Access VSAM file using Python? - python-3.8

Is it possible to access VSAM datasets of mainframe using Python 3.8 in ZOS? I tried accessing vsam simple file in python 2.7 just like ps files. That seemed to be working. When i tried same in 3.8. It is not able to even read simple PS file data.
import codecs
f = open("//'VSAM file name'",'r')
for line in f1:
print line,
print (f1)
print ("Read record is :", f)

For trying to work with datasets there is a helpful blog entry that oulines the process:
Using IBM Open Enterprise Python for z/OS and ZOAU to Work With Datasets
You will need to have the zoau binary along with having to install the zoautil_py python package. The instructions are available on their KC in the install section.
Note: There my be version changes from when the blog was published. I am using the zoau version V1.1.0 and there are some API call changes when compared to the blog, e.g. zoautil_py.Datasets is now zoautil_py.datasets. It would be preferable to use the latest stable version available.


vscode, the interactive mode, I can open ipynb but cannot import the modules which I have installed

I have created a conda environment (say, called 'ds0') and installed some packages (e.g., python, pandas etc.). I then in vscode set the interpreter to be the one which I just created. I expect I could have my code working propery in the conda environment in vscode.
but then I have a problem, when I use the interactive mode in the ipynb file, I cannot import the packages,
import pandas as pd
ModuleNotFoundError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-f9ebee165770> in <module>
----> 1 import pandas as pd
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'
other code in the ipynb is running properly (e.g., to print a message etc.).
so it looks like vscode in the interactive mode is not using the right environment - but I did set the environment as 'ds0', and also if I save the ipynb file as a python script(e.g., as ''), I can actually run it and vscode does recognize the pandas package.
so, how can I fix the issue so that I can run the code properly in the interacrive mode (e.g., in ipynb file).
** this is macbook m1 laptop, I just have the latest anaconda and vscode installed. I also tried to create additonal conda environments and the isse is the same. I am not sure if there is a problem with the ipykernel.
Thanks you!
I now have a solution to the problem - though I do not quite know if what I found was the culprit.
What I did and what did NOT solve the problem:
I installed ipython, ipykernel in the vscode terminal and the conda terminal (may be duplicated) manually - what happened was that, if I create a new ipynb file, I can select the both the interpreter and the kernel properly, and the code runs perfect - but if I open the previous ipynb file, I still have the problem - it looks like vscode is using different kernels for two different ipynb files
What I did: I reinstalled the Mac OS Big Sur (this may be unnecessary though) and I installed a clean miniconda and vscode - however this does not solve the problem. vscode still does not use the right kernel (but it looks like it uses the right interpreter/env which I created via conda). It looks like vscode is not using the right kernel (the icon in the upper right hand side suggests that the jupyter server local is 'disconnected'), also it puts a warning msg saying 'invalid version -final'
What I did and what DID solve the problem:
Then I deleted all the existing ipynb file and re- cloned from Github. this solves the problem - but I do not know why and how it solved the problem.
In the top right corner, you can see the name of the kernel used ("Python 3.8.1 64-bit: Idle", for example). Click on that, and select the kernel you want to use. That's how I fixed the problem. The Kernel is named within the ipynb file, and if there's a mismatch between that and your system, the notebook will not run.

Installing matplotlib from wheel for aws lambda

I want to use matplotlib to create image files in an AWS Lambda function. Since my system does not run the same version of Linux that Lambda uses, I received the guidance to download a wheel (.whl file) from the matplotlib website. I downloaded matplotlib-3.3.3-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
to the folder where I am creating my deployment package.
First of all, I there are many wheel files and it is not clear if this is the correct one to use. Second, it doesn't work.
THen I upacked the wheel with the command
wheel unpack *.whl
This produced a directory with the matplotlib package in it.
My main function is
import matplotlib.pyplot
def lambda_handler(event, context):
I gave the commands
zip -r .
zip -g
and uploaded the zip to an s3 bucket. Then I used the "aws lambda update-function-code..." command to update the lambda function. When I deploy and test, I get the error: "Unable to import module 'lambda_function': No module named 'matplotlib'"
Thinking that the matplotlib module is not there (perhaps I need to do something with the whl file or put it in a different place), i activated my virtual environment and started the python interpreter. Trying to import matplotlib, I get "module not found." Trying to use pip install on the matplotlib directory, it complains that there is no
$ pip install --no-index --find-links=. matplotlib-3.3.3/
ERROR: Directory 'matplotlib-3.3.3/' is not installable. Neither '' nor 'pyproject.toml' found.
How can I get the module to be recognized?
With the help of Serverless framework and Docker, you can build a layer in a minute. Check out my answer in this post.
If you are in a hurry, feel free to grab this lambda layer that I packaged for you. It's compatible with Python 3.8. Here is the gdrive download link.
No need to build your own layer; loads of those available at - you just have to include them in your Lambda config.

