Vue.js Axios responseType blob or json object - vue.js

I have an Axios request to download the .xls file. Problem is that the object returned as a response from backend doesn't always has to be a real file. If I return json object instead of file data. How I would read this json then?
Here is the function:
downloadReport() {
let postConfig = {
headers: {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
responseType: 'blob',
} as AxiosRequestConfig
.post(this.urls.exportDiscountReport,, postConfig)
.then((response) => {
let blob = new Blob([], { type: 'application/' });
let url = window['URL'].createObjectURL(blob);
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = + ' discount draft.xlsx';;
.catch(error => {
I would like to read the response and if it contains some data in it - don't create the blob and initiate the download, instead, just show some message or whatever. If I remove the responseType: 'blob' then the .xls file downloads as unreadable and not valid file.
So the problem is that every returned response becomes blob type and I don't see my returned data in it. Any ideas?

I solved this by reading the blob response and checking if it has JSON parameter status. But this looks like an overengineering to me. Is there a better solution?
let postConfig = {
headers: {
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'
responseType: 'blob',
} as AxiosRequestConfig
.post(this.urls.exportDiscountReport,, postConfig)
.then((responseBlob) => {
const self = this;
let reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function() {
let response = { status: true, message: '' };
try {
response = JSON.parse(<string>reader.result);
} catch (e) {}
if (response.status) {
let blob = new Blob([], { type: 'application/' });
let url = window['URL'].createObjectURL(blob);
let a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = url; = + ' discount draft.xlsx';;
} else {
.catch(error => {
I also found the same solution here:
Still looks way too hacky.

Have you tried checking the responseBlob.type property? It gives the MIME type of the returned data.
So for example you could have something like this:
const jsonMimeType = 'application/json';
const dataType = responseBlob.type;
// The instanceof Blob check here is redundant, however it's worth making sure
const isBlob = responseBlob instanceof Blob && dataType !== jsonMimeType;
if (isBlob) {
// do your blob download handling
} else {
responseBlob.text().then(text => {
const res = JSON.parse(text);
// do your JSON handling
This I find is much simpler and works for me, however it depends on your backend setup. The BLOB response is still a text response, but it's handled slightly differently.


How to use Nuxt 3 server as a passthrough API with FormData to hide external endpoints

I'm trying to get my head around the Nuxt /server API and can't seem to figure out how to send a POST request with form-data (ie files) to Nuxt server to forward on to an external service:
In my pages.vue file I have this method:
async function onSubmit() {
const formData = new FormData();
for (let file of form.files) {
await formData.append("image", file);
await $fetch("/api/send", {
method: "POST",
body: formData
and then in /server/api/send.js I have:
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { method } = event.node.req;
const body =
method !== "GET" && method !== "HEAD"
? await readMultipartFormData(event)
: undefined;
const response = await $fetch.raw(https://*******, {
baseURL: *********,
headers: {
body: body
return response._data;
I'm effectively creating a passthrough API using Nuxt so that the external endpoint isn't exposed to the end user. Just can't figure out how to access the formData in the correct format to pass through on the server side. I don't think I am supposed to use readMultipartFormData() because that seems to be parsing the data somehow whereas I just want to pass the formData straight through to the external API. Any tips?
I've tried using both readMultipartFormData() and readBody() and neither seem to work. I don't actually need to read the body but rather get it and pass it through without any formatting...
If you want to pass the data with formdata to the endpoint try this library:
import { serialize } from 'object-to-formdata';
const formData = serialize(body);
const response = await $fetch.raw(https://*******, {
baseURL: *********,
headers: {
body: formData
I managed to make it work with ugly solution, first you have to update nuxt to version 3.2.0 min then here my front side
let jobApplicationDTO = {
firstName: values.firstName,
lastName: values.lastName,
phoneNumber: values.phoneNumber,
shortDescription: values.shortDescription
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("application", new Blob([JSON.stringify(jobApplicationDTO)], {type: "application/json"}));
formData.append("file", values.file) ;
//formData.append("file", values.file );
await useFetch("/api/application", {
method: "POST",
body: formData,
onResponse({request, response, options}) {
// Process the response data
if (response.status === 200) {
errorMessage.value = "";
successMessage.value = "Your application wa sent successfully, you will be contacted soon !";
onResponseError({request, response, options}) {
if (response.status === 400) {
successMessage.value = "";
errorMessage.value = "There may be an issue with our server. Please try again later, or send an email to";
} else {
successMessage.value = "";
errorMessage.value = "Sorry we couldn’t send the message, there may be an issue with our server. Please try again later, or send an email to";
and server side
import {FormData} from "node-fetch-native";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const {BACKEND_REST_API, ENQUIRY_TOKEN} = useRuntimeConfig();
//retrieve frontend post formData
const form = await readMultipartFormData(event);
const applicationUrl = BACKEND_REST_API + '/job/apply'
console.log("url used for enquiry rest call :" + applicationUrl);
console.log("Job application token :" + ENQUIRY_TOKEN);
const formData = new FormData();
if (form) {
formData.append(form[0].name, new Blob([JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(form[0].data))], {type: form[0].type}));
formData.append(form[1].name, new Blob([form[1].data], {type: form[1].type}), form[1].filename);
return await $fetch(applicationUrl, {
method: "POST",
body: formData,
headers: {
Authorization: ENQUIRY_TOKEN,
What is funny is on frontend you have to create a formData , then to get content and to recreate a formData from your previous formData converted in MultiFormPart[], i created a ticket on nuxt to see how to do it properly

