How to change the image displayed on a button at runtime in Visual Basic? -

I am trying to change the Image attribute associated with a button when the button is clicked.
I have added the image I want to display (called "Black Pawn.png") as a resource within the solution and (from searching around and looking at similar questions) am trying to set the image attribute to it as shown below:
Private Sub boardButtonA2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles boardButtonA2.Click
Dim sprites As Object = My.Resources.ResourceManager
boardButtonA2.Image = sprites.GetObject("Black Pawn.png")
End Sub
But when I click the button, the default image on it just disappears and is replaced with nothing instead of Black Pawn.png.
I am pretty new to using Visual Basic and Visual Studio so I may have failed to have added the image as a resource properly but I can see the image in the Solution Explorer above the form the button is in.
Any help or advice would be a great help.

Having thought more about the potential scenario, I'm wondering whether this answer is actually relevant. Your example code uses a hard-coded String but I'm wondering whether the actual String really would be a user selection. I'll leave it here anyway.
There's no reason to use a hard-coded String to get a resource. If the String was from user entry then maybe, depending on the circumstances. As it is though, you should be using the dedicated property for that resource. That means using this:
boardButtonA2.Image = My.Resources.Black_Pawn
Just be aware that a new object is created every time you get a resource from My.Resources. For that reason, don't keep getting the same property over and over. If you need to use a resource multiple times, get it once and assign it to a field, then use that field multiple times, e.g.
Private blackPawnImage As Image
Private Function GetBlackPawnImage() As Image
If blackPawnImage Is Nothing Then
blackPawnImage = My.Resources.Black_Pawn
End If
Return blackPawnImage
End Function
and then:
boardButtonA2.Image = GetBlackPawnImage()
Also, I suggest that you change the name of the property to BlackPawn rather than Black_Pawn. You can change it to whatever you want on the Resources page of the project properties.
If this application is a chess game then you definitely will need every resource image for the playing pieces so you probably ought to get all of them at load and assign them to variables, then use them from those variables over the course of the game.

(I am assuming the question is for WinForms, if it isn't I will remove this answer)
When adding images as resources to a project, you have to pay attention to the name given to the resource after it is imported - the name can be changed if you want.
The image below is from one of my projects:
The name of the files on disk are:
CSV - Excel.png
To fix your problem change the line:
boardButtonA2.Image = sprites.GetObject("Black Pawn.png")
to be:
boardButtonA2.Image = sprites.GetObject("Black_Pawn")

I don't think adding the image by going into Project > Add Existing Item properly added the image as a resource.
I instead went into *Project > (Solution Name) Properties > Resources > Images > Add Existing Item * and added it that way and was then able to get it working using jmcilhinney's method (I think my original method/a variation of it would work too but theirs is better).


Showing the same image repeatedly in a DataGridView without memory over-use

I think I'm doing something very stupid, but can't find an alternative!
I've got a list of files that my form is going to process, and am using a datagridview to show them all and my progress through the list. I've got a "waiting" "processing" and "done" image resource, and throw them all into a DataGridViewImageColumn.
For Each file As String In folderListing
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(file, My.Resources.WaitingImg)
Problem is, it seems to use a little tiny chunk of RAM for each of those images, and when I have 5,000 of them in a test run it used 4Gb...
How do I do this so it's only loading the resource once but displaying it in hundreds or thousands of places?
Don't use any property of My.Resources repeatedly. Every time you use such a property, it extracts the data from the resource and creates a new object. In any particular context, get the property once, assign to a variable and then use that variable multiple times, e.g.
Dim waitingImg = My.Resources.WaitingImg
For Each file As String In folderListing
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(file, waitingImg)
If you need to change the images, assign the resource properties to fields first and then use those fields to set the cell values as and when required.