Submit a Keras training job to Google cloud

I am trying to follow this tutorial:
to upload and train a Keras model on Google Cloud Platform, but I can't get it to work.
Right now I have downloaded the package from GitHub, and I have created a cloud environment with AI-Platform and a bucket for storage.
I am uploading the files (with the suggested folder structure) to my Cloud Storage bucket (basically to the root of my storage), and then trying the following command in the cloud terminal:
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training JOB1
But I get errors, first the cloudml-gpu.yaml file can't be found, it says "no such folder or file", and trying to just remove it, I get errors because it says the file is missing, but it isn't, even if it is empty (which it was when I downloaded from the tutorial GitHub). I am Guessing I haven't uploaded it the right way.
Any suggestions of how I should do this? There is really no info on this in the tutorial itself.
I have read in another guide that it is possible to let gcloud package and upload the job directly, but I am not sure how to do this or where to write the commands, in my terminal with gcloud command? Or in the Cloud Shell in the browser? And how do I define the path where my python files are located?
Should mention that I am working with Mac, and pretty new to using Keras and Python.
I was able to follow the tutorial you mentioned successfully, with some modifications along the way.
I will mention all the steps although you made it halfway as you mentioned.
First of all create a Cloud Storage Bucket for the job:
gsutil mb -l europe-north1 gs://keras-cloud-tutorial
To answer your question on where you should write these commands, depends on where you want to store the files that you will download from GitHub. In the tutorial you posted, the writer is using his own computer to run the commands and that's why he initializes the gcloud command with gcloud init. However, you can submit the job from the Cloud Shell too, if you download the needed files there.
The only files we need from the repository are the trainer folder and the file. So, if we put them in a folder named keras-cloud-tutorial we will have this file structure:
└── trainer
├── cloudml-gpu.yaml
Now, a possible reason for the ImportError: No module named eager error is that you might have changed the runtimeVersion inside the cloudml-gpu.yaml file. As we can read here, eager was introduced in Tensorflow 1.5. If you have specified an earlier version, it is expected to experience this error. So the structure of cloudml-gpu.yaml should be like this:
scaleTier: CUSTOM
# standard_gpu provides 1 GPU. Change to complex_model_m_gpu for 4 GPUs
masterType: standard_gpu
runtimeVersion: "1.5"
Note: "standard_gpu" is a legacy machine type.
Also, the file should look like this:
from setuptools import setup, find_packages
description='Example on how to run keras on gcloud ml-engine',
Attention: As you can see, I have specified that I want version 2.1.5 of keras. This is because if I don't do that, the latest version is used which has compatibility issues with versions of Tensorflow earlier than 2.0.
If everything is set, you can submit the job by running the following command inside the folder keras-cloud-tutorial:
gcloud ai-platform jobs submit training test_job --module-name=trainer.cnn_with_keras --package-path=./trainer --job-dir=gs://keras-cloud-tutorial --region=europe-west1 --config=trainer/cloudml-gpu.yaml
Note: I used gcloud ai-platform instead of gcloud ml-engine command although both will work. At some point in the future though, gcloud ml-engine will be deprecated.
Attention: Be careful when choosing the region in which the job will be submitted. Some regions do not support GPUs and will throw an error if chosen. For example, if in my command I set the region parameter to europe-north1 instead of europe-west1, I will receive the following error:
Quota failure for project . The request for 1 K80
accelerators exceeds the allowed maximum of 0 K80, 0 P100, 0 P4, 0 T4,
0 TPU_V2, 0 TPU_V3, 0 V100. To read more about Cloud ML Engine quota,
- '#type': violations:
- description: The request for 1 K80 accelerators exceeds the allowed maximum of
0 K80, 0 P100, 0 P4, 0 T4, 0 TPU_V2, 0 TPU_V3, 0 V100.
You can read more about the features of each region here and here.
After the completion of the training job, there should be 3 folders in the bucket that you specified: logs/, model/ and packages/. The model is saved on the model/ folder a an .h5 file. Have in mind that if you set a specific folder for the destination you should include the '/' at the end. For example, you should set gs://my-bucket/output/ instead of gs://mybucket/output. If you do the latter you will end up with folders output, outputlogs and outputmodel. Inside output there should be packages. The job page link should direct to output folder so make sure to check the rest of the bucket too!
In addition, in the AI-Platform job page you should be able to see information regarding CPU, GPU and Network utilization:
Also, I would like to clarify something as I saw that you posted some related questions as an answer:
Your local environment, either it is your personal Mac or the Cloud Shell has nothing to do with the actual training job. You don't need to install any specific package or framework locally. You just need to have the Google Cloud SDK installed (in Cloud Shell is of course already installed) to run the appropriate gcloud and gsutil commands. You can read more on how exactly training jobs on the AI-Platform work here.
I hope that you will find my answer helpful.
I got it to work halfway now by not uploading the files but just running the upload commands from cloud at my local terminal... however there was an error during it running ending in "job failed"
Seems it was trying to import something from the TensorFlow backend called "from tensorflow.python.eager import context" but there was an ImportError: No module named eager
I have tried "pip install tf-nightly" which was suggested at another place, but it says I don't have permission or I am loosing the connection to cloud shell(exactly when I try to run the command).
I have also tried making a virtual environment locally to match that on gcloud (with Conda), and have made an environment with Conda with Python=3.5, Tensorflow=1.14.0 and Keras=2.2.5, which should be supported for gcloud.
The python program works fine in this environment locally, but I still get the (ImportError: No module named eager) when trying to run the job on gcloud.
I am putting the flag --python-version 3.5 when submitting the job, but when I write the command "Python -V" in the google cloud shell, it says Python=2.7. Could this be the issue? I have not fins a way to update the python version with the cloud shell prompt, but it says google cloud should support python 3.5. If this is anyway the issue, any suggestions on how to upgrade python version on google cloud?
It is also possible to manually there a new job in the google cloud web interface, doing this, I get a different error message: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement (from versions: none) and No matching distribution found for Where is my python code from the tutorial, which runs fine locally.
Really don't know what to do next. Any suggestions or tips would be very helpful!
The issue with the GPU is solved now, it was something so simple as, my google cloud account had GPU settings disabled and needed to be upgraded.

