How to mock useRef hook with react-native using enzyme - react-native

I would like to write tests for my React-native app. My parent component will execute the methods within the child component.
My child component is using the Hooks forwardRef, useImperativeHandle, Ref as seen below
export interface RefChild {
toggle: () => void,
close: () => void
const Child = forwardRef((props: ChildProps, ref: Ref<RefChild>) => {
const [isVisible, setIsVisible] = useState(false);
useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ toggle, close }));
const toggle = () => {
const close = () => {
return (...mycomponent)
My Parent component is catching the 'ref' call with
ref={(el: RefChild) => childRef.current = el}
Which allows me to call the 'toggle' and 'close' methods from within the Parent.
Now, I fail to understand how to do the same thing within my test
my parent-test.tsx:
describe('Parent', () => {
let wrapper: ShallowWrapper;
let props: any;
beforeEach(() => {
props = createTestProps({});
wrapper = shallow(<Parent {...props} />);
//this is what I am currently trying to do, but not working
//test 1 (not working)
it("useRef child", () => {
const useRefSpy = jest.spyOn(React, 'useRef').mockReturnValueOnce({ current: <Child/> });
//test 2 (not working)
it("useRef child2", () => {
const ref = {
current: {
toggle: jest.fn(),
close: jest.fn()
//test 3 (not working)
it("useRef child3", () => {
wrapper.instance().childref.current.toggle(); //failing as functional components don't have instance
My versions of React and RN are:
"react": "16.13.1",
"react-native": "0.63.3"
Could anyone explain me how should I achieve this?

As you mentioned in your question there is no instance in functional component, I think there is a better way to handle toggle and close functions from parent component using a boolean prop for each of them and the listen to changes in this value like this:
you have a state in parent component called isClose set to false and then in child component you use something like this:
useEffect(() => {
//call close function
}, [isClose])
But by the way in your current setup I think you need to mock the useRef hook something like this:
const useRefSpy = jest
.spyOn(React, "useRef")
.mockReturnValueOnce(() => ({ current: <Child /> }));


how to test component with setState hook inside async api call in useEffect(func, [])

I'm facing a problem unit-testing a component with react-native-testing-library.
I have a component like this:
// components/TestComponent.js
function TestComponent() {
const [data, setData] = useState();
useEffect(() => {
.then((result) => { setData(; } )
.catch((err) => { //handle error here } )
}, []);
render (
renderItem={(item) => <ListItem testID={'item'} data={item} />}
And I test it like this:
// components/TestComponent.test.js
it('should render 10 list item', async () => {
const data = new Array(10).fill({}).map((v, idx) => ({
id: `v_${idx}`,
const req = jest.spyOn(clientLibrary, 'getData').mockImplementation(() => {
return Promise.resolve(data);
const {queryByTestId, queryAllByTestId} = render(
<TestComponent />,
expect(await queryByTestId('comp')).toBeTruthy(); // this will pass
expect(await queryAllByTestId('item').length).toEqual(10); // this will fail with result: 0 expected: 10
}); // this failed
The test will fail/pass with
Attempted to log "Warning: An update to TestComponent inside a test was not wrapped in act(...). pointing to setData in useEffect.
I've tried wrapping the render with act(), the assertion with act(), not mocking the api call, wrapping the whole test in act(), but the error won't go away.
I have tried looking at testing-library docs/git/q&a for this case, scoured stackoverflow questions too, but I still can't make this test works.
Can anyone point me to the right direction to solve this?
A note: I'm not trying to test implementation detail. I just want to test that given a fetch result X, the component would render as expected, which is rendering 10 list item.
Your component is performing an asynchronous state update during mounting inside useEffect so the act of rendering has an asynchronous side effect that needs to be wrapped in an await act(async()) call. See the testing recipes documentation on data fetching.
You can try something like this in your test:
it('should render 10 list item', async () => {
// Get these from `screen` now instead of `render`
const { queryByTestId, queryAllByTestId } = screen
const data = new Array(10).fill({}).map((v, idx) => ({
id: `v_${idx}`,
const req = jest.spyOn(clientLibrary, 'getData').mockImplementation(() => {
return Promise.resolve(data);
await act(async () => {
<TestComponent />
expect(await queryByTestId('comp')).toBeTruthy();
expect(await queryAllByTestId('item').length).toEqual(10);

How to hide element when device keyboard active using hooks?

