Don't charge on click Pay in Google pay - google-pay

I am implementing Google pay in angular and using #google-pay/button-angular. I don't want to deduct amount when he click on Pay button, after showing receipt there will be a button "Proceed to pay". When user click on "Proceed to pay" button, then amount will be deducted from his card. My question is, Is it possible to make that work or I just can't do that?

Google Pay and the Google Pay button doesn't actually process the payment. What it does is returns a payment token that you can then use with your payment service provider to process the payment.
If you don't want to charge the user, then don't call your payment service provider to process the payment.


PayPal and payment implementation

I am designing a website that accepts payment through simple PayPal or Stripe buttons, but also has a section that pays out users through PayPal. What is the best way to do this?
Current setup: The user builds up coins through an action (NDA won't allow me to discuss in detail) and when their coins reach a certain amount, they can cash out in real $. I have designed this flow: Pay Me Now Button -> Screen with PayPal email address input. Repeat email for typos, then Confirm Button -> Success screen
However, the client would prefer a direct link out to PayPal instead of manual input of email addresses. The reasoning is that they would prefer it being arranged through PP's service to reduce manual errors and typing out. As far as I am aware the only way to get paid is through writing down an email address/phone number. I have researched buttons but it still isn't making sense. Maybe there's another service altogether that I can suggest to the client for paying out users in a no-friction way?
I'm looking at how user testing sites pay people, but not getting very far.
If the money is in your client's PayPal account and they wish to send it to a user's email address (that may or may not have a PayPal account already), this can be automated with PayPal Payouts.
If the user does not have a PayPal account already they will receive an email notification and have 30 days to create an account or add the email to an existing account. If they don't, the payment will be refunded automatically.

Paypal express checkout recurring payment with credit/debit card next steps

I have integrated paypal express checkout on my website. Currently with paypal account Pay as go and recurring/subscription payment both works as expected.
Now I am trying to integrate credit/debit card purchases for my website.
At first , in order to do that I have enabled "PayPal Account Optional" is "ON" in my PayPal account and set following on express checkout parameters SOLUTIONTYPE=Sole and LANDINGPAGE=Billing. After doing these steps
for only pay as go payment on paypal site "Check out as a guest" option showing but for recurring/subscription payment "Check out as a guest" is not showing.
Please kindly guide me on following:
What I have to do in express checkout functionality in order to enable paying through credit/debit card directly ?
Why paying through credit/debit is not showing for recurring/subscription payment ?
Whether it's possible or not to integrate credit/debit card functionality with express checkout?
Thank you in advance for your guidance.
When working with Express Checkout and Recurring Payments the user has to create an account or sign in. Guest checkout is not available with recurring payments.
To setup profiles with credit cards you'll need to sign up for PayPal Payments Pro. Pro itself costs $30/mo, and then you'll have to add Recurring Billing on top of that, which is another $30/mo.
Sometimes they'll negotiate with you on those monthly fees depending on the volume you'll be doing. You may want to give PayPal a call.
Once that's all activated on your account you'll just use CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile on its own, and you'll pass the CC details directly into that. So you'll be building the CC form on your site, which means you'll need an SSL to protect it, and you'll need to make sure you don't save any credit card details on your own server in the database, in log files, or anywhere.

Post an order to Shopify for unknown user

Is there a way to post an order, including payment information and shipping information, to Shopify for a new user?
For example, user ABC wants to purchase a product through my website (that is not a shopify website), and I gather all of the information required to make the purchase, including shipping address, credit card, etc. User ABC is not known to Spotify. Is there a way for me to use the Shopify API to process this transaction, including payment processing and everything else?
Shopify has a sales channel called Buy Button. You can use that for your purpose.
Buy Button
Creating a Buy Botton
Adding a Buy Button

Save and Verify the Card, Charge Later - Shopify

I'm setting up my first Shopify store and would like to offer a free trial of a product. The basic idea is the customer is shipped the product at no charge and has so many days to try out and return the product. If the product is not returned within the time period they are charged the amount agreed upon up front.
Within Shopify there is only the option to capture payment immediately or to authorize and then manually capture payment later (7 day auth limitation).
What I would like to do is validate the credit card, but not pre-auth, then the ship the product to the customer for try out. If they decide to keep the product then I charge them 30 days later as agreed by the customer.
The method I want to use with Shopify is the same as detailed by Braintree here
in the section "Save and Verify the Card, Charge Later".
You can use the option as you see it: authorize and then manually capture payment later
As an alternative, you could always capture the money, and if they actually do return it, refund them the money. That is how all TV sales work and they make bazillions doing that, so why not follow their lead?

Integrating credit/debit card transactions

I am working on one app. In this app to buy some non digital items i have to give access to users to do transactions using credit card / debit card. I have seen some apps in app store which accepts credit card / debit card . Those apps are Pay Anywhere , Rev COIN.
1) Can we know which third party API's they are using. 2)While using these apps do we need any card reader(another device) to swipe the card.
As well how to get those API's. Can any one help me please. This plays majority role in my app. Any suggestions please.
Doing some transactions with ZOOZ are ok . But coming to my app i have one requirement. i.e user can send order for one item and user can say expiry time(i.e in how many days product has to be delivered) at the time of offering an item payment will be done. before delivering the product user can cancel the order. whenever the order is cancelled some amount has to be deducted and remaining has to be refunded.
For example user sending request for pepsi which is worth of 10$ and expiry time is 3days payment will be done immediately. Next day he may want to cancel the order in such a case user 2$ will be deducted and remaining 8$ has to be credited back to user account. Can we do any these type of transactions using some API's.
Zooz is one way that you can do in-app payments. It's supposed to be easy. That kind of model would be for you using an app as a kind of online "store" like amazon.
If you're talking about using an iOS device to record transactions (using a single unit as a cash-register system) then you would need a card swipe add-on unless you want the customer to input all of their credit information when they pay.
Or, as jgervin pointed out you could use to let the users take a picture of their credit card. The company charges you per-scan however.
Important note: Apple will reject your app from the app-store. See the linked questions.
Pay for a physical product with in-app purchase
Has anyone implemented the PayPal API through a native iPhone app?
Which PayPal iPhone SDK should I use?
So hopefully you're planning to deploy with airwatch or something similar.