I'm trying to make a screen share program and the data will be send to the TV through a hid deivce. I found that when my MacBook is locked, the TV cannot get the screen data. And my program will send an ERROR:kIOReturnNotPermitted(0xe00002e2). And when I reopen the Mac, it will send successfully.
IOHIDDeviceSetReport( device, kIOHIDReportTypeOutput, 0, buffer, 256);
I also tried IOHIDDeviceSetReportWithCallback but it also failed.
Can anybody tell me how to send data from Mac to hid device when the Mac's screen is locked?
this is the output:
2021-01-07 11:26:08.928251+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
2021-01-07 11:26:09.933178+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
2021-01-07 11:26:10.936634+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
2021-01-07 11:26:11.939906+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
2021-01-07 11:26:12.945052+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:13.945823+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:14.949406+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:15.952339+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:16.957833+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:17.960691+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:18.968031+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:19.977719+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:20.982127+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:21.992468+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:22.997566+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:24.000317+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send fail!!! (e00002e2).
2021-01-07 11:26:25.002548+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
2021-01-07 11:26:26.006473+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
2021-01-07 11:26:27.011613+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
2021-01-07 11:26:28.013098+0800 hidapi[60570:2874002] send success (0)
Using SipJs 0.17.1 and freeswitch 1.10.5. Debian 10. stun:stun.l.google.com:19302
<param name="apply-candidate-acl" value="wan.auto"/>
If users using any home or office internet and when receive a call, audio appears in ~ 0.2 seconds.
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.103910 [NOTICE] switch_rtp.c:4952 Activating RTP audio ICE: UpI7:gafAlEO8WSw1T9B3 109.201.xxx.xxx:9646
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.103910 [INFO] switch_core_media.c:8896 Skipping RTCP ICE (Same as RTP)
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.103910 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3764 Activate RTP/RTCP audio DTLS client
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.103910 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3927 Changing audio DTLS state from OFF to HANDSHAKE
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.243916 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3282 Changing audio DTLS state from HANDSHAKE to SETUP
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.263910 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3189 audio Fingerprint Verified.
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.263910 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:4254 Activating audio Secure RTP SEND
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.263910 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:4232 Activating audio Secure RTP RECV
9bd6fc2d-fe49-4a05-8a43-b400e4ce3565 2021-01-16 21:39:29.263910 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3231 Changing audio DTLS state from SETUP to READY
But when users using mobile internet and when receive a call, audio appears in ~ 1.5 seconds (subjectively longer).
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:40.003922 [NOTICE] switch_rtp.c:4952 Activating RTP audio ICE: rzCc:NJN0su78A6fbnv6q 89.42.xxx.xxx:45466
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:40.003922 [INFO] switch_core_media.c:8896 Skipping RTCP ICE (Same as RTP)
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:40.003922 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3764 Activate RTP/RTCP audio DTLS client
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:40.003922 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3927 Changing audio DTLS state from OFF to HANDSHAKE
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:41.243907 [NOTICE] switch_rtp.c:1301 Auto Changing audio stun/rtp/dtls port from 89.42.xxx.xxx:45466 to 89.42.xxx.xxx:63930 idx:1
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:41.403925 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3282 Changing audio DTLS state from HANDSHAKE to SETUP
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:41.423918 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3189 audio Fingerprint Verified.
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:41.423918 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:4254 Activating audio Secure RTP SEND
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:41.423918 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:4232 Activating audio Secure RTP RECV
7518c5c2-a045-4535-9630-97a20c4cd980 2021-01-16 23:37:41.423918 [INFO] switch_rtp.c:3231 Changing audio DTLS state from SETUP to READY
Why does the line appear Auto Changing audio stun/rtp/dtls ?
What makes ports change?
How to avoid time-consuming port switching?
Connection establishment in WebRTC uses a protocol called ICE (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8445). ICE first tries to establish a direct connection between the peers, and only after this fails falls back to using a TURN relay.
In your case, it is highly likely that the direct connection is successful from your office network, but that the mobile client requires the use of a TURN server, which only happens after a timeout. If you know that a TURN server will be required, you may avoid the timeout by specifying {iceTransportPolicy: 'relay'} when you establish the peer connection.
I have been using Zabbix for a while now. I tried to configure the telegram media type so as to receive notifications. Due to some error, I'm not receiving any notification. While testing the media type this is the error that appears on the log. Please help me resolve this.
