Account list doesn't return account id for "grouped" accounts - xero-api

I'm using the Xero API to do some integration and I'm using the accounts get feature to return a list of accounts. I'd like to join this to some of the reports, for example the profit and loss report which would allow me to then group the accounts returned by type. All looks good, other than some accounts have an extra "groupID" attribute. When an account has this extra attribute, the "account" attribute that usually contains a GUID which I can link to reports now contains what could be a GUID, only without the dashes, and doesn't link to any other report.
For example, this is an account that all works correctly...
"RowType": "Row",
"Cells": [
"Value": "General Expenses",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "8d631f87-7304-401f-a7cd-d1d42c1b458a",
"Id": "account"
"Value": "179.07",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "8d631f87-7304-401f-a7cd-d1d42c1b458a",
"Id": "account"
This one doesn't, and the GUID isn't formatted as a GUID anymore...
"RowType": "Row",
"Cells": [
"Value": "Directors' Remuneration",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "account"
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "groupID"
"Value": "55737.84",
"Attributes": [
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "account"
"Value": "a02584cbb64e4c109b4355b292da0de5",
"Id": "groupID"
Any idea what would cause that? Is there a way I can list "grouped" accounts?
Thanks in advance.

At the moment, there is no current way to get the accountIDs in the Reports endpoints for accounts that have been grouped together.
But, there are 2 ways you can get that in the response. In the API request, if you send 'standardLayout=true', then that'll give you back the accountIDs.
Or on the Web app, in P&L edit layout mode, if you uncheck the 'Show Summary Only' box for the group of those accounts, that'll also work the same way and you should be able to see the accountIDs in the API response.

I believe that is due to the org having multi-currency for that account.
However I don't see much other documentation related to how to lookup the account from that. I will update this answer If I can find anything else out internally.
Multi-Currency System Accounts - FXGROUPID
For organisations in most regions, the standard layout of the profit and loss report will group multi currency system accounts into a single line with a Value of FXGROUPID (instead of an AccountID).
This is not the case for US organisations and Australian demo companies. Multi-currency system accounts will be displayed seperately with their respective AccountIDs.
Multi currency support could be seen here:
I think you can also just query the currencies endpoint to find out if an org may support mutiple.


Is there a way to pull the "Display Name" rather than the field name from Rest API for SuiteCRM

So looking to pull in the info from Source_C but only getting back the field value
Lets say my sources in source_c are;
Field Name
And the Display Name for those sources are;
Display Name
Mailchip Email
Direct Email
Email Referral
Website Submission
I am currently only getting Field Name values back but I want to have Display Name as its more friendly for the end users.
You should get (and probably cache) the list of fields for that module.
You can get it from Api/V8/meta/fields/Accounts - Accounts is the module name.
You will get a list of all the fields
"data": {
"type": "fields",
"attributes": {
"id": {
"type": "id",
"required": true,
"dbType": "id"
"name": {
"type": "name",
"dbType": "varchar",
"len": 150,
"required": true
Sadly, there is a pending issue with enum/multienum that is not showing the list on the API call. Its confirmed and set as High priority so I expect to be fixed soon (soon for SuiteCRM is a couple of months)

