How to properly secure post requests with Django RF apis? - api

I am currently learning to make DRF APIs for something I am working on. I was wondering how exactly I would secure the API POST requests I send via the client side?
For example, let's say I have a log in form where the user can enter their information, this information needs to be send to (or POST-ed to) my API for verification. I do not want just anyone sending requests to the server and so, I would want to use an API key but since this is being done on a website, anyone could see the API key if they wanted to, and then exploit the server by sending a ton of requests.
My current idea is to use serializes in DRF to check if the API POST request has everything it needs but I am fairly certain this can be easily found by checking what sort of JSON my code sends to the server, so how exactly do I go about securing this such that I can send the information to the bare domain (like and then have code which can accept that information?
I apologize for any confusion, if it is confusing. Let me know if you need any clarification.

If you are creating API any one can send request to server. same goes for website and webpage. Their is no way you can avoid this. But their are ways to handle possible misuse.
like using CAPTCHA for login form which can be filled by one on the web. though wrong CAPTCHA text can be send by anyone you must check it on server for their correctness. or use google reCAPTCHA like services for outsourcing this task.
API key should be given after login NOT before login. and if it is given after successful login then the key is obtained by legitimate user which can obviously do whatever he is allowed to do on website. their should not be problem in that.
further explanation to the question will lead to details of denial-of-service i.e DOS attack. you should consult expert on that field if your application requires to handle DOS attack.


REST API - How to make logins via an API stateless and secure?

I'm struggling with an issue here. I've searched repeatedly for answers, but have been unable to find the exact answer I'm looking for. I'm attempting to build a secure authentication method for a REST api. My question is, how do we handle a login for a REST api?
Since a REST api is meant to be stateless every time, does that mean we need to store the client's username/password on the client's end (perhaps hashed), and send it in with every request? I'd be much more comfortable using a system like authentication tokens that are created upon logging in the first time, but does that go against the basic rules of REST, since this technically creates a "state" on the server?
What is the best and most practical method to handle this? As I wrote earlier, I'm struggling to come up with an answer to this; maybe that is due to this problem not having a clear answer, but I honestly don't know.
Thanks in advance.
That's also my understanding of REST: clients send login/password to the server along with every request. The server has to authenticate the client based on this information only. With regard to the Hypermedia principle of REST, having a user logged in is not an application state, in my understanding.

Security Risks of having an API for registering a new user

I have this question in mind and I wanted to get other developer's opinion on this issue.
For creating a user (like in Facebook or creating an account in Gmail), some people suggested to have an public/private (means we don't tell developers how to use it) action in API for it. I, however, think it is a security risk as even if it is not documented, a hacker can simple see the calls and http requests when our front-end app is using that api action to create a new user (using a web debugger like fiddler) and can find the url to that action so simple ! like this POST ~/api/user/create
and then he/she can send thousands of requests to create user, users needs to be verified but still he/she is adding a lot of junk users in our database and puts a lot of pressure on our servers.
So the question is how do we handle this? Allow this only on our website or what?
You can use CAPTCHA to verify that's a real user.