S3 to IPFS from Pinata

I am trying to upload a lot of files from S3 to IPFS via Pinata. I haven't found in Pinata documentation something like that.
This is my solution, using the form-data library. I haven't tested it yet (I will do it soon, I need to code some things).
Is it a correct approach? anyone who has done something similar?
async uploadImagesFolder(
items: ItemDocument[],
bucket?: string,
path?: string,
) {
try {
const form = new FormData();
for (const item of items) {
const file = getObjectStream(item.tokenURI, bucket, path);
form.append('file', file, {
filename: item.tokenURI,
console.log(`Uploading files to IPFS`);
const pinataOptions: PinataOptions = {
cidVersion: 1,
const result = await pinata.pinFileToIPFS(form, {
console.log(`Piñata Response:`, JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
return result.IpfsHash;
} catch (e) {
I had the same problem
So, I have found this:
But in the article If am not wrong, is used a different version to the JavaScript AWS SDK v3 (nowadays the most recent:
This is for the Client side with TypeScript:
If you have this version, for me works this code snippet:
export const getStreamObjectInAwsS3 = async (data: YourParamsType) => {
try {
const BUCKET = data.bucketTarget
const KEY = data.key
const client = new S3Client({
region: 'your-region',
credentials: {
accessKeyId: 'your-access-key',
secretAccessKey: 'secret-key'
const resource = await client.send(new GetObjectCommand({
Bucket: BUCKET,
Key: KEY
const response = resource.Body
if (response) {
return new Response(await response.transformToByteArray()).blob()
return null
} catch (error) {
return null
With the previous code, you can get the Blob Object for pass it to the File object with this method and get the URL resource using the API:
export const uploadFileToIPFS = async(file: Response) => {
const url = ``
const data = new FormData()
data.append('file', file)
try {
const response = await, data, {
maxBodyLength: Infinity,
headers: {
pinata_api_key: 'your-api',
pinata_secret_api_key: 'your-secret'
data: data
return {
success: true,
pinataURL: `${ }`
} catch (error) {
return null
I have found this solution from this nice article and you can explore other implementations (including the Node.js side)