Fill a boolean array from checkbox control array

My program creates an array of checkboxes at runtime as shown below:
For Looper = 0 To 36
Dim Ex1ConfigCheck As New CheckBox
frmSetup.Controls.Add(Ex1ConfigCheck) ' Add Control to from
Ex1ConfigCheck.Top = (Looper + 45) + (Looper * 18) ' Set Location
Ex1ConfigCheck.Left = 210
Ex1ConfigCheck.Text = Setup.ExCheckName(Looper) ' Set Text property from strArray
This is where I don't know how to proceed.
I would like to fill a boolean array (ex. MyBoolean(37)) with the value of Ex1configCheck().Checked. The reason I would like to fill another array is because I need to be able to reference the value of the checkboxes in other parts of the code but can't access them until they are created. Also, I plan on saving the array out to a binary file.
Could someone point me in the right direction please?
If there are no other CheckBoxes in the same container as those ones then you can do this:
Dim flags = Me.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)().
Select(Function(cb) cb.Checked).
If the controls are in a different container than the form itself, replace Me with that container.
As suggested by #Jimi, you could also create a List(Of CheckBox) and assign that to a field, populating it when you create the controls. You can then use that list instead of creating one on demand:
Dim flags = myCheckBoxList.Select(Function(cb) cb.Checked).
Of course, if you know exactly how many CheckBoxes you are going to be adding, why do you need to wait until run time to create them? Why can't you create them at design time and then modify them at run time? You usually only create controls at run time if you don't know how many there will be until run time, but that seems not to be the case here.
Thanks all for your answers and comments. I always have a fear of being roasted when I ask what some may consider a simple question online.
I have found an alternative way of accomplishing my task. Instead of creating 8 "Arrays" of checkboxes, I have learned of a very simple control available called "CheckedListBox".
I really didn't need to create the checkboxes at runtime but was trying to find an easier way to create 8 groups of 37 checkboxes without having to manually name and set the properties of each one during design. I also wanted to be able to index them in my code to be able to update and read the value using simple loops. I could have done this by creating arrays of CheckBox but again, I would have had to manually initialize the arrays.
Once I found the CheckedListBox, I was able to accomplish what I want very quickly. I only had to set the properties of the 8 "groups" (CheckedListBox's) and fill them using the items property. The ListBox essentially created a List like Jimi suggested automatically and I can index thru each list with a loop as desired. Jimi's suggestion actually lead me to finding the CheckedListBox while I was searching for more information on using "List(of CheckBox)".
Sometimes talking to others helps me find the right questions to ask. Google was able to figure out what I wanted when I searched for "List(of CheckBox)". (:

VB.Net ComboBox (as Dropdown) not translating text to DisplayMember with Databinding