HERE Places API: not all items have PVID

I'm using HERE Places API.
Firstly I'm doing a search.
For Example this query :,-97.5467&r=500&size=1&app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg&show_refs=pvid&pretty
According to this documentation (Link) If I add show_refs=pvid to query string, in result I will get external id which I can use to query lookup endpoint.
But in result I get next response :
"results": {
"next": ";context=Zmxvdy1pZD1hY2ExNzk3NC0zYzg3LTU5NzQtYmZkMC04YjAzMDZlYWIzMWJfMTUwNjA3NjMzMTYyMl83NDY3XzM4NTAmb2Zmc2V0PTEmc2l6ZT0x?at=35.6111%2C-97.5467&q=Test&app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg",
"items": [
"position": [
"distance": 2756,
"title": "Southwest Test & Balance",
"averageRating": 0,
"category": {
"id": "business-services",
"title": "Business & Services",
"href": "",
"type": "urn:nlp-types:category",
"system": "places"
"icon": "",
"vicinity": "200 NW 132nd St<br/>Oklahoma City, OK 73114",
"having": [],
"type": "urn:nlp-types:place",
"href": ";context=Zmxvdy1pZD1hY2ExNzk3NC0zYzg3LTU5NzQtYmZkMC04YjAzMDZlYWIzMWJfMTUwNjA3NjMzMTYyMl83NDY3XzM4NTAmcmFuaz0w?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg",
"id": "8403fv6k-d1b2fde0616e0326e321a54b88cd9f53",
"authoritative": true
"search": {
"context": {
"location": {
"position": [
"address": {
"text": "Oklahoma City, OK 73134<br/>USA",
"postalCode": "73134",
"city": "Oklahoma City",
"county": "Oklahoma",
"stateCode": "OK",
"country": "United States",
"countryCode": "USA"
"type": "urn:nlp-types:place",
"href": ";context=c2VhcmNoQ29udGV4dD0x?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg"
In response no object references
Is it a bug or not every place has this external id?
I am responding as member of the team around HERE Places API.
Yes, not every place has a pvid. That is why I would suggest using the Sharing Id instead. I realize that the documentation should be improved to clarify that.
The Sharing Ids can be obtained by adding show_refs=sharing to either your search query or a place details request. It can be found in the field references. Once you have the sharing id you can you the lookup endpoint as you intended.
Take a look at:;context=Zmxvdy1pZD00YWU2ZWZjNi01ZjgzLTUwYTQtOTI4OS0xZjliMGMwNWY3NjBfMTUwNzA0NDE0OTc3NV84MTI5XzU1NDcmcmFuaz0w?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg&show_refs=pvid
On those two examples, the only difference is the placeId.
In the docs, there's not a single reference saying that the external identifier is required or existant for every place.
Since it represents an external identifier, I believe we could assume that it's not required.
And it's what we just saw with your place (8403fv6k-d1b2fde0616e0326e321a54b88cd9f53): this one don't have any external identifier.
Based on your comments, what you need is the information about a place.
So, after you run your first query, you should get something like:
title: "Southwest Test & Balance",
position: [],
id: "8403fv6k-d1b2fde0616e0326e321a54b88cd9f53",
href: "https://[...]"
With this ID, you could access it:;context=Zmxvdy1pZD0zYTFlZjg5ZS02ZTY5LTUxYmEtYWFkYS1kY2UwZWMyNDdkMDBfMTUwNzEzNjUxNjI5N182NjExXzc2OTgmcmFuaz0w?app_id=DemoAppId01082013GAL&app_code=AJKnXv84fjrb0KIHawS0Tg
Or directly using the href information.
This response already is giving you the ID and URL to access all the info of a single place.
You don't need any other external ID or reference.

How to get recent folders via microsoft graph REST API

I want to fetch my recent folders via the Microsoft Graph REST API.
This API contains the following:
According to the references the result should look like this:
"value": [
"id": "1312abc!1231",
"id": "1991210caf!192",
"name": "March Proposal.docx",
"file": { },
"size": 19121,
"parentReference": {
"driveId": "1991210caf",
"id": "1991210caf!104"
"id": "1312def!9943",
"name": "Vacation.jpg",
"file": { },
"size": 37810,
"parentReference": {
"driveId": "1312def",
"id": "1312def!123"
If the results was like this I could get the parent folder by using the driveId and id of the parentReference but in my results I only get the driveId. This causes the need to do one extra call to graph to fetch the folder.
This means I need 3 calls to the graph API to fetch a recent folder.
My question is if there is a way to also fetch the id or the parentReference so I only need two calls or if there even is an easier way for fetching recent folders?
Thanks in advance!
Sadly the answer is no. 'Recents' feature is pretty bare. They could extend it and provide more flexibility.
If this is critical for you, you can always create a request at:

