How to create Oracle 19C Database SQL Developer New Connection? - sql

Well I am a college student and I have a database project to build on Oracle 19c (SQL Developer) just like a management system. When I click on new connection in SQl Developer , then enter database name (my project name) and enter user name as system and pswd. and is SID I write 'orclpdb' and when I connect it gives an error that database is not open. How can I start making tables and stuff and complete my project on oracle 19c sql developer. Please guide me.
Update: While creating new database connection in SQL Developer, In Service name if I write 'orcl' and test then the connection is successful but when I write 'orclpdb' it says 'database not open'

So it sound like the container database (orcl) is started but the pluggable database (orclpdb) is not. You need to start it.
In order to actually manage a database you are going to have to learn to work without SQL Developer, and use the command-line utility sqlplus.
From a command line:
C:> set ORACLE_SID=orcl
C:> sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL> alter pluggable database orclpdb open;
In the above, the sqlplus command is launching the command line utility 'sqlplus'. the '/' indicates to make a local connection to the database specified by the env variable ORACLE_SID, using OS authentication (os user is a member of the ORACLE_DBA group), and connect with 'sysdba' authority. On the next line the 'SQL>' is just indicating you are now at the sql prompt within sqlplus, you actually enter the 'alter' command, whose purpose should be self-evident.
The listener is a totally separate process. It is like a telephone switchboard. It 'listens' (hence, its name) for connection requests coming across the network, and set up the connection, then is out of the picture. You check its status at the command line:
C:> lsnrctl status
One last bit of useful (for us) information. What this the connection 'type' you've defined in SQL Dev? Is it 'basic' or 'tns'? Either way, what did you specify for the values? Please name the field(s) AND the value you supplied.


My tables aren't showing even though i'm using the same role

I created these tables on sql developer using the default role scott (which I enabled during Oracle 11gs installation)
However when I login from scott using sqlplus the tables don't show at all.
I even tried logging on using connect /as sysdba the tables still don't show up even though I'm connecting via the sysdba role.
I created these tables a week ago and did not initially type the keyword commit when I created these tables however if that was the issue why are they still being displayed on SQL developer every time I log in. Also I think SQL developer auto commits changes when I close it.
And yes these aren't empty tables they do have data in them respectively.
My db is on my local machine and I'm using Oracle 11g so I don't understand what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated.
So my problem was that i was connected to the SID orcl on sql developer
and my sql plus was connected to my SID that i named during the 11gs installation
ran this on sqlplus=
var OHM varchar2(100);
> EXEC dbms_system.get_env('ORACLE_HOME', :OHM);
to find my oracle 11gs home directory
there was a file called 'tnsnames.ora' it was located at [Your_ORACLE_HOME]/Network/Admin.
Opened it using Notepad( any text editor should work )
In tnsnames.ora file found the service name which i entered into sql developer and changed the port which was mentioned in the .ora file
works like a charm now.
Here is a link to a useful post that helped me achieve my conclusion
credits to Do Long Bien

Passing external parameter to QV script

I am a newbie to QlikView and looking for some guidance on how to pass external parameter to qv script i.e qvw file.
Below is the scenario on which I am working:
We are creating a report for which the source is database and we will be using automation tools to trigger the script from Linux servers. Now after doing a bit of research I found two ways to connect to the database from QV script.
1) Use the connection string in script to connect the db but in our case the passwords are changed after every 3 months. So it cancels out this option.
2) Other option is to create a text file on qv server from linux job which will hold the connection string and include that text file into the script. This option is ruled out for my case as our qv server is shared by other teams and it is not secure to have password hard coded in a file on common server.
Now I am thinking to pass connection string or user name and password as a parameter to the script from the automation tool.
Is it possible to pass external parameters to qv script from linux server? And if yes, how to do it?
Something like below:
ODBC CONNECT TO server (XUserId is $(vuser), XPassword is $(vpwd));
SQL SELECT * FROM db.table;
$(vuser) and $(vpwd) are variables.
Thanks in advance for your time and please let me know if you need more clarification on this.
The chapter 7.1 Command Line Syntax of Qlikview Reference Manual (which i strongly recommend getting and using heavily) says:
If this switch is immediately followed by a variable name and an assignment, the variable will obtain the
assigned value before the script execution starts.
What manual will not tell you, that the variable has to exist in the script, i.e. you add variable via Settings->Variable overview Ctrl-Alt-V and then you can pass it via:
qv /r /vvuser=user1 file.qvw
I use a different solution. In every qlikview file I add the line
The connection is then defined in the text file DBConnect.txt which may look like this:
ODBC CONNECT TO [conn] (XUserId is cRQCaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbROaA, XPassword is YaaaaaaBBBBBBBBZ);
This way all users in the company may use the same qlikview files and refresh it by using their own credentials. However it is neccessary that all have the same name for the ODBC connection to the server.

