How can i pass a parameter to a Vue component? - vue.js

I just got started to Vue and i'm trying to understand some basic concepts such as conditional rendering and how to pass data from where i load the app to a component. Suppose i'm rendering a Vue component like this:
<div id="app">
Suppose myComponent looks like this:
<h1>First block</h1>
</h1>Second block</h1>
I want to be able to render First block or Second block when i load the Vue app according to a parameter i pass to the component, like:
<div id="app">
<myComponent id="first"></myComponent>
In this case i should see First block, whereas if instead of id="first" there was id="second" the output was supposed to be Second block. How can i do this?
I know it's a very basic question, but most of the sources i found explained how to do the opposite. Any kind of advice is appreciated!

In vue you could pass props (parameters) to component which defines this ones in its script like :
<h1 v-if="block==='first'">First block</h1>
</h1 v-else>Second block</h1>
export default{
in parent component pass the prop like :
<div id="app">
<myComponent block="first"></myComponent>
<div id="app">
<myComponent block="second"></myComponent>


Wrap VNode with component using composable

I'm designing a composable wrapper library that wraps an element (VNode) before render.
Ideally, I would like to use it like this:
<div class="component">
<div class="box" ref="boxEl">
<div class="child">child</div>
<script setup>
const boxEl = ref()
attachContainer: true,
el: boxEl
I know that boxEl ref is only identifiable at onMounted time, perhaps some other way could be used to get VNode child?
What I'm trying to achieve is to wrap selected element (boxEl) in some component, say WrapperComponent, without doing it explicitly like this:
<div class="component">
<div class="box" ref="boxEl">
<div class="child">child</div>
I've tried using instance.vnode.children on the component instance to do some manipulation of VNode tree before render, but it's empty. Is there any way to achieve this?

Vue.js: Why does $el return a text node

I do have the following code:
export default class Custom extends Vue {
mounted() {
console.log(this.$el); // Returns a text node (with an empty content)
console.log(this.$el.nextElementSibling); // Returns a element representing my custom child
I am quite confused why would I need to use nextElementSibling as I expected $el to return an element directly.
The solution is as follows.
If you do not use a "div" tag just inside the "Template" tag, you will get the same problem.

Does using slots rather inline declarations make a component more flexible?

I am trying to make a grid component that is not too opinionated. I have 2 different types of components that have different cover images, DVD and Cassette.
I am assuming the best way to do this is by not using v-ifs like I am below:
import DVD from '#/components/DVD.vue';
import Cassette from '#/components/Cassette.vue';
<div class="grid">
<div v-for="item in items">
<div v-if="item.type === 'dvd'">
<DVD :data="item" />
<div v-else-if="item.type === 'cassette'">
<Cassette :data="item" />
Is there a more flexible way to do this using slots? I sort of want it to be a "shell" grid that can be used in different ways so I assume I'd want to take out the logic of having these components living in here. Can I translate this to use slots?
In this case, the built-in <component> would be more appropriate than slots. It takes an is prop that sets the component type, and any bindings are passed through the resolved component:
import DVD from '#/components/DVD.vue';
import Cassette from '#/components/Cassette.vue';
export default {
components: {
<div class="grid">
<div v-for="item in items">
<component :is="item.type" :data="item" />

VueJS: Is It Possible to Automatically Include One Component in Another Component

I would like to automatically include the contents of one component in a named slot of another component. I.e., something like this:
Vue.component('comp-one', {
template: `
<div class="comps>
<div class="comp-two">
<slot name="compTwo"></slot>
<div class="comp-one">
Vue.component('comp-two', {
slot: 'compTwo',
template: `
<div class="sub-comp-two">
<!-- content goes here -->
The idea is that if someone uses <comp-two>Some content</comp-two>, it will automatically get added to the slot compTwo in comp-one. Is there a way to do this?
NOTE: I made up slot: 'compTwo'. Just trying to illustrate what I'd like to accomplish.

Components and Sub components

I'm new to Vue.js and I'm having a bit of trouble using components with sub-components. I have the following .vue files
<h1>Create Your MIA</h1>
<div id="board"></div>
<div id="slider-panel">
<h3>{{* heading}}</h3>
<div class="slider">
Some content
import skin from "./skin";
export default {
components: {
skin: skin
<div v-for="colour in colours">
<div :style="{ backgroundColor: colour }">
<img src="../assets/images/MIA.png"/>
export default {
data() {
return {
heading: "Choose Skin Tone"
I'm trying to load the skin sub component into the component. Everything works well except for the skin sub component as it doesn't get compiled. I do not get any compile or vue related errors though. I also wanted to be able to have several instances of the slider component like this
<h1>Create Your MIA</h1>
<div id="board"></div>
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.
I'm not 100% sure of what you want to achieve here, but to compile a component inside a component, you need to add the child component inside the parent's template, like this:
Slider.vue (I've simplified the structure):
<div id="slider-panel">
<h3>{{* heading}}</h3>
import skin from './skin'
export default {
components : {
'skin': skin
<h1>Create Your MIA</h1>
<div id="board"></div>
Actually, if you add skin in the app's template inside of adding it in the slider component template, it gets included (and rendered) assuming that its scope is app, not slider. In order to add skin inside slider scope, it needs to be added to slider's template. Check this:
Some other things:
Use a hyphen-separated name for the components, with at least 2 words: <custom-slider> instead of <slider>, for example, following the Web Components API (otherwise it might collide with current or upcoming web components).
Slots are complicated to grasp, so read this carefully:
Good luck!
If you want the slider component to be content agnostic and be able to insert anything you want inside it, you have two options (that I can think of):
Remove all the logic from the slider component and make skin a descendant from app. Then use slots in the slider component, as follows:
<div id="slider-panel">
<h3>{{* heading}}</h3>
export default {}
<h1>Create Your MIA</h1>
<div id="board"></div>
import skin from './skin'
export default {
skin: skin
If you know that the slider will always have a closed set of components inside, you can use dynamic components:
After some research I found this which refers to a is= attribute that will transclude the sub-component template
so in app.vue
<div is="skin-component" v-for="colour in colours"></div>
and then add child components