Qlik Sense Sum of One field based on unique value of other fields - qlikview

Sample Data:
1 A 3
1 A 3
1 A 2
1 B 5
1 C 7
2 A 3
2 A 3
Expected Output:
1 A 5
1 B 5
1 C 7
2 A 3
i Have tried this Sum (Distinct R) but it is not working. i need to group by P and Q column and add Unique Value of R for that. Please support

In chart, you have to add P and Q fields as dimensions. Then your expression should work just fine.
In script your code should look like this:
Load P, Q, Sum( Distinct R ) as sum_of_R
FROM sample_data
Group By P, Q;


Shuffle a specific column in a table on BigQuery

I have a table that looks like this:
id label
1 A
2 A
3 A
4 B
5 C
6 C
7 A
8 A
9 C
10 B
I want to get another column label_shuffled that is the existing column label but shuffled. I need it to be efficient and fast.
Desired output:
id label label_shuffled
1 A A
2 A B
3 A C
4 B A
5 C C
6 C A
7 A C
8 A A
9 C B
10 B A
Any suggestions?
An option is use window function ROW_NUMBER to enumerate the rows randomly and then join:
WITH suffle AS (
ROW_NUMBER() OVER () row_number,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY RAND()) row_number_suffled
FROM labels
s.label as label_suffled
FROM suffle l
JOIN suffle s on l.row_number = s.row_number_suffled

SQL - group for every 2 records

Original Table:
id rank
A 1
B 1
D 2
E 2
G 3
H 3
I 4
J 5
K 6
L 6
M 7
Would like to add one more group column - the value will be + 1 every 2 record:
id rank group
A 1 1
B 1 1
D 2 1
E 2 1
G 3 2
H 3 2
I 4 2
J 5 3
K 6 3
L 6 3
M 7 4
What I can think is only able to hardcode a "case when" condition for ranking. Since the table could be large, is there another function that can group the record dynamically?
Case when rank >0 and rank <=2 then 1 When rank >2 and rank <=4 then 2 When rank >4 and rank <=6 then 3 end group ....
Using ceil() function would be a direct option after dividing rate column by 2 :
SELECT id, rank, ceil( rank / 2 ) as "group"
FROM tab;
Btw, I replaced group with "group" since it is a reserved keyword
This is achievable using dense_rank()
select dense_rank() over (partition by rank % 2 order by id) as grouping, rank
from tableA
order by rank

Create multiple rows based on 1 column

I currently have a table with a quantity in it.
ID Code Quantity
1 A 1
2 B 3
3 C 2
4 D 1
Is there anyway to write a sql statement that would get me
ID Code Quantity
1 A 1
2 B 1
2 B 1
2 B 1
3 C 1
3 C 1
4 D 1
I need to break out the quantity and have that many number of rows
Here's one option using a numbers table to join to:
with numberstable as (
select 1 AS Number
union all
select Number + 1 from numberstable where Number<100
select t.id, t.code, 1
from yourtable t
join numberstable n on t.quantity >= n.number
order by t.id
Online Demo
Please note, depending on which database you are using, this may not be the correct approach to creating the numbers table. This works in most databases supporting common table expressions. But the key to the answer is the join and the on criteria.
One way would be to generate an array with X elements (where X is the quantity). So for rows
ID Code Quantity
1 A 1
2 B 3
3 C 2
you would get
ID Code Quantity ArrayVar
1 A 1 [1]
2 B 3 [1,2,3]
3 C 2 [2]
using a sequence function (e.g, in PrestoDB, sequence(start, stop) -> array(bigint))
Then, unnest the array, so for each ID, you get a X rows, and set the quantity to 1. Not sure what SQL distribution you're using, but this should work!
You can use connect by statement to cross join tables in order to get your desired output.
check my solution it works pretty robust.
from Table1, table(cast(multiset
(select level from dual
connect by level <= Table1."Quantity") as sys.OdciNumberList));

SQL query for counting sets of values

Added more information to clear up some confusions. Thanks.
I am trying to group sets of values in SQL. I have the following table and trying to somehow get the results as shown in the following table. I have explored group sets in SQL 2008, cubes, basic group by clauses, but I am not able to figure out the SQL query. Can someone please help. You can change the end resultant table format if you want but the basic idea is about how to count similar sets of values. In this table a,b,c exists 2 times so the count is 2 and x,y exists 3 times so the count is 3 and x, y, z exists 1 time so the count is 1. Please help.
UserId ProductId
1 a
1 b
1 c
2 x
2 y
3 x
3 y
4 x
4 y
5 a
5 b
5 c
6 x
6 y
6 z
ProductId Count
a 2
b 2
c 2
x 3
y 3
x 1
y 1
z 1
SELECT COUNT(`ProductId`),`ProductId ` WHERE 1 GROUP BY `ProductId` ORDER BY `ProductId` ASC
SELECT ProductId, COUNT(UserId) AS NbrOfUsers
GROUP BY ProductId, COUNT(UserId)
You're selecting ProductId & the count of how many UserId exist for that ProductId.
GROUP BY ProductId will group your counted UserId based on ProductId and also display the count as NbrOfUsers.
Your output will look like this:
ProductId NbrOfUsers
a 2
b 2
c 2
x 3
y 3

Finding unique values with multiple columns using certain condition

--- -- -- --
1 J 1 B
2 J 1 S
3 M 1 B
4 M 1 S
5 M 2 B
6 M 2 S
7 T 1 B
8 T 2 S
9 C 1 B
10 C 1 S
11 C 2 B
12 N 1 S
13 N 2 S
14 N 3 S
15 Q 1 S
16 Q 1 S
17 Z 1 B
I need to find unique values with multiple column with some added condition. The unique value are combination of Col A,B and C.
If Col A has only two rows (like record 1 and 2) and the Column B is same on both data and there is a different value as in Column C then i dont need those records.
If Col A has only multiple rows (like record 3 to 6 ) with different Col B and C combination we want to see those values.
If Col A has multiple rows (like record 7 to 8 ) with different Col B and C combination we want to see those values.
If Col A has only multiple rows (like record 9 to 11 ) with similar/different Col B and C combination we want to see those values.
If Col A has only multiple rows (like record 12onwards ) with similar Col C and similar or different Column B we dont need those values...
If single value like Row 17 there is no need to display either
Tried a lot but not getting exact answer any help is greatly appreciated..
Trying to go through all the logic, I think you want all rows where the values of both columns A and B differ. An easy way to see whether records differ is by looking at the min and max values. And, you can do this using analytic functions:
select A, B, C
from (select t.*,
count(*) over (partition by A) as Acnt,
min(B) over (partition by A) as Bmin,
max(B) over (partition by A) as Bmax,
min(C) over (partition by A) as Cmin,
max(C) over (partition by A) as Cmax
from t
) t
where (Bmin <> Bmax or Cmin <> Cmax)
Your example data does not have any actual duplicates, so I don't think a count(distinct) is necessary. Your rules say nothing about what to do when A only appears once. This version will filter those rows out.