some pretty impressive features to be developed from (almost) scratch.
A close second is double or multiple-dispatch in languages like C++. I would love it if polymorphism could extend to the parameters of a virtual function.
I'd love for more languages to have a type system like Haskell. Haskell utilizes a really awesome type inference system, so you almost never have to declare types, yet it's still a strongly typed language.
I also really like the way you declare new types in Haskell. I think it's a lot nicer than, e.g., object-oriented systems. For example, to declare a binary tree in Haskell, I could do something like:
data Tree a = Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) | Nothing
So the composite data types are more like algebraic types than objects. I think it makes reasoning about the program a lot easier.
Plus, mixing in type classes is a lot nicer. A type class is just a set of classes that a type implements -- sort of like an interface in a language like Java, but more like a mixin in a language like Ruby, I guess. It's kind of cool.
Ideally, I'd like to see a language like Python, but with data types and type classes like Haskell instead of objects.
I'm a big fan of closures / anonymous functions.
my $y = "world";
my $x = sub { print #_ , $y };
&$x( 'hello' ); #helloworld
my $adder = sub {
my $reg = $_[0];
my $result = {};
return sub { return $reg + $_[0]; }
print $adder->(4)->(3);
I just wish they were more commonplace.
Things from Lisp I miss in other languages:
Multiple return values
required, keyword, optional, and rest parameters (freely mixable) for functions
functions as first class objects (becoming more common nowadays)
tail call optimization
macros that operate on the language, not on the text
consistent syntax
To start things off, I wish the standard for strings was to use a prefix if you wanted to use escape codes, rather than their use being the default. E.g. in C# you can prefix with # for a raw string. Similarly, Python has the r prefix. I'd rather use #/r when I don't want a raw string and need escape codes.
More powerful templates that are actually designed to be used for metaprogramming, rather than C++ templates that are really designed for relatively simple generics and are Turing-complete almost by accident. The D programming language has these, but it's not very mainstream yet.
immutable keyword. Yes, you can make immutable objects, but that's lot pain in most of the languages.
class JustAClass
private int readonly id;
private MyClass readonly obj;
public MyClass
return obj;
Apparently it seems JustAClass is an immutable class. But that's not the case. Because another object hold the same reference, can modify the obj object.
So it's better to introduce new immutable keyword. When immutable is used that object will be treated immutable.
I like some of the array manipulation capabilities found in the Ruby language. I wish we had some of that built into .Net and Java. Of course, you can always create such a library, but it would be nice not to have to do that!
Also, static indexers are awesome when you need them.
Type inference. It's slowly making it's way into the mainstream languages but it's still not good enough. F# is the gold standard here
I wish there was a self-reversing assignment operator, which rolled back when out of scope. This would be to replace:
type datafoobak = item.datafoobak
item.datafoobak = 'tootle'
item.datafoobak = datafoobak
with this
item.datafoobar #=# 'tootle'
One could explicitely rollback such changes, but they'd roll back once out of scope, too. This kind of feature would be a bit error prone, maybe, but it would also make for much cleaner code in some cases. Some sort of shallow clone might be a more effective way to do this:
itemclone = item.shallowclone
However, shallow clones might have issues if their functions modified their internal data...though so would reversible assignments.
I'd like to see single-method and single-operator interfaces:
interface Addable<T> --> HasOperator( T = T + T)
interface Splittable<T> --> HasMethod( T[] = T.Split(T) )
...or something like that...
I envision it as being a typesafe implementation of duck-typing. The interfaces wouldn't be guarantees provided by the original class author. They'd be assertions made by a consumer of a third-party API, to provide limited type-safety in cases where the original authors hadn't anticipated.
(A good example of this in practice would be the INumeric interface that people have been clamboring for in C# since the dawn of time.)
In a duck-typed language like Ruby, you can call any method you want, and you won't know until runtime whether the operation is supported, because the method might not exist.
I'd like to be able to make small guarantees about type safety, so that I can polymorphically call methods on heterogeneous objects, as long as all of those objects have the method or operator that I want to invoke.
