IntelliJ shortcut for Thymeleaf parser-level comment blocks - intellij-idea

In Thymeleaf you can use parser-level comment blocks that everything between <!--/* and */--> will be removed by Thymeleaf.
<!--/* This code will be removed at Thymeleaf parsing time! */-->
Is there any way to define this type of comment and use a shortcut for it in the IntelliJ IDEA? I know we can use CTRL + /, but it generates Standard HTML/XML comments which are closed within <!-- and -->.

Well, It seems that there are no way to define a new comment style in IntelliJ IDEA. But I found a workaround by using the Live Template functionality.
You can create a live template for parser-level comment blocks and then invoke it. Follow the following path:
File -> Settings -> Editor -> Live Templates -> HTML/XML -> ADD
Copy and paste the following live-template to the Template text, and choose suitable abbreviation and description:
<!--/* $SELECTION$ */-->
There are two ways to use this live template
Type PC and then press the Tab, IntelliJ automatically creates a parser-level comment block.
Mark-up the desired codes or texts and then press Ctrl + Alt + J, and then from the shown pop-up menu you can select the parser-level comment block option.
Unfortunately you cannot set any Keymaps (shortcuts) for your Live-Templates.


CLion code navigation with C++ doesn't work

I've used AppCode (Intellij C++/ObjC IDE that replaces Xcode) for a while and really gotten used to being able to Ctrl+Click on any identifier to get to its definition/decleration.
Now on a new work place, I'm using CLion for a somewhat larger code base and Ctrl+Click hardly ever works. It only seem to work when the identifier is in the same file.
Is there anything I need to setup for this to work correctly? CLion seem to index the code successfully and doing text searches works fine.
You need to use import project functionality of CLion from File -> Import Project and give ok for CMakeLists.txt file automatic creation. Never mind the file is for CMake, you can build your project with other tools too, but CLion uses it for the dependencies.
Then append in the beginning of that file a line stating:
After that go to File -> Settings and there search for Keymap from the left and after that on right, right below the word "keymap" there is a selection element for taking for example Eclipse default keymapping in use and there you have at least (I tested only it) the ctrl + click functionality working like charm!!
kudos about the include_directories(.) goes to this question: CLion indexer does not resolve some includes in the project directory
You need to press ctrl + alt + shift + n.
And after pressing it a dialog box will appear to enter your variable/function name and click enter.
Tip: Filter the result for a better experience. Filter option is present on right side of the dialog box.
To get a quick peek of function/variable definition press ctrl + q while focusing on the variable or function.
To get the detailed or full definition of function press ctrl + shift + i while focusing on the variable or function.
I just looked at one of my more complicated teaching examples with multiple header/source files where this would come up.
What I see is that ctl-click (and the red/green arrows in the gutter) does work only in the same file. But I can right-click on a method from another file and choose to go to either the declaration (in header) or definition (in cpp).
The hotkeys to do this are not ctl-click. But you can remap hotkeys in IntelliJ ides, so you may be able to come up with hotkey combinations that don't seem too awkward to you.
What helped me was to run File > New CMake Project from Sources
Until that point, Ctrl+click in CLion would go to the definitions, but wouldn't find any usages.

How to format curly braces for autoformat in intellij

Whenever I hit alt-cmd-l to autoformat my code, it formats my imports and arrays from:
import { CommonModule } from '#angular/common';
let arr = [ myStringVar ]; // simple example, just go with it
import {CommonModule} from '#angular/common';
let arr = [myStringVar];
How do I tell IntelliJ to put a space after the opening brace and before the close brace when auto-formatting? (Specifically for javascript, typescript)
I've looked around for the answer and could not find one or asked the question badly. So I apologize if this is duplicate.
I'm on Intellij 2016.3.3
Go to preference, select Editor > Code Style > Javascript and choose Spaces, check the checkboxes in Within section "ES6 import/export brances", and if you want spaces in object literal braces, check "Object literal braces" and as well.
Go to settings and search for ES6 import/export braces. It should take you to Editor -> Code Style -> Javascript (or TypeScript). Just hit that checkbox on the spaces tab and it should add the spaces back.
As you are using Angular, I believe you need to edit the settings for the Typescript and NOT for JavaScript. As I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2021, I will give you the fix for the same. You can do so by going through the following path:
Go to File > Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Typescript
Click on the Spaces tab.
In the Within collapsible, tick the checkbox that says "ES6 import/export braces".
Click on Apply button and then click on Ok button.
If you now go to the Typescript file and hit the combo: Ctrl + Alt + L, it should now format the file correctly.
You have to be careful to ensure that you are making the changes for the Scheme that is applicable for your project. For example, maybe you have customized your Editor in some way previously and saved your customizations under a new name, such as MyCustomSettings. Once you do this, you will notice that there is an additional Scheme called the Default scheme. But MyCustomSettings will be your Scheme for your project and you have to make sure that you make the changes for the MyCustomSettings Scheme and not for the Default scheme. You can refer to the Schemes via the following path:
File > Settings... > Editor > Code Style > Typescript, there is a dropdown referred as Scheme. Choose the appropriate one for your Project and make sure you make the above edits in that Scheme.

