How can i give gradient to text in react-native expo? - react-native

I tried
import { LinearTextGradient } from "react-native-text-gradient";
but this is not work for text gradient. It gives error. it says "No ViewManager defined for class RNLinearTextGradient"
i need to give gradient to text for ios and android


Display red screen error in react native from a native module

I implemented a native module and I would like to display an error for a developer using the redbox error screen from the native module. This error will inform about obsolete values.
Does anyone know, how to display this kind of screen with a custom message?
Below I am attaching a screenshot, what I would like to achieve:
On android you can achieve this with the following code:
val exceptionManager = reactContext.getNativeModule(
val error: WritableMap = WritableNativeMap()
error.putString("message", "Error message")
on iOS it's also quite straightforward:
let exceptionsManager = bridge.module(forName: "RCTExceptionsManager") as? exceptionsManager
exceptionsManager?.reportFatalException("message", stack: nil, exceptionId: 1)

since expo 34.0.0 update fonts doesn´t load anymore, do you know how can I fix it?

I have expo 30 proyect and the fonts ( fontello icons ) load succesful now 3 months later I reopen the proyect before update expo and fonts does´t load even if I create a new proyect the fonts does´t
(I have already changed the import from
import { Font } from 'expo';
import * as Font from 'expo-font';)
here's a snack with the problem
it's curious that in expo-cli when I run the same code and print the state of loading first return false and before true and inmediately show red screen saying that font has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync
I've tried wirtting everything in the app class instead of loading the fonts from another file and the behavior is the same
other thing I've tried is like the new documentation says, use expoAssetId
const expoAssetId = require("assets/fonts/custom-icon-font.ttf");
const Icon = createIconSetFromFontello(fontelloConfig, 'FontName', expoAssetId);
but I get another error
C.replace is not a function. (In 'C.replace(/\.(otf|ttf)$/,'')', 'C.replace' is undefined)
Expected Behavior
the icons load and show correctly
Actual behavior
when load throw an exception 'fontFamily "../assets/fonts/sowaicons" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync.' and show a square instead of the icon
Windows 10
sdkVersion: 35.0.0,
expo: ^35.0.0",
expo-font: ~7.0.0
I created working example:
change CustomIcon code:
import { createIconSetFromFontello } from '#expo/vector-icons';
import fontelloConfig from '../assets/fonts/config.json';
// const ttf = require("../assets/fonts/sowaicons.ttf");
// import myfont from "../assets/fonts/sowaicons.ttf";
const Icon = createIconSetFromFontello(fontelloConfig, 'sowaicons');
and replace this.state.setState... to this.setState

How to customize Pull-To-Refresh indicator style in NativeScript/Vue?

I am trying to customize the style of Pull-To-Refresh indicator in NativeScript/Vue app. There seems to be no example code for Vue. I tried to place the following code adapted from Angular into , got errors when running the app.
<PullToRefreshStyle indicatorColor="white" indicatorBackgroundColor="blue"/>
Can anybody offer a working example or update the following page?
On a side note, according to doc here:
Only color and background color can be customized. Is there anyway to get around this change size of indicator?
The only way I can think of is to set both foreground and background of indicator to transparent then use page level activityIndicator.
Just set the attributes on pullToRefreshStyle property
<RadListView :pullToRefreshStyle="pullToRefreshStyle">
import * as colorModule from "tns-core-modules/color";
data() {
return {
pullToRefreshStyle: {
indicatorColor: new colorModule.Color("red"),
indicatorBackgroundColor: new colorModule.Color("green")

Image orientation issue in android react native

i'm using CameraRoll.getPhotos for get photos from gallery.
import {
} from 'react-native';
CameraRoll.getPhotos(fetchParams).then((data) => {
I have a problem with the orientation of the images on some android phones. I have been able to detect what happens in most SAMSUNGs.
It has an orientation depending on the way you take the picture.
portrait with home button in bottom position: 90º
landscape with home button left position: 180º
portrait with home button in top position: 270º
landscape with home button right position: 0º
Related with this issue
Base on CameraRoll Documentation the orientation value is not returned by getPhotos.
I'm try with:
transform: [{ rotateX: '0deg' }, { rotateY: '0deg' }] or rotate: '0deg'
Using react-native-media-meta for get metadata info (not works)
Use another image component instead native Image
but notting works. :(
The problem is that the images appear rotated in my application, but in the native gallery ignores the degree of rotation they have and shows them correctly with 0º.
In this case the image appear with 90º and it's showed perfectly by native gallery but bad in my app.
- Is there any way to detect the current rotation of the image?
- Can the <Image> component be forced in some way to place the orientation at 0º?
i found a library this module and its possible get the orientation of image and with that can fix this problem. But this process is very delayed and affect considerably the perfomance.

How to make React-Native "scrollTo" behave identically on Android than on iOS when ScrollView is small

Consider this simple ScrollView.
On iOS, clicking on the text will but the text to the top because scrollTo({ y: 250 }) scrolls even if end of scrollView is reached.
On Android, the text doesn't move.
How to get on Android the same behavior we have on iOS?
You can work around this by adding padding to the contentContainerStyle of the ScrollView. A good starting point would be to add padding equal to the height of the device's screen.
import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';
const ANDROID_SCREEN_HEIGHT_PADDING = Dimensions.get('window').height;
then, when rendering:
contentContainerStyle={{paddingBottom: ANDROID_SCREEN_HEIGHT_PADDING}}>
You could use this for necessary extra Android padding in every direction. If you are using horizontal={true}, for example, you could add padding equal to the width of the screen and add it to the paddingLeft style property to get the intended scrolling behavior on Android.
This behavior is due to the underlying implementation of ScrollView on Android in React-Native. See also:
React native Android ScrollView scrollTo not working