In SQL Server, like "use <<DatabaseName>>", how to "use <<ServerName>>" Query command

In SQL Server, like use <<DatabaseName>>, how to give use <<ServerName>> query command?
Right Click | Change Connection must be associated to some command. Isn't it. Just curious..
If you are attempting to fully switch connections1 within a single script and work with a new connection as opposed to sharing data between connections, then you can do this with SQLCMD mode. This ability / feature is specific to SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and the SQLCMD.EXE command-line utility as SQLCMD mode is directives to the client tool (either SSMS or SQLCMD.EXE) and not something that the database engine will be executing (or will even see or ever know about).
You can enable SQLCMD mode in SSMS on a per-session basis by going to the Query menu and selecting SQLCMD Mode. Once SQLCMD mode is enabled, you can change connections be using the :connect command:
:connect DifferentServerName
SQLCMD directives are processed at the beginning of each batch (since the entire batch is then sent to SQL Server for execution). Without using GO to separate the batches in the above example, the :connect command will take effect before the first SELECT. Comment out the GO and run again to see the effect.
When using SQLCMD Mode, Intellisense will not work.
SQLCMD Mode cannot be toggled on or off programmatically, but you can have SQLCMD Mode enabled for all new query windows by going to Tools | Options | Query Execution and checking the box for "By default, open new queries in SQLCMD mode".
There is no SQLCMD mode for the SQLCMD.EXE command-line utility; these commands always work in that tool.
1 Changing the connection logs you out of the current connection. This will drop temporary objects, rollback uncommitted transactions, etc., and local variables will obviously be out of scope (i.e. cannot cross connection boundaries). If statements executed on both servers need to share any info or objects, then you will need to create a Linked Server on one of them and use that Linked Server to connect to the other server on the current connection. Variables and temp objects still can't transfer between them, but you would then at least have the ability to construct Dynamic SQL containing that info to then execute on the remote server, and/or use the local resources in queries that specify four-part names for the remote objects.
When you connect to Sql Server, you are connecting to a specific server instance. A server instance can host a number of different databases. The USE Database command allows you to tell Sql Server which database in that instance to use.
A corresponding USE Server command does not make sense. Other server instances are not connected to or part of this instance. When you connected to this server, you had to provide credentials that may or may not be valid on other servers, and authentication best practices recommend against preserving those credentials throughout a session, meaning it has no way to re-authorize your connection with a different server.
What you can do is create a linked server, using the sp_addlinkedserver procedure. Then you must include the server name as part of fully-qualified table name with each query.
As far as I know there isn't any way to use ServerName in SQL Server. You can create a linked server and specify that as part of the table name.
SELECT id, name from MyLinkedServer.MyDBName.dbo.TableName
If this is something that will work for you take a look at these articles which go into linked servers in more detail:
yes You Must connect with the mandatory Following::
SELECT ##SNERVERNAME AS [ServerName], DB_NAME() AS [DbName] FROM sys.tables.connections AGV
:connect DifferentServerName
AVG.RECORD_ID between -Inf and Inf
(avg.RECORD_ID is not null or avg.RECORD_ID is null)

How to determine an Oracle query without access to source code?

