MS VBA editor hides members hint - vba

I am implementing a little macros on the VBA now. The version of the Office is 2016 (16.0.5032.1000), 32-bit. And there is an annoying thing in the VBA editor: I can't use the members list because it always disappears after a couple of seconds. I.e., I type a variable's name, then a dot and its members list appears. At this stage, all is OK. But, after two or three seconds it disappears and, at the same time, VBA editor highlights the line being edited with red color. I have tried to toggle the "Auto Syntax Check", but with no luck.

In my case, the 3rd-party program's template caused this issue. It was installed in the MS Word STARTUP directory and after its deletion the issue was gone.


Visual Studio Intellisense constantly popping up

Using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2019. Type a single space character anywhere in the codebase and a popup displays a long list of options. You have to constantly click away or press ESC. This quickly gets annoying.
Tools > Options > Text Editor > Basic > General > Auto list members stops these unwelcome popups...but now "member of" functions are not listed at all! For example:
Dim test As String = "fred"
test. ' Nothing is displayed when the dot is typed, but expected `Length`, etc
Is it possible to get Intellisense for "member of" only, but otherwise switched off and no other automatic listing (so nothing would be displayed when you are just typing away).
What a shambles to do so much with a single setting. If someone from Microsoft is reading this, check out how Borland's Delphi 7 handled IDE of speed and beauty.
Very annoying that it distracts you that much. Im sorry to hear that.
Unfortunately, the final answer is that it cannot be solved, because microsoft would never consider an unpopular opinion.
The 'popup' is one of the most important features why people moved away from notepad in the first place. Every IDE will have it, and if they dont, they soon might. it is rarely unwelcomed.
With that in mind, microsoft didnt intend visual studio to be used without it.

How do I stop MS access breakpoints in vba editor from disappearing after clicking "Compact and Repair Database"?

I'm new to Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 Access.
I am developing an application using:
-Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 Access
MS access breakpoints in vba editor disappear after clicking compact and repair
I've was searching the internet quite a bit in order to determine how I can prevent the aforementioned problem, but I could Not find any solution.
How do I stop MS access breakpoints in vba editor from disappearing after clicking "Compact and Repair Database" ?
All Breakpoints and Bookmarks will disappear upon executing "Compact and Repair Database". This is a built-in behavior and it cannot be altered.
The answer by Gene is correct.
As a workaround you can use the Stop command, which acts like a "permanent" breakpoint.
If <unexpected error condition that you want to analyze at runtime> Then
End If
Instead of Stop, which may be a bit annoying, have a look at Debug.Assert, which will allow you to have a 'conditional Stop'

Where do I put macros (besides in normal) so they are always available in word 2013?

I had a bunch of macros that I had in C:\Users\userx\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates that were always available in word 2010 but since upgrade to word 2013 I cannot run them. Word apparently does not automatically load them anymore. I used to just do alt F8 and pick from the list. I also had a few added to the quick options bar but they are gone also.
Searched this site and MS website and can't seem to find a solution. Is there another location that I need to move the files containing the macros to or is there some other action that I need to take so I can run them again?
My guess is this is already answered here and I am just not searching for the right things. My apologies if that is the case, please just point me to the appropriate post.
You can place a shortcut to the templates containing your macros in the following location
That will make your macros available whenever Word opens and restore the Alt+F8 functionality you're looking for. If you add toolbars to your templates, those will also automatically be attached to the Normal template when you open Word.

Can I get the VBA syntax check error without the automatic syntax check?

When I write VBA code, I tend to cut and paste variable names or other bits of code. This results in frequent syntax check errors that result in the message box popping up. That's annoying, and I'm aware that I can turn it off via Tools > Options > Editor > uncheck Auto Syntax Check.
This doesn't seem to prevent the VBA editor from actually checking my line - it still turns red. I don't mind that behavior, because it doesn't interrupt anything. And it does let me know if I do, in fact, have some sort of problem after I'm done with the line, which is nice. Unfortunately, I'm not always smart enough to diagnose the error on my own, and the text in the message box is actually helpful. But I've turned off the message box!
Is there a way for me to display that error, short of temporarily turning the message box on?
You can compile, with Debug>Compile, which will bring up the same message. IF there's more than one compile error you might have to deal with that one first.
This comment is for users of Visual Basic for Excel on a Mac.
I am using Visual Basic in Excel verion 16.14.1, (the latest version as of July 2018), as part of Office 365 on an iMac Pro, running High Sierra.
Under the Tools tab of the Visual Basic editor, there are only three choices:
VBA Project Properties......
None of these sub-menus lead to "Options", nor to anything which allows you to turn on and off "Auto Syntax Check"
Instead that option can be found in Excel ==> Preferences tab. However. checking or unchecking the box does not change the behaviour. In both cases, the text turns red on a syntax error, but in neither case does the annoying pop-up window appear.

Why does the VBA Editor open on its own sometimes?

I created a script in Outlook 2003 VBA that watches for new appointments, and sets them to tentative and no reminder as I create them. I find that seemingly at random, the VBA editor will open itself. It doesn't happen when I use the new script, but it did happen this morning when I un-hibernated my laptop, for example.
The editor doesn't pop up any runtime errors or highlight any lines in the script, it's just there as if I had pressed Alt-F11 to launch it. Sometimes I close other apps and see that it's been sitting back there for a while.
This behavior has only been occurring since I created this new script. Any ideas why this would occur?
As stated in, Microsoft Support Center:
"This problem occurs only if the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor window
is maximized."
Un-Maximize Visual Basic Editor and close it.
And you are done!
If you have previously set breakpoints, it may be that you still have a phantom breakpoint. Try choosing "remove all breakpoints" and see if that clears the problem.
Check also that you have not chosen "Break on all errors" under options, and that your error handler is functioning properly.
Believe it or not, this is a known issue. Check out this MS Support link:
I have the same problem and found it while I was looking for a solution. Since it gives no advice, I kept searching and came across your post. I will come back with an update if I find a solution.
The MS page linked by Jaquez hints at the answer; just make sure you don't run the editor maximized, and the problem should go away. If you restore it to a non-maximized state, then resize it to take up the whole screen, it should remember its position.
It's a pain if you only have a small screen, but on a normal large monitor it works fine, and solved the problem for me.
I have the same problem, except that it only occurs when I've gone in and unlocked the VBA project for editing and haven't restarted Outlook. It seems to open up when I get a new email (that's when my VBA runs) so basically I just have to restart Outlook and lock the project back up.
Sorry I don't know what's really causing it, but locking the VBA project should fix the problem...
My solution was to search for the .otm file of my VBA project. It was stored under data\microsoft\outlook. I closed Outlook and deleted the .otm file. Restarted Outlook and it was solved.
Just wanted to add that I was running into a phantom breakpoint issue with VBA in excel. Clearing all breakpoints did not work for me, but I resolved it as follows: Copy all content from offending module into a text file. Delete module. Re-create module. Copy back in all text. Save. Phantom breakpoint gone.