How could i get the complete list of puppet modules availabe from puppet repo - module

I'm looking for a way to get the list of complete puppet modules from the puppet repo

As far as I am aware, there is no direct way to get such a list. I would consider inquiring directly of Puppet, Inc., as it's not out of the question that they would be willing to run a one-off special query for you. I'm sure they would want to know what you want to do with the list, though. And, of course, this is by no means a sure thing.
You could also use a bot to screen-scrape the multiple HTML pages of the all-module list, and process the results to extract the list you want. But that would be a lot more work than just asking.
Note well that the Forge contents are not static. New modules are added regularly, and module versions are updated from time to time. I'm uncertain about the policy for removals, but it seems that they generally do not remove modules, but rather deprecate them. In any case, any list of the Forge contents would necessarily be a snapshot from a single point in time.
You should also understand that although the Forge itself is operated by Puppet, most of the modules are contributed and maintained by community members, if they are maintained at all. There is also an unknown but probably large number of modules in use in the world that are not available from the Forge. Thus, the list you are asking for cannot be construed as a list of official modules, nor as a list of all the modules there are.


IntelliJ: Search structurally in different projects

Structural search in IntelliJ IDEA is not only powerful, but also not trivial at all to get right. Now when I have created a working template of my own, I might want to use it in multiple projects.
I do not see a way to save globally. Is there anything I can do short of copying the relevant bits from one workspace.xml to another?
Unfortunatelly, it's not supported at the moment, please follow this feature request for updates.

How to Group Plug-ins into Features

We are struggeling hard with how to use features the correct way.
Let’s say we have the plug-in org.acme.module which depends on org.thirdparty.specific and org.acme.core.
And we have the plug-in org.acme.other which depends on org.acme.core.
We want to create an application from these, which includes a target file and a product file. We have the following options:
One feature per module:
This makes the target and product files gigantic, and the dependencies are very hard to manage manually.
One feature per dependency group:
This approach makes the dependencies very easy to manage, and the target and product files are easy to read and maintain. However it does not work at all. The moment org.acme.core changes, you need to change ALL the features. Furthermore, the application has no say in what to package, so it can’t even decide to update org.acme.core (because of a bugfix or something).
Platform Feature:
org.thirdparty.specific (but could be its own feature)
This is the approach used for Hello World applications and Eclipse add-ons - and it only works for those. Since all modules' target platforms would point to org.acme.platform.feature, every time anything changes for any platform plug-in, you'd have to update org.acme.platform.feature accordingly.
We actually tried that approach with only about 50 platform plug-ins. It's not feasible to have a developer change the feature for every bugfix. (And while Tycho supports version "0.0.0", Eclipse does not, so it's another bag of problems to use that. Also, we need reproducibility, so having PDE choose versions willy-nilly is out of the question.)
Again it all comes down to "I can't use org.acme.platform.feature and override org.acme.core's version for two weeks until the new feature gets released.
The entire problem is made even more difficult since sometimes more than one configuration of plug-ins are possible (let's say for different database providers), and then there are high level modules using other child modules to work correctly, which has to be managed somehow.
Is there something we are missing? How do other companies manage these problems?
The Eclipse guys seem to use the “one feature per module” approach. Not surprisingly, since it’s the only one that works. But they don’t use target platforms nor product files.
The key to a successful grouping is when to use "includes" in features and when to just use dependencies. The difference is that "includes" are really included, i.e. p2 will install included bundles and/or included features all the time. That's the reason why you need to update a bundle in every feature if it's included. If you don't update it, you will end up with multiple versions in the install.
Also, in the old day one had to specify dependencies in features. These days, p2 will mostly figure out dependencies from the bundles. Thus, I would actually stop specifying dependencies in features but just includes. Think of features as a way to specify what gets aggregated.
Another key point to grouping is - less is more. If you have as many features as bundles chances a pretty high that you have a granularity issue. Instead, think about what would a user install separately. There is no need to have four features for things that a user would never install alone. Features should not be understood as a way of grouping development/project structures - that's where folders in SCM or different SCM repos are ok. Think of features as deployment structures.
With that approach, I would recommend a structure similar to the following example.
base feature containing the bare minimum of the product
could be org.acme.core plus a few minimum
features with 3rd party libraries for my.product.base
feature bundling an add-on
separate features for things that can be installed separately
3rd party libraries for add-on dependencies
Now in the product definition I would list just my.product.base. There is no need to also list the dependencies features. p2 will fetch and install the dependencies automatically. However, if you want to bind your product to specific versions of the dependencies and don't want p2 to select any matching one, then you must include the my.product.base.dependencies feature.
In the target definition I would include a "my.product.sdk" feature. That feature is an aggregation feature of all other features. It makes target platform management easier. I typically create an sdk feature with everything.
Another feature that is also very often seen is a "master" feature. This is an "everything" feature that maybe used for creating a p2 repository during the build. The resulting p2 repository is then used for assembling products.
For a more real world example see here:
Features and Continuous Delivery
There was a comment regarding frequent updates to feature.xml. A feature.xml only needs to be modified when there is a change in structure. No updates need to happen when the bundle version is modified. You should reference bundles in features with version 0.0.0. That makes Tycho to fill in the proper version at build time. Thus, all you need to do is commit a change to any bundle and then kick off a rebuild. Tycho also takes care of updating the feature qualifier based on the qualifiers of the contained bundles. Thus, the new feature qualifier will be different than in a previous build.

