I run the following query:
cost = (SELECT supplier_item.price
FROM supplier_item,
WHERE supplier_item.sku = orderdetails.sku
AND supplier_item.supplierid = supplier.supplierid)
FROM orderdetails,
WHERE invoiceid = '339740'
AND orderdetails.mfr_id = supplier.supplierid
AND group_master.sku = orderdetails.sku
I get the following error:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Any ideas?
Try this:
si.Price as cost
OrderDetails od
INNER JOIN Supplier s on s.SupplierId = od.Mfr_ID
INNER JOIN Group_Master gm on gm.Sku = od.Sku
INNER JOIN Supplier_Item si on si.SKU = od.Sku and si.SupplierId = s.SupplierID
od.invoiceid = '339740'
This will return multiple rows that are identical except for the cost column. Look at the different cost values that are returned and figure out what is causing the different values. Then ask somebody which cost value they want, and add the criteria to the query that will select that cost.
Check to see if there are any triggers on the table you are trying to execute queries against. They can sometimes throw this error as they are trying to run the update/select/insert trigger that is on the table.
You can modify your query to disable then enable the trigger if the trigger DOES NOT need to be executed for whatever query you are trying to run.
ALTER TABLE your_table DISABLE TRIGGER [the_trigger_name]
UPDATE your_table
SET Gender = 'Female'
WHERE (Gender = 'Male')
ALTER TABLE your_table ENABLE TRIGGER [the_trigger_name]
WHERE columns_name
IN ( SELECT COLUMN FROM TABLE WHERE columns_name = 'value');
note: when we are using sub-query we must focus on these points:
if our sub query returns 1 value in this case we need to use (=,!=,<>,<,>....)
else (more than one value), in this case we need to use (in, any, all, some )
cost = Select Supplier_Item.Price from Supplier_Item,orderdetails,Supplier
where Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and
This subquery returns multiple values, SQL is complaining because it can't assign multiple values to cost in a single record.
Some ideas:
Fix the data such that the existing subquery returns only 1 record
Fix the subquery such that it only returns one record
Add a top 1 and order by to the subquery (nasty solution that DBAs hate - but it "works")
Use a user defined function to concatenate the results of the subquery into a single string
The fix is to stop using correlated subqueries and use joins instead. Correlated subqueries are essentially cursors as they cause the query to run row-by-row and should be avoided.
You may need a derived table in the join in order to get the value you want in the field if you want only one record to match, if you need both values then the ordinary join will do that but you will get multiple records for the same id in the results set. If you only want one, you need to decide which one and do that in the code, you could use a top 1 with an order by, you could use max(), you could use min(), etc, depending on what your real requirement for the data is.
I had the same problem , I used in instead of = , from the Northwind database example :
Query is : Find the Companies that placed orders in 1997
Try this :
SELECT CompanyName
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID IN (
FROM Orders
WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = '1997'
Instead of that :
SELECT CompanyName
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID =
FROM Orders
WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = '1997'
Either your data is bad, or it's not structured the way you think it is. Possibly both.
To prove/disprove this hypothesis, run this query:
SELECT * from
SELECT count(*) as c, Supplier_Item.SKU
FROM Supplier_Item
INNER JOIN orderdetails
ON Supplier_Item.sku = orderdetails.sku
ON Supplier_item.supplierID = Supplier.SupplierID
GROUP BY Supplier_Item.SKU
) x
WHERE c > 1
If this returns just a few rows, then your data is bad. If it returns lots of rows, then your data is not structured the way you think it is. (If it returns zero rows, I'm wrong.)
I'm guessing that you have orders containing the same SKU multiple times (two separate line items, both ordering the same SKU).
The select statement in the cost part of your select is returning more than one value. You need to add more where clauses, or use an aggregation.
The error implies that this subquery is returning more than 1 row:
(Select Supplier_Item.Price from Supplier_Item,orderdetails,Supplier where Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and Supplier_Item.SupplierId=Supplier.SupplierID )
You probably don't want to include the orderdetails and supplier tables in the subquery, because you want to reference the values selected from those tables in the outer query. So I think you want the subquery to be simply:
(Select Supplier_Item.Price from Supplier_Item where Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and Supplier_Item.SupplierId=Supplier.SupplierID )
I suggest you read up on correlated vs. non-correlated subqueries.
