Apache keeps issuing a self-signed certificate even after installing a certificate - apache

I have purchased and installed an SSL certificate on my apache server. The problem is the server is still serving a self-signed certificate.


MITMProxy: Generated cert and downloaded cert are not the same

After running mitmproxy for the first time, the cert generated in ~/.mitmproxy is not the same as those available on http://mitm.it Shouldn't the certs be the same on both the server and the client?

certs having Signed Certificate Timestamp not working with apache 2.2.15

After updating the certificate which having "Signed Certificate Timestamp" apache 2.2.15 not picking those new certs ,Is there any way to make apache 2.2.15 to work with SCT certs

How to install SAN SLL certificat on II7?

How do I install the SSL certificate on IIS7?
I have an SSL certificate with two domains :
These two domains work on the same IP.
But when I try to access https://www.a.example.net, I am redirected to https://www.example.net.
Before installing this certificate, everything worked.
Are there parameters to set with the SAN certificate in IIS 7?
The installation of an SSL Certificate on IIS7 requires technical knowledge to complete...try these services,maybe can help.

Created SSL certificate on my server, but it is not trusted

I am trying to activate HTTPS for my domain name. Chrome recognizes the SSL certificate when i go to https://www.example.com, but I get the error and it says that my SSL is not trusted. What do I need to do to get my SSL certificate to be trusted?
Instead of using a self-signed certificate, get one from a certificate provider. I'd recommend you looking at LetsEncrypt because they have a good automated support for being able to renew certificates automatically.

SSL Self Signed Certificate Error

I have installed SSL Certificate manually that I had brought from Godadday. It installed successfully but it shows self signed certificate which is not trusted or displays cross on https.
What is the solution ?
It is showing because it does not recognized the certificate that you get from Godaddy.
The CSR certificate has to upload on your site and make changes on apache config file.
Make sure your CSR file should not match with the private key that you submitted to verify your site.
Installing a SSL certificate requires some server administration knowhow, especially updating web server configuration.
DigitalOcean has a great tutorial on how to install a SSL certificate from GoDaddy: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-an-ssl-certificate-from-a-commercial-certificate-authority#example-ca-2-godaddy
Maybe it helps.
To check if you installed it correctly, you can use Qualys SSL Server Test at https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/index.html