Different commands give different npm versions when check for installed npm version - react-native

As per this SO Solution I tired to install the specific version of react-native-calendars like follows,
npm install react-native-calendars#1.212.0
Once the installation is done I am able to see it in package.json like this
"react-native-calendars": "^1.212.0"
This indicates required venison is installed.
When I ran npm view react-native-calendars version result is 1.1252.0 -- which is latest version of react-native-calendars.
when I ran npm list react-native-calendars result is -- react-native-reanimated#1.13.2
what is npm command to be used to check for installed npm package version?

npm view shows the package on the remote NPM repository.
npm list shows the package version installed.
package.json shows the package version range to be used.
The -- ... in npm list is showing it's dependencies in a tree. To see just the package, use npm list package --depth=0.

I can see you are using npm list, which is the correct command to check node modules version. But the strange thing is that its returning a different version other than mentioned in package json. So I think you need to do 3 things.
1: Uninstall the package completely.
2: Clean gradlew cache and install the module again mentioning specific version number and check again.
3: Start npm with --reset-cache.


How to update npm package's dependency?

I am trying to update dependency of package I am installing trough npm.
When I install appium package, I get version 1.22.0 which is correct. But this package also have dependencies that getting regular updates on github and are propagated on npmjs.
But when I install main package, dependency is not latest.
For example, I need to update appium-espresso-driver dependency of appium to 1.50.1, but everytime I install appium, dependency is only 1.45.3, even when appium have ^1.0.0 in package.json
How to update this? Do I need to wait for appium package to be bumped?
If you want to update all the packages to the latest version and you are using npm, you can see this documentation npm-update, but the short answer is:
npm update
This helps to update every package of the project, you can do it in the root folder, and update everything in the package.json.
If you want to update everything to a latest version, you can use npm-check-updates, this will check the latest version of the packages that you have installed on package.json, I will show you the easy steps to install this but you can go through the documentation of the module in here:
npm install -g npm-check-updates
This will install you the package, then after that you need to run in in the root folder:
ncu -u
So after that command it will update all the packages in the package.json but not install them, so after running ncu -u you need to run again:
npm install
To install the new versions of the package.

npm install not updating package to the latest dist-tag

I am publishing artifact to npm repository with a custom tag 'dev-latest'. After executing npm install in a project where I have this dependency defined, the latest version is not updated.
After new artifact is published I see that dev-latest points to the latest version:
npm view #kosmos/equote-lib dist-tags
{ 'dev-latest': '1.0.0-dev20190125.1',
latest: '1.0.0-rel20190122.0',
'rel-latest': '1.0.0-rel20190123.0' }
Locally i have installed previous version. In my package.json my dependency is defined:
"#kosmos/equote-lib": "dev-latest",
after executing npm install to update whole project my package is not updated to the latest version.
When I do npm install #kosmos/equote-lib#dev-latest it will update it but also change my package.json entry to the specific package version.
Other solution is to remove node_modules and the I will get latest version as well.
I would expect that using tag will remove the need of specifying the version in package.json Is there a way to implement the desired behavior ?
I think I found the good answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/19824154/1347496
Basically in case you have already installed the modules locally you should use npm update to update one/all dependencies. In my case while using tags I do
npm update --no-save
to not to overwrite my package.json

VS Code terminal fails to use npm version from nvm

I'm using nvm on my Terminal and successfully installed node 10.2.1, which also installed npm 6.1.0. However, when I go to my VS Code editor, it gives me warnings in the integrated terminal for:
npm WARN npm npm does not support Node.js v10.2.1
npm WARN npm You should probably upgrade to a newer version of node as we
npm WARN npm can't make any promises that npm will work with this version.
npm WARN npm Supported releases of Node.js are the latest release of 4,6, 7, 8, 9.
Turns out, it is actually using npm 5.5.1 (npm -v).
I check to see what's up with that and tried to dig further and eventually used: which npm on both integrated terminal and Mac's CLI.
Mac's Terminal shows:
VS Code's Terminal shows:
/usr/local/bin/npm. Which is interesting, because if you do which node in this terminal, it results in the appropriate /Users/Aiz/.nvm/versions/node/v10.2.1/bin/node.
I'm not sure how to get my VS Code terminal to point to the appropriate npm install through nvm. Not sure if it helps, but I checked npm get prefix and npm -g bin to find /Users/Aiz/.nvm/versions/node/v10.2.1. The only difference I'm finding is where each terminal is using npm from.
I ended up looking through VS Code issues on GitHub and came across something relevant to NVM and node issues. It fixed my issue since the underlying cause was the same.
Essentially what happened is that I had a global install of node before that I removed prior to using NVM but hadn't removed my global install of npm. This was causing conflicts in VS Code's terminal (not Mac's terminal). In order to fix this, you essentially have to find the symlink for which npm and remove the node_modules and npm associated recursively.
Here's the link you'll need: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/master/docs/editor/integrated-terminal.md#why-is-nvm-complaining-about-a-prefix-option-when-the-integrated-terminal-is-launched.
Don't forget to restart your editor after.
Another solution is to implement this. https://medium.com/#kinduff/automatic-version-switch-for-nvm-ff9e00ae67f3
Basically, nvm will check for a .nvmrc and switch or default each time you go to a new directory in shell.
It does have a dependency on zsh.
The fix for me on Ubuntu:
A.) sudo apt-get remove nodejs npm
B.) Removed lines in my .bashrc that added the npm package directory to the path.
C.) Restart VS Code.
I doubt step A is necessary. But B and C certainly are.

How to check if the version of npm package is outdated(on npm server)?

I know I can use below to see what my packages are outdated.
npm outdated
But how can I know what's the WANTED version of a package that I didn't install?
I also found below and it shows every version of their package but it does not show what versions were deprecated.
npm view XXX version

How do I update an NPM module that I published?

I created a NPM module and I published it at version 0.0.1
I made some changes and pushed those to github, and I would like it so that when one uses npm install myModule the new version is used.
How do I tell NPM that there is a version 0.0.2?
Change the version in your package.json or use npm version <new-version>.
After changing the version number in your package.json, you can run npm publish to publish the new version to NPM.
npm install will install the latest version in the NPM repository.
Increase the version number and then run npm publish yourModule again - as described in the npm docs.
npm install yourModule will then install the latest version from the NPM registry.
I found the last answer a little misleading, sorry.
For me, updating the version in the package.json still resulted in the "You cannot publish over..." error.
The steps to resolve were (based on ops version number):
npm version 0.0.2
npm publish
If it is an patch release (small changes) use following:
npm version patch
It will increment the last part of version number.
If it is a minor release (new features) use following:
npm version minor
It will increment the middle part of version number.
If it is a major release (major features or major issue fixes) use following:
npm version major
It will increment the first part of version number.
From the npmjs documentation:
To change the version number in package.json, on the command line,
in the package root directory, run the following command, replacing
<update_type> with one of the semantic versioning release types
(patch, major, or minor):
npm version <update_type>
Run npm publish.
Go to your package page (https://npmjs.com/package/) to check that the package version has been updated.