As others have suggested, the best way to do this is to use a join instead of variable assignment. Re-writing your query to use a join (and using the explicit join syntax instead of the implicit join, which was also suggested--and is the best practice), you would get something like this:
Supplier_Item.Price as cost
join Supplier on OrderDetails.Mfr_ID = Supplier.SupplierId
join Group_Master on Group_Master.Sku = OrderDetails.Sku
join Supplier_Item on
Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and Supplier_Item.SupplierId=Supplier.SupplierID
Even after 9 years of the original post, this helped me.
If you are receiving these types of errors without any clue, there should be a trigger, function related to the table, and obviously it should end up with an SP, or function with selecting/filtering data NOT USING Primary Unique column. If you are searching/filtering using the Primary Unique column there won't be any multiple results. Especially when you are assigning value for a declared variable. The SP never gives you en error but only an runtime error.
"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated."
In my case obviously there was no clue, but only this error message. There was a trigger connected to the table and the table updating by the trigger also had another trigger likewise it ended up with two triggers and in the end with an SP. The SP was having a select clause which was resulting in multiple rows.
SET #Variable1 =(
SELECT column_gonna_asign
FROM dbo.your_db
WHERE Non_primary_non_unique_key= #Variable2
If this returns multiple rows, you are in trouble.
I need help making the following query only display one result, the one with the MAX Procurement Rate.
Currently the query works, but displays all results not just the one with the output of the MAX function
SELECT SalesPeople.SalesPersonID, FirstName, LastName, Region, SalesRevenueYear1, ProcurementCost
FROM ProductRevenueAndCosts
INNER JOIN SalesPeople
ON ProductRevenueAndCosts.SalesPersonID = SalesPeople.SalesPersonID
WHERE SalesPeople.Region = 'Central' AND (
SELECT MAX (ProcurementCost)
FROM ProductRevenueAndCosts
WHERE SalesPeople.Region = 'Central'
If you add a LIMIT 1 clause at the end of your SQL, then only the first record will be shown. If you add an ORDER BY column_name, then the results will be ordered by that column. Using these two together is a quick way to get the max or min without having to worry about aggregate functions.
Otherwise, you can try aggregating the results with a max function:
As mentioned, you need to correlate the subquery to outer query. Be sure to use aliases between same named columns and exercise good practice in qualifying all columns with table names or aliases especially in JOIN queries:
SELECT sp.SalesPersonID, sp.FirstName, sp.LastName, sp.Region, sp.SalesRevenueYear1,
FROM ProductRevenueAndCosts prc
INNER JOIN SalesPeople sp
ON prc.SalesPersonID = prc.SalesPersonID
WHERE sp.Region = 'Central'
SELECT MAX(ProcurementCost)
FROM ProductRevenueAndCosts
Note: If running in MS Access, remove the comment
Update: the issue was in saving results into a different table. Apologies, this question should be deleted.
I got this query:
'True' as Email_Opens
FROM LN_Journey_21
WHERE SubscriberKey in(
_Job J
join _Open O on J.JobID = O.JobID
join LN_Journey_21 LN on LN.SubscriberKey = O.SubscriberKey
J.EmailName LIKE 'IQOS_LN%'
and j.CreatedDate >= '2021-05-10'
SubscriberKey is a PK in LN_Journey_21.
The results have more rows than LN_Journey_21 had before running the query, how is that?
The query should be (most importantly you don't need DISTINCT anywhere):
SELECT SubscriberKey,
'True' as Email_Opens
FROM dbo.LN_Journey_21 AS LN
FROM dbo._Job AS J
ON J.JobID = O.JobID
WHERE O.SubscriberKey = LN.SubscriberKey
AND J.CreatedDate >= '20210510'
Extra rows could be explained by:
different query than what's posted in your question
COUNT query is more complex than just SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.table;
data has actually changed between when you ran the COUNT query and when you ran this query
using NOLOCK (perhaps you've hidden it from us, or it's used on your COUNT query, or both)
you are relying on the status bar in SSMS, which shows total rows for the batch by default, and you other queries that return those additional 500 rows
Like the comments suggest, it would be great if you could show a scenario (e.g. on db<>fiddle where COUNT produces fewer rows than this query. With the information we have so far, it's not possible, except for situations like those I mentioned above (that list may not be exhaustive, but probably the most common).
