Presto Produce JSON results - sql

I have a json table which was created by
CREATE TABLE `normaldata_source`(
`column1` int,
`column2` string,
`column3` struct<column4:string>)
A sample data is:
"column1": 9,
"column2": "Z",
"column3": {
"column4": "Y"
If I do
SELECT column3
FROM normaldata_source
it will produce a result {column4=y}. However, I want it to be in json form {"column4": "y"}
Is this possible?
*Edit This query gives me the following result:
SELECT CAST(column3 AS JSON) as column3_json
FROM normaldata_source

As of Trino 357 (formerly known as Presto SQL), you can now cast a row to JSON and it will preserve the column names:
WITH normaldata_source(column1, column2, column3) AS (
VALUES (9, 'Z', cast(row('Y') as row(column4 varchar)))
SELECT cast(column3 as json)
FROM normaldata_source
(1 row)

I encountered this same problem and was thoroughly stumped on how to proceed in light of deep compositional nesting/structs. I'm using Athena (managed Presto w/ Hive Connector from AWS). In the end, I worked around it by doing a CTAS (create table as select) where I selected the complex column I wanted, under the conditions I wanted) and wrote it to an external table with an underlying SerDe format of JSON. Then, via the HiveConnector's $path magic column (or by listing the files under the external table location), I obtain the resulting files and streamed out of those.
I know this isn't a direct answer to the question at hand - I believe we have to wait for in order to support arbitrary struct/array compositions -> json. But maybe this will help someone else who kind of assumed they'd be able to do this.
Although I originally saw this as an annoying workaround, I'm now starting to think it was the right call for my application anyway


extract values inside an array column in amazon athena

I have a table in athena aws where the column 'metadata_stopinfo' has the structure that you can see in the image.
I am trying to extract values that are inside that array, however when I try
"json_extract_scalar"(metadata_stopinfo, '$.city')
FROM "table"
I have the following problem
SYNTAX_ERROR: line 2:5: Unexpected parameters (array(row("address" row("addressline" varchar,"city" varchar,"countrycode" varchar,"countrycodeoriginal" varchar,"state" varchar,"zipcode" varchar),"carrierreference" varchar,"contacts" array(row("contacttype" varchar,"email" varchar,"fax" varchar,"mobilephone" varchar,"name" varchar,"officephone" varchar,"userid" varchar)),"containerinfo" array(row("containerid" varchar,"containeridtype" varchar,"equipmentcode" varchar,"equipmenttype" varchar)),"conveyancelinenumber" varchar,"conveyancetype" varchar,"conveyancetypeoriginal" varchar,"dateinfo" row("arrivalestimateddate" varchar,"arrivalestimateddateend" varchar,"arrivalestimatedendoffset" varchar,"arrivalestimatedoffset" varchar,"arrivalrequesteddate" varchar,"deliveryestimateddate" varchar,"deliveryestimateddateend" varchar,"deliveryestimatedendoffset" varchar,"deliveryestimatedoffset" varchar,"deliveryrequesteddate" varchar,"deliveryrequesteddateend" varchar,"deliveryrequestedendoffset" varchar,"deliveryrequestedoffset" varchar,"departureestimateddate" varchar,"departureestimateddateend" varchar,"departureestimatedendoffset" varchar,"departureestimatedoffset" varchar,"departurerequesteddate" varchar,"pickuprequesteddate" varchar,"pickuprequesteddateend" varchar,"pickuprequestedendoffset" varchar,"pickuprequestedoffset" varchar,"pickupestimateddate" varchar,"pickupestimateddateend" varchar,"pickupestimatedendoffset" varchar,"pickupestimatedoffset" varchar),"deliverynotenumber" varchar,"instructions" array(row("customerspecificsubtype" varchar,"header" boolean,"instructionsubtype" varchar,"instructiontype" varchar,"text" varchar)),"locationid" varchar,"partnercarrieraddress" row("addressline" varchar,"city" varchar,"countrycode" varchar,"countrycodeoriginal" varchar,"state" varchar,"zipcode" varchar),"partnercarriercontacts" array(row("contacttype" varchar,"email" varchar,"fax" varchar,"name" varchar,"officephone" varchar)),"partnercarrierid" varchar,"partnercarriername" varchar,"partnerid" varchar,"partnername" varchar,"partnertimezone" varchar,"partnertype" varchar,"productquantity" row("number" double,"originalunitofmeasure" varchar,"quantitytype" varchar,"unitofmeasure" varchar),"sequencenumber" bigint,"shipmentidentifier" varchar,"stoptype" varchar,"transportinfo" row("description" varchar,"transportcode" varchar,"transportoriginalcode" varchar),"vesselinfo" row("lloydsnumber" varchar,"shipsradiocallnumber" varchar,"vesselname" varchar,"vesselnumber" varchar,"voyagetripnumber" varchar))), varchar(6)) for function json_extract_scalar. Expected: json_extract_scalar(varchar(x), JsonPath) , json_extract_scalar(json, JsonPath)
My question is, how can i extract values inside de column ?
json_extract_scalar unsurprisingly works with json (note that even if yur data was in json format, json_extract_scalar(metadata_stopinfo, '$.city') still would not have worked cause your data is an array), while your column contains array's of row's, so you need to work with it correspondingly. For example you can use indexes to access elements in array (in presto array indexes start from 1):
metadata_stopinfo[1] r
FROM "table"
And then access the fields:
The fields may be of any SQL type, and are accessed with field reference operator .
metadata_stopinfo[1].city city
FROM "table"
Also you can flatten the array with unnest:
FROM "table",
unnest(metadata_stopinfo) as t(r)

