Limit Process Memory Usage -

A question related to the .NET process and in this case the dotnet command.
Here's the scenario, I'm running various .NET Core web applications on an Ubuntu server using Kestrel - Apache as a reverse proxy following the Microsoft Guide.
The question is: Is there a way to limit the memory used by each dotnet process or a workaround to do it so? Before any question, the reason why limiting the memory is: that I have a Web Application running Hangfire Server which consumes a lot of memory and it's not limited and I would like to better control the memory allocated to any application.
I tried to look into runtimeconfig.json file but I didn't find anything.
If there is no way, maybe some way to limit the memory of a Linux process could do the trick?
Many thanks!


Ultra small http server with support for Lua scripts

I have a Renesas R5F571M processor that has 4MB of flash and 512K of RAM.
I need to run FreeRTOS and also have a web server that can run Lua scripts in order to interface to the hardware with custom C code.
Can anyone suggest a very compact HTTP+Lua server that I could use.
The Barracuda Application Server looks ideal but at around $20K is way out of my reach.
I would love to be able to use Nginx and PHP but the resource constraints preclude that option.
I once upon a time, worked with the Lighttpd web server. You could compile it under certain conditions to a binary as small as, ~400KB size (400KB << 4MB). On the backend you could interface it to the fastCGI C-library. The backend then you can write in C.
You can skip the Lua scripts in my opinion. Or if you still want to use them, you could use the Lighttpd mod_magnet module which can work directly with Lua, so you can skip the FastCGI library. It also has a smaller memory footprint than Nginx, although I am not sure if it is small enough to fit in the 512KB RAM.
p.s. Lighttpd is free.
on the compact side:
bozohttpd HTTP/1.x webserver that can run lua scripts but forks with every request so it's stateless in that sense
lhttpd HTTP/1.x HTTP/2 webserver that was inspired by bozohttpd but integrates lua coroutines with an event system (kqueue/epoll) to achieve non-blocking stateful execution.
(disclaimer: I am the author of lhttpd)

Server Setup: Based on Apache and Tomcat needs

I'm trying to setup a server based on our needs for a new website. Basically, I need to build a website based on social engine, and according to the platform's requirements (found here: it requires the webserver to be Apache based.
Now my issue comes with the addition of a web application that needs to be included in the site. The web application requires the server to be capable of Asynchronous Request Processing, and is currently only supported by Tomcat or GlassFish.
I found a couple tutorials such as this one that explain how to "integrate" Tomcat into Apache. Would a server running Tomcat alone be able to handle the applet needs as well as serve the Apache (assuming HTTP) needs from the Social Engine platform? Are there any hosting providers any of you would reccomend?
Although I've done alot of front end stuff before, this is the first time i have to deal with any of the back end details, so my knowledge of server side functionality is really garbage. Please let me know if I'm not asking the right questions.
You wouldn't really be able to use Tomcat for both apps, since the other one needs PHP. It's pretty common to have both Tomcat and Apache running on the same server. You might want to look up more recent documentation on mixing them, even this but definitely have a look at mod_proxy_ajp.
What's the other application? It's a little tricky to set up Asynchronous Request Processing if you are new to server apps, but there is also a lot of documentation, so if you're game, you can probably figure it out OK. You might also want to see if that app would work with node.js (hosting info here)
If you want to set it all up yourself, you could get a virtual private server from Rackspace Cloud or similar host or get a shared host that has the required apps already set up, which would limit your ability to customize the environment and may require 2 hosting plans, but would be easier to set up. It also somewhat depends on if both apps need to be on the same machine for any reason and/or on the same domain.
A regular LAMP stack will run SE4 just fine, however, you will need to do some tuning to get the page loads under 3 seconds. You will want to remove any Apache modules that you aren't using with a2dismod. For instance, if you're not using any Ruby on the site, a2dismod ruby. This will help get memory usage under control. APC is a must.
For a much more in depth read on tuning php/apache, please read this: Performance tuning on Apache, PHP, MySQL, WordPress v1.1 – Updated

WCF Service VS IIS 7.0 VS IIS7.5

I got WCF Service with Fluent NHibernate. When I host it in in IIS7.5 on my development machine(WIN7) it works fine. Worker process shows the clear garbage collection indication of my app pool.
But when I moved to production, which is a Windows Server 2008 with IIS7, Garbage collection is not working, and the virtual bytes in worker process keeps on increasing and got out of memory.
The app pool is configured as Integrated .net 2.0. Has anyone experienced this, or is it a known issue with IIS7.0, or do I miss any settings in my configuration file?
I already tried with timely recycling but it did not have any effect.
There are some references to garbage collection running less often on windows 2008 IIS7, than on a development machine, see for example: GC Not Running Often Enough on IIS 7 Application - Windows Server 2008
However, if you are hitting this problem your code is written in such a way that objects are left for the garbage collection to clean up. You should try disposing objects and suppressing finalizations, see especially the code example at the end of the article.

Is it normal that my Grails application is using more than 200 MB memory at startup?

My Grails application is running in a development environment. I still didn't go into production, but in any case, is it normal that my Grails application is requiring 230 MB at startup only (with an empty bootstrap and no request handled so far)?
Do you know why this is the case, how to improve memory usage in development mode and, most important, whether it is reduced in production environment?
To answer your questions, yes - it is normal. It's especially normal if you have a lot GSPs in your application. GSPs are runtime compiled so you can speed up their generation by increasing your permgen space.
You can improve memory use and performance in general by making sure that you are passing the '-server' flag when you load your server JVM.
I wouldn't blame all that memory usage just on Grails. Because it uses an embedded Tomcat (Jetty in older versions) there will be a decent amount of overhead even when running an empty application.
IMO, 230MB is a lot of memory use for a Java application. High memory usage is just part of life when writing jvm based applications.
My online Grails applications run in a VPS with only 512MB (which includes a Drupal CMS, Apache, the email services, ... and the Tomcat to run GRails) so you can definitely tune your application to use less memory

How do I start an out of process instance of a WCF service?

I would like to start a new instance of a wcf service host from another (UI) application. I need the service to be out of process because I want to make use of the entire 1.4GB memory limit for a 32bit .NET process.
The obvious method is to use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(processStartInfo) but I would like to find out whether it is a good way or not. I am planning on bundling the service host exe with the UI application. When I start the process, I will pass in key parameters for the WCF service (like ports and addresses etc). The UI application (or other applications) will then connect to this new process to interact with the service. Once the service has no activity for a while, it will shut itself down or the UI can explicitly make a call to shut the service down.
You can definitely do this:
create a console app which hosts your ServiceHost
make that console app aware of a bunch of command line parameters (or configure them in the console app's app.config)
launch the console app using Process.Start() from your UI app
That should be fairly easy to do, I'd say.
Perhaps I'm completely offbase here, but I don't think there is a 1.4 GB memory limit for .NET processes. The memory allocated for each process is managed by the OS. For 32-bit opeating systems, there is a 4 GB memory space available, but that is shared among all of the processes. So while it may appear that there is only 1.4 GB available, it's not technically true.
The only reason I bring that up is to say that the other way to approach this would be to load your WCF service inside a separate AppDomain within your UI application. The System.AppDomain class can be thought of as a lightweight process within a process. AppDomains can also be unloaded when you are finished with them. And since WCF can cross AppDomain boundaries as well as process boundaries, it's simply another consideration.
If you are not familiar with AppDomains, the approach that #marc_s recommended is the most straightforward. However, if you are looking for an excuse to learn about AppDomains, this would be a great opportunity to do so.