Am kind of new to mxnet and I wanted to ask if I can execute a command to train my already trained model with a custom dataset. The first time I trained my model is i.e. with only one class ['dog'] then after I trained the model, I want to train it again with a new class of 'cat' so it will be like ['dog', 'cat']. Is this possible? Thanks in advance.
I am using a custom keras model in Databricks environment.
For a custom keras model, does not work, because custom model is not serializable. Instead it is recommended to use model.save_weights(path) as an alternate.
model.save_weights(pathDirectory) works. This yields 3 files checkpoint,.data-00000-of-00001,.index in the pathDirectory
For loading weights, Following mechanism is working fine.
model = Model()
But I want to train my model on pretrained weights I just saved. Like I saved model weights, and continue training on these saved weights afterwards.
So, when I load model weights and apply training loop, I get this error, TypeError: 'CheckpointLoadStatus' object is not callable
After much research, I have found a workaround,
we can also save model using"model.hpy5") and read it the saved model in databricks.
model.h5 not work for customized models, but it works for standard models.
ITransformer mlmodel = mlContext.Model.Load(path, out var inputschema);
this is my Saved model I want to change its inputshema but I want to retain the Trained Model.
I have tried
"trainingDataView is my new Data But it Has not helped"
Tell me How can I get the training pipleline from Itransformer model that is been already trained model
I have created text classification model(.pb) using tensorflow. Prediction is good.
Is it possible to check the sentence using for prediction is already used to train the model or not. I need to retrain the model when new sentence is given to model to predict.
I did some research and couldn't find a way to get the train data only with the pb file because that file only stores the features and not the actual train data(obviously),but if you have the dataset,then you can easily verify duh....
I don't think you can ever find the exact train data with only the trained model,cause the model only contains the features and not the actual train data
I have built an image classifier with 2 classes, say 'A' and 'B'. I have also saved this model, using
Now, after a certain time, the requirement arose to add one more class 'C'. Is it possible to load_model() and then add only one class to the previously saved model so that we have the final model with 3 classes ('A','B' and 'C'), without having to retrain the whole model, for classes 'A and 'B' again?
Can anyone help?
I have tried this:
I used vgg16 as a base model and pop out its last layer, freeze weights and added one dense layer (DL2), trained it for predicting 2 classes.
Then I added one more dense layer on top of DL2 say DL3, freeze weights and train with class C only but now its always predicting class C.
I think you should check this tutorial:
In short:
You can not take trained model, and add new classes.
You should make some additional 'finetuning', may be not retrain the model from scratch, but at least to train classifier (and some additional layers).
You can also simply change the number of output classes in the last layer and freeze weights for the remaining layer. Retrain the weights for only the last layer.
Just use a transfer learning, and create a new model.
model = VGG16(weights='imagenet',
input_shape=(150, 150, 3))
base_model_layers = model.output
pred = Dense(11, activation='softmax')(base_model_layers)
model = Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=pred)
# Freeze the first layers, before train it
for layer in model.layers[:-2]:
layer.trainable = False
I am new to TensorFlow and I am just trying to see if my idea is even possible.
I have trained a model with multi class classifier. Now I can classify a sentence in input, but I would like to change the result of CNN, for example, to improve the score of classification or change the classification.
I want to try to train just a single sentence with its class on a trained model, is this possible?
If I understand your question correctly, you are trying to reload a previously trained model either to run it through further iterations, test it on a new sentence, or fine tune the model a bit. If this is the case, yes you can do this. Look into saving and restoring models (
To give you a rough outline, when you initially train your model, after setting up the network architecture, set up a saver:
trainable_var = tf.trainable_variables()
sess = tf.Session()
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# Run/train your model until some completion criteria is reached
#...., 'model.ckpt')
Now, to reload your model:
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('model.ckpt.meta')
#Note: if you have already defined all variables before restoring the model, import_meta_graph is not necessary
This will give you access to all the trained variables and you can now feed in whatever new sentence you have. Hope this helps.