Examples of Semantic Version Names

I have been reading about semver. I really like the general idea. However, when it comes to putting it to practice, I feel like I'm missing some key pieces of information. I'm not sure where the name of a library exists, or what to do with file variants. For instance, is the file name something like [framework]-[semver].min.js? Are there popular JavaScript frameworks that use semver? I don't know of any.
Thank you!
Let me try to explain you.
If you are not developing a library that you like to keep for years to come, don't bother about it.. If you prefer to version every development, read the following.
Suppose you are an architect or developer developing a library that is aimed to be used by hundreds of developers over time, in a distributed manner. You really need to be cautious of what you are doing, what your developers are adding (so interesting features that grabs your attention to push those changes in the currently distributed file). You dont know how do you tell your library users to upgrade. In what scenarios? People followed some sort of versioning, and interestingly, their thoughts all are working fine.
Then why do you need semver ?
It says "There should be a concrete specification for anything for a group of people to follow anything collectively, even though they know it in their minds". With that thought, they made a specification. They have made their observation and clubbed all the best practices in the world about versioning software mainly, and given a single website where they listed them. that is Its main principles are :
Imagine you have already released your library with a version "lib.1.0.98", Now follow these rules for subsequent development.
Let your library is bundled and named as xyz and,
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, (like xyz.MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH), increment the:
1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
(existing code of users of your library breaks if they adapt this without code changes in their programs),
2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
(existing code works, and some improvements in performance and features also), and
3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
If you are not a developer or are not in a position to develop a library of a standard, you need not worry at all about semver.
Finally, the famous [d3] library follows this practice.
Semantic Versioning only defines how to name your versions. It does not specify what you will do with your version number afterwards. You can put the version numbers in package names, you can store it in a properties file inside your application, or just publish it in a wiki. All those options are opened to discussion and not part of the problem space addressed by SemVer.
semver is used by npm and bower (and perhaps some other tools) for dependency management. Using semver it is possible to decide which versions of which packages to use if multiple libraries used depend on the same library.
As others have said, semantic versioning is a standard versioning scheme that tells your users which versions of your library should be compatible with each other, and which ones are not.
The idea, is to be able to give your users more confidence that it's safe to upgrade to a newer patch/version, because it's tried, tested, and true to being backwards compatible with the previous version (minor increments). That is, perceptively that's what your telling your users.
As far as tooling goes, I don't do much in javascript, but I typically let my build server handle stamping my assemblies etc with the correct version. I have a static major number I upgrade whenever I make breaking changes, a static minor number I upgrade everytime I add new features, and an auto-incrementing Patch number whenever I checkin bug fixes.
Especially if this is a javascript library you plan to share on a public repository of some kind (nuget, gem, etc) you probably want some for of automated packaging system, and you put the logic in there for specifying your version number (in the package meta data, in the name of the javascript file, which is typically the standard I've seen).
Take a look at sbt which is the Scala Build Tool. In it, we write dependencies like this:
val scalatest = "org.scalatest" %% "core" % "2.1.7" "test"
val jodatime = "org.joda" % "jodatime" % "1.4.5"
Wherein the operator %% means "the current version of Scala that you're building." Packaging things in this language generally create JAR files with the name like this <my project>_<scala version>_<library version>.jar which is quite handy for semantically naming things automagically. The % operator can be interpreted as "don't version this part."
That said, this resulted from the fact that the same library compiled to different Scala versions were not binary compatible with each other. So it was more as a result of, rather than a conscious design choice, the binary incompatibilities.

