Chaostoolkit istio extension hangs when playing experiment - testing

I'm trying to use the chaos toolkit istio extension, my problem is as follows:
I have a experiment.json file which contains a single probe to retrieve a virtual service. The file looks similar to the following:
"version": "1.0.0",
"title": "test",
"description": "N/A",
"tags": []
"secrets": {
"istio": {
"type": "env",
"method": [
"type": "probe",
"name": get_virtual_service:,
"provider": {
"type": "python",
"module": "chaosistio.fault.probes",
"func": "get_virtual_service",
"arguments": {
"virtual_service_name": "test"
"ns": "test-ns"
I have set KUBERNETES_CONTEXT and http/https proxy as env vars. My authorisation is using $HOME/.kube/config.
When playing the experiment it validates the file fine and tries to perform the action but becomes stuck and just hangs until it times out.
The error I see in the logs is a HTTPSConnectionPool error (failed to establish a new connection, operation timed out).
Am I missing any settings? All help appreciated.


Can you set an Application's Client Secret using a kickstart file? FusionAuth

I am using a kickstart.json file to setup FusionAuth in developer environments. Everything is automated except I still need to manually go and get the client secret from the fusion auth instance.
Is there anyway I can predefine the client secret in the kickstart file so I can pre-configure it in my app?
you should absolutely be able to set the client secret from kickstart.json. Any API call should work from within Kickstart. indicates you can POST an application including the client secret.
So a kickstart file like this should work:
"variables": {
"defaultTenantId": "30663132-6464-6665-3032-326466613934"
"apiKeys": [
"key": "mykey",
"description": "API key"
"requests": [
"method": "POST",
"url": "/api/application/85a03867-dccf-4882-adde-1a79aeec50df",
"body": {
"application": {
"name": "Pied Piper",
"roles": [
"name": "dev"
"name": "ceo"
"name": "intern"
"oauthConfiguration" : {
"clientSecret": "shhh-your-desired-secret"
I haven't tested that, but don't see any reason why it would not work. (Note that 1.37, the most recent version, has an issue with kickstart as documented here: but that should be fixed soon.)
If this doesn't work for you, please share the error message and a scrubbed kickstart file.

"ExpiredTokenRemover received java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted" during Python connection to Hive in Dataproc

I'm using Python to connect to Hive on GCP Dataproc from a Mac laptop behind VPN. I'm using several client packages including pyhive, pyodbc, impyla. They have all encountered the following issue shown in server log. I'm not sure in what situation this happens. It does not always happen.
Any ideas? Thanks!
"insertId": "yo09j6v27lip3l6yj",
"jsonPayload": {
"filename": "yarn-yarn-resourcemanager-test-sql-hive-debug-m.log",
"class": "",
"message": "ExpiredTokenRemover received java.lang.InterruptedException: sleep interrupted"
"resource": {
"type": "cloud_dataproc_cluster",
"labels": {
"cluster_uuid": "xxx-9a09-475e-9c2b-36fa13885367",
"region": "us-central1",
"project_id": "xxx",
"cluster_name": "test-sql-hive-debug"
"timestamp": "2021-03-13T09:41:00.051Z",
"severity": "ERROR",
"labels": {
"": "us-central1-a",
"": "test-sql-hive-debug-m",
"": "xxx"
"logName": "projects/wmt-catalog-ds-classy/logs/yarn-yarn-resourcemanager",
"receiveTimestamp": "2021-03-13T09:41:00.263824982Z"

GraphJSON serialization in Gremlin.Net

I'm trying to query the TinkerPop server (hosted inside docker container) via CosmosDB client library, which uses under the hood Gremlin.Net. So I managed to connect it and insert the data, here's intercepted WebSocket request:
"requestId": "b64bd2eb-46c3-4095-9eef-768bca2a14ed",
"op": "eval",
"processor": "",
"args": {
"gremlin": "g.addV(\"User\").property(\"UserId\",2).property(\"CustomerId\",1)"
The response:
"requestId": "b64bd2eb-46c3-4095-9eef-768bca2a14ed",
"status": {
"message": "",
"code": 200,
"attributes": {
"host": "/"
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 0,
"label": "User",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {}
"meta": {}
Problem is that I see those properties when I'm connected via gremlin console
gremlin> g.V().hasLabel("User").has("CustomerId",1).has("UserId",2).limit(1).valueMap()
==>{UserId=[2], CustomerId=[1]}
Also, I'm able to query the TinkerPop server with Gremlin.Net:
"requestId": "de35909f-4bc1-4aae-aa5f-28361b3c0933",
"op": "eval",
"processor": "",
"args": {
"gremlin": "g.V().hasLabel(\"User\").has(\"CustomerId\",1).has(\"UserId\",2).limit(1)"
But it returns a payload with zero-valued ID and without any properties included:
"requestId": "de35909f-4bc1-4aae-aa5f-28361b3c0933",
"status": {
"message": "",
"code": 200,
"attributes": {
"host": "/"
"result": {
"data": [
"id": 0,
"label": "User",
"type": "vertex",
"properties": {}
"meta": {}
Tried to swap between GraphSON v1, v2, v3 with no luck. Documentation says that script serializers should include all the properties. Do I have to tweak the config somehow to make this work and return properties?
So it seems that with a version of 3.4 of the Gremlin server ReferenceElementStrategy
was added by default to traversals, to preserve compatibility between binary and script serializers. In our case we wanted to mimic the behavior of the CosmosDB, so to adjust and receive desired behavior just remove the strategy from init script (in our case it was empty-sample.groovy
globals << [g : graph.traversal().withStrategies(ReferenceElementStrategy.instance())]
globals << [g : graph.traversal()]

