Protocol Buffer Editor for IntelliJ - intellij-idea

I'm running with IntelliJ version 2019.2 Ultimate, which is the version I purchased (i.e. perpetual license for this version).
And, I'm tyring to install a Protocol Buffer plugin for IDEA from
Since it would not install (not even available in the Marketplace from the IDE), I decided to try to build it from this source: and I managed to build the plugin jar.
Tried to install it manually to the IDE but it wont accept the plugin (similar to all the jars from the release page)
Is there a way to have Protocol Buffer plugin work with IntelliJ 2019.2 (and related versions)?


How do intellij.version and sinceBuild (untilBuild) relate to each other?

I have version in intellij block in build.gradle.kts:
intellij {
and patchPluginXml:
patchPluginXml {
here sinceBuild is set accordingly to intellij.version. but is this correct? which relations should have this properties? can I set sinceBuild lower than intellij.version?
The version in the intellij block is the version (number) of IntelliJ gradle will use to build the plugin.
As a result, this is also the IntelliJ version used for the sandbox IDE when you run gradle runIde.
The sinceBuild and untilBuild are the version numbers that specify the range of IntelliJ versions the plugin (build with version) supports.
You basically give users a guarantee that your plugin works with any IntelliJ version within this range.
When you upload a plugin to the market place, your plugin will be verified against all these versions by the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier.
You can also do this yourself with the runPluginVerifier task.
So, yes, you can set sinceBuild lower than version and probably should.
More often than not you want to test and build for the newest release while still supporting a few older versions.
With your current settings (version is 2021.2.1, sinceBuild is 212, and untilBuild is 223.*), your plugin will be built with 2021.2.1 and you promise users that your plugin will work with any IntelliJ version from 2021.2.1 until 2022.3.*.
When anyone tries to install your plugin with an IntelliJ older or newer than the specified range they will get a message saying that your plugin is not compatible with their IntelliJ version.

Plugin Compatibility Issue Eclipse Oxygen (4.7) and Java 9

We upgraded one of our Eclipse 3.x plugins to work with Java 9.
But when we generated the plugin update site content, and used Eclipse Update functionality to install the new version of the plugin, we encountered the following error in Eclipse Oxygen.
Removing part descriptor with the 'pluginxxx.bla.bla' id and the 'bla bla' description. Points to the invalid 'bundleclass://org.eclipse.ui.workbench/org.eclipse.ui.internal.e4.compatibility.CompatibilityView' class.
This error also appears due to some of the bundled plugins of Eclipse Oxygen itself.
After a hard week we had to
Uninstall our plugin
Remove the older versions of the plugin from the Eclipse/plugins folder
Export the plugin as a deployable plugin under the eclipse plugins directory. (Eclipse/plugins/blabla.jar)
Restart Eclipse and it worked.
Right click the eclipse plugin project and Run as "Eclipse Application" works fine, but installing the plugin from an "Update Site" causes the plugin to fail loading.
We could not find a solution yet, but it certainly effects our delivery of the plugin. The plugin is used by almost 500 CS students on their personal computers, and 200 lab computers. So the update should be installed using regular Eclipse Update functionality, not by copying the jar into the plugins directory.
Was there a better way to fix this, or something quicker we could've tried (in case this happens again)?
Update (7 days into the problem)
We have a workaround:
Export the feature project with the following settings in the Export Wizard
Destination/ Directory: Folder of your Plugin Update Site project
Options/ Package as individual JAR archieves (selected)
Options/ Generate p2 repository (selected)
Options/ Allow for binary cycles in target platform (selected)
Options/ Use class files compiled in the workspace (essentially selected)
Install (or update) the plugin from the local (or remote) plugin update site, and the CompatibilityView problem is solved.
In order to have the category listing displayed correctly during install/update new software operations, we added a category.xml file (File/New/Other/Plugin-in Development/Category Definition) in the update site project, defined the categories, and added the feature (versioned as "qualifier").
This is certainly not the way it should be, and we just hope it will be solved in the future Eclipse releases.
By the way current Eclipse Photon integration version has the same problem unfortunately.

Installing Cursive plugin on WebStorm

I'm trying to install Cursive plugin to WebStorm 9 for ClojureScript. However, the plugin doesn't show up on 'Browse repository' tab in Setting->Plugin menu.
I tried to install it through downloading the plugin file from here and adding it from the disk, but WebStorm shows an error 'Error: Plugin Cursive is incompatible with current installation'.
Is there any way to install the plugin on WebStorm?
Cursive needs Java plug-in. Currently Java is not supported in WebStorm. It is possible that JetBrains are working on some basic support of Java in WebStorm and other Idea derivatives. To run Cursive you have to install Idea CE side by side with WebStorm or upgrade to Idea Ultimate.
Doesn't look like it. Or, it's not explicitly supported.
Cursive will work with IntelliJ versions 14, 14.1 and 15.
It does mention, earlier in that paragraph, that you should be able to use the Community Edition with it, though.
If you don’t have a licence for the Ultimate Edition, the free Community Edition is fine.

Intellij 12 plugin loading

I use IntelliJ 12 #IU-123.72 in a secured environment i.e, cannot directly install plugins.
The installation looks for plugins under C:\Users\username.IntelliJIdea12\config\plugins I have a downloaded version of the python plugin as a zip and I unzip the contents in the plugins folder.
This does not however bring the python plugin on board. File -> Settings -> Plugins does not show python.
What am I missing?
Update to 12.0.4 and use the Install plugin from disk... button. Pay attention to the compatibility. IDEA 12.0.x compatible Python plug-in can be downloaded here.
The latest plug-in version available in the repository is designed for IDEA 12.1 EAP.

FindBugs Plugin In NetBeans.

I get the following error when I try to install FindBugs plugin in Netbeans. Can anyone help me how to resolve -
The plugin org.apache.commons.lang is requested in version 2.4.0.
The following plugin is affected:       FindBugs
Some plugins require plugin Settings API to be installed.
The plugin Settings API is requested in version >= 1.33.1 but only 1.31.1 was found. The following plugin is affected:       FindBugs
Some plugins require plugin UI Utilities API to be installed.
The plugin UI Utilities API is requested in version >= 7.39.1 but only 7.31.2 was found.
The following plugin is affected:       FindBugs
Some plugins not installed to avoid potential installation problems.
As it is answered here, you might be using an old ScanOnDemand plugin, you can add the latest Development Plugins to your Plugins: Plugins > Settings Tab > Add and use the following URL to add a new NB Plugins source:
I have tried this solvation, added the source above with name 'Plugin Resource' and checked available plugins. There, Findbugs Integration plugin appeared and installed successfully. When i restarted the ide to finish the installation, it generated an error and never started again.
Thus, i have downloaded netbeans 7.3 from this link and replaced with the old one (7.0.1) on my computer. Now Findbugs plugin is availabe in the list of available plugins without any additional configuration and works flawless. I recommend you to upgrade your ide to 7.3 and solve your problem. This will fix the problems that may occure in the future because of the lack of version of your current netbeans ide.
In addition, after updating the ide, you can use the findbugs plugin installing from this source. This plugin provides to use findbugs explicitly from the inspector.