Ansible: Removing gpg key on Ubuntu? - automation

I'm trying to remove apt_key I added using ansible
Adding the gpg key
- name: Ensure an helm signing key is present
become: true
and this is what I want to do
Deleting the gpg key
- name: Ensure helm signing key is removed
state: absent
become: true
fatal: [master]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "key is required"}
My question is, is there an ansible module way to get the key value or only using command to extract the value from apt_key list? any suggestion, please.
It will be very helpful for me if you include a code sample as well.
Thank you.


Ansible: How to check SSH access

Good morning all,
I'm racking my brains over a simple subject.
I'm on a "master" server and I would like to check if he manages to connect in SSH on a server list.
ansible-playbook -i inventaire_test test_ssh.yml
- name: test unreachable
register: test_ssh
ignore_unreachable: true
- name: test
msg: "test"
when: test_ssh.unreachable is defined
- name: header CSV
insertafter: EOF
dest: /home/list.csv
line: "Server;OS;access"
- name: Info
dest: /home/list.csv
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }};OK"
state: present
when: test_ssh is successful
- name: Info csv
dest: /home/list.csv
line: "{{ inventory_hostname }};KO"
state: present
when: test_ssh.unreachable is undefined
I can't find a check_ssh module. There is ansible.builtin.ssh but I can't use it.
Do you have an idea?
Thanks in advance.
I'm on a "master" server and I would like to check if he manages to connect in SSH on a server list. ... I can't find a check_ssh module.
According the documentation there is a
ping module – Try to connect to host, verify a usable python and return pong on success
... test module, this module always returns pong on successful contact. It does not make sense in playbooks, but it is useful from /usr/bin/ansible to verify the ability to login and that a usable Python is configured.
which seems to be doing what you are looking for.

Spring Cloud Config - Cannot clone or checkout repository: ssh://<user>/repo.git

When I try the URL with https it works but I don't want to have the username and password. I am able to perform a git clone with the above url and its working. But when I try it in the code and hit the localhost:8888/default endpoint I get the error:
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "Cannot clone or checkout repository: ssh://<user>/config-repo.git",
"path": "/licensingservice/default",
"status": 404,
"timestamp": "2018-04-30T23:32:54.726+0000"
Here is my application.yml entry
port: 8888
uri: ssh://<user>/config-repo.git
searchPaths: licensingservice
I am using spring cloud config - Finchley.Not. No sure what I am missing. Please suggest.
Few things to inspect:
Do you have github in your known_hosts? If not, then it will prompt you to enter password even you have key pairs that might cause the error.
Do you have SSH keys under /home/{you}/.ssh/ folder?
When you generate your keys, did you use passphrase? If so, you need to include the passphrase key in your YAML file.
If all above are okay. Then download the spring-cloud-config-server, debug the
Good luck.
You have to add your machine's ssh key to the repo.
Ssh key should be generate with the following command:
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
For more info, you can check this link
I also faced a similar problem with spring cloud config server. You need to add an additional property in file.

How do you add an EC2 instance created with ec2 module to ~/.ssh/known_hosts?

Let's say I have this ec2 task (taken from the documentation) in a file named site.yml:
# Basic provisioning example
- ec2:
key_name: mykey
instance_type: t2.micro
image: ami-123456
wait: yes
group: webserver
count: 3
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-29e63245
assign_public_ip: yes
Assuming I register the ec2 module result into a variable named ec2_instances, what would I do to add that single ec2 instance to my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file so that I can easily ssh into the new instance?
I've looked at the known_hosts module and its example is:
- name: tell the host about our servers it might want to ssh to
path: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts
key: "{{ lookup('file', 'pubkeys/') }}"
Every property makes sense to me except for the key property. Regarding the lookup plugin, I don't have any file containing public keys for my new instance (that I know of). What should I provide for the key property?
The documentation for the key property is:
The SSH public host key, as a string (required if state=present,
optional when state=absent, in which case all keys for the host are
removed). The key must be in the right format for ssh (see sshd(8),
I have looked into the sshd(8) manual entry and here are the relevant paragraphs (emphasis mine):
Each line in these files contains the following fields: markers
(optional), hostnames, keytype, base64-encoded key, comment. The
fields are separated by spaces.
The keytype and base64-encoded key are taken directly from the host
key; they can be obtained, for example, from
/etc/ssh/ The optional comment field continues to
the end of the line, and is not used.
How do I get the key I need to add to the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file? This sounds like a common task so before I put forth potentially unnecessary effort to build my own solution, I thought I'd check to see if I was just missing something.