Can step functions wait on a static website?

If I deploy a static website with s3 and api gateway, is there any way for a step function to wait for some activity, then redirect the user on that static website to another?
This is possible using the Job Status Poller pattern, but tweaked slightly. If the "Job" is to deploy the website, then the condition to "Complete Job" is to see some activity come in (ideally through cloudwatch metrics).
Once you see enough metrics to be ok with your deployment, you can either do a push notification to the webapp to inform it to redirect (using a lambda function that calls SNS - as in the wait timer sample) or have the webapp poll the execution status until it's complete.
Below I've posted a very simple variation to the Job Status Poller to illustrate my example:
"Comment": "A state machine that publishes to SNS after a deployment completes.",
"StartAt": "StartDeployment",
"States": {
"StartDeployment": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:012345678912:function:KickOffDeployment",
"ResultPath": "$.guid",
"Next": "CheckIfDeploymentComplete"
"CheckIfDeploymentComplete": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:012345678912:function:CheckIfDeploymentComplete",
"Next": "TriggerWebAppRefresh",
"InputPath": "$.guid",
"ResultPath": "$.status",
"Retry": [ {
"ErrorEquals": [ "INPROGRESS" ],
"IntervalSeconds": 5,
"MaxAttempts": 240,
"BackoffRate": 1.0
} ],
"Catch": [ {
"ErrorEquals": ["FAILED"],
"Next": "DeploymentFailed"
"DeploymentFailed": {
"Type": "Fail",
"Cause": "Deployment failed",
"Error": "Deployment FAILED"
"TriggerWebAppRefresh": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:012345678912:function:SendSNSToWebapp",
"InputPath": "$.guid",
"End": true

Swagger UI and Docker Container Communication

I have a docker container running Swagger UI on port 80 and I have another API running in another container on port 32788 >>> returns swagger UI >>> returns swagger API def
But when I put the json file into the Swagger UI field and hit explore, it says
NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
Any ideas on how to solve this. The docs say that they should automatically be connected to the bridge network.
Below is the result of the network inspection
docker network inspect bridge
"Name": "bridge",
"Id": "4b5cc1526055297df70dc9adc4959fcee93384c412fbf90500c041b5b83ed43a",
"Created": "2018-01-17T03:48:39.2325461Z",
"Scope": "local",
"Driver": "bridge",
"EnableIPv6": false,
"IPAM": {
"Driver": "default",
"Options": null,
"Config": [
"Subnet": "",
"Gateway": ""
"Internal": false,
"Attachable": false,
"Ingress": false,
"ConfigFrom": {
"Network": ""
"ConfigOnly": false,
"Containers": {
"257a15af9ab9b25c6c5622fb0ebe599e5703b2ca5f2e4eaa97a8745a21e7f9a9": {
"Name": "pensive_neumann",
"EndpointID": "22be4b781f75e071bcb0098b917b81b16ca493e9080848188dd7a811c27070ec",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"30de904a599a19075d5e20ef5d974a11be9d7e58a68d984a24f4af9e22c4d92b": {
"Name": "naughty_mirzakhani",
"EndpointID": "f704b3e103a82ca5c56d5955ac27845d8951cfe13f0bc3e1ccc8717ea9c28d39",
"MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:03",
"IPv4Address": "",
"IPv6Address": ""
"Options": {
"": "true",
"": "true",
"": "true",
"": "",
"": "docker0",
"": "1500"
"Labels": {}
Edit to explain how started each:
The API is part of Azure Machine Learning so its hard to say how it gets started exactly (unless there is some command I can run in docker):
az ml service create realtime
Swagger UI was started as follows:
docker run -p 80:8080 swaggerapi/swagger-ui