Big-O of fixed loops - time-complexity

I was discussing some code during an interview and don't think I did a good job articulating one of my blocks of code.
I know (high-level) we are taught two for loops == O(n^2), but what happens when you make some assertions as part of the work that limit the work done to a constant amount.
The code I came up with was something like
String[] someVal = new String[]{'a','b','c','d'} ;// this was really - some other computation
if(someVal != 4) {
return false;
for(int i=0; i < someVal; i++){
String subString = someVal[i];
if(subString.length() != 8){
return false;
for(int j = 0; j < subString.length(); j++){
// do some other stuff
So there are two for loops, but the number of iterations become fixed because of the length check before proceeding.
for(int i=0; i < **4**; i++){
String subString = someVal[i];
if(subString.length() != 8){ return false }
for(int j = 0; j < **8**; j++){
// do some other stuff
I tried to argue this made it constant, but didn't do a great job.
Was I completely wrong or off-base?

Your early exit condition inside of the for loop is if(subString.length() != 8), so your second for loop is executed any time if the length exactly 8. This in fact makes the complexity of the second for loop constant, as it is not depending on the input size. But before your first for loop you have another early exit condition if(someVal != 4) making the first for loop also constant.
So yes, I would follow your argumentation, that the complete function has a constant big-O time complexity. Maybe repeating in the explanation that big-O always describes an upper bound complexity, which will never be crossed and constant time factors can be reduced to 1.
But keep in mind, that a constant complexity based on real world input could still be longer in execution time than a O(n) complexity, based on the size of n. If it would be a known pre-condition that n does not grow beyond a (low) given number, I would not argue about the Big-O complexity, but about overall expected runtime, where the second constant for loop could have a larger impact than expected by Big-O complexity analysis.


Time complexity of nested loop with multiplication?

I just confused about to find out time complexity of the this nested loop:
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
for (int j=0; j<i; j++){
And also what is the time complexity of the outer loop (just ignore the inner loop:
for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
I ran the following code which is a modified version of the second code from the question.
let it = 0
let pow = 1000
let n = Math.pow(2, pow)
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
i *= 2
It prints the value of either pow+1 or pow, which implies that it runs log2(n) loops.
Although it contains a single for loop, it modifies iterating variables inside the loop. In every iteration, the value of i is doubled, which halves the remaining number of iterations. So instead of O(n), it is O(log n). It is similar to binary search if it helps you to understand better. In every iteration, it halves the remaining search space.
However, for the first code, it is quite confusing. Since the outer loop runs for log2(n) times, and the inner loop runs i times which is dependent on n. My guess is for the first code, big O notation is O(n log(n)). But for this case, my guess is as good as yours.

Best time complexity of a single loop?

I have a really simple question, I have this loop:
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
"some O(n) stuff here)"
what will be the BEST time complexity of this algorithm?
O(n)? (for loop O(1) * O(n) stuff)
O(n^2)? (for loop O(n) * O(n) stuff inside the loop)
Will the for loop itself be considered as O(n) as normally, or will it be considered as O(1)
since it will only make only 1 loop for the BEST case scenario?
You are right, the best time complexity is O(N) (and even Θ(N)), if the best running time of "stuff" is constant (even zero).
Anyway, if "stuff" is known to be best case Ω(f(N)), then the best total time is Ω(N f(N)).
If your loop is doing O(n) stuff for n times then the time complexity will be O(n^2). May you call it worst case. The best case and average case will be based on your some O(n) stuff that is executed with every iteration of your loop.
Lets take a simple example of bubble sort algorithm:
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; ++j) {
if (a[j] > a[j + 1]) {
swap(&a[j], &a[j + 1]);
Time complexity this will always be O(n^2), whether array is sorted (irrespective of order - ascending or descending) or not.
But this can be optimised by observing that the nth pass finds the nth largest element and puts it into its final place. So, the inner loop can avoid looking at the last n − 1 items when running for the nth time:
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i) {
swapped = false;
for (int j = 0; j < n - i - 1; ++j) {
if (a[j] > a[j + 1]) {
swap(&a[j], &a[j + 1]);
swapped = true;
if (swapped == false) {
Now the best case time complexity is O(n) i.e. when the array is sorted in ascending order (in context of above implementation). Average and worst case are still O(n^2).
So, to identify the best case time complexity of your algorithm you have to show us the implementation of some O(n) stuff and if not implementation then at least show the algorithm that you are trying to implement.
As you stated it, it's O(n^2).
'Cause You are doing n times a O(n) operation.

does a for loop have to have a code of execution inside the loop to be considered o(n)?

function doNothing(n) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++);
Does a for loop that does nothing count as O(n)? Or would this be constant time?
The for loop doesn't "do nothing", it increments the variable i by one on each iteration five times. This is of course ignoring the fact a compiler may choose to remove this code completely.
So the for loop for (let i = 0; i < n; i++); is O(N). In your case however with for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++); since you do only five things, which is a constant amount of work, its O(1) (ie 5 ∈ O(1)) but remember this is because five is a constant not because the loop does nothing.
This is constant time. As i will always run from 0 to 5.
The time complexity of the above piece of code will be O(1).