And I should be able to verify the existence of the methods/operators I want to call at compile time. Waiting until runtime is for suckers :o)
Lisp style macros.
Multiple dispatch.
Tail call optimization.
First class continuations.
Call me silly, but I don't think every feature belongs in every language. It's the "jack of all trades, master of none" syndrome. I like having a variety of tools available, each one of which is the best it can be for a particular task.
Functional functions, like map, flatMap, foldLeft, foldRight, and so on. Type system like scala (builder-safety). Making the compilers remove high-level libraries at compile time, while still having them if you run in "interpreted" or "less-compiled" mode (speed... sometimes you need it).
There are several good answers here, but i will add some:
1 - The ability to get a string representation for the current and caller code, so that i could output a variable name and its value easily, or print the name of the current class, function or a stack trace at any time.
2 - Pipes would be nice too. This feature is common in shells, but uncommon in other types of languages.
3 - The ability to delegate any number of methods to another class easily. This looks like inheritance, but even in the presence of inheritance, once in a while we need some kind of wrapper or stub which cannot be implemented as a child class, and forwarding all methods requires a lot of boilerplate code.
I'd like a language that was much more restrictive and was designed around producing good, maintainable code without any trickiness. Also, it should be designed to give the compiler the ability to check as much as possible at compile time.
Start with a newish VM based heavily OO language.
Remove complexities like Operator Overloading and multiple inheritance if they exist.
Force all non-final variables to Private.
Members should default to "Final" but should have a "Variable" tag to override it. (This may require built-in support for the builder pattern to be fully effective).
Variables should not allow a "Null" value by default, but variables and parameters should have a "nullable" tag that indicates that null is acceptable for that variable.
It would also be nice to be able to avoid some common questionable patterns:
Some built-in way to simplify IOC/DI to eliminate singletons,
Java--eliminate checked exceptions so people stop putting in empty catches.
Finally focus on code readability:
Named Parameters
Remove the ability to create methods more than, say, 100 lines long.
Add some complexity analysis to help detect complicated methods and classes.
I'm sure I haven't named 1/10 of the items possible, but basically I'm talking about something that compiles to the same bytecode as C# or Java, but is so restrictive that a programmer can hardly help but write good code.
And yes, I know there are lint-type tools that will do some of this, but I've never seen them on any project I've worked on (and they wouldn't physically run on the code I'm working on now, for instance) so they aren't being very helpful, and I would love to see a compile actually fail when you type in a 101 line method...
In C#4.0 we're going to get dynamic types, or objects whose "static type is dynamic", according to Anders. This will allow any method invocation resolution to happen at runtime rather than compile time. But will there be facility to bind the dynamic object to some sort of contract (and thereby also get full intellisense for it back), rather than allowing any call on it even if you know that is not likely to be valid.
I.e. instead of just
dynamic foo = GetSomeDynamicObject();
have the ability to cast or transform it to constrain it to a known contract, such as
IFoo foo2 = foo.To<IFoo>;
or even just
IFoo foo2 = foo as IFoo;
Can't find anything like that in the existing materials for C#4.0, but it seems like a logical extension of the dynamic paradigm. Anyone with more info?
I'm not aware of anything really resembling duck typing, I'm afraid. I've blogged about the idea, but I don't expect any support. It probably wouldn't be too hard to use Reflection.Emit to make a class which will generate an implementation of any given interface, taking a dynamic object in the constructor and just proxying each call through to it. Not ideal, but it might be a stopgap.
That's a cool idea.
If I understand you, you're describing/proposing a capability of the CLR, whereby, when you try and cast a dynamic object to an interface, it should look at what methods/properties the dynamic object supports and see if it has ones that effectively implement that interface. Then the CLR would take care of 'implementing IFoo' on the object, so you can then cast the dynamic object to an IFoo.
Almost certain that that will not be supported, but it's a interesting idea.
Tobias Hertkorn answered my question here with a link to his blogpost showing an example of how to use the Convert() method on MetaObject to return a dynamic proxy. It looks very promising.