Get Firebase dynamic link click analytics data from BigQuery - google-bigquery

I have a Firebase dynamic link and will like to get the click analytics data from BigQuery. I am aware that it is possible to retrieve the click data via Firebase Analytics API but I will like to know if it is possible to get the click data from BigQuery instead?
I have already setup Firebase to send data to BigQuery, based on my exploration, I found that the data collected there are all based on app usage. Events like dynamic_link_app_open do seem relevant but they don't give the complete picture because events outside the app are not collected.


Is there any way to get Realtime data from BigQuery SDK / API?

I working on a project in which I’m facing a problem that I want to get real-time data from BigQuery dataset,
So I research hard I learn about web sockets like pusher and laravel-websocket, and I also test them also
but One thing I didn’t understand that how to do If I connect BigQuery SDK with my Laravel project then I didn’t find any event or method that BigQuery gives us to do so, because in my scenario most data comes from IoT devices and the device uses bigQueryAPI to feed data I also want that devices data real-time.
Then I found that there’s a way to connect BigQuery Dataset with firebase and then firebase gives us an event whenever row fed in the dataset.
I just want to know Is there’s any that without a firebase solution I can do it?
because the above solution is not free I have to pay firebase to avail of this feature?
thank you
IoT devices can post the data to pub/sub instead of BigQuery, from pub/sub one consumer(Ex:Dataflow) can read and insert the data into BigQuery and you can create consumer for your custom needs.

Extracting subscription data from ChargeBee to google spreadsheet

How to use API to get subscription data (Customer name; value of subscription; payment status;) into a google spreadsheet from Chargebee?
I am aware of ChargeBee Subscription API documentation,
Still, not sure how to use them and fetch data into a google spreadsheet.
First time working on an API, very little clue on how to get it done.
Assuming in a real world scenario you have to fetch huge list of subscription data, instead of exporting data from Chargebee via API. The correct and easiest approach will be to export via Export/Import GUI available in Web Console. The export file will be in CSV/Excel Sheet format which you can upload to the Google Spreadsheet.

How to send data from google tag manager ( GTM ) to google bigquery

I am using Google BigQuery for storing user's analytics from my site.
User's Tag data is stored by using GTM datalayer
My Question: How to send data from GTM to Google BigQuery?
As far as I understand, you want to collect event data from the users.
I can offer 2 different options for it:
Easy and common one is, you can send your data to Google Analytics, and then export it to BigQuery daily.
The second one is, you can create a REST Api, and send requests to that server for every event. At the backend app, you can store data in a database or send it to BigQuery directly.
I would recommend you to prepare list of events you want to analyze in BigQuery, and then if you already have it, you can send them here, so we can recommend more tangible alternatives.

Firebase dynamic links long version not firing automatic analytics events

The long version of a Firebase Dynamic Link is not firing the events First-opens, clicks, re-opens...
Is that a bug or is it on purpose, and in that case why?
I cannot use the short version because I am adding programmatically a parameter in the deep link associated, hence I need the long version to accomplish it.
As a work around: how can I add programmatically a url parameter in a short Firebase dynamic link? I don't want to generate programmatically a link, I want to have only one link which has dynamic value on it (e.g. productID for a link in my product detail page)
Thanks for your help!
Need your actual dynamic link to investigate this.
At the same time I can suggest that you can create short link programmatically. See iOS docs, Android docs and overview.
When you say analytics what of the following you are referring to:
Data shown in Firebase Analytics (accessible from Firebase Console
in Analytics section);
Data shown in Dynamic Links Analytics (accessible from Firebase Console in Dynamic Links section);
Data shown when in list of created dynamic links you clicking on specific link;
Data retrieved using Firebase Dynamic Links Analytics API;
I feel that we should account long links clicks in 1 and 2. I did not get yet confirmation from server side folks to be sure about this. I would trust Ian's comment for now.
In 3 will be shown only short links created in Firebase console. Short links created using API will not show up in 3.
In 4 you can access data related to short links.

Can you upload data to the Google Analytics API?

There are companies out there that claim to "integrate" data into GA. I know some phone call tracking companies in particular. Is there a way that they are uploading data to GA through the API or are they using some other method that doesn't require that?
There is no upload mechanism into Google Analytics besides manual __utm.gif calls like in the browser. Both Google Analytics APIs (Data Export and Management) are completely Read-Only.
There are a few ways these solutions work, but one of them is to generate a unique identifier for the person calling in to give the person on the other line. That code is linked to their referral information (grabbing from the cookies). Another solution is to have the customer manually input their phone number. That phone number is then dialed by the software and connected to the live person, and in the background the phone number is linked to the source information from the cookies.
Then, the person receiving the call either inputs the code it into the system, or automatically has the user's information, and at the completion of the call, depending on how it is resolved, can generate things like e-commerce transactions or particular pageviews for Goals, so it can generate __utm.gif calls with the relevant campaign and user data appended. As far as Google Analytics is concerned, the request formed is the same user. The only thing that will be different is the User Location (which is fairly inaccurate to begin with.)
ie, if I take the __utm.gif call from my computer, paste it to you, and you click it, Google will see that as an another pageview on this visit, and for most purposes ignore that the differing locations.
Well, Google Analytics works off the a tracking GIF with all kinds of data appended to it, so it can certainly be reproduced by these phone call tracking folks without a problem.
Phone call comes, request the 1x1.gif from google with tracking data suiting your needs, and the hit+data will soon register on GA.
There are several options to send tracking data to Google analytics.
Use a library which implements the ga.js script server-side
When you use Google Analytics in the way described by Google, you include a script on your website. This script sends data from the visitors browser to the Google Analytics server.
This script has been reverse engineered and implemented in server-side libraries. Now you can send the same data from the server to the Google Analytics server. You can use PHP-GA for PHP or pyga for Python.
Use the Google Analytics measurement protocol
The Google Analytics measurement protocol is a new API to send data to Google Analytics. You can send data by sending POST requests to the API.