How to launch make while appending a list of values to a variable? - variables

In my Makefile I have defined a variable
VAR = -Ddef1 -Ddef2 -Ddef3
I'd like to launch make like this
make VAR+=-Ddef4 -Ddef5
But the space messes things up. How can I set VAR to a list of values, like it's possible to do inside the Makefile? Thanks for tips.

In your Makefile:
VAR = -Ddef1 -Ddef2 -Ddef3 $(EXTRAVAR)
On the command line:
make EXTRAVAR="-Ddef4 -Ddef5"
As frequently with the shell, tokens with spaces must be quoted. On the command line make FOO+= does the same as make FOO=. It does not append, it overwrites (in your case). Thus the trick with a second variable EXTRAVAR.


SSIS is doubling up backslashes

I am loading some file names and locations as variables into SSIS, then tried using foreach loop to execute a process task.
after a few unsuccessful attempts I realized SSIS is doubling up all the Backslashes in the fields I am loading into my variables. hence the network addresses not working.
can we stop this behavior?
What I load:
What I get:
SSIS Execute Process task:
as you can see foxit reader doesn't recognize the later filename with double backslashes. if I manually inter the first value it will work.
For future reference, I found a workaround:
Instead of adding variables in Arguments section, I created a single variable including all the parameters for the file to be printed. something like this:
/t "FileLocation\FileName.pdf" PrinterName
And then put this variable in the expression section of the Execute process task, add argument and put that final variable in front it. like this:

Can I create Variable Names from Constants in Objective-C/Swift?

This question is related to Swift and Objective-C.
I want to create variables from Constant Strings. So, in future, when I change name of a variable though out app, I just need to change it at one place, it must be changed, wherever it is used.
I have user_id in 14 files, if I want to change user_id into userID I have to change in all 14 files, but I want to change at once place only.
One way to do this would be to use the Xcode build process and add a script (language can be of your choice, but the default is a BASH script)
Create string constant text file where you define all your variables you want to change in some format that expresses the change you want to make, for example:
"variable_one_name" = "new_variable_one_name"
Depending on how 'smart' you wanted your script to be you could also list all your variables and include some way of indicating when a variable is not to be replaced.
"variable_one_name" = "new_variable_one_name"
"variable_two_name" = "DO_NOT_CHANGE"
Run a pre build script on you project that reads in the string constant text file and then iterates through your source files and executes the desired replacement. Be careful to limit the directories you search to you OWN source files!
build project...
This would allow you to manage your constants from one place. However it clearly is only going to help you after you have created a project and written some code :)
BASH string replacement
Adding a run script to the Xcode build process

TFS 2015 Can build variables access other build variables?

When I define a custom variable in the new TFS 2015 team build as follows:
Name: SomeOutput
Value: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Some doesn't seems to expand $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).
Is there a way around this?
At least it seems it's not expanded everywhere.
For example, in MSBuild-Arguments, /p:OUTPUT="$(SomeOutput)" is expanded to /p:OUTPUT="C:\TfsData\BuildAgents\_work\3\s\Some" but when i add a cmd line build task with tool set to cmd and parameter set to /k set, it prints
Here are my variables
This is my workflow step
And this is what the build prints
You can use the VSTS Variable Tasks extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
When you define a variable in the Variables screen and use other variables as value, they won't be expanded (as you may have expected). Instead the literal text is passed to the tasks in the workflow. Without this little task the following configuration won't work:
Variable Value
Build.DropLocation \\share\drops\$(Build.DefinitionName)\$(Build.BuildNumber)
By adding the Expand variable(s) task to the top of your workflow, it will take care of the expansion, so any task below it will receive the value you're after.
PS: The new agent (version 2.x) auto-expands variables now.
It can be achieved.
You may need use % % instead of $ to call the variables in cmd to print the result. It is also necessary to add call in the front of the command. Here is a simple example:
Note: System.DefaultWorkingDirectory is not available in cmd (not sure why); you need use System_DefaultWorkingDirectory instead. Details can be viewed in the logs.
I had the same problem - wanted to piece together a path made up of several built-in variables and pass it to a PS script.
I ended up combining the variables in the actual script through the corresponding generated environment variables (for example $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY).
Not what I had in mind originally, but it works at least. Drawback - if I need to change the path, I always have to change the PS script instead of a build variable.

preserve whitespace in preprocessor macro value taken from environment variable

In an Objective-C project I am attempting to take a file path from an environment variable and set it as a location to write generated files. This is used to run test code using xcodebuild in an automated testing environment where the file path is not determined until xcodebuild is called.
In attempt to do this I am entering a preprocessor macro in the Build Settings that references the variable:
and then setting the value of a string using that macro
NSString *workspaceLocation = BUILDSERVER_WORKSPACE;
in cases where the (string value of) the path for $WORKSPACE does not contain spaces it works fine but in cases where the path has spaces, the macro preprocessor sees the whitespaces as a macro separator and attempts to process them as separate macro definitions.
for example:
will set the value of workspacelocation as #"/foo/bar/thudblat"
$WORKSPACE="/foo/bar/thud blat"
ends up creating multiple preprocessor definitions:
#define BUILDSERVER_WORKSPACE #"/foo/bar/thud
#define blat"
I have attempted to stringify the path, but since the presence or absence of whitespace only happens when i call xcodebuild to build and then run and so I cannot get that to work.
In the end, what I want is to simply take the path at $WORKSPACE and set its value to the NSString *workspaceLocation
so that workspaceLocation could potentially be "\foo\bar\thud blat"
I thought I had tried every scheme of quoting and escaping but, the one thing I had not tried was quoting the entire thing as suggested by #nielsbot
with an unescaped quote at the beginning and end of the entire value statement. Thad did the trick and gave me the string: #"/foo/bar/thud blat" when calling xcodebuild.
You can achieve that with double stringize trick:
#define STRINGIZE_NX(A) #A
static NSString *kWorkspace = #( STRINGIZE(BUILDSERVER_WORKSPACE) );
The way it works is very well explained in here:
If you wish to really read the environment variable at runtime then you can simply obtain it from NSProcessInfo:
NSString *workspaceLocation = NSProcessInfo.processInfo.environment[#"WORKSPACE"];
That will give you the current value of the environment variables, spaces and all.

Difference between using "set" and not using set for variables? In Cygwin.

I don’t understand the difference between:
set youtube=’’
With the second one, I’m able to use it in the middle of a command, such as:
cygstart $youtube
and that works.
Why and how are these different? They both set variables?
And, when I don't use the word "set" I have to expand the variable using $?
The two commands are completely unrelated; set youtube='' has nothing to do with $youtube. What it does is, it sets $1 to the whole string 'youtube='.
Per, set is a shell builtin with three distinct purposes:
If you don't give it any options or arguments, it prints out all the existing shell variables and functions.
It has various options that let you change various properties of the shell. For example, set -C tells the shell that you don't want > to overwrite existing files (and that you instead want commands to fail if they would otherwise do that); and set +C tells the shell that never mind, you now want > to be able to overwrite files again.
Any arguments, other than options, replace the positional parameters ($1 and $2 and so on, as well as $# and $*).
Since set youtube='' calls set with exactly one argument, namely youtube=, it has the effect of setting the first positional parameter ($1) to youtube=
Note that youtube='' is a somewhat misleading way to write youtube=; the single-quotes aren't doing anything here (since the sole purpose of single-quotes is to escape whitespace and special characters, and doesn't have any of these).