In Ansible, is it possible to define the authentication method per playbook?

TL;DR: Is it possible to chain two playbooks with one ansible-playbook command where one playbook is password auth and the other playbook is key auth? (see last section for real-world purpose).
I have two playbooks, the second of which includes the first.
- name: PlaybookA # requires password authentication
hosts: sub.domain.ext
remote_user: root
- { role: role1, sudo: yes }
- name: Run PlaybookA
include: PlaybookA.yml
- name: PlaybookB # requires ssh-key authentication
hosts: sub.domain.ext
remote_user: ansible
- { role: role2, sudo: yes }
Execute only one command.
Use password auth for PlaybookA.
Use ssh-key auth for PlaybookB.
Question 1:
Is it possible within Ansible (versions 1.9.4 or lower) to execute one ansible-playbook command that will successfully run PlaybookB using ssh-key authentication but when PlaybookB includes PlaybookA, run PlaybookA using password authentication?
Question 2:
If this is not possible with Ansible 1.9.4 or lower, is this possible with 2.0.0+?
Notes of worth:
Ansible provides --ask-pass (or -k) as a command line switch enabling password authentication.
Ansible provides ask_pass as a variable but it seems as though it can only be set within ansible.cfg (I haven't been able to set this as a playbook variable to the desired effect).
Attempting to set ask_pass as an instruction within a playbook results in the following: ERROR: ask_pass is not a legal parameter of an Ansible Play. If this parameter was legal, it would provide a way to instruct ansible on a per-playbook level, what authentication method to use.
Purpose / Real World:
I'm attempting to create a configuration management workflow with Ansible that will be simple enough that others at work will be able to learn / adapt to it (and hopefully the use of Ansible in general for CM and orchestration).
For any new machine (VM or physical) that gets built, I intend for us to run two playbooks immediately. PlaybookA (as shown above) has the responsibility of logging in with the correct default user (typically depends upon the infrastructure [aws, vsphere, none, etc]). Once in, its very limited job is to:
Create the standardized user for ansible to run as (and install its ssh-key).
Remove any non-root users that may exist (artifacts of the vm infrastructure, etc).
Disable root access.
Disable password authentication (ssh-key only from this point on).
Depending upon the vm infrastructure (or lack thereof), the default user or the default authentication method can be different. Toward the goal of adoption of Ansible, I'm attempting to keep things extremely simple for fellow co-workers, so I'd like to automate as much of this flow-control as possible.
Once PlaybookA has locked down the vm and setup the standardized user, PlaybookB uses that standardized user to perform all other operations necessary to bring our vm's up to the necessary baseline of tools and utilities, etc.
Any tips, hints, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have been facing the same problem today. Two ideas may help you here:
You can ask for the password using vars_prompt in your playbook instead of --ask-pass
Set the password using set_fact:
- name: "set password for the play"
set_fact: ansible_ssh_pass="{{ my_pass }}"
You could store the password in a file, or prompt for it, as in the example below. In my example, the sshd config thats being created will forbid password logins, but using ansible defaults, you will be surprised that the second playbook will still be executed (!), even though I "forgot" to create an authorized_key. Thats due to the fact, that ansible uses the ControlPersist options of ssh, and simply keeps the connection between single tasks open. You can turn that off in ansible.cfg
Example Playbook:
- name: "MAKE BARE: Run preparatory steps on a newly acquired server"
hosts: blankee
- name: "set password for the play"
set_fact: ansible_ssh_pass="{{ my_pass }}"
- name: "Create directory {{ pathsts }}/registry/ansible-init"
file: name="{{ pathsts }}/registry/ansible-init" state=directory owner=root group=www-data mode=770
- name: "copy sshd config file"
src: 'roles/newhost/files/sshd_config'
dest: '/etc/ssh/sshd_config'
owner: 'root'
group: 'root'
mode: '0644'
- name: "Check syntax of sshd configuration"
shell: sshd -t
register: result
changed_when: false
failed_when: "result.rc != 0"
- name: "Restart SSHD and enable Service to start at boot"
service: name=sshd state=restarted
changed_when: false
my_pass2: foobar
- name: "my_pass"
prompt: "########## Enter PWD:\n "
- name: "Second run: This should authenticate w/out password:"
hosts: blankee
- name: "Create directory {{ pathsts }}/registry/ansible-init"
file: name="{{ pathsts }}/registry/ansible-init22" state=directory owner=root group=www-data mode=770
I don't know a way to change the authentication method within the play. I think I'd prefer running two different playbooks as Jenkins job or similar, but I can think of a pure Ansible workaround: instead of including the second playbook, you could get ansible to run a shell command as a local action, and run the command to execute the second playbook from the first one. Here's a rough proof of concept:
- hosts: all
- vars.yml
- debug: msg="Run your first role here."
- name: Then call Ansible to run the second playbook.
local_action: shell ansible-playbook -i ~/workspace/hosts ~/workspace/second_playbook.yml
register: playbook_results
- debug: var=playbook_results.stdout_lines
Here's the output:
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
ok: [vagrantbox]
TASK: [debug msg="Run your first role here."] *********************************
ok: [vagrantbox] => {
"msg": "Run your first role here."
TASK: [Then call Ansible to run the second playbook.] *************************
changed: [vagrantbox ->]
TASK: [debug var=playbook_results.stdout_lines] *******************************
ok: [vagrantbox] => {
"var": {
"playbook_results.stdout_lines": [
"PLAY [Proof of concept] ******************************************************* ",
"GATHERING FACTS *************************************************************** ",
"ok: [vagrantbox]",
"TASK: [debug msg=\"This playbook was called from another playbook!\"] *********** ",
"ok: [vagrantbox] => {",
" \"msg\": \"This playbook was called from another playbook!\"",
"PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************** ",
"vagrantbox : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 "
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
vagrantbox : ok=4 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0