JIRA Rest API select minimal resource

I am using JIRA REST API for querying issues with below jql
jql=project =SLUB and "Agile Team" in ("Iris (B2C)")&fieldsByKeys=true&fields=status&maxResults=1
I am getting api response as
"expand": "names,schema",
"startAt": 0,
"maxResults": 1,
"total": 1172,
"issues": [
"expand": "operations,versionedRepresentations,editmeta,changelog,renderedFields",
"id": "35988",
"self": "",
"key": "SLUB-7071",
"fields": {
"status": {
"self": "",
"description": "",
"iconUrl": "",
"name": "To Do",
"id": "10200",
"statusCategory": {
"self": "",
"id": 2,
"key": "new",
"colorName": "blue-gray",
"name": "To Do"
How can I only fetch status name instead of complete status resource. Please suggest.
Check This .
The fields param (which can be specified multiple times) gives a comma-separated list of fields to include in the response. This can be used to retrieve a subset of fields. A particular field can be excluded by prefixing it with a minus.
By default, only navigable (*navigable) fields are returned in this search resource. Note: the default is different in the get-issue resource -- the default there all fields (*all).
*all - include all fields
*navigable - include just navigable fields summary,comment - include just the summary and comments
-description - include navigable fields except the description (the default is *navigable for search)
*all,-comment - include everything except comments
Copied From Here.

ARM - How can I get the access key from a storage account to use in AppSettings later in the template?

I'm creating an Azure Resource Manager template that instantiates multiple resources, including an Azure storage account and an Azure App Service with a Web App.
I'd like to be able to capture the primary access key (or the full connection string, either way is fine) from the newly-created storage account, and use that as a value for one of the AppSettings for the Web App.
Is that possible?
Use the listkeys helper function.
"appSettings": [
"name": "STORAGE_KEY",
"value": "[listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storageAccountName')), providers('Microsoft.Storage', 'storageAccounts').apiVersions[0]).keys[0].value]"
This quickstart does something similar:
The syntax has changed since the other answer was accepted. The error you will now hit is 'Template language expression property 'key1' doesn't exist, available properties are 'keys'
Keys are now represented as an array of keys, and the syntax is now:
"StorageAccount": "[Concat('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=',variables('StorageAccountName'),';AccountKey=',listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', variables('StorageAccountName')), providers('Microsoft.Storage', 'storageAccounts').apiVersions[0]).keys[0].value)]",
I faced with this issue two times. First in the 2015 and last today in May of 2017.
I need to add connection strings to the WebApp - I want to add strings automatically from generated resources during deployment from the ARM template. It can help later to not add manually this values.
First time I used old version of the function listKeys (it looks like old version returns result not as object but as value):
"AzureWebJobsStorage": {
"type": "Custom",
"value": "[concat(variables('storageConnectionString'), listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storageAccountName')), '2015-05-01-preview').key1)]"
Today last version of the working template is:
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2015-08-01",
"type": "config",
"name": "connectionstrings",
"dependsOn": [
"[resourceId('Microsoft.Web/Sites/', parameters('webSiteName'))]"
"properties": {
"DefaultConnection": {
"value": "[concat('Data Source=tcp:', reference(resourceId('Microsoft.Sql/servers/', parameters('sqlserverName'))).fullyQualifiedDomainName, ',1433;Initial Catalog=', parameters('databaseName'), ';User Id=', parameters('administratorLogin'), '#', parameters('sqlserverName'), ';Password=', parameters('administratorLoginPassword'), ';')]",
"type": "SQLServer"
"AzureWebJobsStorage": {
"type": "Custom",
"value": "[concat(variables('storageConnectionString'), listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storageName')), '2016-01-01').keys[0].value)]"
"AzureWebJobsDashboard": {
"type": "Custom",
"value": "[concat(variables('storageConnectionString'), listKeys(resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storageName')), '2016-01-01').keys[0].value)]"
below is example for adding storage account to ADLA
"storageAccounts": [
"name": "[parameters('DataLakeAnalyticsStorageAccountname')]",
"properties": {
"accessKey": "[listKeys(variables('storageAccountid'),'2015-05-01-preview').key1]"
in variable you can keep
"variables": {
"apiVersion": "[providers('Microsoft.Storage', 'storageAccounts').apiVersions[0]]",
"storageAccountid": "[concat(resourceGroup().id,'/providers/','Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/', parameters('DataLakeAnalyticsStorageAccountname'))]"