Use ansible vault passwords for ask-become-pass and ssh password - ssh

I would like to use ansible vault passwords for the ssh and become passwords when running ansible-playbook. This way I dont need to type them in when using the parameters --ask-become-pass or the ssh password.
Every time I run my ansible-playbook command I am prompted for a ssh and become password.
My original command where I need to type the SSH and become password:
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml --ask-become-pass -e ansible_python_interpreter='/usr/bin/python3' -i inventory -k --ask-vault-pass -T 40
Command I have tried to make ansible-playbook use my vault passwords instead of my typing them in:
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -e ansible_python_interpreter='/usr/bin/python3' -i inventory -k -T 40 --extra-vars #group_vars/all/main.yaml
I tried creating the directory structure from where the command is run group_vars/all/main.yaml, where main.yaml has my ansible vault passwords for "ansible_ssh_user", "ansible_ssh_pass", and "ansible_become_pass"
I even tried putting my password in the command:
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -e ansible_python_interpreter='/usr/bin/python3' -i inventory -k -T 40 --extra-vars ansible_ssh_pass=$'"MyP455word"'
ansible-playbook playbook.yaml -e ansible_python_interpreter='/usr/bin/python3' -i inventory -k -T 40 --extra-vars ansible_ssh_pass='MyP455word'
Every time I run my playbook command, I keep getting prompted for a SSH pass and become pass. What am I missing here?
I have already read these two posts, both of which were not clear to me on the exact process, so neither helped:
Ansible vault password in group_vars not detected
Any recommendations?
EDIT: Including my playbook, role, settings.yaml, and inventory file as well.
Here is my playbook:
- name: Enable NFS server
hosts: nfs_server
gather_facts: False
become: yes
- { role: nfs_enable }
Here is the role located in roles/nfs_enable/tasks/main.yaml
- name: Include vars
file: ../../../settings.yaml
name: settings
- name: Start NFS service on server
state: restarted
name: nfs-kernel-server.service
Here is my settings file
#nfs share directory
nfs_ssh_user: admin
nfs_share_dir: "/nfs-share/logs/"
ansible_become_pass: !vault |
ansible_ssh_pass: !vault |
Here is my inventory
[nfs_server] ansible_ssh_user=admin ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.ssh/id_ed25519


Ansible unable to create folder on localhost with different user

I'm executing ansible playbook with appuser whereas I wish to create folder with user webuser on localhost.
ssh keys are setup for webuser on my localhost. So after login with appuser I can simply ssh webuser#localhost to switch user to webuser.
Note: I do not have sudo priveledges so I cannot sudo to switch to webuser from appuser.
Below is my playbook that is run with user appuser but needs to create a folder 04May2020 on localhost using webuser
- name: "Play 1"
hosts: localhost
remote_user: "webuser"
ansible_ssh_extra_args: -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /app/misc_automation/ssh_keys_id_rsa
- name: create folder for today's print
path: "/webWeb/htdocs/print/04May2020"
state: directory
remote_user: webuser
However, the output shows that the folder is created with appuser instead of webuser. See output showing ssh connectivity with appuser instead of webuser.
ansible-playbook /app/Ansible/playbook/print_oracle/print.yml -i /app/Ansible/playbook/print_oracle/allhosts.hosts -vvv
TASK [create folder for today] ***********************************
task path: /app/Ansible/playbook/print_oracle/print.yml:33
Using module file /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/modules/files/
Pipelining is enabled.
<> EXEC /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/python2 && sleep 0'
Can you please suggest if it is possible without sudo?
Putting all my comments together in a comprehensive answer.
This is indicating that you are connecting to localhost through the local connection plugin, either because you explicitelly re-declared the host as such or because you are using the implicit localhost. From discussions, you are in the second situation.
When using the local connection plugin, as indicated in the above documentation, the remote_user is ignored. Trying to change the user has no effect as you can see in the below test run (user (u)ids changed):
# Check we are locally running as user1
$ id -a
uid=xxxx(user1) gid=yyy(group1) groups=yyy(group1)
# Running the same command through ansible returns the same result
$ ansible localhost -a 'id -a'
localhost | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
uid=xxxx(user1) gid=yyy(group1) groups=yyy(group1)
# Trying to change the remote user has no effect
$ ansible localhost -u whatever -a 'id -a'
localhost | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
uid=xxxx(user1) gid=yyy(group1) groups=yyy(group1)
Without changing your playbook and/or inventory, the only solution is to launch the playbook as the user who needs to create the directory.
Since you have ssh available, an other solution is to declare a new host that you will use only for this purpose, which will target the local IP through ssh. (Note: you can explicitly declare localhost like this but then all connections will go through ssh which might not be what you want to do).
Somewhere at the top of you inventory, add the line:
localssh ansible_host=
And in your playbook, change
hosts: localssh
Now the connection to your local machine will go through ssh and the remote_user will be obeyed correctly.
One way you can try is by setting the ansible_connection to localhost. To do this, in the directory from which you are running ansible commands, create a host_vars directory. In that sub-directory, create a file named localhost, containing the line ansible_connection: smart

How to run Ansible playbook to multiple servers in a right way?