I wanted to convert a hide element when keyboard active HOC I found to the newer react-native version using hooks (useEffect), the original solution using the older react lifecycle hooks looks like this -
So I created a useHideWhenKeyboardOpen function that wraps the child element and should hide that child if the device keyboard is active using useEffect. But on render the child element useHideWhenKeyboardOpen isn't displayed regardless of keyboard displayed.
When I've debugged the app I see the following error which I didn't fully understand,because the useHideWhenKeyboardOpen function does return a <BaseComponent>:
ExceptionsManager.js:179 Warning: Functions are not valid as a React
child. This may happen if you return a Component instead of from render. Or maybe you meant to call this function rather than
return it.
in RCTView (at View.js:34)
How can you attach keyboard displayed listener to a component in the render?
Example useHideWhenKeyboardOpen function:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Keyboard } from 'react-native';
// Wrapper component which hides child node when the device keyboard is open.
const useHideWhenKeyboardOpen = (BaseComponent: any) => (props: any) => {
// todo: finish refactoring.....
const [isKeyboadVisible, setIsKeyboadVisible] = useState(false);
const _keyboardDidShow = () => {
const _keyboardDidHide = () => {
* Add callbacks to keyboard display events, cleanup in useeffect return.
useEffect(() => {
console.log('isKeyboadVisible: ' + isKeyboadVisible);
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', _keyboardDidShow);
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', _keyboardDidHide);
return () => {
}, [_keyboardDidHide, _keyboardDidShow]);
return isKeyboadVisible ? null : <BaseComponent {...props}></BaseComponent>;
export default useHideWhenKeyboardOpen;
Example Usage:
<View style={[styles.buttonContainer]}>
icon={<Icon name="save" size={16} color="white" />}
onPress={() => {
Mindset shift will help: think of hooks as data source rather than JSX factory:
const isKeyboardShown = useKeyboardStatus();
{!isKeyboardShown && (...
Accordingly your hook will just return current status(your current version look rather as a HOC):
const useHideWhenKeyboardOpen = () => {
const [isKeyboadVisible, setIsKeyboadVisible] = useState(false);
const _keyboardDidShow = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
const _keyboardDidHide = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', _keyboardDidShow);
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', _keyboardDidHide);
return () => {
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidShow', _keyboardDidShow);
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', _keyboardDidHide);
}, [_keyboardDidHide, _keyboardDidShow]);
return isKeyboadVisible;
Note usage of useCallback. Without it your hook will unsubscribe from Keyboard and subscribe again on every render(since _keyboardDidHide would be referentially different each time and would trigger useEffect). And that's definitely redundant.

UI Kitten functional component - Props undefined

I'm developing a react native mobile app using UI Kitten. I'm still fairly new to both react native and UI kitten, so I am using the just the plain Javascript template VS the Typescript template.
I have a functional component screen as shown below. This screen is working just fine. Today I started REDUX implementation.
const RequestScreen = ({ navigation }) => {
// code removed for brevity
Within this screen I use the useEffect hook to fetch data from my API
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener("focus", () => {
return () => {
}, [navigation]);
const getServices = async () => {
// helper function to call API
await getAllServices().then((response) => {
if (response !== undefined) {
const services = response.service;
// update redux state
// code removed for brevity
const mapStateToProps = (state) => state;
const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => ({
getServices: (services) =>
type: Types.GET_SERVICES,
payload: { services },
const connectComponent = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps);
export default connectComponent(RequestScreen);
On this line of code:
I keep getting this error:
[Unhandled promise rejection: TypeError: undefined is not an object
(evaluating 'props.getAllServices')] at
node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:63:36 in tryCatch at
node_modules\regenerator-runtime\runtime.js:293:29 in invoke
Anytime I try to use "props" in code here. I run into errors. How do I get the props on this screen?
I tried changing the screen, as shown below, but that does not work either!
const RequestScreen = ({ navigation, props }) => {
// code removed
I was able to get the props object after changing the screen component as shown below.
const RequestScreen = ({ navigation, ...props }) => {}

