How to migrate Nexus repository from 1.7 to 3.x? - repository

Hello I want to migrate Nexus repository from 1.7 to 3.x, Is there any way to do ?

First upgrade to version 2.7.2, then upgrade to the latest Nexus Repo 2.x version.
Then you can do a migration to Nexus Repo 3:


How do I install an older version of Mono 5.20 from Mono repo on Centos7?

Mono website suggested this
On RPM distributions, force the package version in your package manager - all older versions are published in the YUM metadata and should be available.
I have no idea how to go about the above?
Thanks in advance.

Installing the Subversion Plugin in studio Version: 7.4.2 fails

Installing the Subversion Plugin in studio Version: 7.4.2 fails.
Tried with and other versions too.
The site appears to be abandoned, and subclipse 1.6 is an old version that is probably not compatible with the Eclipse version used for Studio 7.4.2. According to the release notes it is based on Eclipse 4.9. You should look for an updated version of subclipse that is compatible with that Eclipse version.
It seems that the current home of Subclipse is this GitHub project: Try installing from their distributions:

How To Install Atlassian Connector On Eclipse Photon 4.8.x Version

I can not download Atlassian connector for eclipse photon 4.8.0 version.
It support Installation via the Eclipse Marketplace for Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo), 4.2 (Juno), 4.3 (Kepler), 4.4 (Luna) But not Photon.
This site is supporting download
How can I plugin it to Photon?
Although the development of the plug-in has been discontinued, the Atlassian connector can still be installed as follows:
In Help > Install New Software... work with the update site

Zabbix Agent installation on OpenSuse 13.2 with yum fails

when installing Zabbix v3.4 I get the following error message:
Looks like an error in the yum repository. Do you have any suggestions for solutions or something similar?
Best regards
As you can see, there is just 2.2 version of Zabbix (agent, server, proxy, etc.) in that repository.
It seems Zabbix 2.2 (LTS) is the latest version supported by OpenSUSE using its repositories.
By the way, you can install older versions of Zabbix-agent (like 2.2) sending data correctly to newer server/proxy versions (like 3.0 or even 3.2).
I think the major item you will miss with using zabbix-agent older than 3.X is encryption. Other major features work very good.

appixia's cartapi for Prestashop 1.6

appixia's cartAPI is best solution I have found on web for webservice.
Git Source
I am Using same API's for Prestashop from last 1 year for 1.5 version.
Now I have upgraded my prestahop version from 1.5 to 1.6 with latest one. After upgrade I have installed same cartAPI module from Git source but it's not working as they mentioned in it's supported version document,
Prestashop 1.5.x - Tested on through
Can anybody help me why this is not working?
Is there anyone who can upgrade this API to work with 1.6 version?
Requested to GIT
Now if I have to try for upgrade what type of changes have to make, please
give suggestions.