Why Elasticsearch and Kibana are required to set up Filebeat? - filebeat

I'm new to Filebeat, and reading through the official setup guide.
Link: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/beats/filebeat/current/filebeat-installation-configuration.html
I don't understand why ES and Kibana are required, if I want the filebeat output sent to console or another file?


Named processes grafana dashboard not working

I created this dashboard by importing its ID.
Then, in order to have the necessary metrics, used this chart to install this exporter in my EKS cluster:
helm repo add prometheus-process-exporter-charts https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mumoshu/prometheus-process-exporter/master/docs
helm install --generate-name prometheus-process-exporter-charts/prometheus-process-exporter
All the prometheus-process-exporter are up and running, but the only log they have is:
2022/11/23 18:26:55 Reading metrics from /host/proc based on "/var/process-exporter/config.yml"
I was expecting to automatically have all default processes listed in the dashboard as soon as I deployed the exporter, but the dashboard still say "No data":
Do you have any ideas on why this is happening? Did I miss any step in configuring this exporter?

adding basic authentication to Solr 8.6.1

We are having some difficulty when adding basic authentication to Solr 8.6.1. We are following this document, and we have created security.json file, which is successful (since Solr instance will ask userId and password when it starts.) Our difficulty happens when trying to enable the global authentication settings: we did pass the -Dsolr.httpclient.builder.factory=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory system property,and we also set the -Dbasicauth=username:password property as follows:
// the following is the last time of our Solr Dockerfile:
CMD ["solr-foreground", "-Dsolr.httpclient.builder.factory=org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.PreemptiveBasicAuthClientBuilderFactory", "-Dbasicauth=username:secret"]
However, the calls to retrieve data from Solr all come back with Error 401 require authentication.
Could someone please kindly let us know what did we miss?
You'll have to set the correct options on the client - not on the server. This is a setting that affects how the client that connects to Solr authenticates.
So when running your application, give the parameter to the java command (or configure it to be the default parameter through ant/maven/gradle/etc.
Setting it on the docker container will not do anything useful.

How do I get tags to pull through from New Relic's Redis integration to New Relic?

I have a Redis server which I've just installed the New Relic infrastructure agent on. The data about the instance is reporting to New Relic however the tag I included is missing on the website.
I have this in the config which should pull through as a tag as per the documentation however it's not visible on the website:
environment: staging
yaml can be finnicky with spacing - maybe try with only 2 spaces under the labels stanza like this?
environment: staging
You could also check the infrastructure agent logs to see if there are some parsing errors.

Flume config for Kafka source with ByteArraySerializer

Trying to read data from Kafka in Flume. I have configured all other necessary details for kafka source. The data from kafka is using ByteArraySerializer.
However the following configs for serializers doesn't appear to be working,
flume.sources.kafka-source.kafka.consumer.key.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer
flume.sources.kafka-source.kafka.consumer.value.serializer = org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer
Is there anything wrong here?
PS: I am a flume newbie

Starting Kibana roll up job

I have made a roll up job on the Kibana with the Kibana dev tool pictured below
I however have trouble starting this roll up job as I get following error below
I'm following the documention found here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.1/rollup-start-job.html
I've had trouble with finding anyone else with this problem, do you have any ideas?
I use kibana version 7.1.1
It should be a POST method.
eg: POST _xpack/rollup/job/<job_id>/_start
Also There is no request body for the Start Job API.
Please refer the documentation.