error Converting PDF to PNG - Python 3.6 and GhostScript

I have much trouble to have a code to convert pdf file to png on python 3.6, windows 10.
I know what you are going to say : google it !
But barely everything I've found was on python 2.7. And some packages haven't been updated.
What I've seen so far it's that the best way to do it is using Wand, right ? (I have installed ImageMagick before )
from wand.image import Image
# Converting first page into JPG
with Image(filename='0.pdf') as img:"/temp.jpg")
# Resizing this image
Here was my second error :
wand.exceptions.DelegateError: PDFDelegateFailed
`The system cannot find the file specified.' # error/pdf.c/ReadPDFImage/809
So i read i need ghostscript. I installed it. But the package is for python 2.7 and it doesn't work. I found python3-ghostscript 0.5.0.
New error :
RuntimeError: Can not find Ghostscript DLL in registry
So here I needed to install Ghostscript 9 :
First of all it's not a GPL license ... That's not even a package but a program. I don't know how I can use it in my futures python codes...
and there is still an error :
RuntimeError: Can not find Ghostscript DLL in registry
and i can't find anything for it.
Ghostscript is licensed under the AGPL, the licence can be found in /Program Files (x86)/gs/gs9.21/doc if you want sources then they are available from the Ghostscript Git repository. Note I'm assuming you are running on Windows since you refer to the Registry.
If you install the prebuilt binary then it will create an entry in the Windows Registry, I assume that's what your Python code is looking for but I can't be sure. You should make sure you install the correct word size (32 or 64) version required by Python, if it cares.
You can, of course, simply run Ghostscript to render a PDF file and produce PNG output.
gswin32c -sDEVICE=png16m -sOutputFile=out%d.png input.pdf
This will create one file per page of the input PDF file, use gswin64c for the 64-bit version...
You can alter the resolution of the output with the -r switch, eg -r300
I presume you can simply fork a process from Python. Otherwise you'll have to get someone to tell you what the Python script is looking for in the Registry. Perhaps its looking for a specific version of Ghostscript, or the 32-bit version or something.

How to automatically reload modules in IPython?

Before I begin, I want to say that I am not a programmer; I am a geek and an engineer. Thus, I love coding and use it academically. Stackoverflow taught me more than 80% of what I know about python.
My problem is I need to manually reload the modules in my scripts by first importing importlib into my terminal and than using importlib.reload(*modulename*) to reload them. I want my IPython terminal to automatically reload the modules in my python scripts when I run them through my IPython terminal. This functionally was provided in previous version using the magic command %autoreload, which does not seem to work for me.
I have looked # the IPython documentation (link 1), tried using the %load_ext autoreload command (link 2) and the import ipy_autoreload followed by %autoreload 2 command (link 3). I found more than 4 other answers in stackoverflow telling me to do the things in either link 2 or 3; it didn't work for me. If anyone knows how to bring back autoreloading, it would make my fingers a bit happier.
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
I am using a 64 bit installation of Windows 7. I have IPython 4.0.1 which came with my installation of Anaconda3 (3.18.9 64bit). Screenies about my error traceback from the IPython terminal when i try to use %load_ext autoreload can be provided on request.
All the links you have above use commands within ipython. You should try editing your config file. Open up your terminal and complete the following steps.
Step 1: Make sure you have the latest ipython version installed
$ ipython --version
Step 2: find out where your config file is
$ ipython profile create
Step 3: Open the config file with an editor based on the location of your config file. I use atom. For example:
$ atom ~/.ipython/profile_default/
Step 4: Look for the following lines in the config file:
c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = []
change it to:
c.InteractiveShellApp.extensions = ['autoreload']
and then uncomment that line
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = []
change it to:
c.InteractiveShellApp.exec_lines = ['%autoreload 2']
and then uncomment that line