How is it possible that O(1) constant time code is slower than O(n) linear time code?

"...It is very possible for O(N) code to run faster than O(1) code for specific inputs. Big O just describes the rate of increase."
According to my understanding:
O(N) - Time taken for an algorithm to run based on the varying values of input N.
O(1) - Constant time taken for the algorithm to execute irrespective of the size of the input e.g. int val = arr[10000];
Can someone help me understand based on the author's statement?
O(N) code run faster than O(1)?
What are the specific inputs the author is alluding to?
Rate of increase of what?
O(n) constant time can absolutely be faster than O(1) linear time. The reason is that constant-time operations are totally ignored in Big O, which is a measure of how fast an algorithm's complexity increases as input size n increases, and nothing else. It's a measure of growth rate, not running time.
Here's an example:
int constant(int[] arr) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
total += arr[0];
return total;
int linear(int[] arr) {
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
total += arr[i];
return total;
In this case, constant does a lot of work, but it's fixed work that will always be the same regardless of how large arr is. linear, on the other hand, appears to have few operations, but those operations are dependent on the size of arr.
In other words, as arr increases in length, constant's performance stays the same, but linear's running time increases linearly in proportion to its argument array's size.
Call the two functions with a single-item array like
constant(new int[] {1});
linear(new int[] {1});
and it's clear that constant runs slower than linear.
But call them like:
int[] arr = new int[10000000];
Which runs slower?
After you've thought about it, run the code given various inputs of n and compare the results.
Just to show that this phenomenon of run time != Big O isn't just for constant-time functions, consider:
void exponential(int n) throws InterruptedException {
for (int i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, n); i++) {
void linear(int n) throws InterruptedException {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Exercise (using pen and paper): up to which n does exponential run faster than linear?
Consider the following scenario:
Op1) Given an array of length n where n>=10, print the first ten elements twice on the console. --> This is a constant time (O(1)) operation, because for any array of size>=10, it will execute 20 steps.
Op2) Given an array of length n where n>=10, find the largest element in the array. This is a constant time (O(N)) operation, because for any array, it will execute N steps.
Now if the array size is between 10 and 20 (exclusive), Op1 will be slower than Op2. But let's say, we take an array of size>20 (for eg, size =1000), Op1 will still take 20 steps to complete, but Op2 will take 1000 steps to complete.
That's why the big-o notation is about growth(rate of increase) of an algorithm's complexity

how do you calculate the complexity in Big-O notation? can any body explain that on this code below

void KeyExpansion(unsigned char key[N_KEYS], unsigned int* w)
unsigned int temp;
for(int i=0; i< N_KEYS; i++)
w[i] = (key[N_KEYS*i]<<24) + (key[N_KEYS*i+1]<<16) + (key[N_KEYS*i+2]<<8) + key[N_KEYS*i+3];
for(int i = 4; i< EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT; i++)
temp = w[i-1];
if(i % 4 == 0)
temp = SubWord(RotWord(temp)) ^ Rcon[i/4];
w[i] = temp ^ w[i-4] ;
Big-O helps us do analysis based on the input. The issue with your question is that there seems to be several inputs, which may or may not relate with each other.
Input variables look like N_KEYS, and EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT. We also don't know what SubWord() or RotWord() do based on what is provided.
Since SubWord() and RotWord() aren't provided, lets assume they are constant for easy calculations.
You have basic loops and iterate over each value, so its pretty straight forward. This means you have O(N_KEYS) + O(EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT). So the overall time complexity depends on two inputs, and would be bound by the larger.
If SubWord() or RotWord() do anything special that aren't constant time, then that would affect the time complexity of O(EXPANDED_KEY_COUNT) portion of code. You could adjust the time complexity by multiplied against it. But by the names of the methods, it sounds like their time complexity would be based on the length of the string, would would be yet another different input variable.
So this isn't a clear answer, because the question isn't fully clear, but I tried to break things down for you as best as I could.