Why is my COM Add-In Missing in Outlook Desktop? - com

I have a COM add-in for Outlook desktop and it is missing from my ribbon. Yet, I see the registry key is present. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get the add-in to appear?


Excel COM add-in for Training The Street no longer loads after another add-in is uninstalled, reinstalling does not work

My TTS Turbo Macro Excel COM add-in was working before I uninstalled Logi Options Plus for the second time.
I tried cleaning up related registry items and reinstalling TTS Turbo Macro add-in and Logi Options Plus but it didn’t help. The load behavior value of 3 for TTS add-in was correct; load count also matches the number of times I launched MS Excel, though the add-in never loaded. To further troubleshoot, I added paths related to TTS add-in to trusted location, but to no avail. I had ran into the similar situations where TTS add-in does not load; reinstalling the OS would fix it but I’d rather not waste that much time on it again. The TTS add-in also has an Excel (non-COM) add-in. When I launch Excel, I could see it’s been loaded, but nothing appears on the ribbon like before. Is there anything else I can do to troubleshoot and fix the issue?
By default, if a VSTO Add-in attempts to manipulate the Microsoft Office user interface (UI) and fails, no error message is displayed. However, you can configure Microsoft Office applications to display messages for errors that relate to the UI. You can use these messages to help determine why a custom ribbon does not appear, or why a ribbon appears but no controls appear. See To show VSTO Add-in user interface errors for more information.
Also Microsoft Office applications can disable VSTO add-ins that behave unexpectedly. If an application does not load your VSTO add-in, the application might have hard disabled or soft disabled your VSTO Add-in.
Hard disabling can occur when a VSTO add-in causes the application to close unexpectedly. It might also occur on your development computer if you stop the debugger while the Startup event handler in your VSTO add-in is executing.
Soft disabling can occur when a VSTO add-in produces an error that does not cause the application to unexpectedly close. For example, an application might soft disable a VSTO Add-in if it throws an unhandled exception while the Startup event handler is executing. Read more about that in the How to: Re-enable a VSTO Add-in that has been disabled article.
But I'd suggest contacting add-in developers instead.

Office Store rejects Outlook Module extension Add-in. How to submit only Module extension add-in

We have created a outlook Module extension Add-in. it works in outlook 2016 onward as per following link https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/outlook/extension-module-outlook-add-ins . We want to submit this add-in in office store. We have submit it to the office store but store rejects the Add-in on below grounds-
The add-in does not appear on Outlook 2013.
The add-in does not appear on Outlook 2016 for Mac.
The add-in does not appear on Outlook 2016 on Chrome browser.
The add-in does not appear on Outlook on Safari browser (Version: 13.1 15609.
Add-in can't be work inside these environment since Module extensions are only supported by Outlook 2016 or later on Windows.
Can somebody help me how i can submit my module add-in which can pass these features?

Outlook Com Add-in using Office 365

I have a c# COM Add-in developed for Outlook that was created years ago in Visual Studio 2010. It was installed on a computer using Office 2010 and works fine. We are now migrating to Office 365. I installed the Add-in and in Outlook's "File".."Options".."Add-ins" it is listed under the "Inactive Application Add-ins". When I click on the Go button under the "Manage" - "COM Add-ins", the add-in is listed but not checked. When I check it, it shows "Load Behavior: Not loaded. A runtime error occurred during the loading of the COM Add-in." The old Add-in was compiled as 32 bit and I tried to install it as that, then recompiled it as a 64 bit app and installed that but it gives me the same message. Should COM Add-ins work in Office/Outlook 365? Is there something that needs to be updated?
Should COM Add-ins work in Office/Outlook 365?
Yes, they should work correctly. There were no breaking changes.
Microsoft Office applications can disable VSTO Add-ins that behave unexpectedly. If an application does not load your VSTO Add-in, the application might have hard disabled or soft disabled your VSTO Add-in.
Hard disabling can occur when a VSTO Add-in causes the application to close unexpectedly. It might also occur on your development computer if you stop the debugger while the Startup event handler in your VSTO Add-in is executing.
Soft disabling can occur when a VSTO Add-in produces an error that does not cause the application to unexpectedly close. For example, an application might soft disable a VSTO Add-in if it throws an unhandled exception while the Startup event handler is executing.
When you re-enable a soft-disabled VSTO Add-in, the application immediately attempts to load the VSTO Add-in. If the problem that initially caused the application to soft disable the VSTO Add-in has not been fixed, the application will soft disable the VSTO Add-in again.
Is there something that needs to be updated?
You need to check add-in prerequisites, make sure that all of them were installed correctly. Then try to log all startup operations and see where an exception is thrown.
If you use VSTO, make sure that you did all the steps described in the Deploy an Office solution by using Windows Installer article.

how use Excel COM add-in a VSTO add-in without installing visual studio

how do I get my vsto to work on Excel without the settings of Visual Studio? im trying to add not valid. can you help me a solution for that
the file that I have
If you are trying to distribute a VSTO add-in, the target machines will need the VSTO runtime.

PowerPoint 2003 COM Add-In

I have a PowerPoint Add-in. I created a setup for it and installed it. It works fine on my machine but the problem is when I install it on a fresh machine with a fresh copy of PowerPoint 2003, the add-in installs successfully but there is no COM Add-in option (menu) in PowerPoint in Tools -> COM Add-in and my add-in is not loaded.
I don't know why I have COM Add-in option in my development machine but not on the fresh machine. There must be some sort of setting or some other thing required before it can work.
So the question is there any other thing needed to download or install to be able to install COM Add-ins?
I developed the add-in in .NET 3.5 using C#, if that helps. Also I'm using Windows XP SP2.
I don't recall ever having seen a COM add-in option on the PPT 2003 tools menu, but I don't use .NET. Perhaps it's something that Visual Studio adds.
Or another possibility ... perhaps the menu item only appears when there are user-uninstallable COM add-ins installed.
With PPA add-ins, you can install them via registry entry in either HKCU or HKLM. If HKCU, then appear on the Tools | Add-ins dialog and the user can unload or remove them. If HKLM, they're hidden from the user.
I know there's one COM add-in installed to my copy of PowerPoint; just checked and it's registered in HKLM. Perhaps that's why there's no COM addins option on the Tools menu.
You can verify whether the COM add-in is loaded (even if from HKLM) with a bit of VBA run from within PPT:
Dim oCOMAddin as Object
For Each oCOMAddin In Application.COMAddIns
Debug.Print oCOMAddin.ProgID & vbTab _
& oCOMAddin.Description
Next oCOMAddin
That should at least tell you whether your add-in is properly loading or not.