Testcafe .parent() of Selector sporadically fails before timeout - testing

I have a TestCafe test that checks if a Selector's parent exists and somehow it fails every other time. Here's the relevant code:
logWithTimestamp("Starts..."); // Prints "[2020-12-23T12:02:04.476Z] Starts..."
let state = await Selector('#indberetningsflow-knap-trin-stamdata', {timeout: 30000}).parent().exists;
logWithTimestamp(`State: ${state}`); // Prints "[2020-12-23T12:02:04.618Z] State: false"
await t.expect(state).ok() // Sometimes fails
As you can see, it fails after less than 200ms, even though the timeout is set explicitly to 30000. Now, I have an idea that maybe it fails when the selector is found, but the parent is not yet loaded. If this is true, why does TestCafe not wait for the parent to appear, and what can I do about it?
I performed another experiment, and either there is something wrong with TestCafe or I have not understood something fundamental, but how can this fail after just 30ms?
logMedTidsstempel("Starts..."); // Prints "[2020-12-23T12:42:15.041Z] Starts..."
let state = await Selector('#indberetningsflow-knap-trin-stamdata', {timeout: 30000}).exists;
logMedTidsstempel("Found child."); // Prints "[2020-12-23T12:42:15.072Z] Found child."
await t.expect(state).ok(); // <- fails :(

To make your code example work, do the following:
Remove the await keyword from Selector
Remove the timeout option from Selector and pass it to the assertion method
let state = Selector('#indberetningsflow-knap-trin-stamdata').exists;
await t.expect(state).ok({timeout: 30000});
You may also wish to refer to the following help topic: https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/documentation/guides/basic-guides/select-page-elements.html#selector-timeout


How to make Selenium WebdriverJS code execute in sequence

I'm relatively new to using WebDriverJS and trying out a simple script to begin with.
However, am facing a lot of issues and did not find any resources that were helpful.
Scenario being Tested:
Launch browser
Navigate to google.com
Capture Title of the page
Add a wait statement (driver.sleep)
Enter some text in Search box
Here is the code snippet:
var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),
By = webdriver.By,
until = webdriver.until;
var driver = new webdriver.Builder().forBrowser('chrome').build();
driver.getTitle().then(function(title) {
console.log("Title is: " + title);
console.log('Before sleep');
console.log('After sleep');
Here is the output:
Before sleep
After sleep
DevTools listening on ws://
Title is:
As can be seen, it is a very straight forward scenario. However none of it is working as expected.
Below are my queries/ observations:
console.log for Before/ After sleep is executed as the very first statement even before browser is launched whereas it is not clearly the intention.
Title is returned an empty String. No value printed.
driver.sleep() never waited for the specified duration. All commands got immediately executed. How to make driver hard wait when driver.sleep is not working?
Tried adding implicit wait, however that resulted in error as well.
What are the best practices to be followed?
I did not find very many helpful webdriver javascript resources and it is not clear how to proceed.
Any guidance is appreciated. TIA.!
I referred the documentation as well and similar steps are given there. Not sure if there is some issue from my end. https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/WebDriverJs
Assuming that you example is written in JavaScript and runs on Node.js, it looks to be as if you would miss all the waiting for asynchronous functions to have finished processing. Please be aware that most functions return a promise and you must wait for the promise to be resolved.
Consider the following example code:
const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');
(async function example() {
let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').build();
try {
await driver.get('http://www.google.com/ncr');
await driver.findElement(By.name('q')).sendKeys('webdriver', Key.RETURN);
await driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 1000);
} finally {
await driver.quit();

How to make widget test wait until Bloc has updated the state?

I have a EmailScreen (stateful widget) that has a text input, and a button. The button is only enabled when a valid email is input.
I'm using Bloc, and my screen has InitialEmailState and ValidEmailInputState, and it works fine when I run the app.
In my widget test, the second expectation is failing before bloc has a chance to update the state:
testWidgets('when valid email is input, button is enabled', (tester) async {
const validEmail = 'email#provider.com';
emailBloc.listen((event) {
print('NEW EVENT: ' + event.toString());
await bootUpWidget(tester, emailScreen);
final BottomButton button = tester.widget(
find.widgetWithText(BottomButton, 'CONTINUE'));
expect(button.enabled, isFalse);
await tester.enterText(find.byType(TextInputScreen), validEmail);
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
expect(button.enabled, isTrue);
And here's the output I'm getting:
NEW EVENT: InitialEmailState
══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER TEST FRAMEWORK ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════════
The following TestFailure object was thrown running a test:
Expected: true
Actual: <false>
The test description was:
when valid email is input, button is enabled
Test failed. See exception logs above.
The test description was: when valid email is input, button is enabled
NEW EVENT: InputValidEmailState
✖ when valid email is input, button is enabled
Exited (1)
As you can see, it prints the initial state, fails the second expectation, and then prints the expected state.
Thanks in advance :)
== UPDATE ==
We managed to get this to work by adding LiveTestWidgetsFlutterBinding(); to the start of our main. But it doesn't feel like a good solution.
Encountered the same issue with BLoC driven UI widgets, I found the solution is pretty simple: use expectLater() rather than expect() to wait for BLoC state update:
testWidgets('test widgets driven by BLoC', (tester) async {
await tester.pumpWidget(yourWidget);
await tester.tap(loginButton); // Do something like tapping a button, entering text
await tester.pumpAndSettle();
await expectLater(findSomething, findsOneWidget); // IMPRTANT: use `expectLater` to wait for BLoC state update
expect(findSomethingElse, findsOneWidget); // Subsequently you can use normal version `expect` until next `tester.pumpAndSettle()`
I put breakpoints into the BLoC to figure out what's the problem, it turns out that without using expectLater, the normal expect is being evaluated before the BLoC stream emits a new state. That is to say BLoC does emit a new state, but at that time the test case already runs to the end.
By using expectLater, it is being evaluated after the new state is emitted.

