This question already has answers here:
Check if Firebase registration token is invalid
(1 answer)
Firebase Cloud Messaging : Expiration of FCM token
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
weird question about Firebase ok the scenario
I login using firebase to get the token so i can do a good old push notification...then save that token in database (firestore, mongodb, oracle, mysql , etc..)
I trigger the event from express server.... then a leave the application close (mobile) for like 24 hour +- .... then when i tried it again without the mobile app open the notification did not work
The question is there is a way i can regenerate the token from the server side without even open the mobile app so it can give the new token?
This question already has an answer here:
How to send In-APP Notification in Firebase using Python SDK for Android | iOS
(1 answer)
Closed 4 months ago.
Is it possible to send in-app notification from spring boot app?
Based on the docs and sdk firebase-admin I could send push notifications. But for in app messaging I am not sure that will help send notifications from backend server
In-app messaging, as its name implies, is for messages that are triggered from (and displayed) inside the app. When the user is not actively using the app, you'll usually instead want to send a notification to Cloud Messaging, with shows up in the notification panel.
There is no direct way to trigger In-app messaging from your own server, but since the triggers are based on Analytics events - you could send a message from your server to the device (for example as a data message through FCM) and then use that in the app as a signal to log a certain analytics event that then triggers In-app messaging.
Also see:
Firebase In-app messaging send message whenever we need option?
How to send In-APP Notification in Firebase using Python SDK for Android | iOS
I am working on a react native app that has a PHP backend. I am getting an issue with OAuth2. Following is the scenario.
User enters the login screen, he will get an access token. Which is
saving in async storage.
Whenever the user is successfully identified, the auth service provider issues an access_token and refresh_token
The app uses the access token to fetch more user information.
access token is expired. Then I got into the app and closed sooner(which will send a request for a new access token but upon closing the app, the response won't be stored in the device, rather it will update the backend refresh token). This causes refresh token mismatch and lead to app log out.
When I'm trying to open the app I get thrown out and I need to log in again due to the mismatch of refresh token at backend and async storage.
Any ideas are welcome!
I have react native app that already at the store.
I decided to move my database and my frontend and backend using Amplify.
I would like to connect my react native app using Amplify too, my needs are to check if user is sign in and get access token, refresh token, token expired date, sign out and using the different apis on the backend to get data...
I was looking on different documents like this one but couldn't find a way to connect to exist one, the only option I have seen is to create a new database only for the mobile...
What are my options? I thought maybe I should create login and refreshToken functions in the backend and only call those functions every time I need to log in or refresh a token... or maybe I should use configuration file somewhere? I was thinking about this file awsExports but not sure this is the right one, there's no explanation about it
Thanks in advance
This question already has answers here:
PayPal sandbox API credentials missing?
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
No end of trouble since the developer site and sandbox was changed last week. I've not managed to make a single working call to the new platform since it was launched.
I've managed to get as far as getting 100002 errors back - which at least means things are talking, but I noticed today that if I create test accounts, the API Credentials are blank/missing:
Does anyone know a fix for this? I've cleared out the browser cache etc.
There are some issues with the Credentials not appearing for some accounts. Currently you are logged into the developer account. Try logging into the actual sandbox seller account, and going to the profile and requesting the credentials. You should be able to view these from within the Sandbox seller account, and if they have not been requested yet, you can generate these.
Log out Paypal account
clearing browser cache and cookies (I use firefox).
Go to and login with the real paypal account (not the Sandbox one)
Go to Applications
Click on Sandbox accounts
(Optional) Import your old accounts from your former Sandbox account after the redirect to the accounts page
Click on the account you want to log in to
Choose Sandbox site
Log in to that site using your test business account
Go to My Profile
In Account information click on Request API Credentials
Choose the option that solves your needs
The API crecendiales were created !!! (they will appear in your test account profile)
I'm creating a Windows 8 app. I have a login screen and when I press a button it will authenticate against a REST API. But what do I do when the user is authenticated? Where is the "session"? How can I store who the user is? So far my search has taken me to these answers
1. ApplicationData.Current namespace
Where would I store session specific data? Local application data? Temporary application data?
2. Password Vault
I've seen this suggested to a similar question, but as far as I understand this is just a password store? How would it help me to keep the current user in session? Or would I simply for a every view I load question the Password Vault:
This is the users Windows Live ID, what id does he have in my app?
3. CookieContainer
Is it possible to store the user info in a cookie when doing a Windows 8 app?
It seems to me a rather simple question to which I hope there is a simple answer :)
I have an app too with an authentication against an REST service with a simple OAuth authentication and I store the credentials (AccesstToken and AccessToken secret) in the PasswordVault. One of the advantages (apart from being stored securely) it's synchronized between Windows 8 devices. In the PasswordVault you store the username and the Password in a PasswordCredential