Ansible use ssh to setup softwares to remote hosts.
If there are some fresh machines just been installed, run Ansible playbook from one host will not connect them because of no authorized_keys on remote hosts.
If copy the Ansible host's pub key to those target hosts like:
$ ssh user#server "echo \"`cat .ssh/`\" >> .ssh/authorized_keys"
First should ssh login and make file on every remote host:
$ mkdir .ssh
$ touch .ssh/authorized_keys
Is this the common way to run Ansible playbook to remote servers? Is there a better way exist?
I think it's better to do that using Ansible as well, with the authorized_key module. For example, to authorize your key for user root:
ansible <hosts> -m authorized_key -a "user=root state=present key=\"$(cat ~/.ssh/\"" --ask-pass
This can be done in a playbook also, with the target user as a variable that defaults to root:
- hosts: <NEW_HOSTS>
- username: root
- name: Add authorized key
user: "{{ username }}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file', '/home/<YOUR_USER>/.ssh/') }}"
And executed with:
ansible-playbook auth.yml --ask-pass -e username=<TARGET_USER>
Your user should have privileges, if not use became.

Ansible: Permission denied (publickey, password)

I'm not able to connect to a host in Ansible. This is the error: | UNREACHABLE! => {
"changed": false,
"msg": "ERROR! SSH encountered an unknown error during the connection. We recommend you re-run the command using -vvvv, which
will enable SSH debugging output to help diagnose the issue",
"unreachable": true }
This is my hosts file:
And this is the ad-hoc instruction:
ansible all -m ping
I'm able to connect via raw ssh.
By default Ansible try to use SSH keys. It seems that you have wrong keys. Try to use Password authentication.
ansible all -m ping --ask-pass --ask-sudo-pass
I Hope it helps.
#bigdestroyer, to setup ssh public keys use this playbook
- hosts: all
remote_user: root
- name: root
- key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
state: present
- { role: GROG.authorized-key }
Execute this playbook with --ask-pass since you'll use it to setup public key authentication.
ansible-playbook setup_ssh.yml --ask-pass
This role will add your current user public key to remote host authorized_keys file.
ask-pass works only one time per run so this will only work with hosts that has the same password.
I usually use -limit and execute in batches on hosts that has the same password.
For example, let's assume host1,host2 and host3 has password foo host4 and host5 bar
ansible-playbook setup-ssh.yml --ask-pass -l host1,host2,host3
provide password foo
ansible-playbook setup-ssh.yml --ask-pass -l host4,host5
provide password bar
ansible -m ping host1,host2,host3,host4,host5
You can read the role documentation here
For those that come here running Ansible 2.6, --ask-sudo-pass is now deprecated. The correct syntax is:
ansible all -m ping --ask-pass --ask-become-pass
I encountered this issue - my ssh keys weren't set up correctly. I fixed this using the following:
Make sure each machine has an ssh keys set up, using the ssh-keygen command.
Pass your public key over to the machine, using the ssh-copy-id command.
ssh-copy-id -i <location of> <ip-address of host>
This helped resolve my error, hopefully it helps!
I resolved this issue by adding --ask-pass argument

Call ssh-copy-id in an Ansible playbook - How to handle password prompt?

I have two servers. I manage serverA with Ansible. serverB is not managed with Ansible. I want serverA to be able to access serverB by copying the ssh_pub_key of serverA to serverB.
This can be done manually by calling ssh-copy-id user#serverB on serverA.
I want to do this with Ansible on serverA automatically.
- name: Register ssh key at serverB
command: ssh-copy-id -i /home/{{user}}/.ssh/ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#serverB
Calling ssh-copy-id requires me to enter my ssh password for user#serverB, so the key can be copied.
How can I do this via ansible? I want it to ask for the user#serverB password interactively while executing the playbook. Storing the password in ansible vault is also an option. Then I still do not know how to avoid the interactive password call of ssh-copy-id though.
I also added -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no to the call because this is another interaction that normally requires user interaction when calling ssh-copy-id.
If using the ssh-copy-id command is not a restriction, you might as well try out the Ansible authorized_key module.
Then your code could look something like this:
user: <user>
key: "{{ lookup('file', '/home/' + lookup('env', 'USER') + '/.ssh/') }}"
You can try sshpass tool. It would require modification of your command like this:
command: sshpass -p password ssh-copy-id -i /home/{{user}}/.ssh/ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no user#serverB
but there are other options how to provide the password -- see the sshpass(1) manual page.

ansible ssh permission denied

I'm generated ssh key, and copy it to remote server. When I try to ssh to that server everything works fine:
ssh user#ip_address
User is not a root. If I try to ssh throw ansible:
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml
with ansible playbook:
- hosts: web
remote_user: user
- name: test connection
and hosts file:
I got error:
Permission denied (publickey,password)
What's the problem?
Ansible is using different key compared to what you are using to connect to that 'web' machine.
You can explicitly configure ansible to use a specific private key by
as mentioned in the docs Make sure that you authorize that key which ansible uses, to the remote user in remote machine with ssh-copy-id -i /path/to/ user#webmachine_ip_address
In my case I got similar error while running ansible playbook when host changed it's fingerprint. I found this, trying to establish ssh connection from command line. So, after running ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R my_ip this problem was solved.
Hi Run the play as below. by default ansible plays using root.
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml -u user
If you still get the error, run below and paste the out-put here.
ansible-playbook -i hosts playbook.yml -u user -vvv