Create a new picture along the GraphicsPath -

Is there some way to copy a GraphicsPath and the enclosed figure into a new picture?
I have the rectangle, the points of the GraphicsPath available. The path is definitely in the rectangle.
I already googled but the result is poor. So far, I can only copy a certain area (rectangle) into a new picture, see source code.
Using Extracted As Bitmap = New Bitmap(rect.Width, rect.Height, Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Using Grp As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(Extracted)
Grp.DrawImage(Picture1, 0, 0, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
End Using
If System.IO.Directory.Exists("C:\Users\xy\Desktop") Then
Extracted.Save("C:\Users\xy\Desktop\1.png", Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
End If
End Using

I have found something here:
This is the solution translated into VB.Net and with Option Strict On and Option Infer Off.
Using bmpSource As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Form1.Pfad_Bild)
Dim rectCutout As RectangleF = gp.GetBounds()
Using m As Matrix = New Matrix()
m.Translate(-rectCutout.Left, -rectCutout.Top)
End Using
Using bmpCutout As Bitmap = New Bitmap(CInt(rectCutout.Width), CInt(rectCutout.Height))
Using graphicsCutout As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpCutout)
graphicsCutout.Clip = New Region(gp)
graphicsCutout.DrawImage(bmpSource, CInt(-rectCutout.Left), CInt(-rectCutout.Top))
If System.IO.Directory.Exists("C:\Users\xy\Desktop") Then
bmpCutout.Save("C:\Users\xy\Desktop\1.png", Imaging.ImageFormat.Png)
End If
End Using
End Using
End Using


VB.NET Modify a Bitmap in a function Call

I'm trying to modify a bitmap in a function call.
Without the function call I can do
'MyBitMap - an existing bitmap of what I want to modify
Using NewBitMap as BitMap = MyBitMap.Clone 'make copy
Dim G as Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(MyBitMap) 'Draw graphics to MyBitMap
G.Clear(color.white) 'Clear image
G.DrawImage(NewBitMap, -10, 0) 'Shift Image to left 10
PictureBox1.Image = MyBitMap
End Using
works fine no memmory overflow or anything
In a sub it works fine
Sub BMScroll_S(BM as BitMap, dx as integer, dy as integer)
using BMtemp as BitMap = BM.Clone
Dim G as Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BM)
G.DrawImage(BMTemp, dx, dy)
End Using
End Sub
Call BMScroll_S(MyBitMap, -10, 0)
PictureBox1.Image = MyBitMap
works fine, but if I try to create a Function to return a Bitmap
Function BMScroll_F(BM as BitMap, dx as integer, dy as integer) as Bitmap
BMScroll_F = New Bitmap(BM)
Using BMtemp As Bitmap = BM.Clone
Dim G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BMScroll_F)
G.DrawImage(BMtemp, dx, dy)
End Using
End Function
MyBitMap=BMScroll_F(MyBitMap, -10, 0)
PictureBox1.Image = MyBitMap
here I have a Memory Leak and after more and more iterations, it will crash.
I suppose in the function call you are returning a bitmap as well as the fact that BitMaps are passed ByRef so they will continue to exist. I thought BM.Dispose might get rid of it - but it doesn't. I not quite sure how to solve my memory leak (if it is in fact due to my supposition). Granted, I could continue on with the Subroutine but I'd like to know how to solve this problem any way. Any help would be appreciated.

itextsharp merge resizes and unrotates pdf

I'm trying to merge pdf files using itextsharp.
The problem 'm getting its that any cropping or rotating I've applied to the individual files before the merge is somehow ignored. All original files were cropped and rotated as TIFFs then converted to pdf and now finally I'm trying to merge them.
I'd like the page size to match the added content, and I any rotation I've applied to come through.'
Thank you for any help,
Corbin de Bruin
Public Function MergePDFFiles(FileList As Dictionary(Of String, String), DeleteOldFile As Boolean) As Byte()
' Public Function MergePDFFiles(FileList As Dictionary(Of String, String), DeleteOldFile As Boolean) As MemoryStream()
Dim document As New Document()
Dim output As New MemoryStream()
Dim writer As PdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, output)
writer.PageEvent = New PdfPageEvents()
Dim content As PdfContentByte = writer.DirectContent
' foreach
For Each FilePath As KeyValuePair(Of String, String) In FileList
If File.Exists(FilePath.Value) Then
Dim reader As New PdfReader(FilePath.Value)
Dim numberOfPages As Integer = reader.NumberOfPages
For currentPageIndex As Integer = 1 To numberOfPages
' you can see iTextSharp.tutorial.01 - 0403sample
If currentPageIndex.Equals(1) Then
Dim par As New Paragraph(FilePath.Key)
Debug.Print("FilePath.Key = " & FilePath.Key)
Dim bookmark As New Chapter(par, 0) With {.NumberDepth = 0}
End If
Dim importedPage As PdfImportedPage = writer.GetImportedPage(reader, currentPageIndex)
Dim pageOrientation As Integer = reader.GetPageRotation(currentPageIndex)
If (pageOrientation = 90) OrElse (pageOrientation = 270) Then
content.AddTemplate(importedPage, 0, 1.0F, 1.0F, 0, 0, reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(currentPageIndex).Height)
content.AddTemplate(importedPage, 1.0F, 0, 0, 1.0F, 0, 0)
End If
End If
Catch exception As Exception
End Try
If DeleteOldFile Then
End If
Return output.GetBuffer()
End Function
End Try
If DeleteOldFile Then
End If
Return output.GetBuffer()
This question has been answered over and over again on StackOverflow. It's amazing that nobody voted to close it as a duplicate.
In any case: as I've answered many times before, it is bad practice to use PdfWriter/PdfImportedPage to merge document. Please read chapter 6 of the book I wrote about iText, and you'll discover that whoever provided you with the code sample you copied was all wrong. You should use PdfCopy to merge files, not PdfWriter!
For examples, read the following StackOverflow answers:
How to keep original rotate page in itextSharp (dll)
How to merge multiple pdf files (generated in run time)?
Itext pdf Merge : Document overflow outside pdf (Text truncated) page and not displaying
and so on...
If you're fast enough in accepting this answer, you'll probably be lucky enough not do get downvoted for not searching the archives before posting an already answered question.