What does the scheme dropdown menu do in Phpstorm?

In the settings window of Phpstorm, there is a dropdown box labelled scheme
What does it do?
What does it do?
You may be surprised .. but it allows you to choose another (different) Code Style scheme for this project.
PhpStorm supports globally defined schemas (by default it provides only one -- "Default") which can be used by any project and project-specific schema called "Project" which available for this project only (and stored together with other project-specific settings).
You can read more in official help page.
The Code Style is used for code formatting: be it automatic as you type / use live templates etc .. or manual reformat via Code | Reformat Code...
It's used to
choose the code style scheme to be used as the base for your custom coding style for the selected language (Source).
In other words: after selecting a scheme, you can set different formatting options, like tabs vs spaces, tab size or line breaks etc. To use those settings in your current project, you need to click Manage, select your edited scheme and click Copy to Project. After this, you can press Ctrl + Alt + L (Code > Reformat Code...) in the editor to reformat a file according to those scheme settings.

How do I stop wrapping code when reformat code in phpstorm?

If my code reaches the right magin and I reformat code (Ctrl + Alt + L), PHPStorm automatically wrap code. How do I stop this (reformatting code with wrapping)?
I'm working with php and other languages for web development
See under Preferences > Code Style, where you can tweak by language.
Also check the settings under Preferences > Code Style > General (affects all languages):
I found this worked for me for the auto format wrapping issue:
Preferences > Editor > Code Style > HTML
From there, change the Wrap Attributes dropdown select to Do not wrap and I also unchecked the box Wrap Text. See below:
Edit: I should add that I have the PhpStorm version 2018.2
In newer PhpStorm (and other IntelliJ IDEA based IDEs) versions option is renamed to Wrap on typing and moved to Preferences -> Editor -> Code Style.

Where is the live templates for Java in Intellij-IDEA?

I could not find the live templates for Java! Who can tell me how to set? Thanks.
They're inside all the nodes that are not specific to another language than Java: iterations, output, plain, surround, etc.
As JB Nizet wrote there is not a special node for Java (but you can create one). If you want your own Live Template for Java created do the following.
Open Settings window (File -> Settings)
Click on Editor -> Live Templates
Choose Template Group in which you want to add your Live Template
(you can create your own Template Group if you wish)
Click on + icon and choose Live Template
Specify the Abbreviation, Description and Template text.
Do not forget to define the context (in your case Java)
Here is an example of how to create your own TODO text
Open the Setting window with Live Templates editor (as specified above).
Click on + icon and select Template Group.
Name this group Java.
Click on + icon again and select Live Template.
Specify your Live Template and DEFINE CONTEXT.
In my case writing mtodo and pressing enter will result in:
// TODO myName
You can even use variables. Write in your Template text e.g. $DATE$ and $TIME$
// TODO myName $DATE$ $TIME$
Click on Edit variables button and assign to each variable (defined by dollar sign) and expression (predefined function).
Now mtodo will result in
// TODO myName 13.10.2015 15:39
Predefined functions could be found here. The example was created using IntelliJ IDEA 15 EAP.
For those of you who have taken Postfix completion for Live templates, it is worth mentioning they are different. from not-choosing pretty good answers from #JB Niznet and #vitfo, I guess that's the case for OP writer. The document, here, says:
Postfix code completion is similar to live templates, it transforms the current expression without selecting it. For example, you can type .if after an expression to invoke the corresponding postfix completion and wrap the expression with an if statement.
You can check out a list of postfix completions:
Open the Preferences window
Click on Editor -> General -> Postfix completion
By default, there is no JAVA group in this setting page.
However, these default settings distribute on each feature group. For example, iterations:
IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.4 (Ultimate Edition)