secure the code in google chrome extension

I want to write a google chrome extension, that should make a request to my website to send and get some data, so, actually I should do an ajax request like it is written here
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true);
I wanted ask if there is a way to somehow secure the code or prevent others from using my api, because actually the other users can see the source code of the extension when they install it and so use my api without me being aware of it.
If I need to make some sort of authentication, than how can I authenticate the user before making the ajax call ? for authentication I will need to send a request to my server , but for that I should send , e.g. username and password, that should be saved somewhere in the extension's files, which, in fact, can be seen by the users, when they install the extension.
Don't trust the browser, take steps to authenticate the user instead. So, in this case, you could require that YOU enter in a password that is used to communicate with your server.
Your Google extension would simple require you to enter in a password before it attempts to use AJAX to communicate with your server.
Be aware that you should build in means of protecting yourself from brute-force attacks. So, do things like lock everything down if there are more than some small number of wrong passwords, etc.
You could also consider using the password to simply decrypt the destination of the XHR, but if you go this route, you should store this very carefully, because this will be brute-forceable offline.
Trying to lock down an API so that only a single application can use it is just not practical nor technically possible, so you're only hope of doing this is to authenticate the user using the API, regardless of the accessing software he is using. You could have the user sign an agreement that legally limits them to only your extension, but I suspect this will go largely unenforceable and will consume your time tracking abusers down.
If you don't want unauthorized people even knowing where the API is, you could perform authentication using an out-of-band mechanism: over the telephone, email, SMS, or simply, another API that will grant the user a password or token that requests to your API must be accompanied with.
During this out-of-band process, you could also grant the user, a unique URI (the API access point) that is only valid per authenticated session (, for example). Any requests to your server on OTHER URIs simply won't work. However, this isn't theoretically much different than using the same API access point, and having a good password. It just changes the number of places in your architecture that will be performing authentication and/or authorization checks.
<aside>My vote would be to reduce the number of authorization/authentication points to as few as possible so that you can spend more time on getting that one place correct rather than having multiple places and possibly multiple logic flaws or other things that could lead to vulnerabilities.</aside>
You could also explore using Public Key Infrastructure and/or one-time passwords schemes or device-based token generators, etc., but in the end, you'll be allowing authenticated and authorized users to use your API. And, thanks to the Internet, this will not remain an undisclosed URI for long.
And, more importantly, it will not prevent someone from using the data on their own. Even with all these measures in place, it would be trivial for an authorized user to collect this data as it is being streamed to your extension. Or, if you employ point-to-point encryption, they could screen-scrap or use some form of JS introspection on your very code or even extract the data from their computer's memory.
I know you were looking for a silver bullet here, but it doesn't exist.
I think you are doing it wrong. You should never trust what's going on on internet users PC's. Never!
Move the line of trust one step inward, make your API public and then design the security where you have perfect control - server side.
I could not get correct aspect of your use case
Few Points:
Your extension code is always traceable( Any one who has installed extension can view the code)
If you are looking for security through complicated or obfuscated coding patterns you end up slow down of understanding process not the whole.
If your target is to ensure users who install your extension should be able to access and inert all other users( Who have gained illegal access or downloaded and edited code) have a session shared key per installation.
Please explain further use case so i can help you better.

Using REST to Login user to Windows Live

I was reading through the windows live developers doc here. In that I saw they are having an authentication method something like this.
I understood everything except for where do I give the username and password of the user?
I am planning to create an app(first one in my life) to learn the working.
I also have never used or coded something over REST.
When using OAuth, your application never receives the user's username or password. Rather, the user logs in to Windows Live on the Windows Live servers and authorizes your application for access to their information. After they have authorized your application, you receive an access token from Windows Live on behalf of the user. You then use that access token with the Live API to retrieve user information.
Coding something using REST protocols isn't anything too terribly complicated. It has been my experience that you're just specifying parameters to the API using GET or POST as your request method. Adding OAuth on to your requests is a matter of specifying additional parameters.
You're task is to learn two things here since you've never done REST or OAUTH before. Spend time looking at both.
Oauth is hard to get and hard to implement.
You should choose an off-the-shelf Oauth library they exists for most languages.
(Then you do not have to worry about the details. OTOH: You should know how it works to know how to set up and fix if something goes wrong.)

Search Netflix using API without the user being logged in?

I'm trying to search Netflix through their API, but without logging anyone in (because I want to do this on the back-end, not necessarily related to any user action). I'm just starting off with their API so please forgive me if I'm doing something completely stupid. Here's the URL I'm trying to access:
However, that gives me a 400 Bad Request error. Is there no way to browse/search the Netflix catalog without having a user first sign in to my application? Or am I doing something wrong?
Note: I'm accessing said URL through my browser, since I only want to perform a GET request, which is what a browser does by default.
When using OAuth you need to compute a signature for the request, even if you're using 2-legged authentication which just uses your shared-secret and no user token (this means that your application is logged in, but no user is logged in).
If it's an HTTP (as in non-SSL) URL then you need to be using the HMAC-SHA1* signature method rather than PLAINTEXT because you don't want your consumer secret being passed across the wire in plain text.
If they allow an HTTPS URL then you can use the PLAINTEXT method, but you'll still need to calculate it as per and pass that as the oauth_signature query string parameter instead of passing oauth_token_secret. Note that you'll also need to pass oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT as a parameter too.
Also, it might be worth looking at the response that comes back. If they implement the OAuth Problem Reporting extension then that could give you some help with what's wrong.
*or another method that encryptes your shared secret