How to ignore ansible SSH authenticity checking?

Is there a way to ignore the SSH authenticity checking made by Ansible? For example when I've just setup a new server I have to answer yes to this question:
GATHERING FACTS ***************************************************************
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is xx:yy:zz:....
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
I know that this is generally a bad idea but I'm incorporating this in a script that first creates a new virtual server at my cloud provider and then automatically calls my ansible playbook to configure it. I want to avoid any human intervention in the middle of the script execution.
Two options - the first, as you said in your own answer, is setting the environment variable ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING to False.
The second way to set it is to put it in an ansible.cfg file, and that's a really useful option because you can either set that globally (at system or user level, in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg or ~/.ansible.cfg), or in an config file in the same directory as the playbook you are running.
To do that, make an ansible.cfg file in one of those locations, and include this:
host_key_checking = False
You can also set a lot of other handy defaults there, like whether or not to gather facts at the start of a play, whether to merge hashes declared in multiple places or replace one with another, and so on. There's a whole big list of options here in the Ansible docs.
Edit: a note on security.
SSH host key validation is a meaningful security layer for persistent hosts - if you are connecting to the same machine many times, it's valuable to accept the host key locally.
For longer-lived EC2 instances, it would make sense to accept the host key with a task run only once on initial creation of the instance:
- name: Write the new ec2 instance host key to known hosts
connection: local
shell: "ssh-keyscan -H {{ inventory_hostname }} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts"
There's no security value for checking host keys on instances that you stand up dynamically and remove right after playbook execution, but there is security value in checking host keys for persistent machines. So you should manage host key checking differently per logical environment.
Leave checking enabled by default (in ~/.ansible.cfg)
Disable host key checking in the working directory for playbooks you run against ephemeral instances (./ansible.cfg alongside the playbook for unit tests against vagrant VMs, automation for short-lived ec2 instances)
I found the answer, you need to set the environment variable ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING to False. For example:
ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False ansible-playbook ...
Changing host_key_checking to false for all hosts is a very bad idea.
The only time you want to ignore it, is on "first contact", which this playbook will accomplish:
- name: Bootstrap playbook
# Don't gather facts automatically because that will trigger
# a connection, which needs to check the remote host key
gather_facts: false
- name: Check known_hosts for {{ inventory_hostname }}
local_action: shell ssh-keygen -F {{ inventory_hostname }}
register: has_entry_in_known_hosts_file
changed_when: false
ignore_errors: true
- name: Ignore host key for {{ inventory_hostname }} on first run
when: has_entry_in_known_hosts_file.rc == 1
ansible_ssh_common_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no"
# Now that we have resolved the issue with the host key
# we can "gather facts" without issue
- name: Delayed gathering of facts
So we only turn off host key checking if we don't have the host key in our known_hosts file.
You can pass it as command line argument while running the playbook:
ansible-playbook play.yml --ssh-common-args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no'
forward to nikobelia
For those who using jenkins to run the play book, I just added to my jenkins job before running the ansible-playbook the he environment variable ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING = False
For instance this:
ansible-playbook 'playbook.yml' \
--extra-vars="some vars..." \
--tags="tags_name..." -vv
If you don't want to modify ansible.cfg or the playbook.yml then you can just set an environment variable:
Ignoring checking is a bad idea as it makes you susceptible to Man-in-the-middle attacks.
