Flat list not showing anything even though data and render is provided - react-native

I have a flatlist inside a component like so:
const MyInvestments = (props) => {
return (
<Text style={styles.myInvestments}>
My Investments
keyExtractor={item => item.id}
and props.investments is the following:
[{name:"investment1", id:"23423"},
{name:"investment2", id: "32423"}]
However, the flatlist items, the investment1 and investment2 are not getting displayed on the screen whereas they are supposed to show up as items of the flatlist. How to fix this?
renderInvestment looks like the following:
const renderInvestment = (props) => {

A couple of things you can try.
Use capitalized const for RenderInvestment
Return a JSX from RenderInvestment function like this:
const RenderInvestment = (props) => (


React native FlatList not rerendering when data prop changes to empty array

I have a FlatList with a data prop pulling from Redux
render() {
return (
renderItem={({item}) => {.......
Whenever I dispatch changes to arrayOfPlacesFromRedux(i.e. adding or removing children), the FlatList rerenders....UNLESS I remove all children from array (i.e. make length zero).When arrayOfPlacesFromRedux changes from a positive length to a length of zero, the FlatList does not rerender.....however all other types of changes to array do indeed cause FlatList to rerender
UPDATE 02/27
Below is my reducer used to update Redux arrayOfPlacesFromRedux
const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return {...state, arrayOfPlaces: action.payload};
return state;
In the situation noted above when FlatList does not rerender.....action.payload is an empty array
The question is missing some important piece of code.
React as well as Redux need arrays reference to change, meaning for a component to reRender on state change, the array references needs to change.
Live demo at https://snack.expo.dev/RrFFxfeWY
Here is the most interesting parts:
If you have a basic component as below:
const MyList = () => {
const [data, setData] = React.useState([
return (
<Text>List poping is not working</Text>
renderItem={({ item }) => (
onPress={() => {
data.pop(); // Does not work because we are not changing it's ref
style={{ backgroundColor: item, padding: 8 }}>
The data need to have a new array reference as below. data2.filter(..) will return a new array, we are not changing the data2 base values, just creating a new array with one item less.
const MyList = () => {
const [data2, setData2] = React.useState([
return (
<Text>List WORKING!</Text>
renderItem={({ item }) => (
onPress={() => {
setData2(data2.filter(dataItem => dataItem !== item)) // works
//setData2([]); // Also works
style={{ backgroundColor: item, padding: 8 }}>
A library like Immer.js simplify the manipulation of states to mutate the object, and immer will created a new reference for you.
Oh no rookie mistake that wasted everyones time!!
I was implementing shouldComponentUpdate method that was stopping Flatlist rendering :(
Thanks for all for the answers
You may need to use ListEmptyComponent, which is a prop that comes with FlatList, src.
Honestly, I'm not sure why it does not re-render when you update your state, or why they added a specific function/prop to render when the array is empty, but it's clear from the docs that this is what's needed.
You can do something like this:
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
keyExtractor={(item) => item.id}
--> ListEmptyComponent={() => <MyComponent />}

React native Flatlist not re-rendering on state change

I realize there are a lot of questions and answers about this out there but I am fairly new to react native and most of the answers are dealing with React Components and not hooks. In the following example availableInterests is pulled from a firestore database call. Then we loop through the availableInterests so the user can select the their interests from the Flatlist of interests. Everything works great except the FLatlist does not re-render so the button that is used to select currentInterests never shows the change that an interest has been selected. Does anyone see what I am missing here?
const [availableInterests, setAvailableInterests] = useState([]);
const [currentInterests, setCurrentInterests] = useState([]);
const selectThisInterest = (item) => {
let myInterests = currentInterests;
if(myInterests.includes(item.id)) {
} else {
return <View>
<Text style={styles.text}>Select Your Interests:</Text>
keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()}
renderItem={({ item, index }) =>
<View key={item.id}>
source={{ uri: item.icon }}
style={{ width: 100, height: 100}}
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => selectThisInterest(item)}>
<Text style={styles.buttonText}>{`${currentInterests.includes(item.id) ? 'UnSelect' : 'Select'}`}</Text>
put this state below
const [currentInterests, setCurrentInterests] = useState([]);
const [extra, setExtra] = useState(0);
at the end of your function just put this
const selectThisInterest = (item) => {
setExtra(extra + 1)
I think the mistake is in your selectThisInterest function. When you are updating the currentInterests based on previous value, React doesn't recognises such a change because you are simply assigning myInterests with your currentInterests.
What you want to do is to copy that array and assign it to myInteresets and then update your values to the new copied array. Once the calculation are completed on the new myInteresets array, the setCurrentInterests() will re-render the app because now React recognises there is a change in the state.
To copy the array, you can use,
let myInterests = [...currentInterests];
change your selectThisInterest function to reflect this change,
const selectThisInterest = (item) => {
let myInterests = [...currentInterests];
if(myInterests.includes(item.id)) {
} else {