I inherited a fairly large project at work that is undocumented and written in VB (originally started pre .NET, ended around .NET 2). I'm in the process of updating / refreshing a lot of the code, but have run into an annoying issue that I haven't found the solution for yet. This system utilizes a UI, a Web Service, and a SQL DB.
Problem: I have a Databound Combobox (originally set to DropDownList - I'm changing it to DropDown, which is what started this mess - going back isn't an option) that is tied to a DataSet that comes from a Web Service. When a user types in the item they want manually, the data from the text field doesn't seem to associate itself with the DisplayMember, which forces the WS/SQL query to fail (it is sent a blank value when it's expecting a ValueMember). If the user types in a partial selection and then chooses the value they want from the DisplayMember list using the arrow keys or tab, the query goes off without a problem.
My Question: How do I get the text field to translate to the DisplayMember which will then properly tie itself to the ValueMember which will then allow the query to execute correctly? Sorry for making this sound complicated or convoluted; I'm sure the answer is easy and I'm just glazing over it.
The relevant bit of code is:
With cmbDID
If dtsLU.Tables.Contains(reqTable) = True Then
.DataSource = dtsLU.Tables(reqTable)
.DisplayMember = "zip"
.ValueMember = "gridID"
End If
End With
cmbDID.DataBindings.Add("SelectedValue", dtsData, strDT & ".gridID")
I've tried changing "SelectedValue" to "Text", which almost works - but it directly translates to gridID and skips zip which ends up with an incorrect Web Service response since the zip and gridID field values are not synced (zip (DisplayMember) may be 5123 while gridID (ValueMember) may be 6047). I've tried changing "SelectedValue" to "SelectedIndex", and that got me no where.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
To add some clarification to the process, the below pseudo code / description is roughly what happens. I could post the whole module, but I feel that would just muddy the whole question even more.
Private Sub A
FormAlpha is created with 1 ComboBox in the form of a DropDown
This DropDown is populated with a DataSet
DataBinding with a blank DataSet is added to the control to keep track of the users input
End Sub
lblSubmit_Click event is triggered on FormAlpha by the user after they have populated the DropDown with their data. lblSubmit_Click calls Private Sub Submit
Private Sub Submit
BindingContext(DropDown DataSet, tableName).EndCurrentEdit() is called
DataSet.HasChanges() is processed
If changes are present, changes are processed
HERE lies the problem
If the user has manually typed in the DropDown field, but not hit an arrow key or tab, then the DataSet registers a change, but returns a null value in all fields - it knows something was entered, but that data apparently didn't pass through the DataSet for the ComboBox (ListItems or SelectedIndex didn't change / fire I'm guessing). If the user selects the item with the arrow keys, the DataSet has the proper input (I'm assuming the Data was validated by the control at this point).
If the processed data is good, a value is entered into the database
If the processed data is bad (empty), an error is returned
End Sub
If the above can't be solved with what I've provided, but someone still knows a better way to handle this type of situation, I'm all ears. Rewriting the module isn't ideal, but fixing this problem is a necessity.
Alright, while this fix may not be ideal, it is a fix none the less.
The bare bones problem was that the text value of the DropDown wasn't causing the data to actually affect the SelectedIndex / SelectedValue of the control unless you interacted with it using the arrow keys or a mouse click. So, while the DropDown would read "1234", in reality the control saw "".
The fix I have in place for this is simply calling comboBox.text = comboBox.text whenever the user hits the submit button.

VB.Net If statement to check if a specific image from my resources is loaded

I want to use an If statment to check if a specific image from my resources is loaded.
I want to change the image when it is clicked as in:
If PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.BIKE13 Then
PictureBox1.Image = My.Resources.BIKE13_Helmet
End If
I'm going to use several ElseIf Statements
After some search I found several ways to do it but I have about 20-30 images and I'm and I need a simple method.
(VS 2010)
That code cannot possibly work for two reasons. Firstly, an Image is a reference type object, so to compare like that you would have to use the Is operator rather than =. Secondly, My.Resources creates a new object each time, so even using Is will never give you a match.
What you need to do is use the My.Resources property once and once only and assign the Image object to a member variable. You can then use Is with that field.
Private bike13Image As Image = My.Resources.BIKE13
Private bike13HelmetImage As Image = My.Resources.BIKE13_Helmet
If PictureBox1.Image Is bike13Image Then
PictureBox1.Image = bike13HelmetImage
End If

ToolStripTextBox image is not appearing

I am using WindowsForms and I am trying to put a Textbox into my main menu and add an Image. However I cannot get the image to appear. What am I missing here.
txtRequestEdit.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText
txtRequestEdit.Image = Properties.Resources.Wrench16 'This is a valid image.
txtRequestEdit is a System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripTextBox
EDIT- Here is an image of the menu. The item at the bottom of this menu is the txtRequestEdit control.
Strangely the no matter how you apply the image, it won't show on ToolStripTextBox. I think this is a bug because I found nothing about this behavior in the documents or on the web.
I will try doing this with a hack like owner-drawing the item or something else and will put the wrong answer here so the next person with this issue avoids this wrong path.
This is wrong:
Apparently the Image property "supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.", so if (as you say) everything's OK and you've checked the image itself to be valid, using ImageList and ImageIndex may solve the problem (assuming the item lies inside a MenuStrip named menuStrip1:
txtRequestEdit.DisplayStyle = ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.ImageAndText
menuStrip1.ImageList = New ImageList()
txtRequestEdit.ImageIndex = 0