PostgreSQL last full n months - sql

I have a query with dates for the last two years. I want to get data dynamically for the last 4 months.
That is if today 04/01/2021 I want to get data from 01/09/2020 up today inclusive.
The problem with my query is that I get data between 04/09/2020 up today, i.e. 4 months not including a full first month.
SELECT Category,
FROM Table
WHERE Date>= now() - INTERVAL '4 months'
What I need to change in my query ??

You can do it using date_trunc like following query.
SELECT Category,
FROM Table
WHERE Date>= date_trunc('month', current_date-interval '4 months')


how to get data for last calender week in redshift

I have a below query that I run to extract material movements from the last 7 days.
Purpose is to get the data for the last calender week for certain reports.
posting_date between CURRENT_DATE - 7 and CURRENT_DATE - 1
That means I need to run the query on every Monday to get the data for the former week.
Sometimes I am too busy on Monday or its vacation/bank holiday. In that case I would need to change the query or pull the data via SAP.
Is there a function for redshift that pulls out the data for the last calender week regardless when I run the query?
I already found following solution
SELECT id FROM table1
But this doesnt seem to be working for redshift sql
Thanks a lot for your help.
Redshift offers a DATE_TRUNC('week', datestamp) function. Given any datestamp value, either a date or datetime, it gives back the date of the preceding Sunday.
So this might work for you. It filters rows from the Sunday before last, up until but not including, the last Sunday, and so gets a full week.
FROM table1
AND date < DATE_TRUNC('week', NOW())
Pro tip: Every minute you spend learning your DBMS's date/time functions will save you an hour in programming.

Grouping date ranges together

I am trying to group date ranges together so I can sort my report by batch jobs. However the batch id repeats maybe twice per year so I have to group by date as well as batch ID. My dilemma is I am unable to get the range of batch IDs
Let’s say I have these date values
I want to get
8/12/2020 - 8/1/2021
3/6/2020 - 3/7/2020
4/1/2019 - 4/2/2019
First time asking for help on Stack Overflow and on mobile. Forgive the formatting
From your comment:
I’m trying to group by once a month
Then use GROUP BY TRUNC(date_column) to group into calendar months.
SELECT batch_id,
TRUNC(date_column) AS month,
SUM(your_other_column) AS other_column_total
FROM table_name
GROUP BY TRUNC(date_column);
If you want to group by a different range, i.e. from the 8th of the month until the 7th of the next month then use an offset:
SELECT batch_id,
TRUNC(date_column - INTERVAL '7' DAY) AS month_from_8th,
SUM(your_other_column) AS other_column_total
FROM table_name
GROUP BY TRUNC(date_column - INTERVAL '7' DAY);
If you want to group by something else then you will need to define how to calculate the group ranges.

Sorting SQL Query By Date Column

I'm working on a project with a db that contains a date column for patient visits in the format of %m-%d-yyyy and need to sort so that it only pulls the rows where that date is within the last two weeks. I've tried a few different functions of convert, to_date, and can't seem to get anything to work.
I'm still very new to SQL and I don't know if this is a special case because I'm working with an oracle db
Not the full code, because it has dozens of queries and multiple joins (would that affect the date syntax?) but this is the format I'm trying for...
create table "Visits"
insert into "Visits" (
'John Doe',
'Story about the visit',
'More room for story if needed')
from "Visits"
where "Visits"."Visit_Date" >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 14
I'm working on a project with a db that contains a date column for patient visits in the format of %m-%d-yyyy
No, you don't have it in the format mm.dd.yyyy. A DATE data type value is stored within the database as a binary value in 7-bytes (representing century, year-of-century, month, day, hour, minute and second) and this has no format.
need to sort so that it only pulls the rows where that date is within the last two weeks.
You want a WHERE filter:
If you want to have the values that happened in the last 14 days then TRUNCate the current date back to midnight and subtract 14 days:
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
WHERE visit_date >= TRUNC(SYSDATE) - 14
(or subtract 13 if you want today and 13 days before today.)
If you want it after Monday of last week then TRUNCate to the start of the ISO Week (which is always a Monday) and subtract 7 days:
SELECT visit_date
FROM patient
I ended up figuring it out based on an answer from another forum (linked below);
it appears that my original to_date() was incomplete without a second and operator in my where clause. This code is working perfectly
from "SQLUser"."Visits"
where "SQLUser"."Visits"."Visit_Date" >= to_date('5/10/2021', 'MM/DD/YYYY')
and "SQLUser"."Visits"."Visit_Date" < to_date('5/24/2021', 'MM/DD/YYYY')

postgresql query to return the day of the week of the first day of the month two years from today

I used postgresql to solve the quesion, query to return the day of the week of the first day of the month two years from today. I was able to solve it with the query below, but I am not sure my query is correct, I just wanna make sure
select cast(date_trunc('month', current_date + interval '2 years') as date)
You are correctly computing the first day of the month two years later with:
date_trunc('month', current_date + interval '2 years')
If you want the corresponding day of the week, you can use extract();
extract(dow from date_trunc('month', current_date + interval '2 years'))
This gives you an integer value between 0 (Sunday) and 6 (Saturday)

Get timestamp of one month ago in PostgreSQL

I have a PostgreSQL database in which one table rapidly grows very large (several million rows every month or so) so I'd like to periodically archive the contents of that table into a separate table.
I'm intending to use a cron job to execute a .sql file nightly to archive all rows that are older than one month into the other table.
I have the query working fine, but I need to know how to dynamically create a timestamp of one month prior.
The time column is stored in the format 2013-10-27 06:53:12 and I need to know what to use in an SQL query to build a timestamp of exactly one month prior. For example, if today is October 27, 2013, I want the query to match all rows where time < 2013-09-27 00:00:00
Question was answered by a friend in IRC:
'now'::timestamp - '1 month'::interval
Having the timestamp return 00:00:00 wasn't terrible important, so this works for my intentions.
select date_trunc('day', NOW() - interval '1 month')
This query will return date one month ago from now and round time to 00:00:00.
When you need to query for the data of previous month, then you need to query for the respective date column having month values as (current_month-1).
FROM {table_name}
WHERE {column_name} >= date_trunc('month', current_date-interval '1' month)
AND {column_name} < date_trunc('month', current_date)
The first condition of where clause will search the date greater than the first day (00:00:00 Day 1 of Previous Month)of previous month and second clause will search for the date less than the first day of current month(00:00:00 Day 1 of Current Month).
This will includes all the results where date lying in previous month.