Ionic Vue: VueJsPaginate not showing - vue.js

I am developing an app which has a list of objects that I want to paginate. I found vuejs-paginate plugin but I can't make it work in my view.
After installing it via npm and importing in the view, its tag is in fact in the HTML skeleton of the page, but it shows nothing. No error is displayed in the console either, only this Vue warning:
[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve component: paginate
Might it be a problem with the import? Could you help me?
I attach part of my code so you can see how I've declared it.
import {
} from "#ionic/vue";
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import { VuejsPaginate } from "vuejs-paginate";
export default defineComponent({
name: "Gestion",
components: {
'paginate': VuejsPaginate,
methods: {
clickCallback: function(page) {
This has also happened to me when trying to import other "external" components. Could it be a problem related to Ionic?
Thank you in advance!


Nuxt local import client only

I'm trying to use VuePlyr in Nuxt 2. Right now I have it working as a plugin /plugins/vue-plyr.js,
import Vue from 'vue'
import VuePlyr from '#skjnldsv/vue-plyr'
import 'vue-plyr/dist/vue-plyr.css'
but it is just used in one page, so I would like to remove it from the main bundle and just import it locally when used. I've tried this in my page (the template part was working when using the plugin).
<div data-plyr-provider="vimeo" :data-plyr-embed-id="id" />
import 'vue-plyr/dist/vue-plyr.css'
import Vue from 'vue'
export default {
async mounted () {
const VuePlyr = await import('#skjnldsv/vue-plyr')
but unfortunately, I'm getting this error
[Vue warn]: Unknown custom element: <vue-plyr> - did you register the component correctly?
Any idea how I could achieve this? Related with How to make a dynamic import in Nuxt?
You could import it like that
export default {
components: {
[process.client && 'VuePlyr']: () => import('#skjnldsv/vue-plyr'),
As mentioned in a previous answer.
In your nuxt config define the plugin as client only:
plugins: [
{ src: "~/plugins/vue-plyr.js", mode: "client" }
Then also make sure there's a client-only tag around the use of the component:
<div data-plyr-provider="vimeo" :data-plyr-embed-id="id" />
Edit: importing the component again in the mounted method isn't necessary if you added it as a plugin

Call app.use for plugin in the component itself in vue 3

I'm building a component library that uses the v-tooltip plugin. So I need to install and use the plugin in the component itself instead using it globally with app.use().
I've read so many posts, and what I've tried so far doesn't work for my case.
I know that I can access the app in the Composition API as:
import VTooltip from 'v-tooltip';
import 'v-tooltip/dist/v-tooltip.css';
const App = getCurrentInstance();
but that doesn't work, and I get this warning:
[Vue warn]: Component is missing template or render function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
to use this plugin in the component itself, you can try to do something like this:
<button v-tooltip="/* your code */"> Custom button </button>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
import VTooltip from "v-tooltip";
export default defineComponent({
directives: {
tooltip: VTooltip.VTooltip,
"close-popover": VTooltip.VClosePopover,
"v-popover": VTooltip.VPopover,
Thanks #Rago, you gave me an idea with the directives. The solution was really simple in this case... At the moment v-tooltip is undergoing a package rename (to floating-vue), so with the new plugin you can decide if you want to use a component or a directive.
This is the solution:
<span v-tooltip="help" class="form-help">?</span>
import 'floating-vue/dist/style.css';
import { VTooltip } from 'floating-vue';
export default defineComponent({
directives: {
tooltip: VTooltip,
And for the Composition API you just import it, and Vue will automatically detect the directive if you follow the naming convention - putting v in front of the directive:
import 'floating-vue/dist/style.css';
import { VTooltip } from 'floating-vue';
const vTooltip = VTooltip;

Using Material Design icons with Vue

I want to use the MaterialDesignIcons ( with my vue project. What is the proper way of using these icons with my project? I tried the following but got errors....
yarn add #mdi/font
then in my vue file
<mdiLock />
import { mdiLock } from '#mdi/font';
export default {
components: {
However i get the error This dependency was not found:
You can't pull icons from the font package like that. You probably want to be using #mdi/js.
We provide a Vue icon component to make this easy.
Here is a single file component example:
<svg-icon type="mdi" :path="path"></svg-icon>
import SvgIcon from '#jamescoyle/vue-icon'
import { mdiAccount } from '#mdi/js'
export default {
name: "my-cool-component",
components: {
data() {
return {
path: mdiAccount,

How do I import Three.js into my Nuxt project

I want to import modules in examples folder in THREE.js such as OBJLoader into my Nuxt Project.
I can import main folder of THREE, but error occurs when trying to import modules in examples folder.
Tried these steps in official docs.
I'm getting error below
Unexpected token {
import * as THREE from 'three'
import { GLTFLoader } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/GLTFLoader.js';
export default{
here are my github repository
Finally I could find what was wrong.
Well, it has to do with nuxt building system. When using third parts libs, you should add them into nuxt.config.js bild->transpile array so it can be included as a dependency with Babel.
transpile: [
Threejs must be run on the client side so enclosed the component with <client-only> tag and loaded it dynamically with const MyComponent = () => import('~/path/to/MyComponent.vue'); but now I am getting the error on server side.
Finally I managed to do it like this!
<threejs-component />
export default {
components: {
ThreejsComponent: process.browser ? () => import('~/path/to/ThreejsComponent.vue') : null
inside ThreejsComponent.vue are all the threejs imports

How to import a sub-component in vue.js?

I create a custom vue.js component.
Component scratch : /scratch/index.js :
import drawArea from './drawArea.vue';
import scratchList from './scratchList.vue';
export default {
In main.vue
<script >
import {drawArea, scratchList} from '../components/Scratcher';
export default {
components: {
'drawArea': drawArea,
But I get an error:
Unknown custom element: - did you register the component correctly? For recursive components, make sure to provide the "name" option.
How can I correctly register my component?
Thank you.