React native content uri to base64 string

I'm trying to upload files using RN Document Picker.
Once I get those files selected, I need to turn them to base64 string so I can send it to my API.
const handlePickFiles = async () => {
if (await requestExternalStoreageRead()) {
const results = await DocumentPicker.pickMultiple({
type: [
const newUploadedFile: IUploadedFile[] = [];
for (const res of results) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(res, null, 2));
type: res.type as string,
size: res.size as number,
extension: res.type!.split('/')[1],
blob: res.uri, <<-- Must turn this in base64 string
The document picker returns content uri (content://...)
They lists this as an example of handling blob data and base64:
let data = new FormData()
data.append('image', {uri: 'content://path/to/content', type: 'image/png', name: 'name'})
const response = await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data',
body: data
Where they basically say that you don't need to use blob or base64 when using multipart/form-data as content type. However, my graphql endpoint cannot handle multipart data and I don't have time to rewrite the whole API. All I want is to turn it to blob and base64 string, even if other ways are more performant.
Searching for other libraries, all of them are no longer maintained, or has issues with new versions of android. RN Blob Utils is the latest npm that was no longer maintained.
I tried to use RN Blob Utils but I either get errors, wrong data type, or the file uploads but is corrupted.
Some other things I found is that I can use
fetch(res.uri).then(response => {response.blob()})
const response = await ReactNativeBlobUtil.fetch('GET', res.uri);
const data = response.base64();
const blob = ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.readFile(res.uri, 'base64');
But I can't do anything with that blob file.
What is the simplest way to uplaod files from document picker as base64 format? Is it possible to avoid using external storage permission?
You don't need to the third-party package to fetch BLOB data
const blob = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onload = function () {
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
reject(new TypeError("Network request failed"));
xhr.responseType = "blob";"GET", "[LOCAL_FILE_PATH]", true);
// Code to submit blob file to server
// We're done with the blob, close and release it
I ended up using react-native-blob-util
const res = await DocumentPicker.pickSingle({
type: [
const newUploadedFile: IUploadedFile[] = [];
const fileType = res.type;
if (fileType) {
const fileExtension = fileType.substr(fileType.indexOf('/') + 1);
const realURI ={
android: res.uri,
ios: decodeURI(res.uri),
if (realURI) {
const b64 = await ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.readFile(
const filename =\s/g, '');
const path = uuid.v4();
name: filename,
type: fileType,
size: res.size as number,
extension: fileExtension,
blob: b64,
path: Array.isArray(path) ? path.join() : path,
} else {
throw new Error('Failed to process file');
} else {
throw new Error('Failed to process file');

ReactNative: uploading image file to server using Axios is not working

I am building a mobile application using ReactNative. My app needs to upload image file to the server. I am using Axios for that. But the file is always empty on the server-side.
This is my code.
const makeMultipartFormDataRequest = async ({
data = null,
headers = null
}) => {
let accessToken = await getAccessToken();
if (accessToken) {
if (headers == null) {
headers = {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${accessToken}`
} else {
headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
let formData = new FormData();
if (data) {
for (let prop in data) {
let field = null;
if (typeof data[prop] == "object" && data[prop]?.mime) {
field = {
uri: data[prop].uri,
name: data[prop].name,
type: data[prop].mime
} else {
field = data[prop];
// here image file is added proof_file field
formData.append(prop, field);
let url = config.apiEndpoint + path;
return, formData, {
headers: headers
As you see in the code, I put a comment where I put the file into the request. When I log the value in the console, I got this.
{"name": "IMG_0003.JPG", "type": "image/jpeg", "uri": "/Users/waihein/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/ED2E89F7-F8C9-498E-9B80-41E13814A480/data/Containers/Data/Application/6AEBDAD9-A84C-4B33-95E5-0180F09B1AD5/tmp/react-native-image-crop-picker/E3B07A1B-B79D-43A0-A649-E05F8500783B.jpg"}
But the file is never sent in the request. What is wrong with my code and how can I fix it?
As you are sending form data you should specify that in the content type. Something like this,
headers: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" }

Microsoft Cognitive API keeps telling me : "message": "The input data is not a valid image or password protected."

I have he base64 string of an image and I'm trying to convert it into an 'application/octet-stream' because that's what the api requires. I think I've done that by creating a blob as you can see from my function. When I make the api call I keep getting the message in the title. Anyone know what's wrong?
I think it might be that my blob is not an octet-stream but I've tried both sending the normal base64 string and the blob. Please help, really desperate here
const blobPdfFromBase64String = base64String => {
const byteArray = base64.toByteArray(base64String);
return new Blob([byteArray], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
let img = route.params.image;
const sendImage = async() => {
let url = `${config.ENDPOINT}vision/v3.0/read/analyze`;
let headers = new Headers();
let blob = blobPdfFromBase64String(img.base64);
headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream');
headers.append('Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key', config.KEY);
try {
let response = await fetch(url, { method:'POST', headers, body:blob});
let json = await response.json();
return json;
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error in sendImage, ${error}`);