Can't figure out why React Hook is invalid

I'm trying to use useContext hook in a React Native page I have, I'm using this hook in other components as well and they work just fine, but this one won't - can't figure out why.
This is my component:
const GoalCard = (goal: IGoal) => {
const {theme} = useContext(ThemeContext); <-- error is here
return (
<Animated.View style={[styles.card, {height: cardHeight, backgroundColor: "#ff5e"}]}>
I'm using this component inside a FlatList which is in a separate file.
return (
<SafeAreaView style={[styles.pageContainer, {backgroundColor: theme.background}]}>
style={{padding: 8}}
renderItem={({index}) => GoalCard(goals[index])}
keyExtractor={item => item.id}
I get the error: Invalid hook call, but it does not seem like something is wrong here.
Saw few questions about this, but none worked, also, nothing seems wrong according to the Rules of Hooks page. Why this error happens here?
this is my ThemeProvider:
function ThemeProvider({ children }) {
const [dark, setDark] = React.useState(false);
const toggle = () => {
const theme = dark ? themes.dark : themes.light;
return (
<ThemeContext.Provider value={{theme, dark, toggle}}>
And this is my App.tsx:
<Provider store={store}>

FlatList search bar does not persist keyboard React Native

I'm fetching data from an API and implementing search in a FlatList but the keyboard dismisses automatically after every key-press.
I'm refering this article but implementing it in a Functional Component.
const renderHeader = () => {
return <SearchBar
placeholder="Type Here..."
onChangeText={text => searchFilterFunction(text)}
autoCorrect={false} />;
const searchFilterFunction = (text) => {
const newData = APIData.filter(item => {
const itemData = `${item.name.toUpperCase()}`;
const textData = text.toUpperCase();
return itemData.includes(textData);
return (
keyExtractor={(item) => item._id}
renderItem={({ item }) => (
<Card.Content style={{ flexDirection: "row" }}>
<Text>{"Name: " + item.name}</Text>
<Text>{"Status: " + (item.isaccepted ? "Accepted" : "Pending")}</Text>
<Text>{"ID: " + item.id}</Text>
)} />
Thanks in advance.
I was doing same thing, adding search bar as a header to FlatList. Unfortunately, this also updates the header when you update the flatlist data when search filtering is complete and hence focusing out of SearchBar. At the end, due to time constraints, I ended up putting SearchBar at the top of FlatList.
Try rendering your ListHeaderComponent as JSX element directly, instead of using callback
<Text>I am the header</Text>

How can I set data in a state in FlatList?

I want to save product ID (item.id) in a state like productId.
I need to product Id for add product to cart.
When I click on TouchableOpacity working fine but productId always is 4.
I have three Item. The id of last item is 4 and first item is 2.
When I click on TouchableOpacity of product 1, id is 4 but should be 2.
I see IDs are OK When I print IDs in listView.
renderItem={({item}) =>
<Text>{item.title} - {item.type}</Text>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.decrementCount,()=>this.setState({productId:item.id})}>
<AntDesign name="minus" size={15} style={{color:'#fff'}}/>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.incrementCount} activeOpacity={0.5}>
<AntDesign name="plus" size={15} style={{color:'#fff'}}/>
I think this line is your issue:
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.decrementCount,()=>this.setState({productId:item.id})}>
First things first, you should define your render function on your class, and you should define your onPress function separate from that. For example:
class MyClass extends React.Component {
handlePress = (item) => {
this.setState({productId: item.id})
renderItem = ({item, index}) => {
return (...code from above, but using this.handlePress rather than your onPress function as currently defined)
render() {
return (
I think the real reason that its not working for you right now is that you're trying to call this.setState as a callback in your onPress function. It would probably work as is if you changed your current onPress from:
onPress={() => this.setState({productId:item.id}, this.decrementCount)}
as I'm fairly sure you can have a function called as a callback from this.setState.
Hope this helps!