Software configuration management tool for hundreds of binary files, many are large

Note: I've tried searching, Stackoverflows near useless. I am not sure what kind of tool I need.
At my organization we need to keep track of the software configuration for many types of computers including the binary installers and automation scripts. Change is infrequent but the size of latest version of the configuration is several gigs.
We are trying to use Mercurial to store changes but it is just too slow, even without many revisions at all. I did an hg status but killed it after it took 10 minutes without finishing.
We are looking for a way to store the current configuration as well as having the old configurations there just in case. I have never done anything like this before and do not know what tools are available or even suitable for such tasks. Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me how the are solving this problem? Thanks
Since hard disk space is cheap and being able to view binary differences isn't very helpful, perhaps the best option you have is to store each configuration in a new directory that is indexed somehow. Example below:
Given the size of your files and the infrequent number of changes, this would allow you to pick a configuration from a given 'tag' without the overhead of revision control.
If you pack your files into a single tar file and generate a SHA-512 hash, then you can be reasonably sure that no one has tampered with your files since they were archived.
While I don't know specific details about how to implement this strategy in mercurial, I have been working with git and git-fat. It sets up a general procedure that is likely to be feasible on mercurial as well. Basically the idea is whenever you add a binary file to the repository, under the hood, the repo creates a symlink to the file that is actually stored in another location as a checksummed object.
This allows large files to be tracked by the repo, without storing the actual data inside. It requires the data to be stored in some other location (perhaps in a binary management system).
It might take some configuration to do it in mercurial, but I think it's an elegantly simple solution.

Best approach to perform a CMMI Physical Configuration Audit?

The organization I currently work for an organization that is moving into the whole CMMI world of documenting everything. I was assigned (along with one other individual) the title of Configuration Manager. Congratulations to me right.
Part of the duties is to perform on a regular basis (they are still defining regular basis, it will either by quarterly or monthly) a physical configuration audit. This is basically a check of source code versions deployed in production to what we believe to be the source code versions in production.
Our project is a relatively small web application with written in Java. The file types we work with are java, jsp, xml, property files, and sql packages.
The problem I have (and have expressed but seem to be going ignored) is how am I supposed to physical log on to the production server and verify file versions and even if I could it would take a ridiculous amount of time?
The file versions are not even currently in the file(i.e. in a comment or something). It was suggested that we place visible version numbers on each screen that is visible to the users also. I thought this ridiculous also, since the screens themselves represent only a small fraction of the code we maintain.
The tools we currently use are Netbeans for our IDE and Serena Dimensions as our versioning tool.
I am specifically looking for ideas on how to perform this audit in a hopefully more automated way, that will be both accurate and not time consuming.
My idea is currently to add a comment to the top of each file that contains the version number of that file, a script that runs when a production build is created to create an XML file or something similar containing the file name and version file of each file in the build. Then when I need to do an audit I go to the production server grab the the xml file with the info, and compare it programmatically to what we believe to be in production, and output a report.
Any better ideas. I know this has to have been done already, and seems crazy to me that I have not found any other resources.
You could compute a SHA1 hash of the source files on the production server, and compare that hash value to the versions stored in source control. If you can find the same hash in source control, then you know what version is in production. If you can't find the same hash in source control, then there are untracked modifications in production and your new job title is justified. :)
The typical trap organizations fall into with the CMMI is trying to overdo everything. If I could suggest anything, it'd be start small & only do what you need. So consider any problems that you may have had in the CM area peviously.
The CMMI describes WHAT an organisation should do, but leaves the HOW up to you. The CMMI specification, chapter 2 is well worth a read - it describes the required, expected, and informative components of the specification - basically the goals are required, the practices are expected, and everything else is informative. This means there is only a small part of the specification which a CMMI appraiser can directly demand - the goals. At the practice level, it is permissable to have either the practices as described, or acceptable alternatives to them.
In the case of configuration audits, goal SG3 is "Integrity of baselines is established and maintained". SP3.2 says "Perform configuration audits to maintain integrity of the configuration baselines." There is nothing stated here about how often these are done, or how long they may take.
In my previous organisation, FCA/PCA was usually only done as part of the product release process, and we used ClearCase as the versioning tool, with labels applied across the codebase to define baselines. We didn't have version numbers in all the source files, nor did we have version numbers on all the products screens - the CM activity was doing the right thing & was backed up by audits, and this was never an issue in any CMMI appraisal.
We could use the deltas between labels to look at what files had changed, perform diffs to see the actual code changes. An important part of the process is being able to link those changes back to either a requirement/bug report/whatever the reason was which initiated the change.
Our auditing did use scripts to automate the process, but these were in-house developed scripts are specific to ClearCase - basically they would list all the files, their versions in the CM system, and the baseline/config item to which they belonged.
can't you use your source control for this? if you deploy a version and tag your sourcecontrol with that deployment, you can then verify against the source control system