How can I translate this Kotlin code into a better one using high order functions instead of a simple for - kotlin

I have this function that receives a barcode and looks for a product in a list that has the same barcode. The split( ",") is because there are some products that have more than one barcode written like this: ("barcode1,barcode2")
Could someone help me get a better code using high order functions rather than this for loop?
fun Product.byBarcode(barcode: String?) : Product? {
val productsList = Realm.getDefaultInstance().where(
var foundProduct : Product? = null
for (it in productsList){
if ( it.barcode.split(",").contains(barcode)){
foundProduct = it
return foundProduct

You can use find
foundProduct = productList.find{ it.barcode.split(',').contains(barcode) }
also I don't think split is really required, in that case
foundProduct = productList.find{ it.barcode.contains(barcode) }


Functional Programming with kotlin - avoiding var

I am working with kotlin and functional programming to develop an api.I really could not figure out whether did i break any FP rules here by using here.
I have a following function which gives me customerNumber and bunch of other fields.
data class CustomerInfo(val customerNumber:String?=null,val accountNumber:String?=null,val email:String?=null)
and I have function with lot of conditions but conditions are same for all fields
fun getCustomerInfo(someDto:SomeDto,someOtherDto:SomeOtherDto,oneMoreDto:OneMoreDto):CustomerInfo
var customerNumber =
var accountNo = someDto.accountNumber
var email =
accountNo = someOtherDto.accountNo
email =
}else if(someOtherConditiion)
accountNo = oneMoreDto.accountNo
email =
//and many more conditions like this
return CustomerInfo(customerNumber,accountNo,email)
Is using var inside a functions is wrong?How can write this function without using var's here ?
I know i can return the dto every-time directly once the condition met,but i feel like using same dto in 10 conditions?Any help would be appreciated
There is nothing technically wrong in using var, because you are in a local scope of a function.
But you could avoid lots of boilerplate code like:
fun getCustomerInfo(someDto:SomeDto,someOtherDto:SomeOtherDto,oneMoreDto:OneMoreDto):CustomerInfo
return when {
someCondition() -> CustomerInfo(, someOtherDto.accountNumber,
someOtherConditiion() -> CustomerInfo(, oneMoreDto.accountNumber,
else -> CustomerInfo(, someDto.accountNumber,
If all your (different) DTO's gets generated you could consider creating mapper extension functions for all of them:
// top-level functions
fun SomeDto.toConsumerInfo(): CustomerInfo = ConsumerInfor(id, accountNumber, email)
fun SomeOtherDto.toConsumerInfo(): CustomerInfo = ConsumerInfor(id, accountNumber, email)
fun OneMoreDto.toConsumerInfo(): CustomerInfo = ConsumerInfor(id, accountNumber, email)
// and more for other DTO's you want to map
Then you could use them like:
fun getCustomerInfo(someDto:SomeDto,someOtherDto:SomeOtherDto,oneMoreDto:OneMoreDto):CustomerInfo {
return when {
someCondition() -> someOtherDto.toConsumerInfo()
someOtherConditiion() -> oneMoreDto.toConsumerInfo()
else -> someDto.toConsumerInfo()

How to combine a lot of LiveDatas together and transform into a single entity?

I am looking to find a way to combine some LiveData functions from my Dao and transform them into a single entity. I want to create something like this:
private val combinedValues(ld1, ld2, ld3, ld4){
first, second, third, fourth -> CombinedLiveDataValues(first, second, third, fourth)
val combinedEntity: LiveData<Any> ={ it->
val something = (etc...)
How to create a way of not duplicating code and generalising and adding dozens of liveDatas together?
You can use something like this
fun<T> combine(context: AppCompatActivity, vararg input: LiveData<T>): LiveData<T> {
val output = MutableLiveData<T>()
input.forEach {
it.observe(context, androidx.lifecycle.Observer { value ->
output.value = value
return output

