Discord API node.js hover for tooltip - api

I wanted to add a tooltip to my workinprogress bot, but I got this error.
.setColor("#4287f5").setTitle("ToolTip Example").setDescription('Hover for tooltip': [(i)](${ message.url } 'Hey look! Its a tooltip!') ); message.channel.send(tooltipEmbed);
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
This is my code
const tooltipEmbed = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
.setColor("#4287f5").setTitle("ToolTip Example").setDescription('Hover for tooltip': [(i)](${ message.url } 'Hey look! Its a tooltip!') ); message.channel.send(tooltipEmbed);
Can someone help me with this?

It's due to your .setDescription. If you want a description in your embed, you'll have to use .setDescription('Whatever you want') If you take a look to your description:
.setDescription('Hover for tooltip': [(i)](${ message.url } 'Hey look! Its a tooltip!')
You see that there isn't just one string, infact, there are two, with [(i)](${ message.url } in between.
You can take a look in the docs from discord.js.


React-Native: The subject line of email is same as the message contents using Share.share

It's a pretty strange problem I have been facing. I am using Share.share which takes message, subject(ios) and title (for gmail) as an argument. In the android it works fine. i.e. The subject line is "I am the title" whereas the message body is "I am groot". But in iOS, the subject line is always same as the message, like the screenshot shown below: Any help would be highly appreciable. Thanks in advance.
onShare = async () => {
try {
await Share.share(
message: "I am groot",
title: "I am the title",
subject: "I am the subject line",
} catch (error) {
Instead of importing Share from react-native, when I imported it from react-native-share, it fixed my problem.
As per the documentation, Share title property is used only as a title for the message. To set the email subject you need to set the subject property in the options object (note: this only works on IOS)

How can I get string value of selector?

I mean when we initialize Selector like this:
let stringLocator = 'some element locator'
selector = new Selector(stringLocator)
is that possible to get original string locator somehow like this:
p.s. This question is related to this one where I've found some hacky workarounds to get testcafe display my xpath locators in error.
Testcafe does not support this, but you can use the following approach
function createSelector (locator) {
return Object.assign(Selector(locator), { locator });
const selector = createSelector('#button');
I had the same issue yesterday. The apiFnChain contains the fnChain you used for the selector. It is behind a symbol. This is what helped me. Maybe this will help you too.
const selector = Selector('button.explore-button').withText('Explore the site')
const selectorFnChain = selector[Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(selector)[0]].options.apiFnChain
This will give you this:
Selector('button.explore-button'),.withText('Explore the site')
You don't have to get the entire chain but this was the most helpful for me.

Checking button text matches a certain string in Nightwatch.js

I'm having a heck of a time trying to write a test where I check that text on a button matches a certain string. I tried ".valueContains", ".attributeContains" and got blank or null, and I've tried getText(), but that only seems to return an object.
I feel like it's something obvious I'm missing, so any help would be appreciated!
Based on what you have written so far in your question, I am wondering if there is there a reason you cannot use .containsText?
.waitForElementVisible('.yourclass', this.timeout)
.assert.containsText('.yourclass', 'Text of Button you expect to match')
Without actually looking at the code its little difficult to predict whats going on. However all of the methods in selenium return a promise, so you need to wait for it to resolve.
function async getTextOfButton() {
const element = await driver.findElement(By.className('item-class'));
const text = await element.getText();
If you are not using async/await you could do
driver.findElement(By.className('item-class')).then(function(element) {
element.getText().then(function(text) {

Trying to customize stepper of a spinner field Sencha extjs

I am trying to add a custom spinner logic to a spinner field I have. I have been able to customize the spinner in the "view" by using onSpinUp:.
I am looking to refer to the spin up step in the controller but I am not having success. I am unable to reach the debugger I have in the "spinner" function.
This is what I have so far, I am not sure what I am missing. Could someone shed light on this?
Thanks in advance.
currentTime:{ //currenTime is the itemId
spinup: 'spinner' // spinner is the function name
spinner: function (){
I see that you have added single quotes, and I'm not sure if you code looks exactly like this, but your control object should look like:
//currenTime is the item id so it has to be wrapped
// with single quotes and it also needs a # prefix.
'container #currentTime': {
spinup: 'spinner' // spinner is the function name
Check fiddle: https://fiddle.sencha.com/#fiddle/uo1
Note: You need to add container #currentTime, just #currentTime won't work. It's a known issue with Sencha Touch.

dojo - programmatic way to show invalid message

dojo newbie - giving it a shot.
After submitting a form, If an error is returned from the server I would like to show that message on the dijit.form.ValidationTextBox
var user_email = dijit.byId("login_user_email");
user_email.set("invalidMessage", data["result"]["user_email"]);
//need to force show the tooltip but how???
Any help much appreciated.
See it in action at jsFiddle.
Just show tooltip:
var textBox = bijit.byId("validationTextBox");
Temporarily switch textBox validator, force validation, restore the original validator:
var originalValidator = textBox.validator;
textBox.validator = function() {return false;}
textBox.validator = originalValidator;
Or do both at once.
I think you can show the tooltip via myVTB.displayMessage('this is coming from back end validation'); method
you need to do the validation in the validator-method. like here http://docs.dojocampus.org/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox-tricks
you also need to focus the widget to show up the message! dijit.byId("whatever").focus()
#arber solution is the best when using the new dojo. Just remember to set the focus to the TextBox before calling the "displayMessage" method.
I am using dojo 1.10 which works create as follows:
function showCustomMessage(textBox, message){
textBox.set("state", "Error");
Dojo reference guid for ValidationTextBox: https://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/1.10/dijit/form/ValidationTextBox.html
I know this question is ancient, but hopefully this'll help someone. Yes, you should use validators, but if you have a reason not to, this will display the message and invalidate the field:
function(textbox, state /*"Error", "Incomplete", ""*/, message) {
textbox.set("state", state);
textbox.set("message", message);
You can call directly the "private" function:
textBox._set('state', 'Error');
You get the same result as #phusick suggested but with less code and arguably in a more direct and clean way.
_set is available to ValidationTextBox as declared on its base class dijit/_WidgetBase.
Live demo:
dojo.ready(function() {
var textBox = dijit.byId("validationTextBox");
dojo.connect(dijit.byId("tooltipBtn"), "onClick", function() {
textBox.get('tooltipPosition'), !textBox.isLeftToRight()
dojo.connect(dijit.byId("validatorBtn"), "onClick", function() {
// call the internal function which set the widget as in error state
textBox._set('state', 'Error');
code not necessary
var originalValidator = textBox.validator;
textBox.validator = function() {return false;}
textBox.validator = originalValidator;