Change the Color for the VS2019's output -

Is there a tool that enable to change the color for the output from core webserver in VS 2019's output?
For instance if is it a sql statement the color should be yellow, otherwise all text should be black.
Thank you!

VSColorOutput extension can change the color of a line emitted to the output window based on specified rules.


Access Setting Theme VBA using MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex is off by 1

When setting a control/form theme, I often use VBA, as I can change the color on the fly. Works great. I have been trying to move my Database away from using hard-coded numbers, and built up a theme module that is included which has themes mapped so I could just change them there instead of everywhere else.
Then I realized, hey, there's an easier way to do this ( I thought).
Enter Enums MsoThemeColorIndex and MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex. This way, I can even do fancy things like decide that when I use myInternalTheme1 constant, I could just switch it out with MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1.
A long while back I noticed that if I used what is shown on the help docs (above), the themes were "off" by 1. Namely 5 (msoThemeAccent1 "Theme1"), instead of mapping to msoThemeAccent1 actually maps to "Theme2", and "Theme 2" Color is displayed. So, I just manually adjusted. But I'm wondering if I'm missing something here, and I'm using the value incorrectly?
I've used SaveAsText to export these forms after saving the values, and when I do, the field that's had "Theme 1" manually applied in Properties shows that the value 4 is used, which "should" map to msoThemeColorLight2, but doesn't.
Field's Backtheme setting:
BackThemeColorIndex =4
How I'm using this:
' In my "modColor"
Public Const MythemeAccent1 As Integer = 4 ' (help docs specify this as MsoThemeColorIndex.msoThemeColorLight2)
' This one colors the header in Theme2 "wrong color, correct enum value???"
' MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1 = 5 (as docs say)
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeAccent1
' This one colors the header with Theme1 "correct color, wrong enum value???"
' MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeLight2 = 4 (as docs say)
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MsoThemeColorSchemeIndex.msoThemeLight2
' my internal module, this works correctly (code looks correct, and correct color used).
Me.section(acHeader).BackThemeColorIndex = MythemeAccent1
If I assign the color in Design View via Form Properties > FormHeader > Format > Back Color > "Accent 1" it works correctly, and the theme is properly applied.
FormHeader Properties Format
I've verified the theme is correct, numerous times. I exported the theme, and verified that the XML for "Accent 1" is correct, and that "Accent2" is different. "Theme 1" is "Bluish" and "Theme 2" is "Redish" for reference, so it's not like my monitor rendering is just making me think it's different.
Excerpted XML from .Thmx file:
<a:srgbClr val="5C83B4"/>
<a:srgbClr val="E74B4B"/>

Amcharts : How to change the color of the map?

I am using amcharts mapchart. I am trying to change the color of the map which is by default grey.
Can someone help me with this?
Mapchart created with amcharts
To change the color of a series of mapPolygons use this:
NameOfYourMapPolygonTemplate.fill = am4core.color("#ffee00")

Reporting Services - aligning Layout direction Tablix dynamic

Deal All,
Is there a way to have same report show in both layout direction based on parameter?
I have two data set one for label and one for data based on specific parameter show the labels
needed and the data needed but i am unable to switch the lay out direction it keeps LTR.
I need if anyone have an idea to change the layout direction from parameter.
I am having 50 reports and i don't like to have 150 reports because i am having 3 language.
I don't need to change the design of reports if there a new adding columns or changing columns.
I did it in data base by sending paramater name of the report and then get the dataset for it and then use the parameter of language to get label and data.
thanks in advance
I dont know if this helps, because I have no experience with RTL, however if you select a TextBox and open the properties via F4, you can select for the text direction not only LTR or RTL but also an expression. Maybe this gives you the flexibility, you are looking for?
Please right click on the report and choose view code or press F7 and insert below code for the field:
<FontFamily />

Remove the lines from a document

Display the result without using any line between column and row
I can't remove these line
The picture below is taken in preview mode
// Fullmetalboy
In the textbox properties for each cell of the grid, just make sure you set the BorderWidth property to 0.
Due to very limited info in the question maybe try Results-to-text instead of Results-to-grid?
I think that we need more info here... are you showing these results in a HTML page, through some dynamic language (ASP, PHP, Ruby)? or are you using reporting tools like Crystal Dynamics?
If you're doing in HTML, I guess the css rule border-collapse:collapse on the table would do the trick

Change parameter name on selection screen to a real text

I'm trying to replace the parameter name shown on the selection screen.
For example I have:
PARAMETERS pa_age TYPE age_type DEFAULT '18'.
It shows PA_AGE on the screen.
How to change it to How old are you? for instance?
You have to define a text via Goto->text elements->selection text.
If you develop in another language as you execute your code, you need also a translation.
Via menu Goto->Text Elements->Selection Text.