I run the following query:
cost = (SELECT supplier_item.price
FROM supplier_item,
WHERE supplier_item.sku = orderdetails.sku
AND supplier_item.supplierid = supplier.supplierid)
FROM orderdetails,
WHERE invoiceid = '339740'
AND orderdetails.mfr_id = supplier.supplierid
AND group_master.sku = orderdetails.sku
I get the following error:
Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
Any ideas?
Try this:
si.Price as cost
OrderDetails od
INNER JOIN Supplier s on s.SupplierId = od.Mfr_ID
INNER JOIN Group_Master gm on gm.Sku = od.Sku
INNER JOIN Supplier_Item si on si.SKU = od.Sku and si.SupplierId = s.SupplierID
od.invoiceid = '339740'
This will return multiple rows that are identical except for the cost column. Look at the different cost values that are returned and figure out what is causing the different values. Then ask somebody which cost value they want, and add the criteria to the query that will select that cost.
Check to see if there are any triggers on the table you are trying to execute queries against. They can sometimes throw this error as they are trying to run the update/select/insert trigger that is on the table.
You can modify your query to disable then enable the trigger if the trigger DOES NOT need to be executed for whatever query you are trying to run.
ALTER TABLE your_table DISABLE TRIGGER [the_trigger_name]
UPDATE your_table
SET Gender = 'Female'
WHERE (Gender = 'Male')
ALTER TABLE your_table ENABLE TRIGGER [the_trigger_name]
WHERE columns_name
IN ( SELECT COLUMN FROM TABLE WHERE columns_name = 'value');
note: when we are using sub-query we must focus on these points:
if our sub query returns 1 value in this case we need to use (=,!=,<>,<,>....)
else (more than one value), in this case we need to use (in, any, all, some )
cost = Select Supplier_Item.Price from Supplier_Item,orderdetails,Supplier
where Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and
This subquery returns multiple values, SQL is complaining because it can't assign multiple values to cost in a single record.
Some ideas:
Fix the data such that the existing subquery returns only 1 record
Fix the subquery such that it only returns one record
Add a top 1 and order by to the subquery (nasty solution that DBAs hate - but it "works")
Use a user defined function to concatenate the results of the subquery into a single string
The fix is to stop using correlated subqueries and use joins instead. Correlated subqueries are essentially cursors as they cause the query to run row-by-row and should be avoided.
You may need a derived table in the join in order to get the value you want in the field if you want only one record to match, if you need both values then the ordinary join will do that but you will get multiple records for the same id in the results set. If you only want one, you need to decide which one and do that in the code, you could use a top 1 with an order by, you could use max(), you could use min(), etc, depending on what your real requirement for the data is.
I had the same problem , I used in instead of = , from the Northwind database example :
Query is : Find the Companies that placed orders in 1997
Try this :
SELECT CompanyName
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID IN (
FROM Orders
WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = '1997'
Instead of that :
SELECT CompanyName
FROM Customers
WHERE CustomerID =
FROM Orders
WHERE YEAR(OrderDate) = '1997'
Either your data is bad, or it's not structured the way you think it is. Possibly both.
To prove/disprove this hypothesis, run this query:
SELECT * from
SELECT count(*) as c, Supplier_Item.SKU
FROM Supplier_Item
INNER JOIN orderdetails
ON Supplier_Item.sku = orderdetails.sku
ON Supplier_item.supplierID = Supplier.SupplierID
GROUP BY Supplier_Item.SKU
) x
WHERE c > 1
If this returns just a few rows, then your data is bad. If it returns lots of rows, then your data is not structured the way you think it is. (If it returns zero rows, I'm wrong.)
I'm guessing that you have orders containing the same SKU multiple times (two separate line items, both ordering the same SKU).
The select statement in the cost part of your select is returning more than one value. You need to add more where clauses, or use an aggregation.
