Unable to upload VHD file to Azure Storage - azure-storage

My query is that how do we upload VHD files to Azure storage?I have used blob storage and select page blob to upload VHD file but receiving this error :
RESPONSE Status: 400 Page blob is not supported for this account type.
Please advice. thanks

There are some restrictions on using page blob, you need to use Hot access tier, please refer to this official documentation.
This official document has a clearer introduction to the Access tiers:
You can set the access tiers hereļ¼š


How to upload a 9GB file with extension sql.gz to SQL BigQuery Sandbox

I want to upload a 9.6 GB file with the extension .sql.gz to my SQL BigQuery Sandbox (free) account. I received a message that the file is too big and that I need to upload it from the cloud. When trying to upload it from the cloud, I am asked to create a bucket, and if I want to create a bucket, I get the message: "billing must be enabled". Is there any alternative, specifically for an sql.gz file?
As of now, there is no alternative but to upload .gz files files to a bucket in Cloud Storage and use the bq command-line tool to create a new table.
You may enable billing for your existing project to use Cloud Storage.

Directly download from a link and upload file to GCS

Is there a way to download a MP4 file directly and store on Google bucket. We have a use-case to get a file URL to download and upload it on cloud. However, since file size can be more than 1 GB, it is not feasible to download in local storage first and then upload the file to cloud bucket. We are specifically looking for google cloud storage to upload files and solution should be specific to same.
Some Ref doc we found but does not look like the feasible solution as it uploads file from local storage not directly from link.
Google Cloud Storage does not offer compute features. That means you cannot directly load an object into Cloud Storage from a URL. You must fetch the object and then upload it into Cloud Storage.

Upload .png file to Azure Blob storage using Kotlin

I got this assignment that requires you to upload some .png files to azure blob storage using kotlin. I already have the storage account set up and are able to upload files using azure storage explorer. Can't seem to find any examples on how this can be done with kotlin tho.
I am relatively new to both kotlin and blob storage, so any help is appreciated

Uploading file directly from a URL in Storage Blob

I have some large files (one of them is 10 GB), I want to store this file in Windows Azure, Storage (BLOB) directly, instead of downloading the same locally, and then uploading it.
Is there a way we could just mention the URL and the same gets uploaded in the Azure Storage ?
Any help would be really appreciated, if it is combination of services that also works fine :)
Yes, you can do this. Gaurav has a great post about copying from S3, but the same thing will work for any publicly-accessible URL: http://gauravmantri.com/2012/06/14/how-to-copy-an-object-from-amazon-s3-to-windows-azure-blob-storage-using-copy-blob/

Unable to make list blob request (windows azure)?

Unable to make list blob request using following URI with replacing myaccount with my storage account
Are you sure that your blob is public?
You can check is using CloudBerry Explorer a great free tool to manage Blobs. You can download it here: http://www.cloudberrylab.com/free-microsoft-azure-explorer.aspx
Once the application is install go on the container and right-click. Go check in Properties is the security is public.