Extracting JSON returns null (Presto Athena)

I'm working with SQL Presto in Athena and in a table I have a column named "data.input.additional_risk_data.basket" that has a json like this:
"":"Nike Force 1",
I need to extract some of the data there, for example data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference. I'm not used to working with jsons but I tried a few things:
json_extract("data.input.additional_risk_data.basket", '$.data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference')
json_extract_scalar("data.input.additional_risk_data.basket", '$.data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference)
They all returned null. I'm wondering what is the correct way to get the values from that json
Thank you!
There are multiple "problems" with your data and json path selector. Keys are not conventional (and I have not found a way to tell athena to escape them) and your json is actually an array of json objects. What you can do - cast data to an array and process it. For example:
-- sample data
WITH dataset (json_val) AS (
VALUES (json '[
"":"Nike Force 1",
select arr[1]['data.input.additional_risk_data.basket.val.item_reference'] item_reference -- or use unnest if there are actually more than 1 element in array expected
select cast(json_val as array(map(varchar, json))) arr
from dataset

How do I Process This String?

I have some results in one of my tables and the results vary, each; represents multiple entries in one column which I need to split out.
Here is my SQL and the results:
select REGEXP_COUNT(value,';') as cnt,
from mytable;
1 {Managed By|xBoss}{xBoss xBoss Number|X0910505569}{Time
Requested|2009-04-15 20:47:11.0}{Time Arrived|2009-04-15 21:46:11.0};
1 {Managed By|Modern Management}{xBoss Number|}{Time Requested|2009-04-
16 14:01:29.0}{Time Arrived|2009-04-16 14:44:11.0};
2 {Managed By|xBoss}{xBoss Number|X091480092}{Time Requested|2009-05-28
08:58:41.0}{Time Arrived|};{Managed By|Jims Allocation}{xBoss xBoss
Number|}{Time Requested|}{Time Arrived|};
Desired output:
Managed By: xBoss
Time Requested:2009-10-19 07:53:45.0
Time Arrived: 2009-10-19 07:54:46.0
Managed By:Own Arrangements
Number: x5876523
Time Requested: 2009-10-19 07:57:46.0
Time Arrived:
Managed By: xBoss
Time Requested:2009-10-19 08:07:27.0
SPLIT_PART(description, '}', 1),
SPLIT_PART(description, '}', 2),
SPLIT_PART(description, '}', 3),
SPLIT_PART(description, '}', 4),
SPLIT_PART(description, '}', 5)
as description_with_tag from mytable;
This is ok when the count is 1, but when there are multiple ; in the description it doesn't give me the results.
Is it possible to put this into an array based on the count?
First, it's worth pointing out that data in this type of format cannot take advantage of all the benefits that Redshift can offer. Amazon Redshift is a columnar database that can provide amazing performance when data is stored in appropriate columns. However, selecting specific text from a text field will always perform poorly.
Therefore, my main advice would be to pre-process the data into normal rows and columns so that Redshift can provide you the best capabilities.
However, to answer your question, I would recommend making a Scalar User-Defined Function:
CREATE FUNCTION f_extract_curly (s TEXT, key TEXT)
AS $$
# List of items in {brackets}
items = s[1:-1].split('}{')
# Dictionary of Key|Value from items
entries = {i.split('|')[0]: i.split('|')[1] for i in items}
# Return desired value
return entries.get(key, None)
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
I loaded sample data with:
description TEXT
INSERT INTO foo values('{Managed By|xBoss}{xBoss xBoss Number|X0910505569}{Time Requested|2009-04-15 20:47:11.0}{Time Arrived|2009-04-15 21:46:11.0};');
INSERT INTO foo values('{Managed By|Modern Management}{xBoss Number|}{Time Requested|2009-04-16 14:01:29.0}{Time Arrived|2009-04-16 14:44:11.0};');
INSERT INTO foo values('{Managed By|xBoss}{xBoss Number|X091480092}{Time Requested|2009-05-28 08:58:41.0}{Time Arrived|};{Managed By|Jims Allocation}{xBoss xBoss Number|}{Time Requested|}{Time Arrived|};');
Then I tested it with:
f_extract_curly(description, 'Managed By'),
f_extract_curly(description, 'Time Requested')
FROM foo
and got the result:
xBoss 2009-04-15 20:47:11.0
Modern Management 2009-04-16 14:01:29.0
It doesn't know how to handle lines that have the same field specified twice (with semi-colons between). You did not provide enough sample input and output lines for me to figure out what you wanted in such situations, but feel free to tweak the code for your requirements.
There is no array data type in Redshift. There are 2 options:
1) First split_part by ';', then union results separately for every index of the first split_part output, then split_part results by '}' and finally get what you need.
2) Create a Python UDF and process these strings with Python. I guess this is the best solution for your use case.
3) Transform your data outside Redshift. From your data structure it seems like it's much better to process it before copying to Redshift, unnesting the arrays into rows and extracting keys from your objects into columns.