We have a system with an Oracle backend to which we have access (though possibly not administrative access) and a front end to which we do not have the source code. The database is quite large and not easily understood - we have no documentation. I'm also not particularly knowledgable about Oracle in general.
One aspect of the front end queries the database for a particular set of data and displays it. We have a need to determine what query is being made so that we can replicate and automate it without the front end (e.g. by generating a csv file periodically).
What methods would you use to determine the SQL required to retrieve this set of data?
Currently I'm leaning towards the use of an EeePC, Wireshark and a hub (installing Wireshark on the client machines may not be possible), but I'm curious to hear any other ideas and whether anyone can think of any pitfalls with this particular approach.
Clearly there are many methods. The one that I find easiest is:
(1) Connect to the database as SYS or SYSTEM
(2) Query V$SESSION to identify the database session you are interested in.
Record the SID and SERIAL# values.
(3) Execute the following commands to activate tracing for the session:
exec sys.dbms_system.set_bool_param_in_session( *sid*, *serial#*, 'timed_statistics', true )
exec sys.dbms_system.set_int_param_in_session( *sid*, *serial#*, 'max_dump_file_size', 2000000000 )
exec sys.dbms_system.set_ev( *sid*, *serial#*, 10046, 5, '' )
(4) Perform some actions in the client app
(5) Either terminate the database session (e.g. by closing the client) or deactivate tracing ( exec sys.dbms_system.set_ev( sid, serial#, 10046, 0, '' ) )
(6) Locate the udump folder on the database server. There will be a trace file for the database session showing the statements executed and the bind values used in each execution.
This method does not require any access to the client machine, which could be a benefit. It does require access to the database server, which may be problematic if you're not the DBA and they don't let you onto the machine. Also, identifying the proper session to trace can be difficult if you have many clients or if the client application opens more than one session.
Start with querying Oracle system views like V$SQL, v$sqlarea and
Which version of Oracle? If it is 10+ and if you have administrative access (sysdba), then you can relatively easy find executed queries through Oracle enterprise manager.
For older versions, you'll need access to views that tuinstoel mentioned in his answer.
Same data you can get through TOAD for oracle which is quite capable piece of software, but expensive.
Wireshark is indeed a good idea, it has Oracle support and nicely displays the whole conversation.
A packet sniffer like Wireshark is especially interesting if you don't have admin' access to the database server but you have access to the network (for instance because there is port mirroring on the Ethernet switch).
I have used these instructions successfully several times:
"though possibly not administrative access". Someone should have administrative access, probably whoever is responsible for backups. At the very least, I expect you'd have a user with root/Administrator access to the machine on which the oracle database is running. Administrator should be able to login with a
"SQLPLUS / AS SYSDBA" syntax which will give full access (which can be quite dangerous). root could 'su' to the oracle user and do the same.
If you really can't get admin access then as an alternative to wireshark, if your front-end connects to the database through an Oracle client, look for the file sqlnet.ora. You can set trace_level_client, trace_file_client and trace_directory_client and get it to log the Oracle network traffic between the client and database server.
However it is possible that the client will call a stored procedure and retrieve the data as output parameters or a ref cursor, which means you may not see the query being executed through that mechanism. If so, you will need admin access to the db server, and trace as per Dave Costa's answer
A quick and dirty way to do this, if you can catch the SQL statement(s) in the act, is to run this in SQL*Plus:-
set verify off lines 140 head on pagesize 300
column sql_text format a65
column username format a12
column osuser format a15
break on username on sid on osuser
select S.USERNAME, s.sid, s.osuser,sql_text
from v$sqltext_with_newlines t,V$SESSION s
where t.address =s.sql_address
and t.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value
order by s.sid,t.piece
You need access those v$ views for this to work. Generally that means connecting as system.

How do you setup a linked server to an Oracle database on SQL 2000/2005?

