Can we access data from Dialogflow Agent using API key? - api

I am trying to integrate the dialog flow agent with a middleware bot. However, due to some issue, I am not able to use service account keys and have to find some alternate method for communication of APIs, Can we use API keys for this purpose?

One solution is to use a solution such as Cloud Endpoint or API Gateway (which is a Cloud Endpoint fully managed, same configuration, same features for now).
I wrote an article on Coud Endpoint with ESPv2 on Cloud Run


Register Externally hosted app in PCF Service Registry

I am trying to add an ASP.NET 4.x app hosted externally (using AWS Elastic Beanstalk) into the Service-registry of an existing PCF.
Edit: Is this possible? If so, can someone give me an example about how this can be done
Assuming you have network connectivity in all directions between apps in PCF and the external app, yes this should be quite possible.
However, if you're using Spring Cloud Eureka, your externally-hosted app will need to get valid OAuth credentials so that it can authenticate prior to registering.
The comment by Daniel Mikusa is very appropriate for how I achieved this.
For Pivotal SCS, you would want to create a service instance (if you
don't have one already), then create a service key for your external
app. That will give you all of the binding info/creds you need to
connect from your remote service. A service key is the same as binding
a service to an app, except it's not tied to an app so it works well
for situations like this. Just give your service key a good name, so
you know that it's being used by an external app when you come back
and see it a year from now

How to linkup API in API manager with interface deployed in Cloud Hub?

I have an API deployed in API Manager, deployed one interface in cloud hub with API auto discover option.
In API manager, i gave cloudhub link as implementation url. so i thought both are linked up.
But when i apply SLA tier to API it is not getting applied. is there anything need to be done ?
Please first apply Auto discovery properly on the app. Create one API in the API manager. copy API ID into autodiscover configuration in the app. please find below link for details explanation.
Auto discovery article from dzone

Wso2 API orchestration requirement for API Management

We successfully launch Wso2 API management solution. One of the main functionality of our project is to orchestrate several simple API and make one Meta API. Then we want to publish this Meta API into Wso2 API Management Publisher and make it available to use.
Is any solution to this requirement?
You can do this. If I understand you correct, you only want to publish the meta api as a managed api. Other simple apis won't be published. If so, things are pretty easy.
WSO2 API Manager uses Apache Synapse as the mediation engine (which is used by WSO2 ESB too). This allows to do the chaining. Please go through the following articles.

Mule API - deploy to a Mule Runtime

I am experimenting with Mule API management these days. What I come to know is we can deploy our API to one of these:
A Mule Runtime
An API Gateway
In the documentation, it is said that we should go with option 1 when we want to separate out the implementation of your API from the orchestration. What does it mean?
Can any one please explain in detail?
Policy management from API Platform and analytics generation can be achieved only by using a correctly configured API Gateway, which is a superset of Mule EE (current version is API Gateway 2.1.0 which contains Mule EE 3.7.2).
Depending on your architecture you may have different solutions.
For example:
Proxy running on API Gateway, implementation API running somewhere
else (eg. Mule EE/CE, Tomcat, cobol server, etc)
Proxy and implementation API running on the same API Gateway
Implementation API
managed directly from API Platform without using the autogenerated
HTH :-)
Not exactly sure what they mean there, because on this page: they also mention this:
Note that the API Gateway, because it acts as an orchestration layer
for services and APIs implemented elsewhere, is technology-agnostic.
You can proxy non-Mule services or APIs of any kind, as long as they
expose HTTP/HTTPS, VM, Jetty, or APIkit Router endpoints. You can also
proxy APIs that you design and build with API Designer and APIkit to
the API Gateway to separate the orchestration from the implementation
of those APIs.
So both methods technically allow you to separate API from orchestration, as your API gateway application could simply proxy another Mule application elsewhere that performs the orchestration. But my understanding of the two options are:
The API gateway is a limited offering that allows you to use a subset of Mule's connectors, transports and modules such as ApiKit and HTTP, it allows you to expose and API then use http to connect to whatever backend systems you want as a proxy and perform the orchestration in the API layer.
By using the Mule runtime operation, it gives you much more flexibility and allows you to compose as many applications as you want using the full range of connectors etc. and separate out the different aspects of your applications into as many layers as you want as separately deployable entities that you can deploy to on-premise standalone instances or Cloudhub etc.
#Ryan answer is more or less on the mark, however if you do choose the Mule ESB offering you will loose out on the API Management and governance functionality that API gateway provides OOTB.
These include
Lets you enforce runtime policies and collect data for analytics
Applies policies to APIs or endpoints around security, throttling,
rate limiting, and more
Extends PingFederate to serve as identity management and OAuth
provider for your APIs
Lets you require or restrict certain behaviors in a few simple steps
Lets you add or remove policies at runtime with no API downtime
Manages access to your API by issuing contract keys
Monitors the API to confirm it is meeting all contract terms
Ensures compliance with service level agreements (SLAs)
In my opinion go with API Gateway/Manager if your API will be consumed my third party developers with whom you might not have too many interactions (think public API's) else Mule ESB should be good.
You should be able to migrate from Mule ESB to API Manager (and vice versa) also easily if you need to, so I do not think you will get locked into your decision
PS: Content copied from here

How do I implement basic API gateway

I am working on one school project, And my task is to make a simple api gateway, which can placed between any of the 3rd party api and the end users, tha gateway can be used for defining usage limits of the api or to do some security analysis, I am totally new to this, I know the basic concept of API gateway, but don't know how do I implement it using JAVA.
Can anyone please give me some starting point where to start implementation of API gateway?
And what are the frameworks I should use and for what purpose?
Nixit Patel
In a nutshell, API gateway exposes public APIs, applies policies (authentication - typically via OAuth, throttling, adherence to the the defined API, caching, etc.) and then (if allowed) optionally applies transformation rules and forwards the call to the backend. Then, when the backend responds, gateway (after optionally applying transformation rules again) forwards the response to the original caller. Plus, there would typically be an API management solution around it providing subscriber portal, user management, analytics, etc.
So basically any web service framework would work as a quick DYI solution.
You can also use plugin model of an open-source load-balancer such as NGINX.
Or take an open-source API Gateway to learn from it - e.g. WSO2 API Manager (the easiest way to see it in action is the hosted version: WSO2 API Cloud)