Webdriver For Firefox 84.0.1(64-Bit) - selenium

I'm trying to develop my own web scraper via Python on PyCharm but I've found I hit an issue with finding the file name of the web driver extension for Firefox. I went online to go get the version of the zip file but all I got was:
"Sorry, the page /en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Clients could not be found."
on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Clients which was the link used on https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/WebDriver/Clients under usage: "depends on which WebDriver client you’re using" link.
I'm trying to get the zip file of version 84.0.1(64-bit) of Firefox Browser.
Could anyone help me find this zip file?

you can download webdriver in the above link
the compatability chart is

The list of all the releases of GeckoDriver can be found at mozilla / geckodriver
However it is recomended to crosscheck the compattibility of the version of GeckoDriver you are downloading as per the matrix below:
This usecase
For firefox version 84.0.1 you can use either of the following version of GeckoDriver:


Where can we find the Selenium version compatible versions of GeckoDriver

Earlier I used this method to add gecko driver:
System.setProperty("webdriver.gecko.driver", "/home/boo/Desktop/java/geckodriver-v0.20.1-linux64/geckodriver");
but the new update (https://selenium.dev/)
https://selenium.org/ --> https://selenium.dev/
Now it redirects so I have no idea how can I download , when I download it saves as .nupke I download from here
How can I use this .nupkg?
And there is other 4 method available
I'm using Java Maven for automation in those 4. Which one I have to choose and how can i setup?
PS: earlier I downloaded zip file and extracted and used it
Selenium and GeckoDriver are seperately maintained and published. You can download the required version of GeckoDriver from Releases - mozilla/geckodriver page.

Jmeter WebDriver don't start

I tried to run WebDriver Sampler, but got problem with driver config.
First I tried to use Firefox Driver Config. When run only Firefox Driver Config (without any sampler) I see how Firefox launched but finally got error:
org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Failed to connect to binary FirefoxBinary(C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe) on port 7055; process output follows: ddons.json found.
Next I tried to use Chrome Driver config, but got error:
The driver executable does not exist.
I tried to solve the problem like this: How to solve this error an jmetere, but it doesn’t work.
Image with config and errors
With regards to Firefox you need to ensure that you use supported Firefox version. The latest JMeter WebDriver Plugin kg.apc:jmeter-plugins-webdriver:2.3 has transitive dependency on the selenium-firefox-driver:2.52.0 which means that you can use Firefox 45 or earlier with it.
Later Firefox versions will not work.
You can download Firefox 45 from Mozilla FTP website
More information: Q. How do I Know Which Browsers are Supported? chapter of The WebDriver Sampler: Your Top 10 Questions Answered guide
I found the tab with configuration path to driver
Picture with tab:

Chromedriver with Selenium

I added the chromedriver path and still receive this error when i load chromedriver via selenium.
pry(main)> browser=Watir::Browser.new(:chrome)
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError: Unable to find chromedriver. Please download the server from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html and place it somewhere on your PATH. More info at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver.
from /home/roberto/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.1/gems/selenium-webdriver-3.12.0/lib/selenium/webdriver/common/service.rb:57:in `binary_path'
so i already have the chromedriver and i can access it via cmd direct but not via selenium using ruby
what i missing here.. can someone highlight it ?
I would recommend you download the chromedriver binary from here: https://chromedriver.chromium.org/ and paste it into your automated test project directory root. Then when you specify in your code to instantiate your driver you can simply do this:
Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Service.driver_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'chromedriver')
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:chrome)
Im not familiar with watir driver but this is how I've done it with selenium-webdriver gem in the past
A little more information may be helpful in us trying to help you out. Have you looked into these points in the documentation?
The chromedriver binary is in the system path, or
The Selenium Server was started with -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=c:\path\to\your\chromedriver.exe

How to open local html file by Selenium Safari WebDriver on macOS?

I have tried:
but none of them worked. I use Java and macOS Sierra.
(If I open a page from http:// it's working)
The root cause is Selenium version. You need to upgrade Selenium to version 3++.
It works fine on my machine with Selenium 3.4.
See issue at: https://github.com/seleniumhq/selenium-google-code-issue-archive/issues/3773

How to replace Chrome with PhantomJS for use with Selenium and Conductor?

I am successfully using the Conductor framework to scrape data off a website. I use the Chrome browser and therefore I have installed chromedriver.exe in the root of my project.
To speed things up I want to replace Chrome with the headless PhantomJS browser. I installed PhantomJS as explained in the answer to this Stackoverflow question: PhantomJS & Conductor Framework and have changed the browser to Browser.PHANTOMJS in #Config.
Whatever I do however, I get no results.
I found no documentation how to setup PhantomJS for use with Selenium or PhantomJS.
The question How to Implement Selenium WebDriver with PhantomJS and Can we Use Sikuli with PhantomJS? did not help either.
How to replace Chrome with PhantomJS for use with Selenium and Conductor?
The trouble you are having appears to be due to an older version of the PhantomJS library included in Conductor. The error when running PhantomJS can be found in this imported issue on the Selenium Github. The remedy is to import a fork of PhantomJS which works with the newer releases of Selenium.
You can easily implement this by editing the pom.xml file and swapping
You can use a headless chrome driver with selenium, as showed here: