For how long the test data generated jobs can be retained in HCL OneTest Data? Can a user configure this period for jobs? - jobs

Can a user configure the retention period for jobs in HCL OneTest Data? If yes, then how can a user configure the retention period of jobs and the generated files?

Yes, you can configure the retention period for jobs in HCL OneTest Data. By default, the period to retain the jobs is 5 days. You can configure the value of the retention period in the HCL OneTest Data app pod.
You can refer to the following document to learn how to configure the retention period:


Diagnostics from kubernetes is not sending logs to storage account

I need to archive my kube audit logs in a storage accounts and retain it for 100 days. I followed these steps but I dont see the logs in my storage account. I see a folder $logs being created but there is nothing in it? What wrong am I doing? When I query in Logs and run Azure Diagnostics |where category == "kube-audit" for timespan of less than 30 min I can see the data there but not in logs
Created a storage account in portal.
went to kubernetes service of my cluster--> selected diagnostic settings
Clicked on new diagnostic setting. selected Kube-audit from list of logs and gave a retention period of 100 days. and selected the same storage account I created in first step from the dropdown.
clicked on Save.

How can i send emails from azure sql when a certain condition is met

I have an azure sql database where i store some user information about scheduled tasks. I need to allow user to get a notification 30mins before the event starts, i cannot do this in the application it self as the application is a windows form app. I checked some solutions where they use logic apps but it only allows to send when a new record is added or updated.
But i need to check for the current time and the start time of the schedule and send the email if there is a difference less than 30 mins
My database is as follows
Name = John doe
Email =
Startdate = 09/12/2019 12:45 AM
Enddate = 09/12/2019 1:45 AM
How can i achieve this?
Azure Automation is the best option here, but you could simply include the logic within the Automation Runbook to check for the current time and the scheduled start time and trigger the email from there.
The downside is that a single schedule can only run once every hour. The most frequent interval a schedule in Azure Automation can be configured for is one hour. If you require schedules to execute more frequently than that, there are two options:
Create a webhook for the runbook and use Azure Scheduler to call the
webhook. Azure Scheduler provides more fine-grained granularity when
defining a schedule.
Create four schedules all starting within 15 minutes of each other
running once every hour. This scenario allows the runbook to run
every 15 minutes with the different schedules.
My suggestion first You have to create a table (with identity as primary key and let's named EmailDetails) that contains all the email fields. Then create an Logic App that triggers on an insert into that table. You can then connect the SendGrid module to send emails as shown in this article.
Run a stored procedure every 1 hour using Azure Automation (as shown here) that insert a new record on the EmailDetails table when a scheduled task is going to start.

Bigquery user statistics from Microstrategy

I am using Microstrategy to connect to Bigquery using a service account. I want to collect user level job statistics from MSTR but since I am using a service account, I need a way to track user level job statistics in Bigquery for all the jobs executed via Microstrategy.
Since you are using a Service account to make the requests from Microstrategy, you could look up for all your project Jobs by listing them then, by using each Job ID in the list, gather the information of the job as this shows the Email used for the Job ID.
A workaround for this would be also using Stackdriver Logging advanced filters and use a filter to get the jobs made by the Service Account. For instance:
protoPayload.authenticationInfo.principalEmail="<your service account>"
Keep in mind this only shows jobs in the last 30 days due to the Logs retention periods.
Hope it helps.

Azure Sql Sync Frequency(Continuous synchronization or interval less than 5 minutes)

I'm using Azure SQL Data Sync, i'm seeing current smallest interval for sync is 5 minutes, can i get option to set this to between 1 and 4 minutes or a continuous synchronization.
not..if you use azure portal to setup the sync, 5 minutes are the least interval time. however you may use Powershell scripts or Azure SQL RESTApi to trigger the sync manually from your application level.
It does not appear that it is possible to do data sync below 5 minutes, from the documentation.
You can read about your other options for Data Replication and Synchronization here.

Unable to retrieve job history beyond 2 months in BigQuery Web UI

I want to repeat a load job for a table I created 3 months ago, but I am only able to see 2 months of job history in BigQuery browser UI. I would like the table schema used in that specific load job.
Is there any way to view it?
Use the Jobs.list in the BigQuery API:
Lists all jobs that you started in the specified project. Job
information is available for a six month period after creation
You could also use the cli tool:
bq ls --jobs --all
Or, you could use audit logs too.