Parsing JSON file in Snowflake Database

My table contains JSON data for example:
when i tried to parse it.
parse_json:bucket::string as bucket ,
parse_json:bySeqno::string as bySeqno ,
parse_json:cas::INT as cas ,
parse_json:content::string as content ,
parse_json:event::string as event
,parse_json:expiration::string as expiration
,parse_json:flags::string as flags
,parse_json:key::string as key
,parse_json:lockTime::string as lockTime
,parse_json:partition::string as partition
,parse_json:revSeqno::string as revSeqno
,parse_json:vBucketUuid::string as vBucketUuid
from STG_YS_APPS v
but it is throwing error like.
SQL compilation error: error line 2 at position 0 invalid identifier > >'PARSE_JSON'
may someone please help me.
Answer with a known schema
Update: Since you provided schema, which shows a VAR column of VARIANT type, here's what you need, couldn't be simpler:
var:bucket::string as bucket,
var:bySeqno::string as bySeqno,
var:cas::int as cas
from STG_YS_APPS v
Below the answer before the schema was known
I'll assume you have a VARCHAR (or similar) column in your table that is called json, and stores the values you presented. You didn't provide the schema, so please adjust the column name as necessary.
You're not using PARSE_JSON as a function in your SQL. You should write something like
parse_json(json):bucket::string as bucket,
parse_json(json):bySeqno::string as bySeqno,
parse_json(json):cas::int as cas
from STG_YS_APPS v

How do I load CSV file to Amazon Athena that contains JSON field

I have a CSV (tab separated) in s3 that needs to be queried on a JSON field.
2\tkiranp\t{"rno":124,"street":"kemp road"}
How can I query this data in Amazon Athena?
I should be able to query like:
select uid
from table1
where address['street']="kemp road";
You could try using the json_extract() command.
From Extracting Data from JSON - Amazon Athena:
You may have source data with containing JSON-encoded strings that you do not necessarily want to deserialize into a table in Athena. In this case, you can still run SQL operations on this data, using the JSON functions available in Presto.
WITH dataset AS (
SELECT '{"name": "Susan Smith",
"org": "engineering",
"projects": [{"name":"project1", "completed":false},
{"name":"project2", "completed":true}]}'
AS blob
json_extract(blob, '$.name') AS name,
json_extract(blob, '$.projects') AS projects
FROM dataset
This example shows how json_extract() can be used to extract fields from JSON. Thus, you might be able to do something like:
select uid
from table1
where json_extract(address, '$.street') = "kemp road";