Passing params from functional component to class component in React Native

I have functional component where I am passing params at onPress. Below is the code:
const onPress = (data) => {
I was able to pass this to a functional component, where I was getting the data, and was able to update my state in the functional component. Below is the code snippet from functional component:
function gotoSearch() {
console.log("Location Selected",data);
address_line_1: data.address_line1,
address_line_2: data.address_line2,
area: data.area,
pincode: data.postCode,,
I have another component which is a class component, I tried to do the same thing, but is showed me the error. Below is the code snippet from class component:
gotoSearch = () => {
this.props.navigation.navigate('SearchScreen'), {
onPress: (data) => {
console.log("Location Selected",data);
cannot read property of 'onPress' of undefined
const onPress = (data) => {
you will need to export onPress function
export const onPress = (data) => {
then use it inside your class component
gotoSearch = () => {
this.props.navigation.navigate('SearchScreen'), {
onPress: (data) => {
console.log("Location Selected",data);
if your function exists in a different file and then first import it and then use
import {onPress} from './file.js'

How to test arrow function in React ES6 class

I used arrow function inside of my React component to avoid binding this context, for example my component look like this;
class Comp extends Component {
_fn1 = () => {}
_fn2 = () => {}
render() {
return (<div></div>);
How do I test _fn1 and _fn2 function in my test cases? Because these kind of function did not associated with React component itself, so when I do
fnStub = sandbox.stub(Comp.prototype, "_fn1");
it is not going work, since _fn did not bind with Comp.prototype. Thus, how can I test those functions in React if I want to create function with arrow syntax? Thanks!
ES6 functions or arrow functions are not added to the class prototype.
However, there are a couple of ways to test them:-
Test that the functions themselves are called when a suitable event occurs
ES5 functions exist on the class prototype and something like this is possible:
import Component from 'path/to/component';
import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
describe(<Component>, () => {
it('should call handleSubmit', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(Component.prototype, 'handleSubmit');
const wrapper = shallow(<Component />);
//Invoke handleSubmit
whereas ES6 functions exist on the instance of the mounted component(you can also use shallow)
import Component from 'path/to/component';
import { mount } from 'enzyme';
describe(<Component>, () => {
it('should call handleSubmit', () => {
const wrapper = mount(<Component />);
const spy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance(), 'handleSubmit');
//update the instance with the new spy
//invoke handleSubmit
Test their functionality by simulating actions that will invoke these functions and test for the expected behavior
Assuming component content such as:
state = {
title: 'Current Title'
updateTitle = (event) => {
title =;
this.setState({ title });
render() {
return (
<input type="text" value={this.state.title} onChange={this.updateTitle} />
wrapper.find('input').simulate('change', {target: {value: 'New title'}});
expect(wrapper.state().title).toBe('New Title');
I hope this helps.
In general I find it easier to test that these functions have resulted in a correct component state, rather than test the function itself. For example, here is a component that toggles a state variable when a button is clicked:
class MyComponent extends Component {
state = {
toggle: false
_fn1 = () => {
this.setState(previousState => ({
toggle: !previousState.toggle
render() {
const { toggle } = this.state;
return (
<button onClick={this.clickHandler}>
Turn me {toggle ? 'on' : 'off'}
My preferred approach here would be to test the component as a whole, i.e. the "unit" of the unit test is the component. The test would therefore find the button, simulate a click, and ensure that the correct text is shown. This may not be a textbook unit test, but it achieves the goal of testing the component.
Using sinon/chai/mocha/enzyme:
describe('My Component', () => {
it('alternates text display when the button is clicked', () => {
const wrapper = shallow(<MyComponent />);
expect(wrapper).to.have.text('Turn me off');
expect(wrapper).to.have.text('Turn me on');