Importing excel-export for aurelia-slickgrid - aurelia

If have an ESNext Aurelia project and I'm trying to implement the excel export feature for aurelia-slickgrid. When I use the import statement described in the documentation:
import { ExcelExportService } from '#slickgrid-universal/excel-export';
I get an error that it can't be resolved, which makes sense to me because it doesn't point to anything.
Any help would be appreciated,


How to use Troisjs in Nuxt 3 project

I would like to use TroisJS (three.js wrapper for Vue) with Nuxt.js. According to the TroisJS documentation ( I need to add it to my project like:
import { TroisJSVuePlugin } from 'troisjs';
However, I don"t know how to figure out where I should put this code. I would expect the nuxt.config.js file, but I don't seem to quite get it where it should go.
I decided to use TroisJS and not three.js because I thought the former might be easier to import and use. If importing three.js directly is easier, I don't mind using it.
Thank you very much for any help!
In /plugins folder add new file named troisjs-plugin.js with the following content :
import { TroisJSVuePlugin } from 'troisjs';
export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxtApp) => {
nuxtApp.vueApp.use(TroisJSVuePlugin )
I found a repo with some testing with Trois and Nuxt 3, probably outdated and maybe some apis have changed, but if you wanna check it out: alvarosabu/nuxt3-trois
Also, there's an official repo from the Trois author with a Nuxt 3 custom plugin (probably outdated too) here

Problem with importing SwitchSelector in React Native

I am relatively new to programming and I have some trouble with importing SwitchSelector, which I am going to use to switch language manually in my React Native app, I tried to follow this video:
I have installed it with this command: npm i react-native-switch-selector --save
And imported with this line: import SwitchSelector from "react-native-switch-selector";
But under the import line there is dotted line and when I hover over it I get this message: Could not find a declaration file for module 'react-native-switch-selector'. 'C:/Users/carol/Documents/kand_arbete/Sporta/node_modules/react-native-switch-selector/index.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
Do anyone know how I can fix it? If not, how can I solve this with buttons instead?
I would be really grateful if someone could help me!

Can't find proper path for default rich-date component

I want to use default sanity rich-date plugin in my custom input, but I can’t find the proper import path.
import DateInput from 'part:#sanity/form-builder/input/rich-date'
and it’s not working
does anybody knows the right path?
import DateInput from '../../node_modules/#sanity/date-input'

Getting "undefined is not an object (evaluating '_react2.proptypes.string')" after importing react-native-prompt

I am using the newest version of NPM, the version of exp is 57.0.0. When I add to my code in render method, I get an error "undefined is not an object (evaluating '_react2.proptypes.string')". Without adding everything works perfect.
Both Prop-Types and React-native-prompt are installed.
I have already tried to write import Prompt from 'prop-types'; instead of writing import Prompt from 'react-native-prompt'; but then I am getting the error that hasn't been found in Prop-Types.
Any suggestions on how to fix it?
Thank you
PropTypes moved into separate package. Use prop-types package.
react-native-prompt use outdated style of prop-types so you have to manually solve it.
go to /node-modules/react-native-prompt and edit main files in this way:
import { PropTypes } from 'react'
the above line is incorrect and must be like this:
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
You have to import PropTypes in this way.
More info here.
React.PropTypes has moved into a different package since React v15.5. Please use the prop-types library instead. We provide a codemod script to automate the conversion.

Redux doesn't play well with Platform specific classes, ToolbarModal.ios.js version doesn't connect mapDispatchToProps

I can't access the prop functions inside *.ios.js file, the android counterpart works well.
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {
updateTextInput, onResetPressed, getRecentSearches, getPopularNearYou,
stupid mistake from my part, my action creator had a faulty, circular import:
import Suggestions from "../components/toolbarModal.ios";
corrected the import and everything works.. it would have been nice if Webstorm would have not proposed this import or it would have detected there is no Suggestions in toolbarModal.ios.