The error implies that this subquery is returning more than 1 row:
(Select Supplier_Item.Price from Supplier_Item,orderdetails,Supplier where Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and Supplier_Item.SupplierId=Supplier.SupplierID )
You probably don't want to include the orderdetails and supplier tables in the subquery, because you want to reference the values selected from those tables in the outer query. So I think you want the subquery to be simply:
(Select Supplier_Item.Price from Supplier_Item where Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and Supplier_Item.SupplierId=Supplier.SupplierID )
I suggest you read up on correlated vs. non-correlated subqueries.
As others have suggested, the best way to do this is to use a join instead of variable assignment. Re-writing your query to use a join (and using the explicit join syntax instead of the implicit join, which was also suggested--and is the best practice), you would get something like this:
Supplier_Item.Price as cost
join Supplier on OrderDetails.Mfr_ID = Supplier.SupplierId
join Group_Master on Group_Master.Sku = OrderDetails.Sku
join Supplier_Item on
Supplier_Item.SKU=OrderDetails.Sku and Supplier_Item.SupplierId=Supplier.SupplierID
Even after 9 years of the original post, this helped me.
If you are receiving these types of errors without any clue, there should be a trigger, function related to the table, and obviously it should end up with an SP, or function with selecting/filtering data NOT USING Primary Unique column. If you are searching/filtering using the Primary Unique column there won't be any multiple results. Especially when you are assigning value for a declared variable. The SP never gives you en error but only an runtime error.
"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
The statement has been terminated."
In my case obviously there was no clue, but only this error message. There was a trigger connected to the table and the table updating by the trigger also had another trigger likewise it ended up with two triggers and in the end with an SP. The SP was having a select clause which was resulting in multiple rows.
SET #Variable1 =(
SELECT column_gonna_asign
FROM dbo.your_db
WHERE Non_primary_non_unique_key= #Variable2
If this returns multiple rows, you are in trouble.
this subquery works in SQL Server:
(select count(id)
from userIncidences
where idUser = )
from systemUsers
How can It be made in SQL Compact?
There are cases when you can't avoid a subquery, for instance if you have to include calculated columns that use data from the current and the previous row. Consider this query, for instance:
(Current.Mileage - Last.Mileage)/Quantity as MPG
GasPurchases AS Current
LEFT OUTER JOIN GasPurchases AS Last
ON Last.Date =
(SELECT MAX(PurchaseDate)
FROM GasPurchases
WHERE PurchaseDate < Current.PurchaseDate)
It will cause a parsing error:
SQL Execution Error.
Error Source: SQL Server Compact ADO.NET Data Provider
Error Message: There was an error parsing the query.
I found this thread on MSDN that has a workaround. By changing the subquery so that it returns a set instead of a scalar value, I was able to save and run the following query.
(Current.Mileage - Last.Mileage)/Quantity as MPG
GasPurchases AS Current
LEFT OUTER JOIN GasPurchases AS Last
ON Last.Date IN
(SELECT MAX(PurchaseDate)
FROM GasPurchases
WHERE PurchaseDate < Current.PurchaseDate)
Try this:
SELECT su.Name, COUNT(ui.ID)
FROM systemUsers su
LEFT JOIN userIncidences ui ON ui.idUser = su.ID
GROUP BY su.Name
I originally had an INNER JOIN just like Tomalak, but I realized that this would exclude users with no incidents, rather than show them with a 0 count. That might even be what you want, but it doesn't match your original.
Thanks guys, DoctaJonez, I found your little post the most helpful with my subquery. Your syntax seems to work with SQL Server Compact v3.5. Here is the query I tried (which works).
By the way, the hardcoded value you see (38046), I know at the time of running the query
insert into tLink (start,stop,associativeobject,linktype,id,name,guid,createTime,modifyTime,externalID,description,linkLabel,LinkDetails)
select,stop,associativeobject,linktype,,name,guid,createTime,modifyTime,externalID,description,linkLabel,LinkDetails from tLink l, (select id, '38046' as newid from tObject Where name = 'Step 1' and id <> '38046') as newtable
where l.start = newtable.newid and start in (38046)
Something like this? (using Northwind.Order Details]
The Code Snippet:
SELECT [Unit Price] * Quantity AS Cost,
[Unit Price] * Quantity * 1.25 AS CostWithVAT
FROM [Order Details]
Source Airline Reservation System Project