I took the freedom to improve nikobelia's answer by only adding each machine's key once and actually setting ok/changed status in Ansible:
- name: Accept EC2 SSH host keys
connection: local
become: false
shell: |
ssh-keygen -F {{ inventory_hostname }} ||
ssh-keyscan -H {{ inventory_hostname }} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
register: known_hosts_script
changed_when: "'found' not in known_hosts_script.stdout"
However, Ansible starts gathering facts before the script runs, which requires an SSH connection, so we have to either disable this task or manually move it to later:
- name: Example play
hosts: all
gather_facts: no # gather facts AFTER the host key has been accepted instead
- name: Accept EC2 SSH host keys
connection: local
become: false
shell: |
ssh-keygen -F {{ inventory_hostname }} ||
ssh-keyscan -H {{ inventory_hostname }} >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
register: known_hosts_script
changed_when: "'found' not in known_hosts_script.stdout"
- name: Gathering Facts
One kink I haven't been able to work out is that it marks all as changed even if it only adds a single key. If anyone could contribute a fix that would be great!
You can simply tell SSH to automatically accept fingerprints for new hosts. Just add
to your ~/.ssh/config. It does not disable host-key checking entirely, it merely disables this annoying question whether you want to add a new fingerprint to your list of known hosts. In case the fingerprint for a known machine changes, you will still get the error.
This policy also works with ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING and other ways of passing this param to SSH.
I know the question has been answered and it's correct as well, but just wanted to link the ansible doc where it's explained clearly when and why respective check should be added: host-key-checking
The most problems appear when you want to add new host to dynamic inventory (via add_host module) in playbook. I don't want to disable fingerprint host checking permanently so solutions like disabling it in a global config file are not ok for me. Exporting var like ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING before running playbook is another thing to do before running that need to be remembered.
It's better to add local config file in the same dir where playbook is. Create file named ansible.cfg and paste following text:
host_key_checking = False
No need to remember to add something in env vars or add to ansible-playbook options. It's easy to put this file to ansible git repo.
This one is the working one I used in my environment. I use the idea from this ticket
- name: Example play
gather_facts: no
hosts: all
- name: Check SSH known_hosts for {{ inventory_hostname }}
local_action: shell ssh-keygen -l -F {{ inventory_hostname }}
register: checkForKnownHostsEntry
failed_when: false
changed_when: false
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Add {{ inventory_hostname }} to SSH known hosts automatically
when: checkForKnownHostsEntry.rc == 1
changed_when: checkForKnownHostsEntry.rc == 1
module: shell
args: ssh-keyscan -H "{{ inventory_hostname }}" >> $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts
Host key checking is important security measure so I would not just skip it everywhere. Yes, it can be annoying if you keep reinstalling same testing host (without backing up it's SSH certificates) or if you have stable hosts but you run your playbook for Jenkins without simple option to add host key if you are connecting to the host for a first time. So:
This is what we are using for stable hosts (when running the playbook from Jenkins and you simply want to accept the host key when connecting to the host for the first time) in inventory file:
ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new'
And this is what we have for temporary hosts (in the end this will ignore they host key at all):
ansible_ssh_common_args='-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null'
There is also environment variable or you can add it into group/host variables file. No need to have it in the inventory - it was just convenient in our case.
Used some other responses here and a co-worker solution, thank you!
Use the parameter named as validate_certs to ignore the ssh validation
- ec2_ami:
instance_id: i-0661fa8b45a7531a7
wait: yes
name: ansible
validate_certs: false
Name: ansible
Service: TestService
By doing this it ignores the ssh validation process