In Testcafe, how can I wait for a 2nd element of the same selector to appear?

I have a scenario in which multiple elements of the same className appear one after the other (it depends on a server response).
What I'm trying to achieve is passing the test only after 2 elements of the same selector are present, but currently, it seems like the test fails because it keeps recognizing 1 element and then straight up fails without waiting for a 2nd one.
This is my code (called from the outside with a count argument of, say, 2) -
import { Selector } from 'testcafe';
export const validateMsg = async (t, headlineText, count = 1) => {
const msgHeadline = Selector('.myClassName').withText(headlineText).exists;
const msgHeadLineExists = await t
.gte(count, `Received less than ${count} desired messages with headline ${headlineText}`);
return msgHeadLineExists;
I assume this happens because I'm checking whether msgHeadline exists, and it sees the first element when it gets rendered, and immediately fails. I'd like to wait for a 2nd one.
Any ideas?
Just remove the .exists from your selector it returns boolean and then calling .count on it will fail the test.
const msgHeadline = Selector('.myClassName').withText(headlineText);
const msgHeadLineExists = await t
.gte(count, `Received less than ${count} desired messages with headline ${headlineText}`);
return msgHeadLineExists;
You can read more here
If both elements have same text and only this elements have this specific className then you can use nth() function
const msgHeadline = Selector('.myClassName')..withText(headlineText).nth(1);
await t
.expect(msgHeadline.exists).ok(`Received less than ${count} desired messages with headline ${headlineText}`)
Here you take second element with headlineText and then assert, that it exists. Though i think you should check that it exists and displayed(visible)

Testcafe Wait until an element has a specific text

After uploading an image with TestCafe the server will do some processing. While this time a label on the website will have "Inprogress" as a label. After the server is ready it will change to date. However, I want to tell the Testcafe script to wait until the label is not "Inporgress" anymore.
For this I did:
const DeliveryStatus = {
element: Selector('div.cl-asset-published').with({timeout: 70000}),
delivered: 'Inprogress'
And in the script I have
await t
.expect(DeliveryStatus.element).notContains(DeliveryStatus.delivered, { timeout: 70000 })
But this step fails. The message I got is "AssertionError: object tested must be an array, a map, an object, a set, a string, or a weakset, but function given" but I do not have any idea why.
Any suggestion to fix this issue?
You pass an element selector that returns the element but not a string to the expect function. Try using the element's innerText property instead as follows:
await t
.notContains(DeliveryStatus.delivered, { timeout: 70000 })

How do you poll for a condition in Intern / Leadfoot (not browser / client side)?

I'm trying to verify that an account was created successfully, but after clicking the submit button, I need to wait until the next page has loaded and verify that the user ended up at the correct URL.
I'm using pollUntil to check the URL client side, but that results in Detected a page unload event; script execution does not work across page loads. in Safari at least. I can add a sleep, but I was wondering if there is a better way.
How can you poll on something like this.remote.getCurrentUrl()? Basically I want to do something like this.remote.waitForCurrentUrlToEqual(...), but I'm also curious how to poll on anything from Selenium commands vs using pollUntil which executes code in the remote browser.
I'm checking to see if the user ended up at a protected URL after logging in here. Is there a better way to check this besides polling?
Best practices: do I need to make an assertion with Chai or is it even possible when I'm polling and waiting for stuff as my test? For example, in this case, I'm just trying to poll to make sure we ended up at the right URL within 30 seconds and I don't have an explicit assertion. I'm just assuming the test will fail, but it won't say why. If the best practice is to make an assertion here, how would I do it here or any time I'm using wait?
Here's an example of my code:
'create new account': function() {
return this.remote
// Hidden: populate all account details
.then(pollUntil('return location.pathname === "/protected-page" ? true : null', [], 30000));
The pollUntil helper works by running an asynchronous script in the browser to check a condition, so it's not going to work across page loads (because the script disappears when a page loads). One way to poll the current remote URL would be to write a poller that would run as part of your functional test, something like (untested):
function pollUrl(remote, targetUrl, timeout) {
return function () {
var dfd = new Deferred();
var endTime = Number(new Date()) + timeout;
(function poll() {
remote.getCurrentUrl().then(function (url) {
if (url === targetUrl) {
else if (Number(new Date()) < endTime) {
setTimeout(poll, 500);
else {
var error = new Error('timed out; final url is ' + url);
return dfd.promise;
You could call it as:
.then(pollUrl(this.remote, '/protected-page', 30000))
When you're using something like pollUntil, there's no need (or place) to make an assertion. However, with your own polling function you could have it reject its promise with an informative error.