VB.NET get only a square from picture [duplicate]

This question already exists:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
VB.NET replace pixel color of picturebox image
i want to extract square from full picture
full pic:
i want only this:
With this Function should work:
Public Function GetPicturePart(ByVal SourceImage As Image, ByVal Region As Rectangle) As Bitmap
Dim ImagePart As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Region.Width, Region.Height)
Using G As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(ImagePart)
Dim TargetRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(0, 0, Region.Width, Region.Height)
Dim SourceRect As Rectangle = Region
G.DrawImage(SourceImage, TargetRect, SourceRect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel)
End Using
Return ImagePart
End Function
I think this function is self-describing. ;)
Source: Get Picture Part

Invert or Flip Text in RDLC report

Okay, I've learned a bit more and have rephrased my question. I've got a need to flip or invert text 180 degrees (so it appears upside-down) on a RDLC report. I have some custom VB code that takes the text, converts it to a bitmap, then flips the rotates the canvas 180 degrees. The effect of this makes the text look a bit.. dithered... or fuzzy. It's not a sharp font anymore. The problem I'm experiencing is I'm using a special TTF Barcode font that creates something a scanner can read. When I flip the barcode font, the fuzziness isn't good since the barcode lines are so close together and the scanner cannot read it. Here's the code:
Function LoadImage(ByVal sImageText as String, iRotationAngle as Integer, ByVal sFontName as String, iFontSize as Integer)
Dim bmpImage As New Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)
Dim iWidth As Integer = 0
Dim iHeight As Integer = 0
'// Create the Font object for the image text drawing.
Dim MyFont As New Drawing.Font(sFontName, iFontSize) ', System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point)
'// Create a graphics object to measure the text's width and height.
Dim MyGraphics As Drawing.Graphics = Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpImage)
'// This is where the bitmap size is determined.
iWidth = MyGraphics.MeasureString(sImageText, MyFont).Width
iHeight = MyGraphics.MeasureString(sImageText, MyFont).Height
'// Create the bmpImage again with the correct size for the text and font.
bmpImage = New Drawing.Bitmap(bmpImage, New Drawing.Size(iWidth, iHeight))
'// Add the colors to the new bitmap.
MyGraphics = Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpImage)
MyGraphics.TextRenderingHint = Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit
MyGraphics.DrawString(sImageText, MyFont, New Drawing.SolidBrush(Drawing.Color.Black), 0, 0)
Dim stream As IO.MemoryStream = New IO.MemoryStream
Dim bitmapBytes As Byte()
'Create bitmap
bmpImage.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp)
bitmapBytes = stream.ToArray
Return bitmapBytes
End Function
I really don't know why there's not a built-in way to just flip text. It'll let me reverse it left-to-right. Ridiculous.

How do I draw a circular gradient?

How do I draw a circular gradient like this in
Check out this great page. The code in the article is in C#. Here is a VB.NET port of the code you're interested in and updated for a rectangular fill (based on the article's triangle fill sample):
Dim pgb As New PathGradientBrush(New Point() { _
New Point(0, 0), _
New Point(0, Me.ClientRectangle.Height), _
New Point(Me.ClientRectangle.Width, Me.ClientRectangle.Height), _
New Point(Me.ClientRectangle.Width, 0)})
pgb.SurroundColors = New Color() {Color.Red}
pgb.CenterColor = Color.Gray
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(pgb, Me.ClientRectangle)
Here's another possible solution:
Dim pth As New GraphicsPath()
Dim pgb As New PathGradientBrush(pth)
pgb.SurroundColors = New Color() {Color.Red}
pgb.CenterColor = Color.Gray
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(pgb, Me.ClientRectangle)
Note that this last code snippet will draw a circle bounded inside of a rectangle. If you want the circular gradient to fill the entire rectangle you'll have to calculate a larger elliptic path with a larger rectangle.