Media type test log
00:00:00.000 [Debug] [Telegram Webhook] URL: https://api.telegram.org/bot/sendMessage
00:00:00.000 [Debug] [Telegram Webhook] params: {"chat_id":"-xyxyxyxyxy","text":"{ALERT.SUBJECT}\n{ALERT.MESSAGE}","disable_web_page_preview":true,"disable_notification":false}
00:00:05.183 [Debug] [Telegram Webhook] HTTP code: 200
00:00:05.184 [Debug] [Telegram Webhook] notification failed: TypeError: cannot read property 'ok' of null
I am trying to upload file via API.
Built in .NET Core 3.1
using mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1-buster-slim AS base
Hosted in Azure Container Group
In the middleware in the pipeline I can see that response is 200. But somewhere at the end of the pipeline I am getting exception in the logs.
Because of this my SPA is getting (failed)net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET in browser network tab.
Tried many different things like making file size to max on Kestrel.
Increasing the timeout value on Kestrel.
options.Limits.KeepAliveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15);
options.Limits.MaxRequestBodySize = null;
The method body is taking total of 66seconds when I added the stopwatch to collect the execution time before and after the method finish.
The whole api call which both accepting the uploaded 2 files and processing them before returning. The call invocation from the SPA is taking 2 minutes 30 seconds when checked in the chrome browser.
This issue is not happening when I directly run the api on my laptop via Visual Studio or when I run my API on my docker windows 10 desktop.
I've followed the following link to increase the timeout on the client side.
Can this be because of container hosted as Azure Container Instance and not sure that timeout from it.
I tried increasing time in Angular SPA, .net core set keep alive and even RequestHeadersTimeout to more than 10 minutes. Wondering where should I increase the time.
Here is the callstack of the exception.
**2020-07-07 10:27:15.544 +00:00 [INF] Processing done..**
2020-07-07 10:27:15.544 +00:00 [INF] Executing HttpStatusCodeResult, setting HTTP status code 200
2020-07-07 10:27:15.544 +00:00 [INF] Executed action TestCast.Controllers.TestCastController.Index (TestCast) in 69124.861ms
2020-07-07 10:27:15.545 +00:00 [INF] Executed endpoint 'TestCast.Controllers.TestCastController.Index (TestCast)'
2020-07-07 10:27:15.545 +00:00 [DBG] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7" completed keep alive response.
2020-07-07 10:27:15.545 +00:00 [INF] Request finished in 69129.4114ms 200
2020-07-07 10:27:15.545 +00:00 [DBG] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7", Request id "0HM12BT51RIQ7:00000002": started reading request body.
2020-07-07 10:27:15.546 +00:00 [INF] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7", Request id "0HM12BT51RIQ7:00000002": the application completed without reading the entire request body.
2020-07-07 10:27:15.546 +00:00 [DBG] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7" reset.
2020-07-07 10:27:15.546 +00:00 [DBG] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7" sending FIN because: "Connection reset by peer"
2020-07-07 10:27:15.547 +00:00 [DBG] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7" resumed.
2020-07-07 10:27:15.547 +00:00 [DBG] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7" request processing ended abnormally.
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Connections.ConnectionResetException: Connection reset by peer
---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (104): Connection reset by peer
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Sockets.Internal.SocketAwaitableEventArgs.<GetResult>g__ThrowSocketException|7_0(SocketError e)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Sockets.Internal.SocketAwaitableEventArgs.GetResult()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Sockets.Internal.SocketConnection.ProcessSends()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Transport.Sockets.Internal.SocketConnection.DoSend()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.IO.Pipelines.PipeCompletion.ThrowLatchedException()
at System.IO.Pipelines.Pipe.GetReadResult(ReadResult& result)
at System.IO.Pipelines.Pipe.GetReadAsyncResult()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.Http1ContentLengthMessageBody.ReadAsyncInternal(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.Http1MessageBody.OnConsumeAsyncAwaited()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequests[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Server.Kestrel.Core.Internal.Http.HttpProtocol.ProcessRequestsAsync[TContext](IHttpApplication`1 application)
2020-07-07 10:27:15.550 +00:00 [DBG] Connection id "0HM12BT51RIQ7" disconnecting.