I am able to create and execute a DTS package that copies tables from a remote Oracle database to a local SQL server, but want to setup the connection to the Oracle database as a linked server.
The DTS package currently uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle with the following properties:
Data Source: SERVER=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;uid=*UserName*;pwd=*UserPassword*;
Password: UserPassword
User ID: UserName
Allow saving password: true
How do I go about setting a linked server to an Oracle database using the data source defined above?
I was able to setup a linked server to a remote Oracle database, which ended up being a multi-step process:
Install Oracle ODBC drivers on SQL Server.
Create System DSN to Oracle database on SQL Server.
Create linked server on SQL server using System DSN.
Step 1: Install Oracle ODBC drivers on server
a. Download the necessary Oracle Instant Client packages: Basic, ODBC, and SQL*Plus (optional)
b. Unzip the packages to a local directory on the SQL server, typically C:\Oracle. This should result in a [directory] like C:\Oracle\instantclient_10_2, which will be the value of [directory] referenced in the rest of this answer.
c. Create a text file named tnsnames.ora within the instant client [directory] that contains the following:
OracleTnsName =
Note: Actual HOST, PORT, and SERVICE_NAME will vary based on Oracle server you are establishing a connection to. This information can often be found using the Oracle network client tools under the listeners.
The OracleTnsName can be any name you want to assign to the Oracle data source, and will be used when setting up the system DSN. You can also use the syntax above to define multiple TNS names in the same tnsnames.ora file if desired.
d. Add the [directory] to the system PATH environment variable.
e. Create a new system environment variable named TNS_Admin that has a value of [directory]
f. Execute the [directory]\odbc_install.exe utility to install the Oracle ODBC drivers.
g. It is recommended that you reboot the SQL server, but may not be necessary. Also, you may want to grant security permissions to this directory for the SQL server and SQL agent user identities.
Step 2: Create a System DNS that uses the Oracle ODBC driver
a. Open the ODBC Data Source Administrator tool. [ Administrative Tools --> Data Sources (ODBC) ]
b. Select the System DSN tab and then select the Add button.
c. In the drivers list, select Oracle in instantclient {version}. (e.g. 'Oracle in instantclient 10_2') and then select Finish button.
d. Specify the following:
Data Source Name: {System DSN Name}
Description: {leave blank/empty}
TNS Service Name: should have the OracleTnsName you defined in the tnsnames.ora file listed, select it as the value.
User ID: {Oracle user name}
e. Select Test Connection button. You should be prompted to provide the {Oracle user password}. If all goes well the test will succeed.
Step 3: Create linked server in SQL to the Oracle database
Open a query window in SQL server and execute the following:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver
#server = '{Linked Server Name}'
,#srvproduct = '{System DSN Name}'
,#provider = 'MSDASQL'
,#datasrc = '{System DSN Name}'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin
#rmtsrvname = '{Linked Server Name}'
,#useself = 'False'
,#locallogin = NULL
,#rmtuser = '{Oracle User Name}'
,#rmtpassword = '{Oracle User Password}'
Note: The {Linked Server Name} can be anything you want to use when referencing the Oracle server, but the {System DNS Name} must match the name of the system DSN you created previously.
The {Oracle User Name} should be the same as the User ID used by the system DSN, and the {Oracle User Password} should be the same as you used to successfully test the ODBC connection. See KB 280106 for information on troubleshooting Oracle linked server issues.
Querying the Oracle linked server
You may use OPENQUERY to execute pass-through queries on the Oracle linked server, but be aware that for very large recordsets you may receive a ORA-01652 error message if you specify a ORDER BY clause in the pass-through query. Moving the ORDER BY clause from the pass-through query to the outer select statement solved this issue for me.
I had the same problem. I was on the phone with Microsoft for hours, and they did not have a solution. None of those "connection timeout" settings helped me.
To resolve it, I created a DTS job that runs a proc which only updates the time on one row, in one column, every two minutes. Then I setup a replication between SQL Server and Oracle, scheduled to replicate that single cell change, from SQL to Oracle, every 3 minutes. It keeps the connection alive!