How to convert EnumSet<A> to Set<B>

I have an enum class thats something like this:
enum class SomeType(val id: String) {
Now, I need to filter a list of Something which has a String that's stated in SomeType enum. So Basically I have something like this:
class Something(val id: String)
// where the value of id is one of the value of the SomeType's id
I have a list of Something like so:
val somethingList = arrayListOf<Something>(
Now I need to filter that somethingList to by the given EnumSet<SomeType>.
So if I have a:
val someTypeSet = EnumSet.of(SomeType.Type3, SomeType.Type2)
the resulting filtered List should be,
val filteredList = arrayListOf<Something>(
My idea is to convert the someTypeSet to a Set<String> and just do something like:
Set<String> setOfSomeTypeIds = convertToSet(someTypeSet)
val filteredList = somethingList.filter { something ->
Can someone guide me how to convert an EnumSet to a Set of its value?
I also explained the whole process just in case there is a better solution to the problem above.
Anything will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You can use map on any collection to transform it to a new collection with the desired values... i.e. { } will already return you a list of string. If you really want to have a Set you can also use something like mapTo. Regarding the filter that might also be simplifiable using the in-keyword, e.g.: somethingList.filter { in setOfSomeTypeIds }.
So summarized:
val setOfSomeTypeIds = { }
val filteredList = somethingList.filter { in setOfSomeTypeIds }
You can use the map function after you filter the relevant types.
val filteredSomethings:List<Something> = someTypeSet.filter { something ->
setOfSomeTypeIds.contains( }.map { Something( }
It will return a List of Something with the relevant Ids.

Kotlin nested for loops to asSequence

I'm trying to convert my nested for loop to asSequence in Kotlin. Here, my goal is to get and update the value of all my object array from another object array with the same key.
nested for loop:
val myFields = getMyFields()
val otherFields = getOtherFields()
for (myField in myFields) { // loop tru the my fields
for (otherField in otherFields) { // find the same fields
if (myField.key == otherField.key) { // if the same, update the value
val updatedMyField = myField.copy(value = otherValue.value)
myFields[myFields.indexOf(myField)] = updatedMyField // update my field value
What I've tried:
val updatedMyFields = getMyFields().asSequence()
.map { myField ->
.map { otherField ->
if (myField.key == otherField.key) {
return#map otherField.value
} else {
return#map ""
.filter { it?.isNotEmpty() == true }
.first()?.map { myField.copy(value = it.toString()) }
but this does not compile as it will return List<List<MyField>>.
I'm just looking for something much cleaner for this.
As comments suggest, this would probably be much more efficient with a Map.
(More precisely, a map solution would take time proportional to the sum of the list lengths, while the nested for loop takes time proportional to their product — which gets bigger much faster.)
Here's one way of doing that:
val otherFields = getOtherFields().associate{ it.key to it.value }
val myFields = getMyFields().map {
val otherValue = otherFields[it.key]
if (otherValue != null) it.copy(value = otherValue) else it
The first line creates a Map from the ‘other fields’ keys to their values.  The rest then uses it to create a new list from ‘my fields’, substituting the values from the ‘other fields’ where present.
I've had to make assumptions about the types &c, since the code in the question is incomplete, but this should do the same.  Obviously, you can change how it merges the values by amending the it.copy().
There are likely to be even simpler and more efficient ways, depending on the surrounding code.  If you expanded it into a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example — in particular, one that illustrates how you already use a Map, as per your comment — we might be able to suggest something better.
Why do you want to use asSequence() ? You can go for something like that:
val myFields = getMyFields()
val otherFields = getOtherFields()
myFields.forEach{firstField ->
otherFields.forEach{secondField ->
if (firstField.key == secondField.key) {
myFields[myFields.indexOf(firstField)] = secondField.value
This will do the same job than your nested for loop and it's easier to read, to understand and so to maintain than your nested asSequence().

How to typesafe reduce a Collection of Either to only Right

Maybe a stupid question but I just don't get it.
I have a Set<Either<Failure, Success>> and want to output a Set<Success> with Arrow-kt.
You can map the set like this for right:
val successes = originalSet.mapNotNull { it.orNull() }.toSet()
or if you want the lefts:
val failures = originalSet.mapNotNull { it.swap().orNull() }.toSet()
The final toSet() is optional if you want to keep it as a Set as mapNotNull is an extension function on Iterable and always returns a List
PS: No stupid questions :)
It can be done avoiding nullables:
val successes = originalSet
.map { it.toOption() }
.filter { it is Some }
We could potentially add Iterable<Option<A>>.filterSome and Iterable<Either<A, B>.mapAsOptions functions.
Update 2:
That last example returns a Set<Option<Success>>. If you want to unwrap the results without using null then one thing you can try is to fold the Set:
val successes = originalSet
.fold(emptySet<Success>()) { acc, item ->
item.fold({ acc }, { acc + it })
This last option (unintended pun) doesn't require the use of Option.