Here is my action with the logic to process the uploaded files removed.
public async Task<IActionResult> Index([FromForm] List<IFormFile> files)
// All code is removed for brevity
**Log.Information("Processing done..");**
return Ok();
Seeing the following error message wen starting ActiveMQ
2019-05-14 15:25:35,302 | INFO | For help or more information please see: http://activemq.apache.org | org.apache.activemq.broker.BrokerService | main
2019-05-14 15:25:35,815 | INFO | ActiveMQ WebConsole available at | org.apache.activemq.web.WebConsoleStarter | main
2019-05-14 15:25:35,867 | INFO | Initializing Spring FrameworkServlet 'dispatcher' | /admin | main
2019-05-14 15:25:36,100 | INFO | jolokia-agent: No access restrictor found at classpath:/jolokia-access.xml, access to all MBeans is allowed | /api | main
2019-05-14 15:25:39,320 | ERROR | Could not accept connection from null: java.io.IOException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: internal_error | org.apa
che.activemq.broker.TransportConnector | ActiveMQ BrokerService[localhost] Task-1
2019-05-14 15:25:51,900 | ERROR | Could not accept connection from null: java.io.IOException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: internal_error | org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector | ActiveMQ BrokerService[localhost] Task-1
2019-05-14 15:25:59,936 | ERROR | Could not accept connection from null: java.io.IOException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: internal_error | org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector | ActiveMQ BrokerService[localhost] Task-1
2019-05-14 15:26:01,366 | ERROR | Could not accept connection from null: java.io.IOException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Received fatal alert: internal_error | org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector | ActiveMQ BrokerService[localhost] Task-1
2019-05-14 15:26:03,288 | ERROR | Could not accept connection from null: java.io.IOException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection? | org.apache.activemq.broker.TransportConnector | ActiveMQ BrokerService[localhost] Task-1
mco ping is failing because of this with below error
error 2019/05/14 15:46:13: activemq.rb:149:in `on_ssl_connectfail' SSL session creation with stomp+ssl://mcollective#Node-001.wiley.com:61614 failed: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed
I am able to access Inbox and Trash folder in Yahoo mail. But I can't access Drafts or Spam folder.
This is my error message:
2016-05-27 16:42:40.962 iOS UI Test[781:73868] checking account
2016-05-27 16:42:40.963 [781:480f] MCOperationQueue.cpp:81: start thread
2016-05-27 16:42:40.997 [781:480f] MCIMAPSession.cpp:592: connect <mailcore::IMAPSession:0x12c615c50>
2016-05-27 16:42:42.715 [781:480f] MCIMAPSession.cpp:615: ssl connect imap.mail.yahoo.com 993 2
2016-05-27 16:42:42.726 [781:480f] MCIMAPSession.cpp:683: connect ok
2016-05-27 16:42:42.726 [781:480f] MCIMAPSession.cpp:723: login
2016-05-27 16:42:44.964 [781:480f] MCIMAPSession.cpp:992: login ok
2016-05-27 16:42:44.965 iOS UI Test[781:73868] finished checking account.
2016-05-27 16:42:44.967 [781:480f] MCIMAPSession.cpp:1079: select
2016-05-27 16:42:44.967 iOS UI Test[781:73930] MCOIMAPSession: [1] 5 SELECT Drafts
2016-05-27 16:42:45.561 iOS App[781:73930] MCOIMAPSession: [0] 5 BAD [TRYCREATE] SELECT error - Folder does not exist or server encountered an error
2016-05-27 16:42:45.562 [781:480f] MCIMAPSession.cpp:1083: select error : 9
2016-05-27 16:42:46.663 [781:main] MCOperationQueue.cpp:215: trying to quit 0x17015a8e0
2016-05-27 16:42:46.663 [781:480f] MCOperationQueue.cpp:102: stopping 0x17015a8e0
2016-05-27 16:42:46.664 [781:main] MCOperationQueue.cpp:230: thread stopped 0x17015a8e0
2016-05-27 16:42:46.664 [781:480f] MCOperationQueue.cpp:151: cleanup thread 0x17015a8e0
2016-05-27 16:43:19.664 [781:2017] MCOperationQueue.cpp:81: start thread
2016-05-27 16:43:20.770 [781:main] MCOperationQueue.cpp:215: trying to quit 0x17015a8e0
2016-05-27 16:43:20.770 [781:2017] MCOperationQueue.cpp:102: stopping 0x17015a8e0
2016-05-27 16:43:20.770 [781:main] MCOperationQueue.cpp:230: thread stopped 0x17015a8e0
2016-05-27 16:43:20.770 [781:2017] MCOperationQueue.cpp:151: cleanup thread 0x17015a8e0
Must we special config in yahoo account?
Any help will be great appreciated.
I found my problems. I fill wrong name folder.
Server folder subscription status:
1. YMAIL: Draft, Inbox, Sent, Bulk Mail, Trash
2. GMAIL: Drafts, Inbox, Sent Mail, Spam, Trash, All Mail.
3. Outlook: Drafts, Inbox, Sent, Junk, Deleted.